Time & Tide wait for no one so the Clock ticks forward into another Month which, like Days of Slavery still find our Systems & People Pawns & Puppets of Unjust Masters… We still see the Citizens of One Nation shipped to another Nation because People of the 1st Nation are seen as inferior or less important than the People of the 2nd Nation who regard them as Nobodies.
Even Leaders of the 1st Nation deem it okay to transfer the fate of their own People to Oppressors of the 2nd Nation even as this Nation invades 3rd, 4th & 5th Countries where they continue to kill defenseless Women and Children while telling these Countries that they have no Right to arrest or seek justice from the Murderers of their People… Might make Right as the Cruel rules Fools.
Once upon a time such Unfairness & Injustice was common practice of the Righteous & Religious but thanks to Internet, People across the World are beginning to feast on the Tree of Knowledge and Religions are being evicted from their strongholds in Powerful Nations and now seek to recruit the Poor & Less Educated in Africa, Mexico, Cuba and Third World Countries.
Fabricated Religious Holidays are losing their appeal as current events show the Hypocrisy of Democracy is only rivaled by the Non-Vision of Religion… All can now see that the very things they preach against are the same things they practice so even as they are unable to trust others they become consumed in fighting to establish their own little Churches and Kingdoms.
The sensational murder of Trayvon Martin with its fake international condemnation is a real-life example of the Victim’s natural Self-defense being replaced by the Oppressor’s ‘Stand your ground’ claim which allows them to create aggressive situations giving them excuse to kill & destroy as is demonstrated by International Bullies in the Middle East and all around the World.
In 2009 UK suspended the Turks & Caicos’ Local Governments and Constitution following a Commission of Inquiry into allegations of corruption by Premier Michael Misick’s government. As a result some Individuals including government ministers have been formally charged with taking Millions of Dollars to distribute Government Land and gave access to Developers.
Even as the Turks and Caicos Supreme Court is scheduled to decide whether there is sufficient evidence for a trial to proceed an Interpol warrant for Mr. Misick’s arrest was issued and he now claims to be seeking Political Asylum from persecution… While I am certainly no defender of Misick, Meshach or Abednego Justice must not be ‘just licks’ for the Weak and Non-Puppet.
For too long we have accepted Voices from Bully Pulpits as being automatically right but instead of rushing to Judgment we must read, research & reason… This should not just be whether or not the Misicks of the World should be tried & punished for abuse of mandated Responsibility but whether or not this is being done in the interest of the People of Turks & Caicos or of others.
As a represented People we should all be concerned about Corrupt Leaders at Home & Abroad who not only squander Monies of their Countries but Opportunities & Lives of our Children and even if we are unable to change all we would like, doing nothing is much worse than Methuselah who lived for centuries but contributed nothing while Solomon lived far shorter but did far more.
For centuries Forces of Evil Wolves in Sheep Clothing have waged constant Battle against Wisdom & Commonsense so it is only natural that they will try everything possible to prevent persons such as me from opening your Eyes to Reality… You know this because some have brought messages and promises that if I buckle & bend ‘they’ will do great things for me.
Now maybe the messages are fabrications but even if they are true you know I will neither be bought nor sold… Of course I appreciate everyone who spoke with me and expressed support in my causes and disbelief that real Justice is taking so long to be delivered… I too am concerned whether real Justice only takes this long when it is wrongly pre-packaged as Injustice.
I have no great expectations but their open Wickedness and Corruption have provided me with teaching opportunities and for those Youngsters and Super Seniors, at Home and Abroad, who have acknowledged seeing my words come to pass, please remember there is still much to be done and unless we are all active participants in the Mission other Generations will be lost.
In such rough times when Family is unable or unwilling to help Family the best of Friends become the worst of Enemies… Rather than using me or anyone as quick-fix Role Model you should search for your own inner strength because No one deserves the love & respect of others unless they first love & respect themselves and No one is free if they are unable to be themselves.
For those who have finally seen the importance of Health & Education vs. the folly of Christmas, Dolls & Guns or the importance of Fairness & Justice vs. the folly of War & Heaven in the Skies or the importance of striving for Wisdom vs. the folly of waiting on the Lord; may feel good but what is better is to ‘Take Freedom’s Dreams down from the Shelves and live them in 2012’._____________________________________
Today I will leave you with prelude to a Real-life Story and Question for Next Week – ‘Once upon a time there was a Poor Lady with her only Child; a little 7-years old girl who got ill and was taken to local Doctors throughout the Territory but her condition only worsened …As a last resort her Mother begged & borrowed in order to take her Overseas for Medical Care.
After what seemed an eternity she was able to travel and see a Doctor who diagnosed the Illness and issued prescriptions for medical tests and medication… However, the poor Mother could not afford the costs of overseas Medication so she brought the requests back to the Public Hospital within the Territory where they would be free or at least more affordable for Children.
On presenting these requests at the Hospital she was told Government had instructed that Medical Requests from outside the Territory should not be filled within the Territory unless someone within the Territory (who was likely ignorant of the situation or unable to treat the ailment in the 1st instance) would Okay what the overseas Physician had prescribed…
Furthermore, any Health Providers would be punished if they dared to break these Rules…The Mother begged & beseeched, tried & cried but even Private Services were too afraid to help so the little girl went untreated and eventually died… Question is - Was Government Right??
This Scenario is a real Probability and I will continue the Discussion in weeks to come.

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