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Chinese Tender unearthed! Cost of Airport Project could double by completion

- Is Premier Smith telling more lies to the People of the Virgin Islands on the giveaways in this project?
Part of the tender document from China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) sent to the Ministry of Finance. Photo: Team of Reporters
Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), left, was told by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), right, at the Third Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly on December 19, 2016 that no giveaways were being negotiated for the Chinese company to execute the airport runway extension project. Photo: VINO/File
Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), left, was told by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL), right, at the Third Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly on December 19, 2016 that no giveaways were being negotiated for the Chinese company to execute the airport runway extension project. Photo: VINO/File
The decision to give the contract to extend the airport runway at Beef Island to a Chinese company has split the National Democratic Party (NDP) Cabinet. Photo: VINO/File
The decision to give the contract to extend the airport runway at Beef Island to a Chinese company has split the National Democratic Party (NDP) Cabinet. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It was at the Third Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly on December 19, 2016 when Leader of the Opposition Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) was grilling the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) on the Airport Runway Extension Project.

Dr Smith had confirmed that China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) Ltd was chosen by his Administration over another company that had a local partner to extend the runway at the Terrence B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.

Hon Fraser, in a follow up question on the same date, asked if there were any giveaways to the Chinese company in exchange for such a low bid of 153 million United States Dollars. To which Dr Smith replied “no” and that the cost that we see is the cost we will get. In fact, Dr Smith went on to state “no concessions are being negotiated by his Government.”

Another lie by Dr Smith; Cost could triple

This has turned out to be another LIE in keeping with his government’s practice of misleading the House of Assembly (HoA), the public and the media.

Tender documents submitted to the Ministry of Finance last year and obtained from our usual senior National Democratic Party (NDP) sources show that the way the agreement is written the cost could double, if not triple by the end of the runway extension project.

For example, the price quoted by CCCC includes “the Design and Build cost of the Project, excluding the design for the runway embankment structure……”

The conditions of the price quote of $153M are subject to truthful information provided by Government. The original tender document states “for the avoidance of doubt, CCCC shall not be responsible for the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any data related to sub-face, geotechnical, topographic and hydrological conditions provided by the Client. Thus, we reserve the right to revise our quoted price should further study show significant different from previously provided data.”

In other words, many see this as a loop hole to raise the cost of the project.

More freebees

In addition, there are indeed giveaways. For example, “Land for temporary structures which include, but is not limited to, a site office, camp, storage yard, precast yard, concrete and asphalt batching plants, site for disposal, parking areas etc., should be made available to the contractor free of charge,” according to the letter written to Government.

CCCC, according to the information, stated that their quotation is “under the exemption from duty, which excludes customs duty, VAT, income tax and so on,” the letter reads.

Our newsroom is awaiting a copy of the final document that will be inked by Premier Smith in the coming days and we will bring it to our readers.

Support for project slipping

There is growing opposition inside the ruling NDP Government mainly because it had local companies, who in partnership with overseas conglomerates, could have done this project and allow the government loan to circulate in the country.

There are reports that two rebel Ministers did not support the project in Cabinet. They are reported to be Hons Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) and Myron V Walwyn (AL). There are also claims that three Backbenchers are not supporting the project and could vote against the loan funding when it comes to the HoA.

Many have also said the $150M loan could max out the Overseas Territory’s borrowing ceiling for the next 3 to 5 years, not allowing any new government to execute any major capital project.

See Tender document below: 




66 Responses to “Chinese Tender unearthed! Cost of Airport Project could double by completion”

  • We Must Make A Stand People! (13/01/2017, 19:05) Like (54) Dislike (1) Reply


    NDP has wasted enough of our hard earned tax dollars. We must clamp down on them now, before they sink us ALL in deeper debts where we can never recover from - for generations to come.

    We must stand together against them now - and STOP them from themselves.


