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Cara Christopher appointed Acting Deputy Director of Human Resources

Cara Christopher has been appointed Acting Deputy Director of Human Resources for a period of three (3) years. Photo: GIS
Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs Sharleen S. DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE said Ms Christopher’s Acting appointment allows for continuity in the ongoing transformation of the Department of Human Resources. Photo: GIS/File
Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs Sharleen S. DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE said Ms Christopher’s Acting appointment allows for continuity in the ongoing transformation of the Department of Human Resources. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Cara Christopher has been appointed Acting Deputy Director of Human Resources, while the substantive post-holder is on leave for a period of three (3) years.

Ms Christopher, according to Government Information Service (GIS) brings a wealth of experience to her new role, having served in the Department of Human Resources for the past seven (7) years as Senior Assistant Human Resources Manager and Human Resources Manager within the Organisational Development and Workforce Planning Unit.

Her experience is also supplemented by previous appointments as Student Success Officer and Adjunct Lecturer at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, the GIS press release of February 28, 2015, stated.

Role of Deputy Director 

As Deputy Director, Ms Christopher will assist in the planning, organising and directing of the activities and matters in the areas of organisational development, workforce management and ensure the strategic outputs of the department according to established standards.

Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs Sharleen S. DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE said, “Ms Christopher’s Acting appointment allows for continuity in the ongoing transformation of the Department of Human Resources. She has been a valued contributor to the process of rebuilding the department into a beacon of excellence, responsiveness and support. Ms Christopher’s experience and expertise positions her well to be impactful in this new role, and I look forward to witnessing the developments she will guide.”


Ms Christopher holds Associate of Arts Degrees in both Human Services and Humanities from the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of the Virgin Islands and a Master of Science in Applied Psychology, with a concentration in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from Sacred Heart University.

While commenting on her appointment, Ms Christopher said she was humbled and grateful for the opportunity to continue serving the Department in the capacity of Acting Deputy Director.

“The Department of Human Resources serves as both the gateway and the heart of the Public Service, carrying a profound responsibility to support each and every public officer. I remain committed to the ongoing transformation of the Department and look forward to working closely with my colleagues to build on the progress we have made,” she said.

8 Responses to “Cara Christopher appointed Acting Deputy Director of Human Resources”

  • Fam (02/03/2025, 12:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations on your appointment
  • who? (02/03/2025, 13:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    News Reporter:

    Who is the substantive holder of the post of Director of the HRD?

    Where is that person?

  • Bishop (02/03/2025, 14:12) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ms. Christopher can play a vital role in the HR depattment but not as HOD. It is so sad that when people are misplaced and assigned to posts that they are not suitable for
    Ms. Christopher has a degree in IO Psychology. There is a difference between that degree and Human Resource Management. I will be brief and explain the difference as well as I can.
    IOP apply psychological and research methods to improve the overall work environment which includes performance, communication, professional satisfaction and safety.
    Human Reource Manager (MBA)
    Hire the right people
    Help create training and development programs to improve employee performance
    Develop incentives to motive and encourage employees to be the best version of themselves.
    Hope this synopsis outlining the difference between these two disciplines serve to help in any small way of the importance of assigning people to the right posts.

  • Citizen (02/03/2025, 16:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations my dear Cara. I pray God continues to bless you as you continue to trust in Him.
  • Where is the rest qualifications? (02/03/2025, 19:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fugured there would be an actual degree in Human Resources. Having a masters jn Psychology wouldn't help you to head a human resources team. Just like because a person has a degree in pharmacy mean they qualify to be head surgeon. Nothing against the lady. I don't evem know her. Just my opinion from what I read in the article
    • Blind (03/03/2025, 00:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      A surgeon, pharmacist and lawyer are pretty much the only 3 degrees that are requisite for their profession hence they are called professional doctorates. Everyone position in the world, the degree does not matter. 2 solid years of experience in a well rounded role similar to your intended position, is worth more than any degree. Please lets not equate degree to experience….
  • @allthenoise (02/03/2025, 19:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The article clearly states that she has worked in the HR department for the past 7 years as an assistant Human Resources Manager. Therefore, she has the experience. Congrats!!!
  • Ligma (03/03/2025, 00:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    She thickkkk

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