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Caught in a crossfire? Matthew D. Hazell claims innocence

Matthew D. Hazell leaving court yesterday February 26, 2015. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank receptionist Matthew D. Hazell was slapped with three charges; attempted murder, possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition, when he appeared in court yesterday February 26, 2015 but maintained his innocence as his lawyer said that he was caught in a crossfire of bullets.

Hazell was not allowed to plead to the indictable offences but the court heard his side of the story. He is now nursing a wound in one of his shoulders and carrying one arm in a sling and has plaster on the forehead all resulting from gunshots.

Attorney At Law Mrs Valerie Stephens-Gordon told the court that her client was proceeding to the said bank on the night of February 16, 2015 to make a withdrawal at the ATM machine. Shortly after disembarking his car he heard gunshots ringing out and he was caught in the midst of it consequently being wounded.

She told the court that there were others in the area at the time and like her client, they all ran for shelter. She said that her client has advised that it was in the process of running from the sounds of gunshot that he felt himself being shot but had kept on running.

But representing the prosecution in the matter Attorney at Law Ms Chantel Flax told the court the information as reported by the police officer involved – police sergeant Darville Carty who is a firearm instructor locally.

The court heard from Ms Flax in laying out the allegations that the police officer had collected the day’s proceeds from One Mart Supa Store on the night in question.

He proceed to the said bank to make the deposit and it was after he had opened the night deposit box and returned to his vehicle to collect the money package/s that he was confronted by a lone, movie style masked man brandishing a gun.

It is alleged that the person wearing a scary mask pointed a gun to the police officer’s head and demanded money. The gunman reported fired a shot which the cop managed to dodge.

As the masked gun man demanded money the officer allegedly asked him what money he was asking about and a second shot was fired by the gunman. It was at that time that the police officer told the would-be bandit that the money was in the car which he then proceeded to search but came up empty handed.

He re-approached the cop again but by this time the officer had armed himself with his legal firearm and started to discharge shots and the would-be bandit ran off with the cop in hot pursuit of him.

According to the prosecution it was in the vicinity of the Palm Grove building that the gunman shot again at the police officer who returned fire resulting in the accused falling to the ground at which time he took off his mask.

The bandit still with his gun in hand got up and started running again and in a lit area he turned around and shot at the police again and it was then his identity was recognized by the police officer.

The accused managed to outrun the police officer who subsequently made a report of the incident. Following processing the scene by the experts a revolver handgun was found along with the mask and several empty cartridges and live rounds.

Hazell was discovered at Peebles Hospital that very night and at the time when questioned by police officers, he did not reply.

After being discharged from hospital on February 24, 2015 he was taken to the Road Town Police Station and interviewed. The investigators are to conduct forensic testing.

While Hazell was remanded to prison he is scheduled to return to court on April 24, 2015 at which time his lawyer is likely to make a bail application.

39 Responses to “Caught in a crossfire? Matthew D. Hazell claims innocence”

  • He's Lying (27/02/2015, 08:56) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    Who parks at First Bank and walks to First Caribbean after midnight on a Monday night no less...not to say that any of the bars or restaurants have anything going on in that area that late.
    • @he's lying (27/02/2015, 14:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct. Nobody would park that far, not even on a busy Friday afternoon ehh, let alone after midnight. Unless First Caribbean parking area was full and we know at that time of the night it would be empty. He works in a First Caribbean but First Bank do not charge for withdrawals so he could have simply withdrew money there. On top of that, where the hell open at that time of the morning to buy food?
    • onloonk (01/03/2015, 16:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Innocence my foot.He going to spent months in jail than judgment.
  • Strpzz (27/02/2015, 09:05) Like (36) Dislike (5) Reply
    If he didn't leave the mask and gun at the scene, his story would of been perfect. DNA testing will prove if he was the mask bandit. At the end of the day don't waste Gov. time, beg for a plea and pray that they give you less than 15 years.

