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Cindy storms off Tola Radio after being muted by host

- Rosemary Cindy Rosan & Floyd Burnett aka Heritage have often clashed on live radio
Controversial resident Rosemary Cindy Rosan, right, stormed off Tola Radio earlier today, March 11, 2022, after clashing with host Floyd Burnett aka Heritage, left. Photo: Facebook
Rosemary Cindy Rosan about to depart the set of Tola Radio VI today, March 11, 2022. Photo: Facebook
Rosemary Cindy Rosan about to depart the set of Tola Radio VI today, March 11, 2022. Photo: Facebook
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- Controversial resident Rosemary Cindy Rosan stormed off Tola Radio earlier today, March 11, 2022, after clashing with host Floyd Burnett aka Heritage.

The clash came moments after Mr Burnett interviewed Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL).

Among the topics discussed during the live interview was whether Hon Malone’s company had an ongoing contract at Cane Garden Bay to handle sewage in that community, which Hon Malone stated was not the case, as well as the reasons why the PRC test is sometimes not accurate and can be manipulated.

During the exchange, the Minister accused Mr Burnett of being irresponsible on the radio and urged him to be responsible.

Hon Malone said: “I did not look for and I did not receive any contract for Cane Garden Bay here, there or anywhere, ok? So please stop the narrative.”

Host mutes Rosan's mic

Shortly afterward, Mr Burnett turned to Ms Rosan, a regular on the show, stating that there was no data “on earth that prove that the PCR test is the most reliable.”

He continued: “If I interviewing you, and you answer that I could ask you to present that data.”

It was then she replied: “Heritage, every question is a yes or no or will be responded to the way you want people to respond to them. You have to ask a question, allow the person to respond.”

The host then cut her off air, informing her that her “mic is muted.”

She then stormed off the set which was being recorded live and Mr Burnett commented: “Let that be that.”

Regular clashes

This is not the first time that the two personalities have clashed.

Notably, they have clashed on the issue of Green VI where Rosan has shown her support and bias for Green VI.

On the other hand, Mr Burnett has been probing whether Green VI, which is labelled as a non-profit company, has or has not been making money for the tons of garbage collected and reportedly exported.

Ms Rosan only days ago announced that she would be contesting the upcoming General Election as an independent candidate.

