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Child molestation allegations @ ESHS; Ministry speaks!

September 20th, 2024 | Tags: child molestation allegations Statement teacher student
The Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) child molestation allegations circulating over the past two weeks around the community have now been confirmed by the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs, and Sports. Photo: VINO/File
The Ministry of Education has said it is 'aware of a serious allegation involving a teacher and a student' at a public school in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Jupiterimages/Thinkstock
The Ministry of Education has said it is 'aware of a serious allegation involving a teacher and a student' at a public school in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Jupiterimages/Thinkstock
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) child molestation allegations circulating over the past two weeks around the community have now been confirmed by the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs, and Sports.

While they were deliberate not to name the school, the allegations or who was involved, in a carefully worded statement released yesterday September 19, 2024, the Ministry noted that they are “aware of a serious allegation involving a teacher and a student”.

Social media has been ablaze with the allegations, even naming the male teacher and the male student reportedly involved.

One controversial talk show host, Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy', who is known for hate speech, political division, confusion, misinformation and making personal disrespectful attacks against Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), took to her Facebook Live earlier this week. She ranted that senior officials in the Education Ministry, the Department and ESHS should resign over this and that there is a cover-up.

Hate speech? Innocent until proven guilty  

Ms Rosan described the teacher allegedly involved as a “monster”, even before a proper investigation had been carried out. In the Virgin Islands Judicial system, residents are presumed innocent before labelled as guilty, until the court of law says otherwise.

The Ministry of Education noted that “we understand the urgent need to address this matter and the Ministry is following the proper process, which includes the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, the Social Development Department and the Teaching Service Commission”.

Social Media has circulated a photo of the Physical Education Teacher and other allegations; however, it is unclear if more persons are now coming forward to corroborate the rumours and allegations about the teacher.

The Ministry of Education stated that “in the interim, measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the school community. The Ministry is committed to handling the matter in a way that is fair to all parties and in accordance with law.”

While our newsroom has the names and photos of both the student and teacher allegedly involved, we will not release such information to protect the child and his family, along with the rights of the accused.

Editor’s note: The staff and management of Virgin Islands News Online remain advocates for the protection of children and endorse Hon Stacey M. Mather’s (AL) call for a sex offender registry to be established in the Virgin Islands.

75 Responses to “Child molestation allegations @ ESHS; Ministry speaks!”

  • Strupes (20/09/2024, 10:02) Like (86) Dislike (8) Reply
    he is a monster and it seems as tho you are siding with him and not the child based on your wording, but be advised that that many children coming forward all can't be telling untruth.
    take your influence and fight for the children.....
  • No Response (20/09/2024, 10:10) Like (50) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just like everything else around here, no response would have been better than the empty words put out by the ministry. They said nothing. All of this stuff helps makes the B.V.I. the sinking ship that it is. You can't be diddy-ing people children under the guise of a teacher and then your employer helping to cover it up. These are our children these pedeophiles messing up and driving into insanity street.

    Then we wonder why so many of our youths are lost? hmmm if home is not bad enough, look at their place of refuge on the school campus.
  • ... (20/09/2024, 10:22) Like (39) Dislike (3) Reply

    dude been nasty from time I was in school he used to go with a school girl...guess the school boys much easier...makes sense when he on the pier is a set of young dudes he always liming with...

