Cabinet to soon make decision on repealing sections of ‘greedy bill’ - Premier Wheatley
The Premier was at the time speaking at a press conference and General Update today, May 2, 2023, on matters in the VI.
“Soon at the cabinet meeting, perhaps after I return from London, we will have a Cabinet paper which will put forward a decision to have the offending sections of that act repealed.”
He added, “But as the Attorney General [Dawn J. Smith] reminded us, and when we had the recalled House of Assembly, it's important for us to go through the legislative process, so we don't want to make mistakes and we don't want to skip steps,” he added.
He assured, however, that as soon as he returns from his trip, a decision to repeal the offending sections of the Legislative Retirement Allowances Act will be made, in keeping with promises made in the 2023 elections campaign trail in the VI.
Ahead of the April 24, 2023 Elections, a decision was taken to not repeal the bill at a recalled House of Assembly on advice of the Attorney General.
Problematic parts of the bill
Problematic parts of the legislation, according to critics, included sections that specify if a legislator has served three terms in the House of Assembly, that legislator receives a gratuity in the amount of $250,000-300,000 immediately upon retirement if they are 50 years or older.
Further, three-term legislators would receive his or her current salary per month for a fixed number of years as if they were working.
The Premier added that for persons already entitled to benefits, legal advice would be sought since those persons cannot be disenfranchised.
“That is something that we're going to need legal advice on, persons who have already become entitled to benefits. We certainly don't want to disenfranchise anyone from a legal perspective and taking away rights, which they have already earned.
He added, “but for me, the ideal situation is to come up with salaries from an independent body... Pricewaterhouse Coopers is currently conducting a review of salaries and we would want for them to recommend salaries for legislators, which is commensurate with the roles and responsibilities and also takes into consideration all other professions,” he said.
19 Responses to “Cabinet to soon make decision on repealing sections of ‘greedy bill’ - Premier Wheatley ”
Did Carvin, Neville, Mark etc say that they would not take the Greedy money or did they keep quiet?
Moreover, some legislators wasted no time in collecting. Those legislators who are eligible and have yet to collect should not be harmed and should be made whole. The bill should be repealed but with a sensible balance. New Legislators would not be eligible. Paying legislators for years as if they are still waiting is a farce and the fleecing of the taxpayers. Some may argue that repeal in whole or part is unfair. The reality is laws are retrenched all the time and newer people may miss out on benefits received by older people/workers. No grandfathering of monthly payments as if one is still waiting; it is not a retirement system. Legislators have not contributed a penny towards a retirement system. Politicians like to overpromise and underdeliver. Voters should stay engaged as to who keeps their words and promises.
Further, this greedy bill is unfair and a slap in the face to civil servants, the workhorses, not showhorses, of the civil service. Civil servants are the lifeblood that carries oxygen that makes civil service works. The civil service is often maligned until their help is needed. Let’s try getting through a day without civil servants contribution to our daily lives. Civil servants tiled tirelessly for at least 33 years before they can go on a well-deserved retirement at 65 years, receiving a small annuity. They don’t get allowances, severance pay, etc. Hell, getting increments is a challenge.
Servants are indispensable and live woukd be chsitic without them.