BVICC reiterates its opposition to the upcoming Vybz Kartel concert

In a statement released on March 7, 2025, the BVICC informed that members met with Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) several months ago to discuss a few matters including the government’s financial support of the concert.
“While our conversations were interactive and mostly positive on many fronts, we informed the Premier in no uncertain terms our disappointment in the Government’s financial support of the Vbyez Kartel Concert on 15th March; as the messaging of this activity directly contravenes our Christian principles, and impact greatly our cultural and moral trajectory,” the BVICC said.
Committed to being the nation’s watchdog- BVICC
The Christian council added that while it prided itself on being the “watchdog” and “conscience” of the Territory, the challenges, such as how the BVICC’s voice has been heard, have not been addressed.
“We therefore commit to correct this pattern and to provide a stronger more consistent voice on issues that will both negatively impact our nation’s well-being; as well give praise when it is due,” the BVICC stated.
The BVICC’s concerns to Vybz Kartel and similar artists are:
Erosion of Values: Artists such as Vybz Kartel often promote messages rife with violence, sexual content, and the glorification of lifestyles that conflict with our fundamental beliefs. Endorsing such figures risks eroding the very values we strive to impart to our youth.
Impact on Youth and Society: This event is not simply entertainment; it carries an implicit endorsement of themes that undermine respect for others, promote crime and drug culture, and demean women. The effects of this decision will most likely resonate far beyond the event itself, shaping the perspectives of impressionable young people.
Financial and Moral Costs: While the financial investment is significant, we believe the true cost will be paid in the lives and values of future generations. Our nation cannot afford and should not compromise on its moral principles.
Additional Concerns: The BVI Christian Council wishes to express our disappointment with the allowance of Vybz Kartel's performance in the British Virgin Islands. While we recognize that it is not feasible to prevent this concert at this stage, we firmly urge the government to avoid hosting similar events in the future due to their potentially harmful influence on our community.
HLSCC concert should serve as a model- BVICC
The BVICC went on to say that the Heroes Live Forever: The H. Lavity Stoutt Concert held at on Sunday, March 2, 2025, should “serve as a model for future entertainment in our territory”.
That concert, according to the body, was well attended, thoughtfully organised, and offered uplifting and positive content.
“As a body of Christian Believers, we are called to intercede for those in authority and will continue to pray for our leaders, as well as for wisdom and discernment in guiding our territory,” the BVICC continued in their statement which was also copied to Premier Wheatley.
The council also said it recognises that prayer alone is not enough and so in moving forward, commit fully to “being proactive, transparent, united, and vocal in our stance on issues, actions or behaviours that will compromise our core principles”.
The BVICC encouraged all to be judged favourably in the future as a people ready to safeguard the territory’s moral principles, leaving a rich legacy of integrity for generations to come.

34 Responses to “BVICC reiterates its opposition to the upcoming Vybz Kartel concert”
Government is supporting a concert featuring Vybz Kartel who was convicted of murder and served 13 years of a 35 years to life sentencr for his atrocity. We have so many problems here that need solutions; unfinished schools, unfinished road works, unfinished Admin Complex, and so many more social ills that need government attention, but government is ignoring all of the people urgent needs and giving us a concert feauturing a convicted criminal. Make this bull $%#@ make sense. Vybz serve his time for his crime and deserves an equal chance like anyone else, but what our government is doing here is not giving Vybz a chance its blatantly ignoring urgent needs in our society for something that is totally unnecessary. Showande tell us the people what are the benefits of this concert. Who benefits, and what the benefits are? Showande please put the PEOPLE first, and whatever selfishness that drives some of you and your government's decision. put them LAST. It is time for your government to start governing and stop lap dancing on our lives, and future generations.
All the Jamdown inmates along with the Ham down illegals in these VI should be rounded up,scoop up off our streets and deported on the same flight as the Artist with Sowande as the Pilot. A moratorium on Jamaicsn human entries to these part is long overdue. They are a disgrace to the Caribbean and an embarassnent to all Caribbean folks abroad.
Either way, in a country whereby freedom of assembly is enshrined in the constitution, I have no issue with anyone who get on a stage and do what they do. I don't have to agree with them, nor attend their function if it goes against my own moral boundaries.
The BVICC should understand that parents needs to raise their own children and teach them right from wrong. If they are underage, they should be supervised of their activities. You cannot expect society to raise your children. It starts and ends with parents.
Finally, the same freedom the BVICC enjoys to practice their religion is the same freedom that allows those even if we disagree morally to congregate and entertain whomever wish to be entertained by them. They should not be in the business of speaking for the entire society.
Speak to their kids and their believers and let others be. They will learn the hard way about something in this life: You cannot legislate or control human behavior as you may. It never works. Just lead by example. If people support and agree with you, they will do as you do.
Finally, I am not in support of any behavior I personally find abhorrent, but I am not trying to control how other people express themselves either. I have a right to not attend and stay home.
Wow.That’s some serious hate going on.
Let me know what time the flight leaves.
These people in here mad , Jamaica to the world. Hate vybz kartel all you want, your opinion will not matter, hate Jamaicans all you want we don’t even care. @ flush um , you are a disgrace to your own country, because you turn out to be no body. Arrogant @$$ ????
Public Roads needs fixing
Public Water needs fixing
Public electricity needs fixing
However This Administration primary focus is Entertainment and Air Travel
Nothing against the Political people or entertainment but what is the priority