    • @… (20/09/2024, 23:39) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      The sexual predators like the boys more especially the boys who don’t have a father in their lives.
  • He was not the first one (20/09/2024, 10:37) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply
    These cases have been going on for years, as far back as when I was going to that school. This is all to be blamed on the Ministry who has be truing a blind eye to these repeated pedophiles for decades. So much for this so called " CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY" in the BVI.
  • Cindy (20/09/2024, 10:38) Like (6) Dislike (70) Reply
    Crazy girl is the monster she likes to run her face but her day is coming
    • Captain Obvious (20/09/2024, 11:44) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
      internet thugs are rarely dangerous in person
    • Really? (20/09/2024, 12:09) Like (57) Dislike (4) Reply
      Is ‘she’ really the problem in this matter? These are some serious and very concerning allegations, so whether she runs her mouth to much or not something of this magnitude and nature needs to be publicized (it can’t be publicized enough) Things like this has been going on for far to long with little to no consequences for the predators, but immense harm to those affected by it. It’s time for PRECEDENT to be set to deter such sick behavior as alleged, enough is enough. I stand with the victims and make a strong statements that such indecent behavior on our students/children would *Not Be Tolerated* on NO level. If you’re not a part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. (‘she’ is not the problem here.)
  • vex (20/09/2024, 10:43) Like (39) Dislike (5) Reply
    Stop protecting him he need leave the minors alone he took all those basket ball players to the USA and did so much to those boys sexually
    • Reply (20/09/2024, 19:40) Like (1) Dislike (17) Reply
      Ok Cindy you bring this on yourself go support your children
      • @Reply (21/09/2024, 08:26) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
        Bring what on herself? Based on your comment we earned being labeled as ignorant bush people. Last time I check, Cindy children don’t look like they are lacking anything and is well supported in every aspect of their lives. Regardless of how you feel about her, she is a hands on mother. You should be ashamed of your self. No matter how you feel about someone or you don’t like someone, the number one rule is children is off limits l
        • Ajic (23/09/2024, 12:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          Agreed. Keep the woman children out of your mouth. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
      • @Reply (21/09/2024, 12:29) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        And you need to stop laying on your back with your legs open to every stray dog and his crew looking for a free booty call. BOBO don’t write a check that you can’t cash.
    • tell (21/09/2024, 08:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Did you sound any alarms or report it?

  • lawdy (20/09/2024, 10:46) Like (43) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look at the usvi same incident with a male teachers he got 30 plus years bvi always behind
  • A disguised Parent (20/09/2024, 10:47) Like (59) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man is a MONSTER AND A CHILD PREDATOR, I cautioned my son to stay as far away from this person as he possibly can, you see him you go the other way. I don’t condone any violence how ever, if my son tell me this person try anything with him I will inflict some SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSS DAMAGE OR WORSE ON THIS PERSON.
  • Names (20/09/2024, 10:50) Like (43) Dislike (2) Reply
    Call names stop protecting his name he’s disgusting
  • Hopes (20/09/2024, 10:50) Like (46) Dislike (1) Reply
    He should be on leave until investigation is over
  • DAM (20/09/2024, 10:51) Like (58) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yall don’t take nth serious in the bvi he should not be around kids until proven innocent
    • hmm (20/09/2024, 12:05) Like (5) Dislike (21) Reply
      U unfit to be in society as well sin dy
      • @hmm (20/09/2024, 13:22) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
        You are another one of the stupid bush people walking around. Hush your blacker than tar buck wheat looking self up.
      • Cindy Cindy Cindy (22/09/2024, 23:00) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        Who is this person using different names that is so bitter towards Cindy. Sounds personal if you ask me. Did Cindy reject you???

        Cindy, girl you relevant!
  • seems (20/09/2024, 11:08) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
    Seems like we got a P Diddy walking free in the High School minus the 1,000 bottles of baby oil and white nail polish in his bag.
    • @seems (20/09/2024, 19:07) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      Speaking of P. Diddy, remember when he was in the BVI on his way to Necker Island with young Miami stepping out the airport like he was Tony Montana. And most of you thought that was so great. If you all only knew, the devil in person paid us a visit that day. His eye brows always have a point at both ends.
      • preach (21/09/2024, 09:20) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        TD Jake's too
        He is on the list of participants I PDiddy's freak off.
      • Ajic (23/09/2024, 12:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I never thought the Diddler was great. There was always something sinister about him. Now we all know what it is. All those Hollywood demonic creeps are nothing to idolize.
    • @seems (21/09/2024, 08:02) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
  • NOTHING NAH GO COME OUTTA THIS (20/09/2024, 11:27) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply


