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Caught on tape! Is physical altercation the new norm in VI?

Over the last week, two videos have been making the rounds on social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp in what seems to be an increasing trend these days for disputes to be resolved in a physical manner and a video of it made on a cell phone and then go viral. Photo: Team of Reporters
The one minute long video depicted the beating taking place in full view of other persons who made no attempt to help the hapless man but one young man grabbed him in a lock from behind, exposing him to yet more blows from the agitated female. Photo: Team of Reporters
The one minute long video depicted the beating taking place in full view of other persons who made no attempt to help the hapless man but one young man grabbed him in a lock from behind, exposing him to yet more blows from the agitated female. Photo: Team of Reporters
In the other video, Police ranks were seen intervening after two young women had a fight in the parking lot of UPs Cineplex. The screenshot above shows a man trying to part the two women, one of whom is in the driver's seat of a vehicle. Photo: Team of Reporters
In the other video, Police ranks were seen intervening after two young women had a fight in the parking lot of UPs Cineplex. The screenshot above shows a man trying to part the two women, one of whom is in the driver's seat of a vehicle. Photo: Team of Reporters
The video depicted the two women fighting near a vehicle in which one of them was the driver. There was a male there trying to keep the two women apart from each other and at one stage he bodily lifted one of the females and walked away with her in his hands in an attempt to break up the altercation. Photo: Team of Reporters
The video depicted the two women fighting near a vehicle in which one of them was the driver. There was a male there trying to keep the two women apart from each other and at one stage he bodily lifted one of the females and walked away with her in his hands in an attempt to break up the altercation. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Over the last week, two videos have been making the rounds on social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp in what seems to be an increasing trend these days for disputes to be resolved in a physical manner and a video of it made on a cell phone and then go viral.

The first video to catch the attention of this news site is one that showed a woman beating an elderly man mercilessly with a big piece of wood.

The woman, who has considerably more size than the man, was repeating, “Oh dem gon find me? You gon kill me? You gon kill me? Well I gon kill f**king you! Before you kill me I gon kill f**king you.”

She hit the man repeatedly forcing him to use his hands as a shield which protected his head and face from being struck by the wood the woman weaponised.

The one-minute long video depicted the beating taking place in full view of other persons who made no attempt to help the hapless man but one young man grabbed him in a lock from behind, exposing him to yet more blows from the agitated female.

Persons nearby were heard saying, “Trigger, don’t get involved Trigger,” referring to the young man who grabbed the elderly man, leaving him unable to protect himself from the blows.

At this point the video ended and it was unclear what was the fate of the man who collected the blows.

We asked Public Relations Officer of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Diane Drayton whether the Police knew about the incident in the video. However, she said there was no report made about the incident.

Ladies brawl in Up's parking lot

In the other video, Police ranks were seen intervening after two young women were fighting in the parking lot of UPs Cineplex in Road Town, on the main island of Tortola.

While it is not clear from the video who started the fight, persons who made the video recording from their cell phone were heard speculating about one of the young ladies starting the altercation.

The video depicted the two women fighting near a vehicle in which one of them was the driver. There was a male there trying to keep the two women apart from each other and at one stage he lifted one of the females and walked away with her in his hands in an attempt to break up the altercation.

The video which was about one minute and 20 seconds long ended with Police arriving on the scene and trying to break up the altercation. It is unclear whether there were any arrests in this incident.

