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Church must hold 'political leaders accountable'- Nehassie Chalwell

- CWC COGOP Men’s Ministry Member says 'silence gives consent'
Member of the Community Worship Centre Church of God of Prophecy (CWC COGOP) in Long Look, Mr Nehassie Chalwell has said the church has a responsibility to assist in holding political leaders responsible and that staying silent is giving consent to unacceptable conduct. Photo: Facebook
The candidate line-up at the forum included, from left: incumbent Seventh District Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, who is also the Premier and Minister of Finance; Independent Seventh District Candidate Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard; Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn, the incumbent representative for the Eighth District; and the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate in the Eighth District Mr L. Allen Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
The candidate line-up at the forum included, from left: incumbent Seventh District Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, who is also the Premier and Minister of Finance; Independent Seventh District Candidate Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard; Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn, the incumbent representative for the Eighth District; and the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate in the Eighth District Mr L. Allen Wheatley. Photo: Facebook
LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI- Member of the Community Worship Centre Church of God of Prophecy (CWC COGOP) in Long Look, Mr Nehassie Chalwell has said the church has a responsibility to assist in holding political leaders responsible and that staying silent is giving consent to unacceptable conduct.

Mr Chalwell was at the time delivering the ‘vote of thanks’ at the forum, 'A Response' hosted by the church’s Men’s Ministry Department and featured political candidates from the Seventh and Eighth Districts on the evening of March 12, 2023.

'The church has a voice'

In thanking the candidates for accepting the invitation to participate in the forum, Chalwell said many questioned the church’s involvement in politics, but pointed out that it has a voice and a responsibility.

“Many questioned this event, wondering if the church should really take part in politics… Now, the church has a responsibility to help hold the political leaders accountable. The church has a voice, but it is not being spoken loud enough. Until the church raises its voice to condemn and express disapproval, [for] bad behaviours among our leaders, we cannot attain a system where accountability will exist. A lot of you all know this quote, it says ‘silence gives consent’. A lack of response to an action is a tactic approval of that action,” Mr Chalwell said.

He added that the Men’s Ministry is encouraging all to pray for the leaders, so that they may consult with God to make the right decisions for the country.

'Put country above self'

“The leaders need to remember, God and the people are watching…So pull up your socks and put the country above self,” he urged.

The event, which was broadcasted live on the church’s Facebook page, generated a lot of views and comments on the social media site.

During the forum the church pinned this comment in the chat:

“As Kingdom Citizens, we have much to bring to politics- a deeper commitment to justice and compassion which throughout history has made a difference in the political sphere. At CWC COGOP Long Look, we endorse the education of VI voters to make prayerful, informed decisions!”.

The candidate line-up at the forum included incumbent Seventh District Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley, who is also the Premier and Minister of Finance; Independent Seventh District Candidate Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard; Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Marlon A. Penn, the incumbent representative for the Eighth District; and the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate in the Eighth District Mr L. Allen Wheatley.

24 Responses to “Church must hold 'political leaders accountable'- Nehassie Chalwell”

  • Agree (15/03/2023, 12:43) Like (13) Dislike (17) Reply
    He is correct but he is a full NDP so he can only see things one way.
    • dumb (15/03/2023, 16:28) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      He sure isn't . Matter of fact, what does his party affiliation have to do with the Church holding the government accountable ??? Ayo does just talk for the sake of talking man.
  • youth man (15/03/2023, 12:45) Like (16) Dislike (17) Reply
    Here we ago again. Trying to hold the politicians accountable but give the Governor a free pass. This is where we all keep missing the boat.
  • Asking For Myself (15/03/2023, 12:46) Like (25) Dislike (9) Reply
    Who will hold the church accountable?
  • Amazed (15/03/2023, 12:49) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    The slave masters/colonial masters have us watching each other when in fact they have been the worse at spiritual evil and staying under the radar in terms of accountability. This is how they succeed and destroy others for years and now doing the same to the BVI. Keep an eye on them and not on each other.
  • Hypocrisy (15/03/2023, 12:53) Like (12) Dislike (9) Reply
    This the same “church leader” who told the son of the man who was murdered in Parham Town that he’s taking over where the father left off and that he’s the king now when the father was linked to murders.

    These so-called “church leaders” need to decide if they fully represent God instead of working for the devil on the side.

    Too much of these “influencers” as they’re being called are living double lives putting on a performance in church while living for the world.

