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BVIEC facing slowdown of power restoration; culprits: BVI Cable TV & Flow

- Flow & BVI Cable TV own about 40% of poles that have been damaged by the hurricanes & still have not moved to restore them
Utility workers disconnect cables from an electrical pole. The damaged cables and poles belonging to Flow and BVI Cable TV are said to be hampering the restoration work of BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC). Photo: Team of Reporters
Cables belonging to either Flow or BVI Cable TV on a utility pole in the Windy Hill area of Tortola. Photo: VINO
Cables belonging to either Flow or BVI Cable TV on a utility pole in the Windy Hill area of Tortola. Photo: VINO
Damaged cables and pole in the Challwell area. Photo: VINO
Damaged cables and pole in the Challwell area. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- While many in the community are praising the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) for a ‘job well done’ in restoring many parts of the Virgin Islands with power after two powerful category 5 hurricanes, Irma and Maria, destroyed the electrical grid, others are complaining that they are not moving fast enough; but there is yet another challenge.

Many persons in the community may not know that all the poles that were destroyed- broken, uprooted from the ground or toppled, in September 2017 throught-out the islands during the hurricanes- do not belong to the BVIEC alone. According to research conducted by our newsroom, some 30% to 35% of intermediary poles for the utility networks are owned by Flow and another 10% to 15 % are owned by BVI Cable TV.

It is our understanding that both Flow and BVI Cable TV have done little to restore their intermediary poles used by BVIEC, as part of inter-agency agreements.

BVI Cable TV & Flow keeping you from getting power?

This has contributed to the slowdown of the electricity restoration efforts, according to a senior BVIEC official, who did not wish their name to be used, and it means that the Corporation may have to spend extra to replace the poles.

It is unclear if BVI Cable TV and Flow have started to restore their damaged utility poles. BVI Cable TV's new owners, CCT Investors, did not immediately respond to press queries on the topic for this article.

Flow’s spokeswoman Nadia James-Harris ducked our question but responded via an Email claiming “we will be providing regular updates to the public on our restoration efforts in due course, and I am sure that you will find the information useful as it is received.”

Ministry out of the loop- McMaster

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works (MC&W) Mr Anthony S. McMaster, when reached, said he was “overseas on vacation” and before he left “nothing was brought to the Ministry’s attention.”

With no intervention from the MC&W in addressing this issue, it could be suggested that power restoration efforts would be slowed significantly and could also mean hundreds of residents, businesses and pocket of areas on Tortola and the sister islands would be without electricity for another two to three months.

37 Responses to “BVIEC facing slowdown of power restoration; culprits: BVI Cable TV & Flow”

  • 911 (24/12/2017, 09:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    wow this is good stuff
    • smfh (25/12/2017, 08:37) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
      Just get the freaking power back on and stop making excuses!!!!!!!
      • chad (27/12/2017, 17:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        We found a flow or bvi cable tv manager i hope they find out who u are and put u on blast
  • JACK BE STILL (24/12/2017, 10:30) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    Here we go blame game for not having power. Fight fight fight best of them.
  • we sit and often think bull (24/12/2017, 10:42) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    in some countries some men and wen even children volunteer by digging holes for poles or layout pipes for water and electricity and the same can be done here. After school or work one can volunteer for at least an hour to do something and this will surely help in the recovery process. We are too lay back on almost everything and govt to do everything.At least they were the first to get lights and water in leas than no time . if one can
    their assistance of course is needed. After Hurricane George in the Green Valley community the folks especially the men they put aside their political difference and every afternoon during the week they dig holes and put on pipes and poles and that community was the first to obtain water
  • ... (24/12/2017, 11:13) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bviec got to work round them
  • ccc (24/12/2017, 11:47) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply

    Flow full of sh*t

  • Hmm (24/12/2017, 12:41) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    BVIEC has a mandate to provide power to the citizens of the VI, Flow and BVI Cable have a choice; to make a profit or not. What is the issue here???
  • Power from long look park to bus stop (24/12/2017, 12:56) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    So you telling me, BVIEC aint restore power in my place because the pole close to me is own by bvi Cable TV?