    A bet next time you wouldn't go fowl fight and gamble what you cant afford to loose.
  • Sheriff Storch (27/02/2015, 09:08) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    What are you doing dumping the mask and gun nearby, that's f ing evidence
    • Moo moo (27/02/2015, 15:41) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's best he had left a cotton swab of spit, a vile of blood and a selfie pic on the scene. LMAO!!!!
      • Sheriff Storch (27/02/2015, 18:18) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
        smh it's a good thing a lot of criminals are dumb otherwise the cops wouldn't be able to get them off the streets
  • wow (27/02/2015, 09:36) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    do the crime do the time
  • wize up (27/02/2015, 10:06) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    what a foolish young man(all I can say)....he needs to stop playing those video-games BUT it was a good-idea that went wrong for him....
  • NOT GUILTY (27/02/2015, 10:08) Like (13) Dislike (48) Reply
    It sounds like the police shot an innocent man.
  • vincyman (27/02/2015, 10:59) Like (9) Dislike (16) Reply
    all these crime can me prevented by stop depositing money so later at night,these business place are not learning at all..these(lil boys) criminal realize what y'all doing an will continue to try an rob the drop off ppl, lil advice leave the money in the place an deposit in the day time. an for Matthew D. Hazel u had a JOB,u were surviving so their were no need for u to get RED EYE...
  • ss (27/02/2015, 12:36) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    I believe math
    • x ray (27/02/2015, 20:06) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Something just sounds off about this sequence of events.
      • Yup (01/03/2015, 12:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I agree?
      • Barry says (01/03/2015, 14:37) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ x ray something sound off is right eh... read the first story the police came up with to this one eh not saying im on anyone sides but there is 2 sides to everything and it sound like the police is making up a story who he is to dodge a bullet??? (Bruce Lee) why the claim gun man aint dodge his after he fell to the ground n how u mean where does be open that night nito don't close till 4am sometimes the man could of been going to the strip close to spend more money..... this one going to be interesting F*** who mad at my comment get a life we all have freedom of speech... but if Hazell do the grime im sorry for you but you got to do that time parna
  • Sherlock (27/02/2015, 13:03) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    You can learn a lot from that dummy. Leaving mask and gun near the crime scene. His ridiculous Alibi is that he parked all the way at 1st bank in the middle of the night when there is little traffic to walk through a dark pathway to get to the ATM by FC international Bank lol. I guess the huge parking lot by FCIB was so full that he had to park way over by 1st bank.
  • weed (27/02/2015, 14:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look how this man kill his changes of sucess
  • vi finest (27/02/2015, 14:59) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    we need to enter him on the top 20 list of dumb criminals thats comes on every morning on channel 38, he's a shoe in for that list
    • wize up (27/02/2015, 17:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      to Vi Finest; this boy need no less that 10-years just for being so that night in question; the average person would have made a call to the police to inform them about shots being fired; much-less being shot innocently......
  • watcher (27/02/2015, 15:40) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Between the First Bank and CIBC FCIB cameras, the boy done get catch doing the shooting and taking off the mask so I don't know who he fooling. He probably seeking bail so he could flee but I doubt he will get that. You don't get charged for attempting to rob the bank you work for then attempt to kill a police officer and get bail my boy. Enjoy the view up yonder.
  • Michelle (27/02/2015, 16:25) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Y do we let lawyers make several money off of us..if you knew you did it hazel plead guilty, avoid wasting the govt time and avoid a huge lawyer bill. Haven't you put your family through enough already? Dont leave her with an unneccsessary lawyer bill too! If you watched ch60 you would know if iu fired that gun ur clothes and hands would be tested for gsr....if you were wearing the mask it would have your DNA...ur story makes no sense....if you were coming from first bank area from the time you heard the first gun shot you would not have proceeded further to be caught in the crossfire... Nonsense! You made a stupid mistake... Fire the lawyer...plead the time and use the time in prison to think about renewing your life. You are not the first and you won't be the last!
  • cbs (27/02/2015, 19:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    bouy your lawyer has to try ah ting
  • cop (27/02/2015, 20:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bank cameras will show whether he parked there to go to the ATM end of story!!!
  • open wide (27/02/2015, 20:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I smell a rat
  • the builder (27/02/2015, 20:31) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Guilty---However, He is doing the right thing, take his chances with the jury-----verdict---We the jury find the defendant----not guilty
  • Moneyman (27/02/2015, 22:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This dude is so lucky he is still here living after being so close to getting a bullet to the head and now talking all that crap, big man take a plea and get less time, that lawyer just gonna take ur money.
  • kids (27/02/2015, 22:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Liar boy just go jail than making yourself look retarded
  • Love (27/02/2015, 23:44) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't talk so bad about him we all sin so let's keep him in our prayers
  • cnn (28/02/2015, 09:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Poor fella good try attorney
  • ndp (28/02/2015, 10:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we not going to do any gun lesgilation to look up we people
  • Nice (28/02/2015, 14:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Matthew u famos
  • So sad (28/02/2015, 16:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It so sad to know his parents left their country for a better life for him and they themselves and this is what he did. Greed is a hell of a thing. SO he couldn't take out a personal loan to pay off his debt. There are so many persons who migrate to various countries who's kids don't always make something of themselves and end up struggling. He had a good job and didnt seem like he was homeless to me, but he just throw that away. Well I guess that bank need a receptionist now.
  • Outspoken (28/02/2015, 21:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this the best defense VSG who was once a Senior Magistrate can come up with. Please give me a break. When it is proven that his DNA is in that mask and on the gun, am wondering what V will come with then
  • @ (01/03/2015, 12:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    go show Val
  • Sir Guy (02/03/2015, 11:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No Long talk, DNA test on the mask with his sweat should help the case. If it is not there or another person is there then he go home. If it is there then 5 years and custodial duties at the bank and police station. So ordered
  • Yes (04/03/2015, 13:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Man if I were ur fam I woulda beat your sk**t just for stupidity alone. smdh
  • gt man (10/03/2015, 06:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you're a star matthew!!!!!!

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