Businesses using pandemic to make 'slaves of our people'– Hon Maduro-Caines

“There are employers who want their employees cut their working day in half… they expect them to give them a whole day work for half salary, that is not good,” Hon Maduro-Caines said during the Fourth Sitting of The Second Session of The Fourth HoA at the Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola on September 29, 2020.
“They are taking this COVID-19 pandemic and making slaves of our people, that’s what they are doing,” she continued.
According to the third-term legislator, with the lockdowns during key business hours eased, people are buying food, buying clothes and going about their daily routines with most of the stores opening all day.
Full hours with half salary – Hon Maduro-Caines
“But yet you still have your employees working half-day and expect them to put in 8 hours on 4 hours and get 4 hours of pay.”
The legislator further pointed out that some employees have even started taking a cut of Social Security money paid over by the Government for employees.
“How much more evilness can we see coming from some of these employers concerning these persons who are already now struggling?”
Hon Maduro-Caines urged such businesses to stop the practice and instead look into the interest of the people of the Virgin Islands in this time of need.

25 Responses to “Businesses using pandemic to make 'slaves of our people'– Hon Maduro-Caines”
Stop sell them aryo land!
Stop charging "foolishness" to them for rent and learn to charge upwards of three grand a month!
Stop marrying them and making "Belongers on the cheap", out of them!
Too many of you Belongers, are guilty of enabling these people under the guise of benevolence!
You don't even live here! SMDH.
So how do employers get a cut from Social security when its paid directly into employees bank account. .
Let me try an explain how this might be possible. Have you ever submit a claim to Social Security? When a claim is made and action is taken they notify both employer and employees. If you are paid the letter usually states how much and for period you are being paid for( ie date). Employers do this by paying employees less claiming SS paid them already. So the get to claim on their taxes, NHI and SS a lower figure thus they get to keep extras. ( money they deduct from your pay that should be paid into these entities) Thus the payment to you will be less than it should be.
If employers are indeed taking employees money they wrong for doing it been going on for years. (Eg Health Services Authority). They want you to sign the cheque and give it to them. They intern will pay you and usually it short and have to go argue with them (Health) to get your right pay. This could be month sometime and in some cases a lawyer threat.
Anyhoo nothing new here.
Do you guys forget that the Employer also pays a portion of NHI and SS for EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE? If SS pays you for 20 hours from Monday to Wednesday, why the hell should the employer pay you as well? You have been compensated, the system works! You pay SS and the employer pays SS. So you get in an accident and the wrongful person get their insurance to pay you for the damage. Do you go back to the person themselves asking them to pay you for the same damage? It's the same concept! Do not forget NHI and SS are a two-way street, the employer and employee both pay into the system and are BOTH entitled to benefit from any claims. It is NOT a one-way street. If employees want it their way then change the law so employees only pay into SS. Further, SS would only pay on a claim in special circumstances, i.e. you are injured or been out of work for a period. If you are out of work but your employer is still paying your wage, of course they will deduct any benefit you get from SS, there's no free lunch. The problem here is that people see businesses as a cash cow and feel that they should just do what they want, get what they want and that's that. Real life doesn't work that way! These representatives need their heads checked, always blabbing about some bull**** they themselves don't even understand.
Better measuring sticks next time, employers. Find a way to measure output. If you expect 20 items to be produced in a regular 8 hour day, then you should expect 10 items to be produced in 4 hours. Further, employees should understand that employers on the down low do not have to keep hem employed. However right is right and wrong is wrong. If the employees are expected to do 8 hours in 4 hours, they should be paid full pay. I always believe that it is never beneficial for the employee to work from home when it comes to some employers. If they not seeing you working, you are not working. An employee working from home usually have to work 1.5 hours for each hour worked in the office. Better to work in the office. In this regards, some employers stupid anyway. They think they more smarter than employees - but there is always more than 1 way to skin a cat.
To both parties - employers & employees - be fair in all your dealings.
Please explain? I do not understand this statement.
i can name 10 local employers ...easily...who are high up in society who have been doing this..and yet we let them get away with it and try and blame others..its our own doing it and its disgusting that the government t let it go
Employers, instead of giving your staff a reduced salary, just reduce your staff. This will add to the number of unemployed people seeking unemployment/stimulus benefit from social security (which they may not get, I guess the Government isn't wicked for denying, delaying assistance or giving people pittance) which will in-turn reduce the amount of money you have to pay in SS, NHI, IR taxes which will in-turn reduce the Government's revenue.
Employees, if you don't want the pay cut, then quit. How the Labour minister is rolling, you'll be alright (ha ha). He'll love it too. Another job has become available for an already unemployed person to have. As you can see, the Government is not helping you. They just highlight social issues and do nothing about it. They can't make employers do anything. They can't make banks do anything either. Just talk talk talk. What is most wicked is having people apply for Government help (through Social Security, District Representative, Trade Dept) and 4 months later NOTHING.