Caller claims politicians try to build country on ‘profanities’
In addressing the matter on the use of profanities by youths, a caller on “Speak Out BVI” stated that the youths do need help with their excessive use of curse words, but the country’s focus should be on the politicians and the lies they tell.
Speaking on the topic of nation building on the radio programme which was aired last evening May 5, 2012, the caller stated that it is time the people of the Virgin Islands focus on the "real curse words".
The caller stated that the kind of profanities within the Territory that needs to come to an end, is the profanities coming from the politicians.
He added that the real curse words are the lies told by the politicians of the VI and the fact that they are trying to build a nation on those ‘curse words’. “It is impossible.”
He stated that this needs to come to an end and the people of the Virgin Islands need to do something about it.
Meanwhile, host of the talk show Doug Wheatley stated that he was appalled to witness such a thing as young students still in uniforms and outside of their place of learning, using so many profanities while speaking to friends.
He recalled his shock and disappointment when he witnessed “such a young student using language like that”. The talk show host opined that some people in the VI feel using language of that sort in public is something to be done, adding "it needs to be stopped and the young people of the Virgin Islands need guidance from the older folks of the country."
Wheatley went on to say that, "the young people need to pray more, and reflect on their lives more often to realise that the curse words are not important”.
He stated that as much as he laments on the youth, the adults are no better.

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