    • just asking.... (13/01/2017, 20:28) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
      Answer that one question. does the BVI people have what it takes to stand up???
    • voiceofthevoiceless (13/01/2017, 21:25) Like (38) Dislike (2) Reply
      Premier Smith is the most dangerous of the lot because he is the one that most people respected and expected better from but he has disappointed many. Why can the Premier not come clean with the people about this deal? Where are the public meetings? Enough is enough.

      I will await the final document but I am sure the only difference would be more perks for CCCC. In the meantime I am in the process of finalizing a letter to my district rep and some at- large reps that I will forward this weekend, but I doubt that would do much. The time for talking and blogging is past us people we need action. I ready to march! I on board! We need to organize a meeting.

      BTW big up VINO leaks as in the absence of the freedom of information act and a Government in the darkness we are very dependent on these leaks.
  • apple pie (13/01/2017, 19:08) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is thing!
  • Gemma (13/01/2017, 19:14) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    How do we stop these rugrats? Lord I never feel so nervous for my future in my life.
    • vi (13/01/2017, 20:21) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      There is noting wrong with the government as an institution. It's the people that are in it!!!
      • Josiah's Bay (14/01/2017, 08:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes, there is something wrong with government as an institution because we don't have any other entity in place to stop them, check them or hold them accountable.
  • Bianca (13/01/2017, 19:22) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    I have a new found respect for that boy Willock and I mean it in a manly way. Where's the damn Governor on all of this?
  • bvi youth (13/01/2017, 19:31) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply

    #$@&*....Doc you that #$#&* stupid. So the land that our fore fathers gained through sweat, blood, and tears and the right to be a black man is no longer relevant. You set of over educated fools just handing it over to your rich white friends and now the Chinnese. When you finish giving out our water front beach properties, telling lies about the Pier Park and now this bull shit. Like dammmm

  • VI Kid (13/01/2017, 19:36) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Are those remnants of tears on the letter?
    • chad (13/01/2017, 21:12) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      Looks so. This is really sad.
    • voiceofthevoiceless (13/01/2017, 21:26) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Probably crocodile tears...
      • something fishy (14/01/2017, 21:46) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Bright Boy NDP crew not so bright at all. It will now cost us more than the 40% we would need to find plus the money we would need to find to house them. And we will not be able to afford such a loan any time soon. So by time we can get to it, the costs may be double.
  • Okay now (13/01/2017, 20:19) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    These latest scandals may just turn the voters against the NDP finally
  • Charley Rose (13/01/2017, 20:23) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    The domino effect has begun. Good. Very very good. let me see which backbenches have the BALLS to say, enough is enough
  • Xxx (13/01/2017, 20:25) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is grown bigger each day. And it may just be the tip of the iceberg. More will appear in the press but also we have to be aware some may jump on the bandwagon just to get their day of fame. A huge investigation by the proper authorities like the FBI and Scotland yard to to get start in the BVI on this government
    • dog (14/01/2017, 19:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      as mentioned before, not only will they need acres for construction staging affecting the environment, but they also have to build labour housing and perhaps have families go to school and use healthcare, more cars on the road etc. This is NOT an easy project. the deep sea fisher said it was easy to get there as is. the ferry to scrub (and the big publicity shot for scrub) is part of the adventure. If they wanted concrete bunkers and buildings, they would have gone elsewhere.

      This is a POOR CONTRACT and again WE GAVE AWAY THE STORE. They are coming here because they want to. WE are in the DRIVERS SEAT. WE CAN WRITE THE RULES. GIVE AWAY AGAIN.
  • Me Arm Ya (13/01/2017, 21:33) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    VINO are you LARGE!! Wow!! Continue to keep us in the loop.

  • Interesting (13/01/2017, 21:39) Like (4) Dislike (14) Reply
    This is funny, those things that the Chinese are asking for seems like things that would be reasonable to request and I am sure the black and white Chinese made the assumptions. So I would expect the white and black Chinese bid to go up as well.

    I would like the Government to speak to us frankly on the project, so we can make our own objective assessments.