36 Responses to “Cindy storms off Tola Radio after being muted by host”

  • Xxx (11/03/2022, 18:43) Like (48) Dislike (10) Reply
    Two peas in a pot
    • ok (11/03/2022, 19:18) Like (55) Dislike (55) Reply
      They are 2 disgusting brats.
      • Fušez (11/03/2022, 23:07) Like (30) Dislike (12) Reply
        Don't worry wid dem, Tola Radio is the game changer, those who desire to be elected better call in to save their seat. Myron made that mistake last election and you saw what happen to him as popular as he was.
      • cartoonist (12/03/2022, 11:12) Like (38) Dislike (5) Reply
        As one caller said, Tola radio is entertainment with informative charaters such as Animal, Sam the spin master, Cindy the legal Fire women, the Pope of Tola Radio, Joe Jack, Spanner loose nuts, The Rooster and HBH voice samples "Fire, Lava, The L. It's the best entertainment you can find for free in the BVI, However they have the power to chage the narative in BVI Politics
      • cut (13/03/2022, 05:06) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
        Sam mic
  • Toxic love (11/03/2022, 18:47) Like (57) Dislike (10) Reply
    she will be back. As much as she’s probably still angry with him; She needs that platform to push her narrative and agenda. Sadly C** D**p platform is zero match for T**a R***o platform. But all honestly; That dude needs to humble himself. regardless of a person making the sense that he agrees with or not; He needs to humble himself if he saying it’s the “people radio “. I also blame the irresponsible people who encourage the behavior; it’s a disrespectful behavior then aging when you look at the people who’s for his behavior who be calling in them themselves is a hot mess.. Sadly the love is toxic and C***y will be back on Monday!! #radioawillneverbethesameagain
  • The TRUTH (11/03/2022, 19:10) Like (46) Dislike (34) Reply
    Two lunatics.
  • asura (11/03/2022, 19:26) Like (56) Dislike (0) Reply
    they are both entertainers so why the fuss?
  • Not a big deal (11/03/2022, 19:36) Like (37) Dislike (0) Reply
    They will be just fine.
  • Lily Ann (11/03/2022, 20:09) Like (52) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cindy. To tell you the truth, I want to support you, but these bs you running g recently, I don't like it !!!! And this will just make me question if you will get up and buss out of Parliament when the time comes !!! You ha e lost stars with me !!! You need to know how to me constructive and respectful with it !!!
  • Sam (11/03/2022, 20:09) Like (30) Dislike (1) Reply
    Teeth & tongue does fall out
  • The watchman (11/03/2022, 20:14) Like (29) Dislike (32) Reply
    Look how low public radio and discussions have come!!!
  • rude (11/03/2022, 20:32) Like (33) Dislike (30) Reply
    This man is to rude I wonder if he was trained by a certain x politician from far east he use to cut you off of his show if you disagrees with him. No respect at all.
  • xee (11/03/2022, 20:40) Like (35) Dislike (11) Reply
    why is this news???? this is so misleading Against Cindy.
  • NYC (11/03/2022, 21:00) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    I watch the show everyday, by her walking off it is not a big deal they will be just fine. They have good chemistry on air. You all will be surprise how many people outside of the BVI watch the show.
    • Straight (13/03/2022, 21:04) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Out of NY. Had the best times of my life in the BVI. Seems sadly too much going on to be up in there. Feel safer here in NY!
  • apple pie (11/03/2022, 21:21) Like (44) Dislike (17) Reply
    The East has a set of crazy people bottom line
  • Edmon (11/03/2022, 21:23) Like (15) Dislike (11) Reply
    Edman Jr our our generation! Them red man is a different breed lol
  • Top or bottom (11/03/2022, 21:23) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
    They are the same; rude, unelectable and need help
    • Kiss & Make up (12/03/2022, 08:26) Like (28) Dislike (9) Reply
      We need both of you on the Radio. Keep the excuses corrupt Govt honest and on notice
  • Madussa (11/03/2022, 21:32) Like (50) Dislike (6) Reply
    If she cannot stand the heat at the radio talk show, how will she react when running for office and things don't go her way? You cannot be in politics and have a temper tantrum because you were muted.
  • Edmund Deuce (11/03/2022, 22:04) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fiyyyaah….lavaaaaaaaa…it’s Edmund #2!
    • Manipulation (12/03/2022, 12:21) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Covid test. Covid, the media, health care are all manipulating the information and only put out things that benefit them and support their narrative....
  • Hickinbottom (12/03/2022, 08:33) Like (24) Dislike (28) Reply
    So if speaker Willock tell her sit down or not her turn to talk she will storm out of the house of assembly?

    She is disgusting and can never get my vote
  • jah know (12/03/2022, 12:28) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why is this even news? Why do we care?
  • MATRIMONIAL I DO & I DON’T (12/03/2022, 12:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The two need to take it to the altar and hook
  • As a Woman (12/03/2022, 13:51) Like (19) Dislike (13) Reply
    Heritage, what you did was disrespectful. My question to you is had it been another man sitting on panel would you have done the same as well. The main male callers that constantly talk over each other and interrupt each other while they are speaking is never muted.
    • @as a woman (12/03/2022, 15:45) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      So you didn't notice he hung up the phone on Sam too?. He will do that to whomever.
  • 911 (12/03/2022, 13:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Heard she post something on face book let me go check
  • Garry g (12/03/2022, 19:20) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    That boi smoked too much spranger...she mad from school...perfect entertainment..Ghettotainment at its best.This is some BET Shi@!Not my cup of tea..
  • My girl (12/03/2022, 21:46) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    I quit agree with Cindy for leaving the show. It is RADIO, and if you are muted and have no control over such, what’s the point in being there.
  • rojo (13/03/2022, 11:04) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Anger issues and no class and decorum.
    She needs mental exam and assist.
    Not equipped to represent the real peoples of theVI.
    Understandable why her support derives from the lowest breakers,convicts etc.
  • hmm (13/03/2022, 14:26) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    This boy getting to comfortable disrespting people. Cindy be careful. Without you and Sam he has no clue. Telling yo.
  • @ hickinBOTTOM (13/03/2022, 19:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    U are so against racism so you using the racist name to blogg , eh - WIGO

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