Businesses not able to handle heavy flow of clients after curfew- Walwyn
Watching from the sidelines of the pandemic, Walwyn made the calls on his Facebook page last week, April 16, 2020, where he also urged the administration to re-open in phases.
"As businesses re-open, I believe that sector-specific protocols should be established. These protocols should be bolstered by strict enforcement mechanisms by government. This is a National Security issue and it should not be left solely to the businesses to manage."
Citing mistrust in the business community's ability to handle the huge projected influx of customers demanding services when the curfew lifts, Mr Walwyn said, most business cannot handle the traffic.
"The truth is many businesses do not have the capacity to handle the heavy flow of clients well, even though I am confident that they will do their best. Let us not be in fear but continue to heighten our awareness."
Remain vigilant - Walwyn
The former NDP 1 Chairman, who was rejected at the polls at the February 2019 General Elections, also called on locals to remain vigilant and observe all the safety protocols as prescribed by international and local sources and urged the administration to open the Territory in stages, rather than all at once.
"An alarming number of persons worldwide are asymptomatic (have no symptoms) but yet could spread the disease. Some of these persons could be right here in the BVI - locals, expats and detained visitors alike."
He said the Territory so far has been fortunate to have only a few cases, "but let us not lure ourselves into a false sense of security that we are entirely out of the woods."
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has repeatedly warned that the Territory is not "out of the woods" as yet, hence the need for the extended lockdown and social distancing protocols.
As of Sunday, April 19, 2020, the VI had just five confirmed cases of the virus, inclusive of one death. To date, there have been three recoveries with just one active case of the virus.
181 persons are in quarantine.
35 Responses to “Businesses not able to handle heavy flow of clients after curfew- Walwyn”
I also think that every one should wear a mask when leaving their homes. We cannot let our guard down..
Thats for your suggestion the government got it.
This clown and his last Government didn't do $hit for anyone after the hurricanes. He needs to shut his mouth and get back under his damn rock he's been hiding under! At least this current Government communicates and is reactive, which is more than can be said for his band of t@##es.
Where you were when he forced from their jobs many locals, transferred others and push out others via retirements? Where were you when this same devil here trying to tell Mr. Andrew Fahie what to do when after the Hurricanes in 2017 he and the NDP went to hide from the people and we the people of the BVI had to turn to His Excellency the Governor to save us?
Where were you when he played the race card and engaged in nasty divisive politics (Trump style) during the last election causing the NDP to split in two? I will leave the scholarship mess (many say corruption) and the festival spending scandal under his watch 2012-2018 for another time!!!!!!