BVI Basketball Federation makes ‘U Turn’ on 2015 League
The reversal comes less than a week after the original decision, to cancel the league, was taken by the BVI Basketball Federation Executive and, according to a short Facebook announcement, is due to the overwhelming response from teams and the local community.
“Due to the overwhelming responses from the teams and the BVI Community on the postponement of the 2015 Basketball League, the BVI Basketball Federation has decided that they will host the 2015 League,” the facebook statement reads.
Whilst the statement didn’t go into details as to how the Federation was going to overcome the other issues they cited for the original postponement, namely unavailability of the Multi- Purpose Sports Complex and the need to focus on National Team preparations ahead of the CBC Championship, it did inform teams that the league will commence mid-May.
BVIBF League to commence May 16, 2015
“We understand that it is the tradition to commence the league on Mother's Day but at this late stage for preparation, the time frame is not conducive and as such, the League is now scheduled to commence on 16th May, 2015. All teams that have not registered are kindly asked to submit their rosters with full payment by 11th May, 2015.”
Originally the Federation had planned to use the seemingly lack of interest in the League by teams to allow them to focus on preparing both Men and Women National Teams for the upcoming CBC Tournament, which is scheduled for June 8-21, 2015.
“This would be the first time that the British Virgin Islands have fielded a Women’s National Team in the CBC Tournament and the Federation is looking forward to using this as a stepping stone to build our Women’s Basketball Programme. The additional Gym time (due to the postponement of the League) will be used greatly to help in the preparation of our National Teams to compete in the CBC Tournament.”
With a start date of May 16, the Federation should be able to get a couple of weeks action completed before the Complex closes down for the CBC Championships, although nothing has been stated about the completion date and whether the league will now clash with the August start date of the Julian Fraser/Save the Seed League.
A Coaches and Managers meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 13, 2015 at the DYAS Conference Room at 5:30 pm. All coaches and managers are being asked to make a very special effort to attend.
See link to related story:
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