As we approach our Emancipation Celebrations it appear we remain shackled to couriers of Lies instead of envoys of Truth as we bask in Ignorance while barricading ourselves from Knowledge.
We call for Progress without Effort and Peace without Justice by failing to acknowledge that there can be no real Freedom of Body if we continue to exist without Freedom of Mind.
When I said 80+% of what we were taught over past Centuries was willful foolishness many were annoyed and tried to insult & demean me for telling Truth… Even close Friends & Family distanced themselves and labeled my actions ‘a passing Fad’… Guess no one believed I would spend Time, Effort & Money in reaching our Youth with the Truth… Guess they were wrong.
They see the Wicked & Corrupt continue to bash me with enough Trials & Tribulation to sink a Battleship but my fear for Children of this & future generations is greater than fear for myself.I may be battered & bruised but in the Big Picture I’m not the one on trial - Our People & the Systems are the ones really on Trial… Attacks on me provide real lessons for our Children.
In their mad rush to crush me, the wicked have hurt themselves by revealing unjust Practices & Decisions that make it so much easier for Children of Today to see the Evil in the Devils… Youth are now thinking for themselves and some already suggesting Systems should regret troubling me because they are seeing their mystique & credibility fast exposed & eroded.
That may sound good but I doubt these Systems care what you & I may think - Having been so bad for so long they may be incapable of reason… Besides, my actions are not to destroy them but to enlighten our People… Instead of Vengeance or Reward we must ensure our Generation stops taking our Children’s Generation back into the Slavery of our Forefathers’ Generation.
This real & present threat happens whenever corrupt groups or individuals within Political, Religious and Legal Systems replace the Need of the many with the Greed of a Few… This worsens when misguided Parents encourage their Children to accept suffering during their Lives based on the empty promise of receiving Fairness & Justice after they are long dead & buried.
Fact is, all we have is here & now and reality shows the more our Children suffer the more the Wicked prosper as they turn the lives of others into living Hells… Warnings I spoke of decades ago are being seen Today but this makes me no Prophet because the writing was always on the Wall - Failure comes from reading & not passing knowledge along or simply not reading at all.
While some So-called Leaders are just as blind as those they lead, others know better and these are the ones who tell lies to keep our Parents & Grandparents believing Earth is flat, Heaven is up, Hell is down, Christ was a real Person & Lucifer some fallen Angel… None of this is true but we are trained not to think so once we are hooked, real Demons can profit from our stupidity.
Too few of us still avoid reading before adopting hand-me-down Fairy Tales while too many claim Truth without Facts by calling it Faith… Again, every research shows that Faith can never replace Reality and solutions to present crises require Truth for our Youth… Without this, Ghosts of John Hawkins and disciples of Willie Lynch will continue delivering us unto the Oppressors.
We see this trend in Reports of Banks willfully & skillfully ensuring that Blacks and Hispanics are kept down by denying them meaningful loans for which they qualify while sticking them with Mortgages designed to fail in order to later possess their Properties… While some Banks have been exposed & fined, the Building Industry as a whole creates situations to make us fail.
The practice is such that unless we prostitute ourselves by ‘going along to get a long’ we find from concept to construction and Government to Private Sector the Forces of Evil stand ready to block any perceived Progress of Descendants of Slaves… Very often as soon as we give a Sister or Brother positions of Power the Oppressed becomes the Oppressor - Locally & Internationally.
Some believed the ‘Brother’ in the Big House meant Racism was dead when in fact it may have worsened… (NB: He is Biologically mixed but because they call him Black we excuse Wrong as Right even as he digs the Graves of our Children)… As Head House Slave he fulfils Masters’ Mission by directing Drones to kill Persons of Colour - not based on proof but mere suspicion.
As usual, even with all this effort his Nationality & Birthright are questioned and he is rejected by those he tries so hard to please & imitate as ‘not being one of them’ … The Religious Right see him as Enemy #1 and many have become bold enough to step back towards Slavery as they celebrate their Independence Week by holding ‘Whites-only Religious Conferences & Seminars.’
Their website: ‘Christian Identity Ministries’ makes no secret that they will not back down from their Belief that ‘The White Race is superior and Europeans & their descendants are the chosen people of God’… They claim their belief & position is based overwhelming on proof and I do think, before overreacting, we should reason whether or not our Actions fostered this belief.
We must ask ourselves whether we have been willing to reason & research the origin & history of Man, the Bible & Religion?… Do we really see the Bible is the Word of God and Characters as real People?... Whose Pictures do we elevate in our Homes & Offices as symbols of Gods & Angels and when given a choice, whose example & instructions are we more likely to follow?...
If our Answers are honest they will show that for Generations we have actually dedicated our lives to regarding others as better than we… Our very support for Religions is based on accepting the Writers & Characters as God’s Chosen People even if they are evident Demons… Rather than being annoyed we must first realize - Slavery can never cease until Religion is deceased.
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