  • Unbelievable! (20/09/2024, 11:27) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    The BVI is a lawless society. This lawlessness must stop! We cover up and cover up for the guilty yet not protecting the innocent ones. May God have mercy on the BVI.
    • I remember (20/09/2024, 18:43) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      When I was going to Wayne Aspinall junior high school in St. Thomas they use to call the school Vietnam.
  • resident (20/09/2024, 11:46) Like (11) Dislike (22) Reply
    eshs is not a place i would send my kid, it's worse than iraq
    • @resident (20/09/2024, 13:11) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
      What you waiting for because when those same kids leave school the go home to the same community (BVI) you living in. Is not in the school they living. So they are among us so you shouldn't have been in Iraq all now.
  • Pick em off (20/09/2024, 12:04) Like (3) Dislike (22) Reply
    Her report of fagie so toxic
    Rememeber she said fahie deserve the death penalty
  • Only in this place! SMH (20/09/2024, 12:32) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Classic bvi fashion! Government slides every damn dutty deeds under the rug, this is just a lawless and injustice place. Down to the politicians, killers, and predators. then wonder why the people want the uk to take over. We never take nothing serious, only worry about protecting the monsters, so many cases like this in the bvi are swept under the rug to protect those monsters and not the innocent children and victims. That’s why this place can’t do better! Hurry up Uk
    • @only in this place! SMH (21/09/2024, 09:02) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Always blaming the government. That’s so easy to do isn’t it! Was this matter reported to the police weeks before it was reported to the principal because it happened during summer break and not when school was in session? Should the government take blame when a parent’s decision to send their child to someone’s house and is molested? Do you know why this place can’t do better? It is because of people like you who like to run your mouth behind your keyboard and accuse people.
  • Stop it!! (20/09/2024, 13:14) Like (62) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why is this article more focused driven on Ms Rosan than the social issue at hand? I applaud Ms Rosan for taking the stand with this child and bringing this ill issue to the forefront.

    I stand with all the victims and I am ready to march! If this man is guilty of what was alleged he needs to be out the school system indefinitely. The time has come when we stop protecting the guilty instead of the victims of this heinous act!
    • @ Stop it (20/09/2024, 14:16) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
      you couldn't have said it any better, thats the same thing I said when I read the article, the focus needs to be on the incident and not on Rosan, this place call the BVI is just sad.
  • so tell me (20/09/2024, 13:16) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Sick And Tired (20/09/2024, 13:33) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    I've said it before and I'll say it again that school LOVE to sweep things under the rug. Alot goes on there with our children. The children are told to come to the principal when anything happens , yet when they go nothing happens. Even with the bullying situations they are told to ignore without the principal doing anything to make a difference. People i am telling you yes our children aren't perfect but listen to your child/ children when they come to you about situations that happen in that school whether it's with another child , teacher or even the principal . Our children don't be lying sometimes . Sometimes the lies come from the head to cover up for each other. That's why our children don't want to come to us with anything because we always think because the teacher or principal say xyz it's the truth but we would never take the time to listen to our children side of the story. Children have feelings too, they have a voice too and they matter as well. Those teachers in that are being very disrespectful to the children , telling these children outta timing nonsense but when the students react they are the ones being punished. I don't stand for any child being disrespectful to ANYONE but I also HATE to see adults treat and talk to children in which ever way they please because they are the so called "adults" and believe that the children should just take it and shut up and be belittled..
    • FAKE ANTWEEK (20/09/2024, 18:47) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
      This place famous for dressing up in t-shirts and the highway for Child Abuse Prevention month, Anti-bullying week, etc. but it is ALL FOR SHOW!!!!

      Children are being molested, mentally and physically abused, bullied and nothing is done when they speak up including by the Social Development and schools.
    • @Sick And Tired (21/09/2024, 14:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      Thank you for advocating for our next generation. I am grateful that the alleged heinous acts of this teacher have finally been exposed and we stand with every child that speaks up. I am very proud of the young man who outed this alleged pedophile by crushing the demonic manipulation and control of secrecy. Your voice is your power.

      All predators that target our children for sexual satisfaction are cowards and criminals combined who will finally become worse than the prey that they target. May our government, public and private school systems and parents ensure that our youth thrive in safety both at home, at school and wherever they may be which is literally their BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. Whosoever violates is certainly NOT human.

  • watching (20/09/2024, 13:34) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    we want independence but steady defending pedos at our school? why is it a secret? put this teacher on the sex offender list the public needs to know who to look out for.

    I'm not sure if COI mentioned implementing one but regardless get a sex offender list in place the government gone quiet when it comes to that both current and opposition... they only have energy for power and takin tax dollars

    if bvi gov defending and protecting a well know pedo with a long history then what you think they will do with drugman/ murderers etc but want independance??? crazi
    • full circle (21/09/2024, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
      Cindy should appreciate waiting for the court of law she is in court now along with how the police pick her up a few months agon
    • question (21/09/2024, 08:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Has the COI thought you nothing. "A RAPIST?!!" "Stop calling him that". Right and wrong based on who committed the offense. Long as you got money or in circle of big wigs you can do no wrong.
    • @watching (21/09/2024, 15:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      we still need not want independence from the very same onez who start the cycles of sexual violations (rape, buck-breaking and sodomy) of our ancestors from the dungeons of the mudda-lan to the ships, plantations and churches? we jus need to clean up and it caan be the goverment alone.
  • 2024 (20/09/2024, 15:04) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    we now live in a law-less country where suspicious activity going on & on

    gun crime and unsolved killings in our rather small jurisdiction

    the system falling apart
  • plain and simple (20/09/2024, 17:08) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    This guy needs to be removed from the school. This has been going along for a very long time. I don’t care who he is related to, something as serious as this cannot or should not be sweat under the rug. If it is, then people have to go to jail. That is a violation and a crime against the victims. Yes, they are victims.

