BVI Tourist Board to manage VI Festival & Fairs Committee

The transfer, according to a press release from Government Information Service on January 26, 2024, is aimed at further incorporating elements of the Virgin Islands culture and heritage, into the tourism product towards promoting experiential tourism opportunities.
Integrating culture into tourism product- Premier Wheatley
Premier and Minister responsible for the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said “We have taken another step of integrating our culture into our tourism product with the transfer of responsibilities for organising our national festivals to the BVI Tourist Board.”
The Premier said the transfer is also representative of a strategic realignment in the management and promotion of cultural events and festivals in the Virgin Islands. He said the change intends to improve efficiency, coordination, and transparency in several key areas including fiscal management and reporting and coordination of marketing and promotion.
Premier Wheatley added, “They now have the responsibility of executing well-planned and promoted events which will celebrate our culture, attract, educate, and entertain our visitors and residents and provide the structure necessary for accountability and transparency.”
Functions of Committee
Functions of the Festival and Fairs Committee include preparation, conducting and managing annual festivals and entertainment activities, initiating cultural and recreational activities and encouraging public participation in those activities and advise the Minister responsible for the subject on policy issues relating to the conduct of festivals and other cultural activities in the Territory.
The committee was traditionally comprised of volunteers appointed by the Minister and was empowered to receive public funds in the performance of its activities. Notwithstanding the transferal of responsibilities, the BVI Tourist Board will continue to rely on the assistance of volunteers to undertake major activities.
The Department of Culture is also envisaged to be a significant agent in the overall management of the matter of festivals and fairs in the Territory, the press release stated.

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