    Unfortunately I do not believe that we are getting the whole truth, but someone obviously does not want to see this runway extended. I wonder who stands to gain from that?!
  • POPE (13/01/2017, 22:53) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    God send help
    • fish (14/01/2017, 21:50) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      The deals funding didn't make sense.
      After the runway is extended the terms were not in the BVI favor.

      All these forces (LS and her friends) do nothing to build the BVI
  • Just saying (14/01/2017, 05:47) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    Stop reading sensationalised headlines and think for a minute. There is nothing stated in those qualifications from CCCC that no other company would have reasonably requested for a job of this magnitude. If the other Tenderers didn't make these qualifications it would be because they have included the costs for them, resulting in a higher tender cost.
    • voiceofreason (14/01/2017, 08:06) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply

      The issue is not the demands that were made by CCCC which I understand is part and parcel of a project this magnitude. The issue is that when the Premier was asked in the HOA if they were any giveaways he said no. They will construct a camp which would house their workers, the bid cost is exempt of duty, the possibility of a lower cost if land is made available tot hem to mine material. He even added that the cost that we see is the cost we will get which btw was a ridiculous statement based on precedent and now with this proposal we see that there is a likelihood of overruns.

      " To which Dr Smith replied “no” and that the cost that we see is the cost we will get. In fact, Dr Smith went on to state “no concessions are being negotiated by his Government.”

      We were misled with Pier Park and that was a financial disaster in terms of overruns and it is not even complete. We need transparency with the details. Doc must come clean with the people as we cannot continue to be led blindly over the precipice. Come to the public to get their input before you sign away our birthrights. Show us the contract before you sign.
    • The Ah moment (14/01/2017, 08:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree. Both you and "interesting" seem to making some decent assessments.
  • r u serious (14/01/2017, 06:01) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this contract & information is correct it clearly needs to be reworked. How could anyone sign an agreement with so many loopholes, perks and give-aways? What's in all this for locals? How many of these dollars will remain or be recirculated in our economy? First we gave away leadership and control of the criminal justice system (police, fire, corrections, courts), then our beaches, took away local fishermen's mooring spaces in road town now we're selling our souls to the Chinese. Does anyone not remember bates hill or Wickham cay or anagada? To sign such an agreement (if all this is correct ) is to be oblivious to our history. Did the actions of Noel Lloyd and his brave companions mean nothing - was his positive actions all in vain? Please re-evaluate this contract - our children's futures are at stake.
  • ABC (14/01/2017, 06:57) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree this is worst than biwater
  • Just Curious (14/01/2017, 07:56) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is there such a process of impeachment here in the BVI??? If not let's create one, if the Govt can be creative why not we the people!
  • Concerned (14/01/2017, 08:12) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everybody talk about defeating NDP, but if action not now, NDP will put the airport in and the Chinese in charge (of the islands). Action needed by the Governor RIGHT NOW to stop this mess. Premier Smith keeps inching the deal along and suddenly it will be fact if action not taken soon!!!!
  • Jack B Nimble. (14/01/2017, 08:15) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
    Why are we black people so quick to judge and condem Others ijust hear say no evidence. When the same is done to us we cry Fowl... in any case a person deserves a chance to prove one way or the others there innocece or Guilt...Give the Chinese a chance..Give the Airport a Chance..I'm almost certain that private Jet parking can maintain the Airport
  • Impeachment (14/01/2017, 09:00) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    This one here is the last straw. How do we impeach Dr. Smith and terminate the entire National Democratic Party? Is anyone a lawyer seeing this? It makes no sense we under so much pressure with this modern day lack real intelligence Government and we don't do anything about it. How can we lock them out the house of assembly. They are so scorned people don't want to hear them or see them. We don't have a government we have robbers, liars, criminal minded members, wicked, evil, greedy, self-interest, disrespectful concubines and derelict people leading us. How to get them out our dam house with urgency!!!! Calling on all NDP elected members to step down Like NOW!
  • Afu (14/01/2017, 09:55) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    I'll have some Shrimp Egg Rolls please!
    • Wang fu (14/01/2017, 11:05) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
      @Afu it is not the Chinese race we should be angry with it is our own "fungi and fish leaders who gave them the contract. They did not walk into the territory and take over. The Chinese submitted their proposal and the Government accepted.
      • Afu (14/01/2017, 14:06) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        Wang fu needs to learn a lesson. Wang fu is NOT A CHINESE RACE HIMSELF. Is that why you have so much spark? You can't see races through people who respond to this news. Maybe you'
        • kung fu (14/01/2017, 15:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Afu, you're right. Wang fu sounds like a CLOWN, and and NOTHING BUT A MOSQUITO buzzing in everyone's ears. Just a FAKE €H!N€SE WITH FAKE DREADLOCKS.
      • @Wang Fu (14/01/2017, 16:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Fool! You comment sound €OON!SH.
      • === (15/01/2017, 12:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        unfortunately he/ she is right. government is making this deal.
    • Zebbies (14/01/2017, 20:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Thanks Afu! I'll have some too!!!
  • trrefdrfds (14/01/2017, 10:13) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hollywood at its finest
  • too Educated..Too negative (14/01/2017, 11:12) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    Today no Cruise ship in port. While other countries are seeing increase visits we have a decline in Cruise passengers, visitor, our financial services fish pots not getting much fishies like before, everything around us sliding, we are in alot of trouble rite now we are a country surviving off of loans... The Government is trying something to change the direction the country going and all we concern about is what in it for us.. We are a selfish , greedy place with the most educated people, the most know it all people. In the meanwhile all of us going down, let the Government do their thing. Give our ideas and input to help it work. All we do Criticism, criticize, complain, bitch. I'm not reading no constructive suggestions and ideas coming forward to help make this project successful. Let us start sounding intelligent, the world is watching and reading.. whenever a project fails all of us failed, whenever a project is a success all of us share in that success, let's put our heads together.. We have a country to build..
    • suggestion (14/01/2017, 12:41) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
      Tell The Entire NDP to leave Our Public Offices. They are a FAILURE and a MAJOR DISGRACE to PUBLIC OFFICE. Only then we all can come together and create SOLUTIONS to move OUR COUNTRY FORWARD. They have NO RESPECT (NO INCLUSION, NO EXPLANATIONS) for WE - THE PEOPLE - who first put them their. What a GIGANTIC MISTAKE!
    • voiceofthevoiceless (14/01/2017, 13:16) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      You know why they are no cruise ships in town? They gave the birthing rights to Norwegian and Disney to the chagrin of the bigger Carnival and Royal Caribbean companies who no longer will send their ships here. The passengers on those ships are known to spend more. Add to that we overspent the project by 32 million maybe 50 million if we ever complete it. Why spend 82 million on cruise ship passengers who come here for half a day? Where is the wisdom and vision in that??