  • de silent one (20/09/2024, 17:16) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wow! Finally something seems to have been done in addressing this long/ongoing allegation. Guess if the allege victim had not taken the action he took, the Department still wont have act. That pedafile should be immediately suspended and a criminal investigation ensue. Just hope that there are no violent repercussion as it seems to had been going in that direction.
    • @de silent one (21/09/2024, 08:49) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Since you knew what was happening and did nothing about it the authorities should deal with you.
  • I don’t know (20/09/2024, 19:20) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why sexual predators is not mandated by law in the BVI to be registered as sexual predators. In the Us sexual predators by law have to be registered. If they don’t, they go directly to jail. Also in the US, you can go on a website and see if any sexual predators is living in your neighborhood.
  • Protect the Children (20/09/2024, 19:28) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply

    TheseVI are becoming/ being revealed as low extremely low...Protecting hiding and secretive regarding drugs and the players
    Pedophiles on payroll within our schools???
    Known and or suspected.all one and the same...
    In this is known and very well known for a long time and by many, Students,parents and school personnel..

  • hmm! (20/09/2024, 19:49) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    the fact that I talked to my nephew and he told me that this dude taught him already, I am so freeking disgusted, and angry. You all will meet the wrong person in you all FART one day‼
  • Limbo (20/09/2024, 21:19) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI has hit a new low.
    Protecting and hiding criminals is bad enough but pedophiles and their habitual ongoing deeds,?
    Lawd how low can you go BVI...and lambasting the one individual who came forward???
    Karma..bad bad Karma roun de corner for this place....Suffer the children...
  • again! (20/09/2024, 22:17) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    That school is One Big , Nasty Rat Nest witth all the Big Rats covering up for each other for years! Who isnt doing unGodly things stealing money for Years! But the Day will come when they will bring a cat to run the house!
  • Bow Tie Club (20/09/2024, 22:23) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    If you have these bugaman in high places even in the HOA, do you expect better on the street?

    Pana like he learning from tall bugaman in the HOA.
  • tola (21/09/2024, 04:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    He been nasty dude
  • Disgusting (21/09/2024, 05:57) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    He's not the only dutty teacher. Some of them roll on your elder siblings then after your siblings graduate and you start the school new, they roll on you too. I was a victim of a teacher writing me a long letter about how much they in love with me and they didn't know how to tell me and all sort of foolishness. As a child, you are not mature enough to know how to deal with sorry arse grown folk. Luckily, I had sense. I immediately spilled the beans to a best friend. She was shocked and we laughed hysterically over the pathetic nature of the situation. Not even knowing how serious the matter really was. The reality is, that teacher was fishing to see if he could get something hook. A PREDATOR. THE CHILD IS NOT TO BE BLAMED. THE CHILDREN ONLY GOING TO A PLACE THST SUPPOSE TO BE SAFE BECAUSE THEY WERE TOLD THEY NEED AN EDUCATION. If i was as pathetic as him, who knows what.could have happened. It is SICK!! After that sorry arse letter, I still respected him while keeping my clear distance on the outside but on the inside, I just thought was a sorry arse, grown arse, moomoo. Thank goodness my parents raised me to be more sensible and I loved myself enough. Some kids are honestly naive, may be coming from broken homes and can become an easy target because they do not love themselves or do not unserstand what love is or why they are being approached in that way. We need to protect our students/CHILDREN at ALL COSTS! This foolishness been going on for decades. Now it graduate to man teacher harassing our young boys. EVIL!! The ministry's slow and uneventful response is questionable. They can be seen as negligent on their part just because of that sorry arse response and they need to be sued if is a wake up call they want. Put a real person in charge, not someone who have problems understanding what morals look like themselves, giving they mother, sister and boyfriend people tax money like a THIEF AT NOIGHT. Steupes..a screwed society. Disgusting!!
  • asking for a friend (21/09/2024, 07:29) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    what is the difference between the teacher and Cindy? both are two menish to society
  • ... (21/09/2024, 07:31) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    ha ha most of these comments are from crazy girl her self shameful when no one defends you and you have to say all day on vino blogging piss. The girl is just bad news all around
  • guy hill (21/09/2024, 07:35) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a serious allegation that cannot be left alone. Deal with this accordingly.
    • The Usurper (23/09/2024, 09:41) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr. Hill this place is a JOKE the said teacher has had similar allegations over the YEARS and still employed. BUT THESE PARENTS OR PARENT IS/ARE THE WORST! The accused individual is STILL AMONGST THE LIVING meaning you all didn't believe your own kids? I can see why Honourable Mather suggestion for a SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY isn't popular. The perverts and sexual predators HAVE THE INDIGENOUS BIG LAST NAMES in this place.
  • WOW just WOW (21/09/2024, 08:40) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am so disappointed in some of these comments. I have a friend who lives in Washington DC that knows someone who works for CNN that is going to research this story and may expose the BVI on said matter for the viewers in the USA.
    • HMMM (21/09/2024, 13:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      It’s a normal thing in the BVI. Woman sleeping with woman , Man sleeping with man….. and the beat goes on. God need to cleanse this world!!!!
    • More There Than Here (21/09/2024, 14:33) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      There are more pedophiles in 1 state in the US of A than here in the BVI.

