BVP (Truth for the Youth)… can Robert's crack save the Supreme Court?
Those asking, ‘Why I speak against Christianity and not other Religions?’ should understand I am neither attacking nor praising one Religion or another - All are equally foolish - My great concern is Bad Legacies of our Ancestors which still continue to damage Today’s Children…
Slaves knew no Hinduism, Islam or Rastafarianism while Christianity was used to break them.
Even as I support Churches as Poor Man’s Rotary Clubs we find the majority of the Wicked calling themselves Christians who walk the footsteps of Christ… They clearly lie or suffer from selective amnesia since they never do the things he did & he would never do the things they do… Greed shackles them to Dollars as they Pay to Pray, & Play – From Bingo to Lotto to Bowling…
While none of these are Christ-like who am I to reprimand them for exercising their folly? Adults who chose to become followers of any Religions do so by personal choice and it is left to them whether the indoctrination of Toddlers into Holy Communion before they can read or write or Dreadlocks on Infants before they are Potty-trained is anymore than Religious Child-abuse.
Facts reveal Religion as a past & present major source of Social Violence & Child Abuse but you have been so annoyed with me for telling Truth that you are quick to put me down and picked up Liars & Gangsters… While many encourage me to change & become more like others I envy neither Man nor Woman… They may seek to be marketable but I chose to remain not for sale.
Those in high places may use Rostrums & Pulpits to spew hate & venom behind my Back out of fear that facing me in your presence would expose them for the Non-Christians they are… My naked Truth may win no Friends but your Children will be less foolish once they are touched by the things I say… One wonders if Christ was Communist for loving the Poor more than Money.
As we watch the US controlled Congress focus on the victimization of the Poor & Middle Class we see them use Legal and Political Systems to target President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder… They were so convinced the Supreme Court and Congress were stacked in their favour that ‘Tea Partiers’ were already celebrating and planning their next move of destruction.
However, Wickedness is sometimes so obvious that Justice cries out… Their Champagne turned to stale Beer when the Supreme Court failed to condone the Hypocrisy of their Charges against Obama-Care and the Justice Department refused to prosecute Holder for contempt of Congress…Thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts, the Poor in America narrowly avoided the Claws of Death.
His action gives hope to the Hopeless that not all Officers of the Courts have become corrupted.Although Republicans regarded him as their reliable conservative Puppet on such social issues as ending School integration, opposing abortions and allowing limitless corporate spending in campaigns, on Thursday, June 28, 2012 he shocked them by voting to uphold Obama- Care.
Conservatives have now taken to calling him a Traitor and Drug-using Epileptic rather than see the Crack made in the Supreme Court was because he too is aware the Court was ceasing to deliver Fairness & Justice and had become an extended Political Arm of the Republican Party… He saw they were fast losing credibility and as Chief Justice he was the one with most to lose.
In trying to rescue his own Legacy Judge Roberts showed his Colleagues that instead of rank partisanship they should provide needed defense against the excesses of Politicians… As we mark 48 years since President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, Justice Roberts’ action contrasted with that of Justice Clarence Thomas who remains an embarrassment to his Heritage.
Maybe Roberts realized Poor Victims of the Systems were being stretched beyond breaking point and voting to kill this Law would not just kill his own Legacy but result in Protests & Marches across America that would dwarf the Middle East’s Arab Spring Uprising…He understood that "It is not the Court’s job to protect the People from the consequences of their Political Choices."
All in all Judge Roberts verified what I have told you for decades - Officers of the Court know the System is broken and in need of repairs… The Question is whether other Judges, Magistrates & Registrars will appreciate the overt & covert rationale behind Justice Roberts’ Opinion and make their own choice of being immortalized in History as ‘justice’ Negatives or Positives.
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