‘BVIPA will provide balance of $$ for cruise pier project’ – Premier Smith

It was yesterday February 17, 2015 during the continuation of the Third Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Second House of Assembly. The question and answer period, which was not addressed during the sitting on Thursday February 12, 2015, was accommodated during yesterday’s sitting.
Hon Christopher was concerned that not all of the funds for the project had been approved by the House of Assembly and so he wanted to know where the balance of the money was coming from.
“Madam Speaker, would the Premier and Minister of Finance please tell this Honourable House if funding for the completion of the Cruise Pier Extension Project and the development of the upland by Tortola Pier Park was approved?
If the answer is yes, could the Premier and Minister of Finance inform this Honourable House by whom and the total cost of this Project?” he asked.
“Madam Speaker the answer to this question is yes, the funding for this cruise pier expansion was approved by the United Kingdom Government via our medium term fiscal plan on the 11th November 2013. The BVI Ports Authority approved a loan of $35 million and a resolution was brought to the House approving a loan guarantee on June 13, 2014,” said Premier Smith in response.
In asking a supplementary, Hon Christopher said that as far as he can recall, that resolution that was brought to the House said that $23 million of the $35 million was to be used to complete the seaside of the project and $12 million towards the landside development of the project.
“Based on what came before the House for approval, only $23 million of the $35 million went towards the dock, that leaves a shortfall Madam Speaker, I was hoping that the Premier would have given the complete overall cost of the project so that the money could be put in the right perspective. Based on the information given there is a terrible shortfall,” said Hon Christopher.
In response the Hon Premier said, “Madam Speaker with most projects, I think the member would understand that the costs change. In a few weeks we will have the total costs which will take into account all of the variations.”
But Hon Christopher persisted in his questioning, asking how it is the Premier intends to get the funds for the $31 million contract that exists. “How does the Hon Premier intend to make up the full cost of the $31 million, because only $23 million of the $35 million that was borrowed was approved by this House towards the dockside of the project?” he asked.
“The answer is the same Madam Speaker,” said the Hon Premier.
But as Hon Christopher continued to press for an answer, the Hon Premier said that the Ports Authority will be providing the balance that is necessary for the project.

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