BVIEC to educate VI on conserving energy
Speaking to the Deputy General Manager of the BVIEC Henry Creque, he said that in efforts to educate the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) on ways to save energy and money, they will be hosting a fair at the Noah Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park on ‘National Conservation Day’ June 8, 2012, from 10 a.m.
At the fair, Mr. Creque informed this news site that the BVIEC will be displaying energy efficient appliances that can help the people of the VI save money and energy, along with distributing energy efficient lights and giving tips on conserving energy that ranges from minimizing air conditioning use, lighting, computing and conserving energy when using other household products.
He added that CCT along with the National Parks Trust, Green Matters, Green VI and the Conservation and Fisheries Department will be joining BVIEC at the Park to promote energy conservation.
Other businesses that have partnered with BVIEC to endorse their month of National Conservation are One Mart and Rite Way.
“Rite Way will be offering discounted specials to persons who shop using reusable shopping bags from the June 5 to June 9 as well as the first 100 persons shopping at One Mart with reusable bags will receive $10 discount,” said the Deputy General Manager of BVIEC.
He said that to reward the participants of the month, a challenge was created by the management of BVIEC for both residents and commercial customers where the person who saves the most energy on a percentage basis in the month of June, wins the latest IPad.
According to the Deputy Director, the BVIEC will be decorating Road Town “green” from Purcell roundabout to Road Town roundabout.
Meanwhile, the BVIEC is also encouraging the public to wear something green on National Conservation Day.

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