      Let them focus on exposing theirs first.

      We will continue to expose ours here.
  • Hmmmm (21/09/2024, 08:45) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can you imagine that a mother entrusted her child to someone who happens to be a teacher over the summer vacation and now the premier, the minister, CEO and principal are accused and called all kind of names. How were these persons to act on a situation that they knew nothing about? When did the parent bring it to the attention of the persons that you all find it so easy to accuse. For all of you who claiming that it was happening for years what did you all do about it? Did you bring it to the attention of the authorities? Shouldn’t you take the blame? For those of you who find it so easy to call other young men names on social media, shouldn’t the authorities deal with you all accordingly. Should the young man whose full name was mentioned in a post and not associated with these claims take legal action? I’m speaking about the anonymous participant poster but you all wouldn’t speak out about those wrongs. This place is sickening.
  • @Reply (21/09/2024, 11:48) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    You hating on Cindy because she’s calling out those “RATS”, people like you are why things not getting any better. Anybody that’s speaks up you want to attack them personally. SMH….
    • Crazy ward (21/09/2024, 19:17) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply

      Cindy is n*$*y she has not credibility in the bvi she is at the bottom she needs mental help

  • for real (21/09/2024, 14:49) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really don't understand.. How can a parent say keep from that teacher to the child or children.. This speaks loud. It tells a story meaning you as a PARENT knows the act of this same said Teacher... What about other parents that don't know. Now make this make sense to me if you ask any high schooler whether pass or present they can tell you who the teacher is. What are you telling me here..this is BS.. Parents teachers the ministry had known this was going on a never did ANYTHING about it.. What have we come too we always making right wrong and the wrong right.. Listen weather it is a boy or girl that act should not be done the schools period. I'm waiting to see when parents of eshs gonna stand up and stand for something you all are too silent. It is like you'll ok about this situation.. Parents come on protest do something this is not acceptable..Until it happens to one of yours (and I pray it doesn't) that is when you will take a stand.. to the Ministry that is not acceptable.. The principal passed and present that is Not acceptable.. I would say the right child ain't come forward yet... This is a bomb wait to explode... WOW ????
  • Anonymous (21/09/2024, 19:21) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply

    Let the process work Cindy stop you will get exposed hope you are supporting your c********

  • Cheetos (21/09/2024, 20:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Even the arab them molesting our little school girls.They hiding behind they family in the high rank goverment positions
  • @ DISGUSTING (22/09/2024, 01:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even now you should be doing something about that. This thing has to stop not only with teachers but especially with them. I heard of a teacher who was caught and was sent out or deported but was allowed to come back in a different capacity. Some parents come forward and agree to go easy pedophiles. Please stop the nonsense and let them pay the consequences.
  • history teacher (22/09/2024, 18:50) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Cindy must remember she got people in her immediate family who are also in trouble with the law
  • Jane (22/09/2024, 21:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I strongly believe any male teacher that wants to teach the Elmore stoutt high school should be interrogate first. I graduated like 13 years ago and I had a teacher that was the same way 2 male teachers at that different classes. The innocents have to suffer for the guilty.

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