'Cindy' threatens lawsuit over COVID-19 testing in schools

Since news broke of the Ministry of Education’s intention to conduct rapid antigen testing to usher in face to face instruction, sworn enemy of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government Rosemary Cindy Rosan-Jones took to social media to threaten the government with a lawsuit.
“See! I was good, chilling and all, and you guys just want to take me off my break abruptly with this BS. Just to be clear, my children are NOT being subjected to this and they will return to school. I will find the time and energy to file a lawsuit on the Ministry of Education and also on the Minister himself and anyone who tries to trample on my children’s rights. I am very serious. We have a bunch of tourists running around here untested, driving our numbers through the roof, and you want to harass my children? Not a chance in hell. Get y’all selves together,” Rosan-Jones wrote on her Facebook page today, January 6 2021.
She said the VIP Administration has been reckless and irresponsible and they should “Get it together.”
“If you’re not testing the cruise passengers on arrival, you’re not testing my children. I will upset the whole apple cart.
PERIODT!!! Extremely annoyed,” Rosan-Jones, who has threatened to have the HoA under the VIP administration dissolved.
Minister’s reasoning
Honourable Wheatley explained that because of the high COVID-19 numbers in the Virgin Islands and the challenges that online learning poses, the Ministry of Education is seeking ways to return students to the classroom in a safe manner.
He said in speaking with the Health authorities, the testing of students was discussed.
“We discussed the possibilities of introducing a testing regime that will allow us to verify the COVID status of the children at the school, and this is done in an effort to protect persons. Now, this may seem like a strange concept here in the Virgin Islands but many places in the world have introduced testing into schools. It is not being done to be abusive to anyone, it is not being done to violate persons' rights, it is being done in an effort to keep persons safe,” he said.
Dr Wheatley said it is difficult to keep children away from each other and to follow the safety guidelines that have been put in place by the Government to curtail the spread of the virus.
The Education Minister said all of the logistics of the testing regime is being worked out.

83 Responses to “'Cindy' threatens lawsuit over COVID-19 testing in schools”
Where the heck are you getting your information from? Clearly not from Professional sources.
It’s very difficult to take people serious when they just disagree because of hate and political reasons.
1. To catch 2. To die from. These bugster are looking for ways to introduce vaccine for our children. Are we still talking about the rest of the world. Where in the world is there a working system especially as it relates to testing and vaccination. More they vaccine more the figures are climbing. How much darn boosters are we up to in a 1 year period and we are still talking about the rest of the world. Stop talking about the rest of the world and start using basic common sense which is not to follow the rest of the world down a dead end. What about herd immunity!!! No one is talking about anymore? Because is was a lie from the beginning just to get people in y'all vaccine line. BLINDS LEADING BLINDS
It is not about no damn free schooling. So shut your @## unless someone want to purchase gas for their vehicle. I am with Cindy on this.
My children, each of whom are in elite schools 2nd and 4th grade in the US to the tune of $40,000 each are required to be vaccinated. Difference is, we the parents pay their private pediatricians for that service and follow ups,in addition to paying taxes. Seems like those refusing to share in preseving community health are the ones whose hands are empty and are community handout dependent. Get sick,continue the cycle of po me Ah Want,gimmee,gimmee.
How the heck could testing children for COVID be a violation of rights..My children are also in private school off island...Parents conduct a saliva test before the child leave for school and messages the result.If test was reported negative ,when the child arrives at school child is again tested prior to entering the school. Parents also have the option of homeschooling with a qualified tutor at their own expense.
When a foul mouthed woman of a certain age could have the listening ears of the parents in the VI and deemed to have class, it's another indication of the damage inflicted on quality of life and future of the VI by non selective immigration and underscores our decision to educate our children elsewhere .
You is what yone calls a real system brainwash puppet
Cindy is damn right in what she is saying. I back her 100 %
P:S..I personally know of 5 current practicing physicians in the US with generational ties to the Village of Sea Cows Bay..
See the proper protocol NYC has in place before uttering this non-sense. Consent is necessary from each parent.
Why is there no concern about all the big gatherings local establishments are hosting? Also, many residents have been traveling to high risk countries/states. It is not just tourist transit we should be looking at. The numbers are up also because of the protocols we have in place for re-entry to.
I am with you Cindly 100%. Not my child!
broke ass have no money, hungry
So, NO! I do not agree with you on this. As a safety measure for me, the rest of the schools' staff and all the safe kids that follow the actual protocols and listen to their parents, your child and everyone else that needs to be in the school house needs to be tested. If you have a problem keep your kids at home. As a teacher we're okay with this. #OneLessPaperToMark
Am not advocating but who knows, Cindy might be one of them. She may surprise you.
Cindy shut yo r@#& amd home school your children if you don’t want to follow the rules wid you hostility towards the system.
I always wonder why r@#$$ho**s people like you live long and it is because satan got you on earth turning up the place and you is a disgrace to the human race with yo rat
Can she afford her rent must less lawyers? set of crazy people
When your children can only barely be accepted into a dodo college and be the last to be hired,if at all ,talk will be how tis racism. Fact, it's stupidity, jack ash Ness. Black folks are there own worse enemies.
It's a bit sad to see this woman spiral out of control and downwards and downwards. I used to think she were proud; the harder they come the harder they fall.
If i were the government, i would prosecute her if she withdraws children from school on this basis (unless she has adequate provision for homeschooling etc, which to be fair she might have time on her hands to do).