Chairman of BVIHSA Board Ron R. Potter asked to tender resignation

This is believed to be a result of a fallout over the state of the Health Care Services in the Territory and reports that Mr Potter is allegedly blocking the proposed medical school. At a meeting last week, September 7, 2024, Virgin Gordians had the entire Health Services panel, including the Chairman Potter; Minister Wheatley; Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr June M. Samuel; and Acting Permanent Secretary Taska K. Bertie, on Virgin Gorda to a meeting.
The BVI Health Services Authority came under fire over the death of Revovion A. Sprauve aka ‘Bucky’, who died on August 31, 2024, after going to the Nurse Iris O’Neal Clinic in the Valley with an emergency but the clinic was closed and no one was answering any of the call numbers.
It is our understanding that the Minister and the Chairman have a strained relationship and it has reportedly reached the point where the Minister can no longer work with Mr Potter.
"I did quietly ask him to resign, yes," Hon Wheatley confirmed to our News Centre today, September 12, 2024.
Two chairmen in 2 years?
It was in 2023 that former Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), in a coalition Government, fired Moleto A. Smith, the Board Chairman, claiming that he was not attending enough meetings in keeping with Schedule 1 3 (1) of the BVI Health Services Authority Act 2004.
It is unclear if Mr Potter, who has over 25 years of experience as an audit and advisory partner in the offshore financial services industry, including investment funds, fund administrators, and trust companies, is willing to walk away or if there will be a public fight over the matter.
Mr Potter was also accused by a resident at the recent Virgin Gorda Health Meeting of “smirking and smiling during the community meeting”. However, Mr Potter has defended himself against those allegations noting that he was not smirking or smiling and that he cared and is very concerned about all issues raised at the meeting.
Efforts to get a response from Mr Potter were unsuccessful.

77 Responses to “Chairman of BVIHSA Board Ron R. Potter asked to tender resignation”
Every one of them need to resign. Clean up the whole house, don't only throw away the mop water
Not only is she the CEO, but she is also CHIEF of staff, which means she answers to herself and gets double salary.
Also, Dr. Fr*** needs to go- she has no credentials in Primary Health Care, hence why preventative care, community health and our immunization rates are in the toilet.
You come here respect the people of this territory be humble
well sah the VG sheeple really got her on a pedestal! with her rac**t A#@.
What we need to do is keep in focus the matter before us and our desire - to improve healthcare in our Territory so we can have a healthy and productive nation. do not get sidelined- stay focus - inadequate health care is the problem. Lets work together and solve that, for we all live in this 2 by 4 country and all need to access healthcare.
When ayo going to send home miss Ma**** she's responsible for alot of $Hitt in d whole health system
It’s a stipend of $1000 a month.
The deputy chair is $600 and the members $500
All these people have full time jobs who serve on these boards
The CEO ???????? s responsible for the day to day operations of the BVIHSA Not the Chair
Nor are we informed:
Who, exactly did not answer those emergency calls? Who didn't schedule coverage or if scheduled, who didn't cover their shift?
What are the current resources on Virgin Gorda and what are the plans to ensure that they will be used to maximum benefit?
The population of the entire Territory isn't sufficient to support a well-rounded faculty for a physician training program. Perhaps, begin with a couple of limited residencies in general medicine and/or general surgery. Residents are immediate workforce (under proper supervision) and more likely to remain where they train than medical students who must then leave the program for advanced training.
(RH%☆DA. Wi#%$MS)
THANK YOU very much for this. it takes money for the place to function properly. How much money that is owed by people. They want to know about budget. Maybe the BVIHSA should publish a list of all who owe and how much. Set of hypocrites we are.
You and i don't know what he was facing stop judging.
Additionally, we must develop the courage to tell our family, friends, etc, when they are not cutting it, doing froth, keeping them from going off the cliff. Who has the responsibility, not only the responsibility but ultimate responsibility, for health again? Let’s stop the excuses, blaming of others. Here is a likle news flash to sip on. Leaders are blamed for the things they do, along with the things they should have done but didn’t do. Inarguably, the matrix organization in which the civil service is in is as f..k up as Hogan’s prized goat. Leaders should have the ability to coach, counsel, discipline, and part ways with those who are are not responding positively to coaching, counseling and progressive disciplining.
Never has he addressed any of the issues which are causing the problems in the BVIHSA but he has double down on getting more stuff.
1.Out fitting the second floor of NIOC, Dr. Frazer can't run one floor with a ton of under-used equipment but we should give a a second floor.
2. Opening a cancer treatment center- they can not recruit on a timely basis and retain doctors for what we have now and you want to recruit specialist.
3. Putting the long forgotten and grossly underused physiotherapy treatment room at the hospital in partnership with the BVI Olympic athletes and have a therapist that would travel with them to their meets, why not acquire the therapist and offer the services first the athletes would probably be already using the facility.
4. Nursing school- great idea but again who will be the professors and how, where , and when will you recruit them and this is an added expense to the taxpayers. Meanwhile there is a medical school ready to open and pay the BVI Government to be here and you never mention them and have only frustrated their progress to move forward and open.
Is it that you are here to ensure that public health only advances for the benefit of others and not the people they are suppose to serve. Why have an accredited medical system, one of two in the Caribbean, barely used by the people , tons of equipment no technicians to run them. Is it beneficial for others in the medical field to wave around the accreditation for their advancement and that is why it is insisted that the taxpayers continue to foot the enormous accreditation bill, but the public is never informed about what that really means to them and the fact that the machinery and equipment surpasses any other on island and in most of the Caribbean. Please make it make sense.