    No i aint trying to hear that bull. If i got to buy the pole i could do that, i just need the power from long look park down to the bust stop restored now i sick of this now.
  • Really (24/12/2017, 13:53) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    BVIEC is full of drama and excuses. Every day is a different reason and a new person or place to blame. They have put on them and their friends current for the most part. Now the rest of us have to listen to the excuses. Paraquita Bay had the some of the least amount of damage but no electricity four months after. Places in East End had all kind of major damages yet they have light.
  • wize up (24/12/2017, 14:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Leadership, leadership boy it really matters: here we have private enterprise holding up the urgent progress of the people of this territory: as far as I am concerned the private enterprises in this place is emencly powerful; the sailing industry; the banking industry; the Insurence industry and not forgetting the off-shore industries: Goverment is simply a figure head
  • Political Observer (PO) (24/12/2017, 15:01) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    The usual position on electric utility power poles is 1) primary transmission lines, 2) secondary lines, 3) communication lines (Cable, telephone), and 4) other. Each grouping requires safe working spaces between each other. Look like there is a current use agreement between BVIEC and Flow and Cable TV, which owns the poles. Does Flow and Cable TV have the same sense of urgency as BVIEC does. Perhaps, BVIEC should own the poles and have a use agreement(s) with communication entities and other users. Use of BVIEC poles can be integrated into communication entities franchise agreement with government. Any way, Flow and Cable TV need to work with warped speed to replace poles so that power can be made quickly available to power starved customers. This is a poor excuse to customers not having electricity.
  • Marie (24/12/2017, 15:06) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I live in Josiah’s bay and I hear my neighbors have current but I don’t. How is this possible if we are in the same yard and the other is past me, meaning I am in the middle?
  • ting to talk (24/12/2017, 15:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    But wait. CCT ain own Cable TV now.
    • wize up (24/12/2017, 17:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      ting to talk: ok dem, better you said than me: school children said no money actually changed hands then came the hurricanes(will money ever pass hands) or is there a difference between CCT or NDP(let me know)
  • DON Q (24/12/2017, 16:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bvi need money the government needs to pay their bills bottom line
  • Xxx (24/12/2017, 18:07) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why they csn't just use one pole instead of having these set of damn poles all over the place?
  • @wize up (24/12/2017, 18:17) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    The ting confusing u again what u trying to say?
  • island man (24/12/2017, 19:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVIEC has spoken the truth. I remember quite well both in Grenada and st Lucia cable and wireless were very helpful in planning poles even ahead of the electricity company. Now Dominica Flow is also planting poles presently. But here in the BVI nothing seems to be happening. I just don't know what is wrong with us here! Is it a curse? Or lack of interest in proper service? Am always asking, Why can't Flow get help or hire workers as need Be?
    • name (25/12/2017, 07:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      We better change the name of FLOW to SLOW. Their network is dead slow
  • VG 1 (24/12/2017, 19:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The situation in VG is ...Homes that are not quite ready for electricity have been restored and homes that are ready to receive electricity , are being passed by.....favoritism is playing a big role here.. no kind of organized work is being done to restore power to homes...just like crickets jumping here and there.
  • nonsense (24/12/2017, 21:53) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This has little to do with it the problem . It is the mapping of restoration, where the transformer could be right infront your yard but people living a quarter mile behind you have power.

    Also there has been alot of propaganda where many persons on the island dont have power. And only in the BVI can flow and BVI cable do that sh''t other places they would be fined.

    The BVI electrcity board is weak.
  • blame (24/12/2017, 23:58) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This seems to be the blaming game season. Everyone doing the same. Insurance started out first by telling us its the adjusters.then adjusters said its the insurances. Now we have electricity telephone and cable at it. Truth be told electricity really trying to do their best no joke. Cable and telephone need to get their act together.
  • tell the truth (25/12/2017, 00:44) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    That senior person in Electricity who don't want to be named is JackA &&. FLOW planning either underground or wireless connectivity, so why would they waste money to plant poles. Electricity personell just full of it now. Done with the excuses and repair the darn lights.

    What happen to all that money the UK suppossed to be giving us for restoration. It ain't reach yet?? This is foolishness now.

    And yes "we are a 3rd world country. In casr you haven't noticed - poor rooads, no consistent running water, sewage running in the middle of the streets and now no electricity - need I continue. And these issues existed long before Irma, Maria and Hugo.

    I tired of this blame game shit. Leave that to the men in the field. You are a senior person in the Corporation - Get your own blasted poles and get this communuty back some lights. It's been four months now and going into a New Year. Shutes.
  • truth be told (25/12/2017, 00:54) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The truth is:

    The workers have admitted to being told to uproot poles and take them elsewhere to give special people power (from a worker’s mouth)

    They are given strict orders to stay on a certain path, hook up a certain set even if it means disregarding your house

    The workers stall in areas that have bars, which impedes the process

    Let me see any of our poles dug bag up to place anywhere; I will post the before and after to highlight the underhandedness

    A schedule was posted but completely ignored to deal with who have more power whether political affiliation, money, or a mouth that constantly berate them on social media
    • Agree (25/12/2017, 17:43) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Paraquita bay was on the list that first came out and up to now no electricity. This area, right after the college, had little to no damage in terms of roofs and poles. Yet we are without electricity.. There are areas where people have lost their roof and water leaked into the floor below and they have electrivity.

      I guess there is no politicIan or "high society" people living there, that's why one of the least damaged place on the island has no current. Unfairness to the bone.

    • @truth be told (26/12/2017, 12:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are soooooooo correct. They came up in the Mount Healthy area where little roof damage was done and went with transforners from off some poles. That area is still without electricity today. I am not saying that the guys are not working hard but those in authority at the Corporation need to tell the truth as to why the slow down and stop blaming Cable TV & SLOW. I mean FLOW.
  • (28/12/2017, 23:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The flow company is very incompetent when giving the public their service you pay them ur money and is as if begging them afavor. They will no time put up their poles and lines because they are slow and incompetent here in bvi. What the BVI needs is another internet service to give them competition. Then they will change. This is sickening.

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