    Acceptable conduct should not he according to society’s or your own standards but according to God’s Word.
    • talk tola (15/03/2023, 20:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      You seem to know alot about his life, what about yours? When you point one finger remember 4 pointing back at you. He aint no saint yeah but instead of calling down see the positive in what he is doing. Onething we like to do in this place is tear down each other but expect people to help us when we in need or trouble. Take the yampee out of your own eye.
  • headline (15/03/2023, 12:56) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unknown person makes unmemorable comment.
  • herbs power (15/03/2023, 13:13) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    Church it self is a fraud so how can they hold politicians accountable. The Christians decide to turn a blind eye to the truth so both is already fallen. The bible is fake plain and simple.
  • how? (15/03/2023, 13:50) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    how can organizations that have deviated from the bible book hold anybody accountable for anything. i wouldn't even call any of them churches because unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain the build it. God sure did not build what we are seeing today as churches. So many of us go church because the choir is nice, the seats nice and modern, but there is no sound teaching of the actual word in any of them. Alot of motivational and sweet talking, yes, but listen for real teaching from a preacher connected with God is nowhere. A set of sugarcoating hogwash and water down of the word. The objective of any church is not to be prestigeous, but to preach the word and save soul. Is all about big titles that not nowhere in the Bible, deaconess, junior and senior pastor, phrophetess, woman preachers, first lady and all kind of stuff. How can the church correct any polititian when they worse, and some uphold the slackness because they will not call out the wrong. the first lady is the pastor first lady in his house, but how that get in the church. They stay here and have the U.S. mega televangelist as their mentors and try to be like them. Imagine giving a man a trial sermon to see how he pass before getting ordain. That is dangerous. When God call us back we going all find out and many of us will be sorry we lead the people astray. The brainwash ones who don't know they brainwash will disagree but that still wouldnt make them right. The church like the money more than the politicians like the money, same thing, different names.
  • street reporter. (15/03/2023, 13:58) Like (24) Dislike (12) Reply
    My brethren you know the Churches are the first to Jump on the gravy Train, they are the most beggars and lovers of money,..Anyone that loves money cannot be peace maker or a character police..
  • (15/03/2023, 14:30) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hassie look like you gearing up to boi
  • 123 (15/03/2023, 14:32) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Keep them in check Chalwell
  • money (15/03/2023, 15:14) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    When will the public hear about the MONEY those CHURCHES got from the Government.? In the next H o A, make sure that report is make known.!
  • Norris Turnbull (15/03/2023, 16:15) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    Wrong Wrong. Political leaders have to hold themselves accountable. do not twist this. Your mike time should be used more constructively. Cut the crap.
  • Wellsah (15/03/2023, 16:27) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    They not defending the church but they defending legalization of ungodly things. What is wrong with society? Since when right is wrong and wrong is right? It was a good evening and the leaders NEEDED to be reminded who has authority over them. Thank you brother Chalwell for your delivery! May the good Lord continue to reign in this territory.
  • Political analyst (15/03/2023, 17:14) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Indeed, the church, along with the rest of the community, must hold elected representatives responsible and accountable. For too long for self-interest, too many of us have looked the other way on bad behaviour and on things that were out of bounds and not normal. Consequently, as our elders would say, we have brought our pig to a fine market..Moreover, the BVI is a representative democracy, ie, we elect 13 people to represent us in the HOA (at the polls under the current system we are allowed to cast 5 votes; district representative, and four at large). However, many of us have the false notion that elected representatives, not the electorate, have the true power. Elected members have the power that the electorate give them to represent them. Yes, the electorate has the true. If you don’t believe look at what is happening and will happen during the campaign. Candidates will be begging, pleading, groveling, etc, for your vote. Power is useless though if it is not effectively used. Register to vote and vote. Make politicuan earn your vote. But you cannot go in hibernation, you to stay engaged, holding politicians feet to the fire.
    • @Political analyst (15/03/2023, 19:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Political analyst, self-interest will always trump public interest. We may say we want change, we disposed corruption, nepotism, cronyism, etc but self-interest, greed, selfishness, etc always prevail. It is all swirling dark clouds, pealing thunder but rain. It is all bark and no bite.
  • no difference (15/03/2023, 17:42) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    No different between the clergy and the politiciams. Just different names, same crooks
  • Witchcraft (15/03/2023, 19:56) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Didn't those Pastors see that Mr Fahie, gave them hush money. Did anyone notice those dumb dogs were not barking out against the injustices of the Government. Those Pastors fell in the traps of " High Science"= Green cloth
  • talking (15/03/2023, 22:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    talking about church but this picture looks like some that will vote for gay rights
  • nope (16/03/2023, 10:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Church has NO business in state workings. Church and state are to be sperate entities. OR if they want to get involved then the tax free status has to go. Those are the rules.
  • Better late than never (16/03/2023, 17:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's unfortunate that the church had to wait until things get so far gone to realize that it should use its voice for justice, we all know the church has a voice, they been using it to endorse candidates and push government propaganda for quite some time. Now it is time to do the right thing. Condemn corruption regardless if its friends or family involved.

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