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Canadian citizen dies en route to Peebles

December 26th, 2011 | Tags: died Scrub Island Local canadian national snorkeling
The body is at the hospital morgue.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – A 58 year-old Canadian citizen died en route to Peebles Hospital yesterday December 25, 2011 after experiencing chest pains following an excursion on Scrub Island.

Police spokeswoman, Diane Drayton, told Virgin Islands News Online that the deceased man was a party of four, on vacation, enjoying the day on the resort that involved snorkelling.

It was sometime during the afternoon he began complaining of feeling ill.

He was rushed to Tortola, where members of the group decided to meet the ambulance on the way.

However, the man was pronounced dead at around 6 pm when the ambulance arrived in East End.

The matter is currently under investigation.

23 Responses to “Canadian citizen dies en route to Peebles ”

  • billy b (26/12/2011, 15:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just like when we take our kids to disney world, they have signs telling us that our kids cant go on certain rides if they are less than four feet tall. We need to implement something restricting charters from allowing people older than 55 to snorkel. Too many of these tourists are dying in these waters. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but man check to see if this guy had an insurance policy on him. My goodness, this just seem like a trend!!! and we cannot allow our bvi to be labeled "The Purfect Place To Cash In On Life Insurance Policies". If this panders out to be an innocent accident. My condolences to the family, but this is happening oh tooooo frequently, man!!!
  • billy b (26/12/2011, 15:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know somebody might say that I am insensitive of the tragedy, but this body bothers me. What is the count for this kind of incident for 2011?????? Yes he was complaining of chest pains..... I think I heard that b4. Have an autopsy done and make sure he wasn't drugged b4 diving in. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. Aruba has developed a reputation for missing and murder tourists, ARE WE NEXT?????
    • Are you serious! (27/12/2011, 06:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      you should change your blogger name to BILLY B STUPID! People die. That's life. A 55 year old person in good health in most cases are very agile and athletic. 55 for crying out loud. Persons in their 60's and 70's do bunging jumping.
    • only in the BVI (27/12/2011, 06:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Billy B you are a sensationalist, a moron, thoughtless and obviously sit on your brains to keep them warm. Perhaps its you that needs checking out, i dont think you are fit to sit behind a computer, lets hope they havent given you a driving licence either. Try and do something more sensible with your life. As information for you Death is the ONLY sure thing in life, it happens to all of us and can happen at anytime, any age.
      • billy b (27/12/2011, 14:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Thank God for both you and me, we are entitled to our opinion. You're entitled to yourS and I'm entitled to mine. I've seen enough documentary in my life to make the comment I made (and I stand by it). You're even entitled to bash me!!! Go for it!!! If what I said was sooooooooooo OUT OF PLACE, then you also need to get upset with those incharge of the last statement made in the article, ("The matter is currently under investigation."). Why have something natural under investigation????? The very same thing I've stated on here, is the VERY SAME THING they will be investigating. So your comment don't affect me in any way. Call the investigators sensationalists, call them morons, call them thoughtless and accuse them of sitting on their brain, but while you're at it, the investigation WILL and MUST go on. PEACE!!!
        • Confucius (27/12/2011, 16:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Billy B, You might for once try to be a little more kind. This is after all read the world over. Perhaps you could offer condolences to his family and friends. As to the gentleman's death being investigated ~ I'd like to let you in on a little secret. ALL unexpected deaths are investigated ~ even the natural ones! To make an outrageous insinuation that his death was anything other than natural, is in very poor taste. To suggest drugs and insurance policies is even more tasteless. I mean come on man! You said you didn't want to seem insensitive ~ but congratulations ~ you have outdone yourself in that department! I believe an apology to the gentleman's family and friends is in order. The time to start bashing people (if you must do it at all) is when foul play has been PROVEN and NOT before!
          • billy b (27/12/2011, 20:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Confucius, first of all, CAN YOU READ???? If you had taken time to read my blog you would see where my condolences are, but of-course your only interest is to blab your blogs. Secondly, of all people, YOU??? CONFUCIUS??? You could talk about kindness, you actually realize that these blogs can be read the world over??? THIS IS HYPOCRACY TO THE ENTH DEGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thirdly, I Billy Button, do declare that your secret is not safe with me, because your secret IS no secret and as far as that is concern, it doesn't change anything that I have previously stated. "ALL unexpected deaths are investigated ~ even the natural ones!" How the heck does that statement impact what I said????????? As usual, you always trying to read more into someone's statement than what it is............ I, Billy Button, insinuated that his death was anything other than natural???? Was I there??? All I said was, this incident is occurring much too frequently in our waters. You acting as if this is an unheardof occurrence!!!! May I remind you that Justice Charles recently sentenced a man to life in prison for deliberately removing the air supply of his partner under water and he was subsequently set free with the help of a high-priced lawyer?? And you have the nerve to be on here talking about "poor taste"??? You better get real!!!! Your last statement is laughable coming from you, "The time to start bashing people (if you must do it at all) is when foul play has been PROVEN and NOT before!" hehehehehehehehe CONFUCIUS, were you "born again" over the week-end/Xmas season??? I'll remember that when you start blogging a bunch au froth again. I owe no one any apology, cuz if you were able to read, all that I needed to say concerning the situation, is well stated for the articulate to comprehend and the only apology I would make is for your lack of understanding.
    • Greg (28/12/2011, 10:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This was a person who wasn't feeling well and was on his way to the hospital. A little logic will tell you this is not a murder or anything premeditated.
  • so so (26/12/2011, 18:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    my lord another one???
  • yellow (26/12/2011, 21:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    rip a bad time to die around the xmas season
  • Confucius (27/12/2011, 07:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    My sincere condolences to the gentleman's friends and family. Very sad indeed ~ but having said that, I can't think of a better way to go than doing what you enjoy in a truly beautiful place. Please forgive the out of place comments in regards to preventing people from exercising free will (at any age) and doing what they truly enjoy in this life! Some of us don't think and erroneously believe we can impose our own set of rules and regulations on other people's lives. Life is a finite journey and I'm glad the gentleman was able to enjoy himself right up to the end. I hope that when I go, I am doing something similar ~ rather than lying in some bed, somewhere ~ just wasting away. May God bless his soul.
    • sunday (27/12/2011, 10:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i second the motion "confucius" well said
    • billy b (27/12/2011, 17:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Confucius, my father (age 66 )has a pace maker, but he has more energy and is much more active and agile than I am. Why would Disney World restrict my father from exercising his "free will" to make HIS own choice at his own risk and not empose their rules and regulations when my father is quite capable of making that decision for himself . Why does Disney world not allow me as a responsible parent to take my child on a ride, regardless of his/her age and deprive me of sharing an experience with my child and preventing me from exercising my "free will" to make that decision for my child when I know he/she will really enjoy it??? Why are they imposing their rules and regulations on me, when I paid all that money to enter that establishement for both me and my child??? I have to go on the ride myself and leave my four year old child behind because he's "too short" (according to them). Would they tell a 40 year old dwarf who is less than four feet tall that he is not allowed to take certain rides because he is too short??? All that to say this, rules and regulations (like it or not) are implemented for the safety of each individuals
      • Jones (27/12/2011, 20:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I think Billy B spends too much time watchig documentries and going to play with Mickey Mouse, maybe he/she needs to travel a little more and learn to become a little more sensitive to other people. BTW we have a Doctor here that started to run marathons in his 80's, if it was up to Billy B the great doc would have been banned from entering. Things happen, just be considerate to others in unfortunate times.
        • billy b (28/12/2011, 08:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @Jones, Watching documentaries keeps you informed and for your information, I am well travelled, precisely why I can go to Disney now and then. The last time I checked, the odds of fowl-play occurring in a death of a person at any age during a marathon (investigation) is highly unlikely. Y'all going on like I dont want older folks to do anything and if you had any comprehension skills, you would realize that that is not the case.
      • Greg (28/12/2011, 10:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Me or anyone else don't require rules.
    • Greg (28/12/2011, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Very well put. Amen.
  • cast the dime (27/12/2011, 15:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i heard the TB helping to bring comfort to the family and that is a good thing.
  • Greg (28/12/2011, 09:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sad, at least he died in a beautiful place instead of a cold or damp place.
  • Mmm (28/12/2011, 13:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I went to take a walk during this same time when I noticed all the commotion. I saw how sad a young lady who was with him was....this is very sad.
  • saying (28/12/2011, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think the government need to bring in specialist who can say what the person died from and not natural causes all the time some poison can’t detect check out case file on true TV.

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