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BVIOC achieves quadrennial goals

BVIOC executives: From left- Mark Chapman, Treasurer; Neville A. Smith, 1st Vice President; Roy E. Barry, 2nd Vice President; Ephraim Penn, President; Lloyd K. Black, Secretary General and Cleave M. Farrington, Special Projects Manager. Not in photo is Sabinah Clement, Athletes’ Representative. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola- VI - As the BVI Olympic Committee’s (BVIOC) 2013 – 2016 quadrennial comes to a close, the executive distributed a full report on its goals and achievements of the last 4 years to its member federations and key stakeholders.

As an autonomous, not-for-profit organisation representing the interests of 16 National Federations in the Virgin Islands, the BVIOC set its strategic plan following consultation and engagement with the associations and based on their respective quadrennial plans.

The four main objectives were to support elite athletes to achieve podium finishes; to increase the number of sports participating in major games; to promote the Olympic Values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship; and to promote drug free sport through the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) programme.

An Olympic scholarship programme provided financial and technical assistance for elite athletes who were training and attempting to qualify for the Sochi and Rio Olympic Games. The beneficiaries included athletes from athletics, swimming, squash, skiing and sailing. 

Financial support to National Federations also saw an increase in the number of athletes successfully participating in regional and international competitions such as the World Youth Championship, World Junior Championship, Carifta Games, OECS Championship, CAC, and CBC. Rugby benefitted from a ‘Team Support Grant’ which has been ploughed into the growth of it grass roots programme.

“It is worth reflecting back to prior years to add some perspective to the gains we have made,” said Ephraim Penn, President BVIOC. “Of $142,000 in funding received in the 2001 – 2004 era, approximately 33% went to the benefit of athletes. From 2005 – 2008, about 49% of $290,000 went towards the athletes. From 2009 – 2012 approximately 58% of $595,000 was utilized for the benefit of athletes and in this last quadrennial, we are proud to report that of approximately $1,900,000 received in funding, approximately 78% went towards the athletes.”

National Federations benefitting from financial support include Athletics, Swimming, Basketball, Squash, Sailing, Softball, Skiing, Volleyball, Cycling, Tennis, Archery, Rugby, and Football.

In addition to the annual Olympic Day celebration, other landmark activities of the last quadrennial include the introduction and expansion of the community based programmes that fulfill the pledge of promoting the concept of sport for all regardless of age and ability.

The Queen’s Baton Relay, a precursor to the Commonwealth Games which takes place every four years, engaged the community throughout the VI with a symbolic public relay through Tortola, Jost Van Dyke and Virgin Gorda.

Long Term Athlete Development initiative

Most recently, the Long Term Athlete Development initiative and the promotion of physical literacy is being undertaken in conjunction with the Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC), Canada Sport for Life Foundation, the Ministry for Health and the Ministry of Education and other community based stake holders.

The BVIOC committed to promoting drug-free sports and formed the BVI Anti-Doping and Medical Commission. Collaborating with athletes, their coaches, national and international federations, health professionals, and the VI’s youth, the commission tries to ensure that all sport is free from doping and is played fairly.

The BVIOC relies on an executive committee of volunteers elected from among their peers in the different national associations and a full-time special projects manager. The committee is engaged on a year-round basis undertaking work that entails going through the various channels to source funding for participants and to execute the administration required for accreditation and participation in major games.

The current executive committee comprises Ephraim Penn, President, Neville A. Smith, 1st Vice President, Roy E. Barry, 2nd Vice President, Lloyd K. Black, Secretary General, Mark Chapman, Treasurer, Cleave M. Farrington, Special Projects Manager, and Sabinah Clement, Athletes’ Representative.

