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Cabinet eases restrictions on crowd limits, quarantine for unvaccinated travellers

- Crowd limit of 100 replaced with 1 person per 9 sq ft; Quarantine for unvaccinated travellers reduced to 5 days
According to Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) in an update on Cabinet Decision today, March 2, 2022, Cabinet decided that the current crowd limit of 100 persons be removed and would be limited to only one person to every 9 square feet. Photo: Internet Source/File
Cabinet has decided that quarantine requirements for unvaccinated persons entering the territory be removed from 7 days to 5 days, Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has said. Photo: Facebook
Cabinet has decided that quarantine requirements for unvaccinated persons entering the territory be removed from 7 days to 5 days, Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has said. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Cabinet of the Virgin Islands (VI) has eased some COVID-19 restrictions, including on crowd limits and quarantine duration for unvaccinated travellers to the territory.

According to Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) in an update on Cabinet Decision today, March 2, 2022, Cabinet decided that the current crowd limit of 100 persons be removed and would be limited to only one person to every 9 square feet.

According to the Health Minister, “unlimited numbers would be limited to 9 square feet in each establishment.”

He said Cabinet also decided that organisors of events in excess of 300 persons should notify the Environmental Health Division of the date, time and location of these events.

Quarantine for unvaccinated travellers now 5 days

Meanwhile, Cabinet has also decided that quarantine requirements for unvaccinated persons entering the territory be removed from 7 days to 5 days.

Hon Malone said the announced changes will come into force when gazetted and will expire on March 31, 2022.

Mask requirements, as well as sanitization and social distancing of 3 feet, remain in place.

18 Responses to “Cabinet eases restrictions on crowd limits, quarantine for unvaccinated travellers”

  • Fire Covid (02/03/2022, 19:11) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
    I could never understand the mandates I wear cloth masks which absolutely do nothing and again quarantine for unvaccinated and every man double vax or boostered catching Covid
  • Mr Woods (02/03/2022, 19:21) Like (38) Dislike (7) Reply
    Dude countries worldwide are done with mandates and boosters and you still here with this nonsense. I bet if you had a little daughter you wouldn’t give her no Covid jab
  • Mike (02/03/2022, 19:39) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    About time
  • Maloose (02/03/2022, 20:13) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Who is this covid pusher buddy? Boss tek weh yourself
  • Let it Go. (02/03/2022, 20:22) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why are they still holding on to this. What are they trying to prove...They have done a good Job in the heat of covid. Now holding on to it is discrediting the good job they have done......Let covid go..let people live..
    • Tongue Fu (03/03/2022, 01:17) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      You had me until the part of done a good job. Can you elaborate what they have done so good?

      The reality is that these policies have nothing to do with science but moreso about political control and economics. It has long been established that both can spread but they continue with their divisive policies that would not stop the spread.

      It's time to get rid of the quarantine and learn to co-exist with covid. Pre-arrival test should be sufficient. The country needs to move forward after 2 years plus of these draconian measures.
  • heartbroken (02/03/2022, 21:51) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    We are BVI landers. My daughter, a belonger wanted to visit myself and my husband for a 5-day visit that she could finally get away from her job in the USA. She is not vaccinated due to her personal reasons from her doctor but has taken all tests which are negative. She wears a mask at all times and practices social distancing. We are elderly with walking problems. She was told she would have to quarantine for 7 days, which wipes out her entire vacation. She cannot come! We haven't seen her since 2017. We are heartbroken to the point we will sell everything we have here and leave so we can see our siblings, children, grands, and great-grandchildren. We were leaving here to visit in 2020 when the lockdown happened. These stupid rules have made up our minds for us. Being born here has always been a pleasure to come back and forth, but COVID rules are too stifling and we don't have that much time to wait and see if these rules will improve. As much as we love it here, being heartbroken over not seeing our family has made up our minds. Sad, sad, sad, and crying.
    • poor thing (03/03/2022, 11:23) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
      she will quarantine 5 days or stay her tale in America.
      • Greg (04/03/2022, 15:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ poor thing. You obviously have no heart and no sense. May Karma come your way fast. I have met quite a few older BVI landers who have left to be with their families permanently because of their age and want and need their families. You too will suffer these choices. If you have no sympathy for the elderly or paying with bad health, then just wait. Your turn will come just like all of us. Stupid.
      • Kendra (05/03/2022, 14:53) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        @poor are a moron who acts as though this will never happen to you. Elderly people don’t have the years left that we do. If their family member cannot take the shot, who are you to tell them not to travel? You SHEEP!
  • Dino (03/03/2022, 11:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tyranny is multifaceted and comes with different gears
    You can have a brutal regime like Hitler's or Stalin's or more recently the Putin's with his disgusting attack on a peaceful neighbor using beyond ridiculous pretexts. But you can have the lighter versions, especially the pandemic related ones in Austria, Australia, Canada etc They all are strains of the same virus, the one of tyranny. From low gear they can gradually, and sometimes quickly switch to high gear. In the era of Omicron and still discriminating against unvaccinated ppl is not just unscientific but also unfair, immoral.
  • BVI ISLANDERS IN USVI (03/03/2022, 11:55) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    If those unvaccinated persons want to visit their families and they comply with doing the PCR test I don't see why they have to be quarantined for 5 days that is ridiculous, especially if you come to do family business and check in on them who cannot travel. Remember some folks work between the two territories and return home for the weekends to be with their love ones. Let see when election comes what will happen then.
  • Cabinet Needs To Stop The Discrimination (03/03/2022, 13:31) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is not right and i think who ever is making these decisions needs to stop this wrongfull treatment to people who decide not to take the vaccine that did not go through the proper clinical trial and have not been proven to be safe. I love my vaccinated brothers and sisters but something aint right with some of them. They are starting to look sick all of a sudden and they are saying it. Why is so much infomation outside the BVI circulated about vaccinated needing to do HIV test.I just hope that my friends and family were not tricked like they did in the past with the Tuskeegee Experiment and the HIV vaccine.Some body needs to bring out the truth and those responsible needs to be held accountable.
  • Logic (03/03/2022, 17:19) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    They insist on punishing the unvaccinated. They are stupid. We will look out for these wicked politicians on election day. Then again, they may drop all the mandates just before campaign season. Those green cloths on the poles will not be enough to give them a win. People do not forget how they were treated.
  • Secret Bear (04/03/2022, 08:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    None of this makes any difference to anyone or anything. It's time to end this foolishness and drop all restrictions like most countries around the world have already done.
  • Madussa (04/03/2022, 16:04) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ poor thing. Your turn will come when you cannot visit your loved ones or they dye before you can get there, Guaranteed!
  • hmmm (05/03/2022, 16:25) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Minister, "what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul." It's TIME to let God's people go.

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