Caribbean OT leaders object to Governor's request for additional powers in VI
The leaders of the Overseas Territories made their position known in a letter to UK Minister for the Americas and Caribbean Hon David H. Rutley, MP.
According to the letter from the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Caucus dated January 16, 2024, and seen by our newsroom, the Premiers, Deputy Premiers and Government Representatives of Anguilla, Bermuda, [British] Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands held an emergency virtual meeting of the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Caucus on Thursday, January 11, 2024 where discussions were made about the request to the United Kingdom (UK) Government by outgoing Governor of the Virgin Islands John J. Rankin, CMG for the granting of additional powers to the Governor on the basis of his Fifth Quarterly Report on Governance Reform.
Governor's request is ‘unjustified & unnecessary’- OTs Caucus
The Caucus acknowledged the progress of reforms made by the duly elected Government of the VI and the Governor, the remaining governance reforms to be completed, and the Government's opposition to the granting of additional powers to the Governor in areas of governance devolved to the elected arm of government.
It affirmed; however, that the Governor's request is “unjustified and unnecessary” based on the progress already made and the commitment of the Government to completing governance reforms and continuing to uphold good governance.
“We stand in full solidarity and support of the Government and people of the British Virgin Islands and urge the UK Government to decline the Governor's request for additional powers which would be a step backward in the democratic governance of the British Virgin Islands and Overseas Territories.”
Joint Declaration for a Modern Partnership would be contravened
The OT Caucus added that granting additional powers to the governor would directly contravene the letter and spirit of the Joint Declaration for a Modern Partnership agreed between the UK and Overseas Territories in December 2023, based on democratic principles and consultation.
“We are desirous of the Government of the British Virgin Islands and the Governor's Office working assiduously and cooperatively with full support from the UK Government through jointly agreed additional technical assistance to complete all outstanding governance reforms.”
Respect timeline for lifting of Order in Council- UK told
The OT leaders also called on the UK Government to adhere to the timeline of the Order in Council in reserve to be lifted by May 2024 returning full, unfettered constitutional and democratic rights to the people of the Virgin Islands.
“We will remain engaged with the British Virgin Islands on how Members of the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Caucus can most effectively assist the Government with its implementation of remaining governance reforms, should this be required.
“We reaffirm our commitment to a modern partnership with the UK that is democratic, consultative, and respectful of the rights of the Governments and peoples of the Overseas Territories,” the letter written by Dean of the Caribbean Ots Caucus and Premier of TCI Hon Charles Washington Misick and agreed by the Caucus members stated.
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) has also urged the UK to respect democracy and reject the request for additional powers by the Governor of the Virgin Islands.

36 Responses to “Caribbean OT leaders object to Governor's request for additional powers in VI”
1) The Governor is in charge of the prison and can pardon prisoners. There are no transparent process in this regard nor can anyone hold him accountable. In the last 20yrs the only persons pardon who were prisoners were two white people.
2) The Governor is in charge of the public service and he has failed the public service miserably in all areas but loves to throw the blame on elected officials.
3) The Governor ensured all public officers accused of corruption were 1st put on leave and then investigated but he allowed his white UK Commissioner of Police to remain on the job while being investigated. This is because of what all evil they have planned using the COI as a front.
4) During covid the Governor refused to help the BVI and left them on their own. It is in the latter part they beat their chest saying they brought vaccines to save the day. The COI was meant to belittle the good efforts of the BVI during covid.
5) The Governor said the COI was independent. Yet he wrote the terms of reference. He putt them to go after what he wanted them to go after and exempted other areas especially around him He put his fellow UK staff to assist the COI Commissioner. He hand picked the COI Commissioner in a non transparent manner. The COI lawyers practiced law in BVI illegally and got away with it. The COI was preauthored and prearranged. The list of unethical actions with the COI and its processes is long.
6) To this day the UK cannot state how one can become a Governor. To date there is not one black person as Governor. To date there is not one Caribbean person as Governor. Only in 2020 they appointed a woman as Governor.
7) To this date the Governor & UK cannot identify where one can go to research and find the clear path one can follow and apply if they want independence. Yet they are stipulating through the COI this kind of process be established in all of BVI affairs in government. This is called hypocrisy.
8) The Governor refuses to register his interest according to BVI law while working in the BVI stating he has already done so in the UK. He holds the same view for all UK officials working in BVI. Talk about hypocrisy.
9) The Governor already have the power over the public service to had second persons in the areas where he felt was falling behind with the 48 ill advised & unrealistic COI
recommendations. He did no such thing because he wants the BVI to fail so their plot can succeed. It is not about what is best for the people of the BVI, only what is best for the UK unjustified takeover plot.
10) The police force said they are cleaning up corruption in the force but this is only supported because the Commissioner is from the UK and it is a subject under the Governor. They are failing at it. Now they want more power.
11) The Governor & UK awarded less than 20 scholarships to study abroad or the UK in the last 20yrs.
12) The Governor gives the UK updates about what happens in the BVI but it is never made public so its validity can be tested. After all they have challenges with the truth.
When you truly care about people you develop them and empower them. Not try to take power from them and try to belittle them. They are no brighter than anyone else. They have no more nor less integrity than anyone else. They need to stop behaving as if they are more superior than others. It is wrong and racists.
1) Take over Immigration: He wants to immediately give over 4000 of his kind status so they can out number the people of the BVI and then allow them to have a secondary take over plan.
2) Pass the new police act on his own: He wants to give the police unlimited powers to do many anti-democratic things such as but not limited to searching anyone's home without a warrant and do so on mere suspicion. Talk about making the BVI a police state where people will have no basic human nor democratic rights.
3) He wants to pass the Jury Act: Here is where he wants the cases to proceed without any jury to decided the cases but rather have the Judge themselves decide if you are guilty. Not only is this anti democratic but it represents dictatorship as all the UK will do next is flood the position of Judges with persons from the UK who have like minds as them against the locals and Caribbean people. It is another tier of their take over plan.
4) Powers to pass laws by himself without HOA: Here is where he wants to legalize same sex marriage. Here is where he wants to redefine who is a Virgin Islander.
I will stop there for now but people of the BVI these people have no good intention for us. They have no respect for our democracy and democratic rights. It is time to wake up and stand up for what is right and represents true democracy and not sit back and allow a wicked agenda by the Brits to get through.
Do a referendum see how the people really feel about our government. Them doing pure non sense for yearssss. Fix the place man. Strupz
I understand the mindset and i also actually recall the days when our leadership walk the streets but these days all we have is talk(lip service)…..U have to get up, stand up for your rights)
Those of WE well over 60 years will overstand what our previous leaders did for the people now the leaders running all over the globe; stay home and chase those crazy baldheads out of town
Those on radio and social media; other than chatting year after year, can some of them get off their chairs and unite with the people through road town