11 Responses to “BVIOC achieves quadrennial goals”

  • track (01/12/2016, 09:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    same ole same ole we need new blood
  • Tired (01/12/2016, 13:14) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Okay so I understand that election is also coming up for BVIOC. All this "redderick" that is spoken here, I don't understand, just speak English and tell me what have you really done for the 'young' athletes with great potential? Some individuals in BVIOC behave as though the "free" money that they have for the athletes belong to them. So many red tape to get 25cents to do or go anyplace. Neville can stay. I understand Roy is not seeking re-election. Ephraim is fast asleep depends too much on Chapman. Well Lloyd is a special case - don't know much about him. And Ms Clement who is not pictured here, another joke. Tell me how does this individual represent the "BVI Athletes"??? How? Tell me how? Just another title on her resume to sit, meet and greet with those so called big organizations internationally. Please do not allow this individual to run for players rep again. You need someone who knows something about all athletes. How about Karene King (track), someone from tennis or swimming..... Needs young blood. Well if the trend of how past 2016 elections went, we just may see young blood...
    • mmmm (04/12/2016, 00:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You sound real jealous like you want in. We'll get nominated for a position before you run your mouth. You sound like a big loud mouth that I know. By the way I have no interest in any association but I recognize jealousy when I read it
  • 1.9 mil (01/12/2016, 16:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    So wait ayo had 1.9 mil playing wid and sports still begging for funding? Instead of writing all that "redderick" (too funny btw) like the previous poster said you should tell us how allllll that money was spent, so we too can see how 100% of it was allocated don't just talk about the 78%. I agree with TIRED the executive needs new blood but who will step up? We can't complain if they go unchallenged another 4 years.
  • back seat (01/12/2016, 17:39) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have a feeling i will stir up some trouble with this but what the heck. I have been following all of the sporting bodies, teams, organizations what have you. Now, i am not from here so please do not bash me for my observations. I am a white female, not that it has anything to do with this but I am going to put it out there.
    Now it seems to me that for the sports that the locals participate in, there is always a bunch of red tape to get funding. Why is this? is it not for the betterment of the youths of our territory? Swimming is now becoming a hot sport although we do not have the proper facilities to develop the sport. Look at what they've done so far? Another group to watch is the archery people. I've been keeping up with the posts and what they were able to accomplish in less than 2 years. It amazes me how much they've done with so little. Why is it that squash and badminton, rugby and other sports have monies thrown at them but the sports that actually need developing have to beg for handouts? I do not know what the BVIOC is praising themselves for, they should be ashamed. What is it that you actually do? How do you actually assist those who are trying to develop sports for the youth in this country? Do you call them in, sit them down and explain to them how funding can be obtained to develop their sport? it is time that you earn our keep in your position, If you are going to stifle sports, move on and let some fresh blood in. Sure the trips are nice but at the end of the day, when it is all said and done, what have we gained? Nothing.
    So do not brag about the monies you spent on the athletes when we know for a fact that some organizations have to beg, literally beg, or often times refer to using harsh language to get any results. There is no NO transparency in the BVIOC and Mr. Cooper seems to be the one that has the final word on funding. He seems to be like the Donald Trump around here. I hope there is a serious change in the structure so that a new and dedicated group can take the Virgin Islands forward. I think I've said enough.
  • @Backseat (01/12/2016, 20:59) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    In reading your post you are obviously not who you say you are and you sound bitter and seem to want to blame sports with expatriate members for being successful with their fundraising efforts.

    Change your attitude, and you might raise some of that same money.
    • redderick (02/12/2016, 08:26) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply there are sports with expatriate members who are successful at fundraising now and those without? that the criteria for funding receipt now, being a sport with local members or being a sport with expatriate members? see how easy it is to create the appearance of a division and preference where none should exist, how does that work? whether she (back seat) is who she says she is or not she is right about one thing there is something very concerning about how funds are distributed, there is no transparency, there is no sit down with sport leaders to tell them how they can obtain funding or how they the bvioc can assist. they like you to beg so they can say no. information is given to specific sports ONLY as chosen by the bvioc leaving others out which denies them the opportunity to access funding they know nothing about because they have not been informed, its a fact whether you want to believe it or not. I agree with her they should be ashamed to print how much money they have been given.
    • Supporter of Change (02/12/2016, 09:47) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Back Seat you are 100% correct. @Backseat seems to think that they are part of the same clique they are describing in their reply.
      Why they sound so upset? Is it because we are looking out for our own people? If we dont't then who will? Do you think that the white man in the pic gives two pennies about the youth that these sporting organizations are trying to develop...HELL NO!!!!

    • @@Backseat (02/12/2016, 11:45) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
  • trtert (02/12/2016, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No need for the mud slinging and finger pointing.
  • VIAA ex PRO (02/12/2016, 11:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Speaking on behalf of the VI archery association, I can tell you up front that we have received funding on more than one occasion. Did we receive all that we asked for? No. And within good reason. I am not familiar with all of the inner workings of the BVIOC and i do hope tat the relationship between all the sporting bodies and the OC will blossom into one that benefits our young athletes and all sports. After all, it's all about the kids.
    So lets all work together to get those podium finishes at the Olympics and make the entire VI proud.
    'Pull em back and let 'em fly!'

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