      Trying something? This is not the time to try something based on guess and hope, you need to at first be transparent and clear with the people and get a variety of input going forward. You need to act on sound and thorough research and due diligence, not conjecture and wishful thinking. The last time we tried something we screwed up the Pier Park so we should just pray and hope they don't screw up this project??

      Here is an option. They already invested 7 million in BVI Airways why not allow that to materialize and use that as a case study for the potential for direct flights to the mainland. In the meantime subsidize ferry services to increase their ferry schedules and reliability. Invest more money into a comprehensive restructuring of our water pipe systems, roads, electricity, medical and education systems. That can help to stimulate the economy.

  • 911 (14/01/2017, 11:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    come clean on the project Doc
    • Kil (14/01/2017, 21:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We should be given more information as to whether the government had negotiated different terms or not. I do admire Dr Smith but he seemed very uncomfortable in his role these days
  • Operation Carwash (14/01/2017, 11:49) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Face it we have organized criminals running our country. While we here kicking up a storm ndp agenda on the airport project can hurt BVI in a major way. Operation carwash the mutibillion dollar money laundering fraud with Brazilian company Odebrecht S.A. and involve BVI companies Smith & Nash Engineering Company and Golac Projects may not be any different from the Airport project this ndp government is agreeing with China Communication Construction Company. We here kicking up a storm but CCCC fits the type of corrupt government we have.

