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Cannabis Act: Governor has thrown out entire process of legislation - Skelton-Cline

- Augustus J.U. Jaspert is yet to assent to Bill passed by HoA & approved by Cabinet
Radio talk show host, Claude O. Skelton-Cline in the special Friday, September 25, 2020, edition of his ‘Honestly Speaking’ show blasted the Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert over his decision to not assent the Cannabis Act, thus disrespecting process of creating laws. Photo: VINO/File
The VI 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing ACT, 2020' paves the way for the territory to establish its own medicinal marijuana industry, through the cultivation of special strains of cannabis on local farmlands, by local marijuana farmers. Photo: Internet Source
The VI 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing ACT, 2020' paves the way for the territory to establish its own medicinal marijuana industry, through the cultivation of special strains of cannabis on local farmlands, by local marijuana farmers. Photo: Internet Source
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI - Although the VI 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020' was passed with amendments since June 30, 2020, in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), the bill is yet to become law until it is assented to by the Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI).

The embattled outgoing Governor, Mr Augusts J.U. Jaspert, now under fire for holding the entire medical marijuana industry hostage, and what some consider a disregard of the powers of the House and that of VI lawmakers, including the process of creating laws, given the bill has not been assented to almost three months later.

The Governor’s Office in early September had told sections of the local media that the bill had not been assented to as yet because Mr Jaspert was giving thorough consideration to the bill according to his duties set out in the VI constitution.

Governor 'throw out' entire legislative process - Skelton-Cline 

Radio talk show host, Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline, in a special Friday, September 25, 2020, edition of his ‘Honestly Speaking’ show, blasted the Governor over his decision to not assent to the bill, thus disrespecting the process of creating laws in the VI.

“You mean to tell me we got an Attorney General sitting in office… how you going to throw out a whole process of legislation, through cabinet, through the House of Assembly, through drafting and re-drafting… passed that bill in the House of Assembly only to be told in the end that now you [Governor Jaspert] got to check with the UK?" Skelton-Cline questioned.

“Why weren’t those things flagged during the process? That should be a part of the due diligence,” Mr Skelton-Cline said.

Ahead of its final reading on June 30, 2020, the 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020' was combed clause by clause by both the government and Opposition in the committee stage of the House as recommended by Opposition Leader, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8).

Cannabis bill brings new industry & employment - Premier Fahie 

The VI 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020' essentially paves the way for the Territory to establish its own medicinal marijuana industry through the cultivation of special strains of cannabis on local farmlands by local marijuana farmers. 

Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) had said that the bill, along with creating a new industry, will provide employment opportunities for the people of the VI.