39 Responses to “Caught on tape! Is physical altercation the new norm in VI?”

  • wize up (11/01/2016, 08:31) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    money shortage !!!!!
  • Sick (11/01/2016, 08:34) Like (15) Dislike (41) Reply
    I saw the first video and I must admit, it was very sad to watch. I think that video was done in St. Thomas. And the sad things is, people tend to find these videos funny and they share them on social media for attention.
    • v (11/01/2016, 09:21) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
      that video was done right here in the BVI
    • @sick (11/01/2016, 09:33) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
      Why it have to be St Thomas? Only down there does have violence??? Strupes ...... That was right here on Tortola in the ghetto .........
  • egg face (11/01/2016, 08:44) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    well sah I saw tis oh my bush tea
  • rating hoe (11/01/2016, 09:03) Like (47) Dislike (35) Reply
    Why is this news now? We cant find something else to put in the spotlight?
  • So wrong. (11/01/2016, 09:08) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    I saw the whole video..The man said a few stuff yea.But my God why she had to keep hitting the man with the wood over and over.
    • Disgusted (11/01/2016, 17:36) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      She needs to be locked up because if it was the reverse he would have been in jail. That man did not even defend himself and somebody had the nerve to hold him and not her.
  • unfair (11/01/2016, 09:18) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    look trouble for me if it was a man he would have been in jail
  • wow (11/01/2016, 09:47) Like (56) Dislike (0) Reply
    That woman or beast whatever she is, needs to be charged with assault or even attempted murder. Steve, press charges against her. If it was a woman getting those blows the man would have been arrested along time.
  • Top Up (11/01/2016, 09:49) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    What about the video clip of a sewerage truck passing on the road to Cradall's letting all of it's waste on the PUBLIC ROAD??!!??
  • Guest (11/01/2016, 09:59) Like (8) Dislike (18) Reply
    Remember gentlemen never ever fight back it is wrong to hit a woman back they are not as strong as you and cannot hurt you.....
    • Jay (11/01/2016, 11:37) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      lol...sarcasm at its best
    • Hmmm too.... (11/01/2016, 15:55) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
      @Guest...stop talking your foolishness here!!! violence against any individual is wrong and now that is said, everyone is entitled to defend if a woman feel she strong enough to give a man licks ..then she is strong enough get licks too!!!
      Women today are fighting for equal rights as men it should be equal in every sense of the word!!!
      • Guest (11/01/2016, 18:05) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        You so fing stupid it ain't funny. It's a pity you don't understand sarcasm
        • Hmmm too... (12/01/2016, 13:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          Common sense ain't so common, after guest made his sarcasm statement "jay" posted sarcasm at it's best,you trying to tell me you couldn't figure out that was sarcasm strupes
    • shame.... (11/01/2016, 23:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Guest; Such a great comment, too bad most of these commenters don't know what sarcasm is...
  • call the police instead (11/01/2016, 10:04) Like (39) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why don't those donkey-holes who taking the videos don't part the fights instead of taping them??
  • Guest (11/01/2016, 10:07) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if the video was with him beating her with that same piece of wood if he would already be in jail.
  • rattie (11/01/2016, 10:48) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    That women aint easy mehson she look like she going kill dey dude
  • i from here (11/01/2016, 11:37) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let me see if the comments will be the same like on Stinky Story
  • big girls rules (11/01/2016, 12:40) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    That is one strong and bold lady
  • Just saying.... (11/01/2016, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (14) Reply
    Put some licks on he yes why he wanted to kill she?
    • wow (11/01/2016, 14:25) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Just saying...., you are simply crazy. Steve is a human being, hope you know that. She could have reported the threat to the police, instead she took matters in her own hands and she should pay for it.
  • All Ayu (11/01/2016, 14:14) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ayu ain't know what the man do the girl but you just wan make her look bad. Why this in vino!? This have anything to do with the bvi what you all should be minding you all ain't doing.. There is a reason for everything so just keep off the girl she had her reason. The man. Shouldn't do what he did and nobody would have get hit. Tortola people bad minded And stupid
  • Love (11/01/2016, 14:29) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ayo even worryn wa de man do she for she to hit he
    • wow (11/01/2016, 15:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Love: There is nothing he could have done to her to give her the right to beat him like that. If he had chopped her to pieces he would have gotten the worse of it right?
  • jack n jill (11/01/2016, 16:56) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wa dem gurl dnt kool out,, jac** up n dwn s**kin c**k!!!!! B-haawwe
  • blah (11/01/2016, 18:19) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    She belongs in a zoo, jail is for human beings. The thing I saw in that video hitting the man who never did once strike her back is not a human being. Even when put in a choke hold by the other person the animal instead of backing off continued to assault the man.
  • Still Looking (11/01/2016, 19:43) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    where is the vedio?
  • @ ALL AYU (12/01/2016, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Learn to speak before you decide to come on a public site to comment!!!
  • Negotiator (12/01/2016, 11:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We don't teach conflict resolution in school or at home. Instead, we'd rather use caveman tactics and engage in violence. Too much free floating anger and frustration, not enough opportunity created in the BVIs thanks to cronyism and corruption.
  • metalstx (12/01/2016, 22:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    deeds fights seem like such petty, high school gossip!
  • POPE (12/01/2016, 22:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what an example for the youth! No wonder we have such a lawlessness socity!
  • Help (13/01/2016, 01:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are more vedio out
    A sneak peep into 2015
    All them in a vedio, NOT GOOD
    sad what young women doing out there

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