Caught between the CoI & Vote of No Confidence
The Seasons may Change, but the Reasons remain:
September is a month of seasonal change, and without Holidays, but our social problems and challenges continue... We fuss and lament about bad Roads and Governmental Services, as if we forgot the root reasons for the problems... Even Bad Governments are good at making empty promises, and the VI and UK Governments are no exceptions; they are fully aware that nothing but excuses will be delivered.
We see this as the UK complains of finding less funds in her Kitty than she expected, which means that she is unable to meet her promises, and will have to raise Taxes to reduce the deficit... This has gotten to the point where she’ll break a sacred Vow and dip into Funding designated for Pensioners Winter’s Heating… No wonder she revived enforcement of the BVI-COI, to prevent us from putting her at risk.
The UK is facing her own dilemma of not being able to pay her NHS Workers, by using Money Saving Measures, while the VI is focused on getting Blood out of Stones... It must have terrified England when it was revealed that we had overspent by $20M on increments we could not afford... Subsequently, our Solution is to harass the Public, and use Minimum Wage Gimmicks as our scheme to collect more Taxes.
VI Residents now face crossfire from COI and Votes of No-Confidence... However, I am not the best judge because I have warned that the COI is in UK’s best interest; not the BVI, and, our own Representation is based on a Fake Election that was in the interest of the UK, and not our own People... Consequently, I have no great expectation, and I still caution our People to do the best they can, to help themselves.
I won’t tell you the Secrets or give you the Solutions, but trust me:
Enacting Real Solutions may be easier said than done, since Governments routinely squander the National Purse on themselves and their Special Interest Friends, while leaving Citizens to hustle, distrust and fight amongst themselves for the few remaining crumbs... As Governments fail in their mandate as the People’s Representatives, good friends become bad enemies, and a mad race to the bottom begins.
In our selfishness, we fail to realize that no matter how good we think we are individually, we are worth far less than when we are properly connected together... A young man had a beautiful boat that he loved, so he bought a strong chain and heavy anchor for security; they were never tested until, a small storm came and wrecked the boat, all because the chain and anchor were connected together by a thin thread.
The God of Nature and Laws of Balance dislike Vacuums, and it appears that neither the Government or Opposition had weighed the Consequences of their Actions... Before embarking on any Votes of No-Confidence, one should first secure equal or greater Votes of Confidence, for when Leaders are mal-connected to their People, the result is social suffering, and a probability that the Country will be lost.
This process is not just a simple matter of replacement... The fact that Constituents were not advised of the possible effects of this Vote seems to demonstrate disrespect and ignorance... Not only would this have threatened the Territory’s stability, but it is doubtful that New Members would welcome a Vote of No-Confidence, that endangered their own jobs and place their Legislative Pensions at severe risk.
B&F Medical Complex is not for Sale nor Bribes:
Again, I am neither an advocate nor opponent of their actions, and my input is merely to enlighten our Children… These are rough times, and even as we emerge from the Hurricane Season, threats to our Health remain... Whether Alzheimer’s, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, or whatsoever, these afflictions require special attention & care, and we had hoped to be ready to offer this at B&F’s New location.
This New Generation may be unaware that for over 20years the arms of Government and Other Interests, have systematically blocked the construction and operation of the New B&F Medical Building at Pasea... However, they may see the New Multistory Green and White Building and realise that we managed to complete the construction, and should be operating shortly... They won’t know that it is still being stalled.
From the beginning, my late Wife and I intended that this would belong to the People as a Provider of Affordable Health Care, so blocking this is blocking the People... Rumours claim their reason for blocking is because of my Truth for the Youth Articles, but I have neither requested nor accepted favours from Governments or Private Interests, and will neither stop the Articles nor ask that you risk yourself for me.
It is sad and ironic that we learnt to hate and fight each other so senselessly, that many of those who seek to impede the Project are the same ones who need the Services more and will benefit most…. Nonetheless, we have travelled too long and came too far to stop or turn back, and with so many untimely deaths of our People, I feel obliged to continue the struggle to save lives for as long as possible.
As a small Island we are equivalent to a Big Boat, and we are all in this together... We are more than mere Passengers, and being willfully ignorant or pretending not to care is neither solution nor answer... Our survival depends on whether or not we will be Pilots of our Ways or Captains of our Destiny, for each move we make individually or collectively, could make the difference in whether we sink or float.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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