28 Responses to “Cannabis Act: Governor has thrown out entire process of legislation - Skelton-Cline”

  • Process (28/09/2020, 13:56) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    “Why weren’t those things flagged during the process?
    Because the legislative process, as is , is for legislators to first create the Act which will then be presented to the higher authority (the governor) to be assented. No sure how we come to the conclusion that it has been " throw out"? How does one assent an Act whist it is being created?
    • Gov trying to be a big man (29/09/2020, 07:51) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      The Governor is trying to make himself important in the last few months before he is removed by the UK from office nine months early. It is embarrassing for him to be the only Governor recalled in recent memory, and he is flexing his power before he leaves in case we don’t know how important he is. He ‘invited’ the Navy when they were already coming and he won’t sign the Cannabis Act because it does not fit his image back in the UK civil service as being tough on drugs - I wonder if he would probably much prefer to pass a same sex marriage act like his colleague in Cayman. Remember he is a relatively junior civil servant who wants to return to the UK with a reputation for standing up to the elected Government. Let’s amuse him for his last few months, and then get on with life once he has been removed from office.
  • P.A. UJ. (28/09/2020, 14:05) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
    Mr. SKELT... What you do not understand is how this former PA flew up the ladder when he was assigned to be guv here. Let him flex his temporary muscles. He will be out of our skin soon and maybe on the dole too.
  • Complicated (28/09/2020, 14:05) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    Please educate us on this complicated matter.. I'm lost...1/ Who has the responsibility of making and passing laws? 2/. What authority or roll the governor has in the Passing and gazetting of laws? I read the article over and over and it locking that information... I in my ignorance is thinking that the legislative body.make laws and how the Governor.get in it..
  • rattie (28/09/2020, 14:37) Like (44) Dislike (29) Reply
    The governor is bad news he on a power trip
    • Follower (29/09/2020, 09:32) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      Just like your government, so is following the leader. Power trip my ass
  • Guess (28/09/2020, 14:54) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    I think he did that because the sudden rise in illegal drugs and guns activities throughout the BVI.
    Just like mask wearing is not being taken seriously. The public done start acting out of control.
  • Grandma (28/09/2020, 15:37) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cline) take it down a few notches please because the level of conversation causing more harm than good: mouth talk dont do hand work
  • @complicated (28/09/2020, 16:28) Like (20) Dislike (23) Reply
    Read ur damn Constitution. Although the Legislative Branch make and pass potential legislation, it does not becomes law unless it has the Royal Assent of Her Majesty administered by His Excellency the Governor (the Executive Branch) of Government. The Governor is incharge. Simple
    • @@ Complicated (28/09/2020, 18:06) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      U need to read and understand. The person was basically asking how the process works interns of authority in passing laws the roles of each body. The person clearly states that they do not understand.....U R the one with a very low self-esteem, That's how people with mental problem and low self-esteem behave..
  • Food Needed (28/09/2020, 17:34) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    We need to focus on planting food here in the BVI instead of importing food like banana and green vegetables loaded with chemicals from America and god knows where else. We want independence but always waiting for a banana boat to come with food, GOSH!
  • . (28/09/2020, 18:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    He will stop gambling next. Just wait.
    • On Gambling (29/09/2020, 04:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      He needs to stop gambling. All that is going to bring is more menial jobs and more gambling addictions. There will be more losses than wins.
    • Don't give up the fight (29/09/2020, 05:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let's have a conversation....This Covid virus is not a mistake,, It's a fight.against Cannabis by billionaires that get their.billions from Chemical artificial and Vaccine medicine,,, We know, that They know, that Cannabis is the real natural cure for almost all illnesses, and it's a threat to theit business, their profit,.... Hence the reason they have oppressed it for so many years... Now they realize they are losing the battle, it's been legalized all over the world... Covid 19 was their attack to maintain,. Reclaim.theit pharmaceutical, Chemical , Vaccine dominance that has been threatened by the legal freedom this new Natural medicine is now getting all over the world....We can't give.up the fight...*Legalize it* . It has great financial and medical benefits... Don't get it twisted, The financial benefits are as a result of the good medical benefits... The Scientist and billionaires.kno this, . Think
  • Poor consideration (28/09/2020, 18:56) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Have the HoA and the drafting bodies taken into account the fact that VI UK uses the US dollar and that cannabis is a federal offence in the USA? Did the consultative process take the fact that the USA has maritime forces in the Caribbean to impede the flow of illegal drugs? Would the USA be affirmative of this decision?
    • Yep (28/09/2020, 20:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is a good questions. What did the policy risk assessment say on that point?
  • Now I know (28/09/2020, 20:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are being conned with the con(stitution). Will the real slim shady please stand up.
  • TIME ACTUALLY (28/09/2020, 20:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Come on Gus free up the medication. The cure for the colonized minds. Btw I understand why nothing could be had for recreation. We're on a one way street and there is a dead end ahead.
  • Covid ,, The war on Canabis. (29/09/2020, 04:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Any of those big labs did a test to see if cannabis can cure and prevent Covid 19... This Covid 19 is no mistake it was a Plan a set up by Mr Big Gates to fiight the emerging of this new curing medicine " Canabis" thats becoming legal all over the world..Soon they will be not much use for xhemical medicine from which they make their billions..
  • Rubber Duck (29/09/2020, 07:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Never mind the medical stuff. We should legalise weed in general and grow it here. Sell it in completion with illegal sellers and raise taxes and export revenues on it. Get in first because if we don’t another island will.

    Establish a brand

    Extra Virgin Marijuana - nature’s little secret ( or BVI Love , take your choice )
  • man from boy (29/09/2020, 09:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • swallow your pride (29/09/2020, 09:29) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    The premier need to ask fraser for help with this governor because his supporting cast is too soft to tackle the governor.
  • hmm (29/09/2020, 09:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In time it will be legalized but the people have to show some kind of control first.
  • oh boy (29/09/2020, 11:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    People need to settle down the one for gambling was recently assented, months after it was passed. These social commentators want to stir up trouble.
  • Racist Bigot MUST GO! (29/09/2020, 15:47) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply

    Gus the worst governor ever MUST leave ASAP!

    He is an obnoxious man, full of himself, just cares about his own PR & image, don’t care about anyone not w*****.

    All he does is take selfies of himself on yachts at our exp***** & block bully undermine our democratic government

    UK should never have sent him here, obviously a ‘thank you’ job from his Master Cameron who he brown nosed as secretary to him.

    The only governor to be expelled. Finally!!!

    Disgraceful disgusting man MUST GO NOW!!!!

  • You cant (03/10/2020, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You cant free the weed but you can free gay marriage ppl wake up !!! Sleepers
  • Tola 2 Uk (05/10/2020, 04:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Before yall plant food and rare cattle, yall entertaining this medical marijuna crap, i glad i dont live on Tola no more, u got sewage water running in the streets for years upon years, and the island is meant to be a tourist attraction, Tortola Government is sh** and they put **** people before their own, clown idiots, sell outs, and here is the kicker, The ***** people cant stand yo black asses, tola government is a bunch of ****** ass kissers, no wonder the black man was a SLAVE to the ***** man.

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