Child molestation allegations @ ESHS; Ministry speaks!

While they were deliberate not to name the school, the allegations or who was involved, in a carefully worded statement released yesterday September 19, 2024, the Ministry noted that they are “aware of a serious allegation involving a teacher and a student”.
Social media has been ablaze with the allegations, even naming the male teacher and the male student reportedly involved.
One controversial talk show host, Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy', who is known for hate speech, political division, confusion, misinformation and making personal disrespectful attacks against Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), took to her Facebook Live earlier this week. She ranted that senior officials in the Education Ministry, the Department and ESHS should resign over this and that there is a cover-up.
Hate speech? Innocent until proven guilty
Ms Rosan described the teacher allegedly involved as a “monster”, even before a proper investigation had been carried out. In the Virgin Islands Judicial system, residents are presumed innocent before labelled as guilty, until the court of law says otherwise.
The Ministry of Education noted that “we understand the urgent need to address this matter and the Ministry is following the proper process, which includes the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, the Social Development Department and the Teaching Service Commission”.
Social Media has circulated a photo of the Physical Education Teacher and other allegations; however, it is unclear if more persons are now coming forward to corroborate the rumours and allegations about the teacher.
The Ministry of Education stated that “in the interim, measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the school community. The Ministry is committed to handling the matter in a way that is fair to all parties and in accordance with law.”
While our newsroom has the names and photos of both the student and teacher allegedly involved, we will not release such information to protect the child and his family, along with the rights of the accused.
Editor’s note: The staff and management of Virgin Islands News Online remain advocates for the protection of children and endorse Hon Stacey M. Mather’s (AL) call for a sex offender registry to be established in the Virgin Islands.

75 Responses to “Child molestation allegations @ ESHS; Ministry speaks!”
take your influence and fight for the children.....
Then we wonder why so many of our youths are lost? hmmm if home is not bad enough, look at their place of refuge on the school campus.
dude been nasty from time I was in school he used to go with a school girl...guess the school boys much easier...makes sense when he on the pier is a set of young dudes he always liming with...
Cindy, girl you relevant!
He is on the list of participants I PDiddy's freak off.
Rememeber she said fahie deserve the death penalty
I stand with all the victims and I am ready to march! If this man is guilty of what was alleged he needs to be out the school system indefinitely. The time has come when we stop protecting the guilty instead of the victims of this heinous act!
Children are being molested, mentally and physically abused, bullied and nothing is done when they speak up including by the Social Development and schools.
Thank you for advocating for our next generation. I am grateful that the alleged heinous acts of this teacher have finally been exposed and we stand with every child that speaks up. I am very proud of the young man who outed this alleged pedophile by crushing the demonic manipulation and control of secrecy. Your voice is your power.
All predators that target our children for sexual satisfaction are cowards and criminals combined who will finally become worse than the prey that they target. May our government, public and private school systems and parents ensure that our youth thrive in safety both at home, at school and wherever they may be which is literally their BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. Whosoever violates is certainly NOT human.
I'm not sure if COI mentioned implementing one but regardless get a sex offender list in place the government gone quiet when it comes to that both current and opposition... they only have energy for power and takin tax dollars
if bvi gov defending and protecting a well know pedo with a long history then what you think they will do with drugman/ murderers etc but want independance??? crazi
gun crime and unsolved killings in our rather small jurisdiction
the system falling apart
TheseVI are becoming/ being revealed as low extremely low...Protecting hiding and secretive regarding drugs and the players
Pedophiles on payroll within our schools???
Known and or suspected.all one and the same...
In this is known and very well known for a long time and by many, Students,parents and school personnel..
Protecting and hiding criminals is bad enough but pedophiles and their habitual ongoing deeds,?
Lawd how low can you go BVI...and lambasting the one individual who came forward???
Karma..bad bad Karma roun de corner for this place....Suffer the children...
Pana like he learning from tall bugaman in the HOA.
Let them focus on exposing theirs first.
We will continue to expose ours here.
Cindy is n*$*y she has not credibility in the bvi she is at the bottom she needs mental help
Let the process work Cindy stop you will get exposed hope you are supporting your c********