    The FSC will not tell you anything either the Financial investigative agency is a waste of time too. This stupid non transparent bill they voting on Monday is so terrible. Here's a government which continues their no transparency regime. We must vote to get rid of any legislator who vote to keep the public blindfolded. They now have a grip on the Financial services commission:

  • skool chirrin (14/01/2017, 12:42) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Say de former port derector haz bin recrewted to manage de prawject. Governa ah beg u pleze geh up!
  • tretretrete (14/01/2017, 13:06) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Has the government signed a contract or are they about to negotiate. How could we be blaming the doc for something he has not done yet?
    I thought the said they were going to negotiate?
    Have they done this yet?
  • ndp leak (14/01/2017, 13:12) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Russia is helping vino now?
  • wake up (14/01/2017, 13:35) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    We need stand up and let the government know we disapprove of them, this way of being in the blogs and down the road cursing about it wont do us or future generations no favors, more and more our governing system looks less like a democracy seeing WE THE PEOPLE have no say in how our tax money is spent by Men and Women that we elected to be the voice of us THE PEOPLE it must stop, give us a little to pacify us, ie. Sea cows bay road to name a few, while they plot their next huge multimillion dollar project.
  • @Wang Fu (14/01/2017, 14:15) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Its time to STOP WITH YOUR A$$ONINE BELIEFS. How do you know the race and creed of people responding ? You sound like a FAKE OLD 130YR OLD snapping turtle that can't function any more. You're a DULL KNIFE THAT JUST AIN'T CUTTIN, period.
  • Ms P (14/01/2017, 15:31) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ndp needs leadership
  • wow (14/01/2017, 16:07) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    ndp is corrupt
  • Jobs Available. NDP Hiring. (14/01/2017, 16:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP is in need of the following---1/ Sales person...2/ PR person...3/ A Manager.... Only the best and proven best may apply.
  • Tallfat (14/01/2017, 20:58) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have not bothered to read through this massive bloggage because I'm expecting that the majority is fuming at the deal with the cccc a foreign company. I'm glad this site seem to be in the loop of getting what supposed to be priceless government document at will. What is troubling though is the kind of ugliness it has brought out of us against people from outside who're here to help. It also show how biased the type of journalism we have to endure as I recall there was not this type of ugly utterance when the pier project was awarded and not very many investigating who got all that money? It is apparently saying our own can do no wrong even if there's no value for money.
  • 111 (14/01/2017, 21:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think it's time to remind both opposition and government that the purpose of parliamentary procedures is to answer simple questions and stop acting like it's personal.
  • NDP youth (14/01/2017, 21:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    As opposition members they clamoured for transparency, where is it now.
  • Nice (14/01/2017, 22:02) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    This was dated since May 6th, 2016. I want to see the up to date letter, I'm pretty sure some of those request are negotiated still.
    • owl (15/01/2017, 10:45) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @nice hate to burst your bubble the Premier lied he said no perks but there are. If the CCCC took the project for 153 clearly they want more and all the stuff the 153 don't cover will cause a massive project overrun and likely to breed corruption. CCCC not straight neither the NDP administration.
  • Hmmmmm (15/01/2017, 19:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am so ashamed of my Primer it ain't funny
  • Shameful (16/01/2017, 11:15) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Anything made in China or produced by the Chinese is inferior. They do shoddy work,the concrete,asphalt,wiring will all detiorate after three years. The Chinese only motive is profit at any expense. Don't the Premier reads what's going on in the world.
    • Check Your Facts (18/01/2017, 13:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The new roads you are driving on where done by the Chinese who lend their equipment and worked while you were sleeping. So far these roads have held up and looks first world. When they left whoever took over didn't finish the job and the manhole covers are higher than the road in the East End.
  • If it sounds too good to be true... (18/01/2017, 13:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's NOT!
  • new party (18/01/2017, 13:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stop complaining and form a 3rd party already!

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