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Press Release From Independent Source

Cabinet welcomes new Attorney General Dawn J. Smith

Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL); Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9); Cabinet Secretary Sandra I. Ward; Chairman and Governor, His Excellency Augustus J. U. Jaspert; Attorney General Hon Dawn J. Smith; Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1); Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5). Photo: Ronnielle Frazer/GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Cabinet of the Virgin Islands today, October 7, 2020, welcomed its newest member, Attorney General Honourable Dawn J. Smith.

Chairman and Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert administered the Oath of Confidentiality to the Attorney General as a Member of the Cabinet.

The Cabinet wished her good success in her new capacity and looks forward to her guidance on major policy issues.

She now holds the distinction of being the Territory's first Virgin Islander female to serve as legal advisor to the Cabinet, the highest executive policy making body.

4 Responses to “Cabinet welcomes new Attorney General Dawn J. Smith”

  • rattie (08/10/2020, 07:42) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    That’s governor needs to apologize for his racist statement
    • Sigh (08/10/2020, 10:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Give it a rest. I want to see these leaders working together. Still Sir Francis Drake channel & other villainous place names are as tasteless as Hilter street or Nazi estate. If they did changed them here they would have to start knocking down statues over there so dont shoot the messenger when the higher up abroad said the same.
      • @ Sign (09/10/2020, 07:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        so you are asking for us to give racism and white supremacy practice a rest????
  • facts (09/10/2020, 07:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the governor just needs a klux klan hoody

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