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Choosing between the walls of slavery & the balls of bravery

- Truth for the Youth- BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

When the Ditch for your Enemy becomes the Grave for Yourself:
Soon we will exit February... Whereas, in past years we would be celebrating Black History Month and Martin Luther King’s Speeches, somehow, these were replaced by Sounds of Sanctions, and Threats of Tariffs... Things are being done to our detriment, and the false Optimists are seated at the back of the boat, focused on where we have been, rather than the New Masters and destination of their Slave Ship.

The World is in Meltdown, even as Persons pretend not to know how we got here... Fact is, this Journey was no ‘one-day trip’, because the signs and signals have been with us all along... Unfortunately, we avoid Facts and Reality, while clinging to the belief that prayers will bring our Solutions… If these same Prayers got us Trump and Musk, maybe we should be more careful what we pray for in case they get answered.

Several months ago, I proposed that the US Elections had been stolen by those with easy access to Artificial Intelligence and that this would adversely affect the History of the World… Doubters chose to live in denial, but Nations knew this to be true, even though they could do nothing about it… They also knew that America would try to make herself fearsome but she would only be hated and not respected.

I warned that she would implode, and become a 3rd Class Dictatorship whose Economy would crash, her Technological Advantages disappear, her Violence increase as Guns become as common as Kitchen Cutlery; and even her Family Structure would crumble as Women were robbed of their Dignity, due to the loss of access to Health Care, and their protection against Rape, Incest, and Domestic Abuse.

Much of this is happening sooner than expected, but still there are those with Eyes to see, Ears to hear, and Tongues to speak, but have committed themselves to being Blind, Deaf and Dumb... However, Facts are Facts, and who don’t hear will feel... As America heads for Civil Unrest, many will turn to drastic measures as a form of relief from their frustration, and the America we now know, will cease to exist. …

The Price we pay for the Games they play

Researchers are already acknowledging the probability of significant Election Vote Tampering, which is just a fancy way of saying that AI was used to steal the Election... Polls have shown that even during post-election – the period referred to as the Honeymoon Period – Trump’s Numbers remain negative, and it is also noted that Musk - an out-of-control AI expert - continues to act more like an elected President.

Collectively, they are pissing off everybody – from China to Africa... as they failed to acknowledge that these Nations are the ones with both the Manpower and Resources... Perhaps, they have grown so self-important, and accustomed to getting their way through bullyism, they forget that Slavery and Colonisation are over... Indeed, this is an opportunity for Oppressed Nations to finally regain their Balls.

The fact that we are still referred to as the Minority when we are the Majority is not accidental… This is a crucial part of their Mind Games where, if they can convince us that we are nothing, then we will aspire to nothing… Oppressors in the West Indies, Asia, Europe, America, Africa, and beyond, have followed and enforced this Doctrine, by blocking our Education while promoting their laws and Imaginary Friends.

They portrayed themselves as Missionaries or Messengers from God, with all the rights to confiscate and control the Lands and Labour of others for their personal use and enrichment… To do this, they made Laws and entrench condition where ‘Possession is 9/10 of those Laws’… In this way, they could continue the oppression forever, and would never have to compensate or give back that which they had stolen.

Preparing to Live or Simply living to Die

By making bad Politics and empty Promises look good, they tempt us with Heaven while giving us Hell… Even the Asphalt and Concrete to benefit themselves, are treated like Gifts from God, while our reward for self-sacrifice is postponed until we die… Even as Today’s technology delivers answers to our questions in the palms of our hands, we still insist on clinging to Master’s demand, that we simply do as we are told.

We are so well-conditioned amd programmed to live in fear rather than believe in ourselves, that we waste our lives on our knees, begging for a pretend Savior, rather than standing on our Feet and trying to help ourselves… We are quick to reject any Brother or Sister who dares to suggest a different or better way, and as a result, we remain our own worst enemy – full speed backward instead of moving forward.

Old habits die hard, and both Elon and Donald sprang from Roots that built their lives on targeting Africans in such a way, that it was taught as being right for 5% of their Ancestors to confiscate 80% of the African’s Land and Labour… Trump’s Agenda has always been a return to those ‘good old days’, and many of us are self-sacrificing and ignorant enough to dismiss the Hardship and History of our Forefathers.

While their lives were forcibly limited to the fabricated History of their Oppressors, we are able to read and research, so there is no excuse not to learn about the philosophy and practices that oppressed the Peoples of China and Africa… The Chinese used their experience to prepare and prevent a repeat… Our troubles at home and abroad, are as great or greater, so we too must choose between preparation and sufferation.

Just as a Small Person has the same Body Parts as a Big Person, we have similar Trials and Tribulations, and with so much Preventions to precede Cures, and Wrongs to be made right, there’s plenty to say... However, I touched on these External matters because, we are still a Trickledown Territory, and when I return with the details of our Problems, you will better understand the meat and meanings of the message.

PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments

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