Bush cutters are cutting cable TV & phone lines too!

The NDP at the time claimed it was an insult to young people to have them cut bush and there needed to be more meaningful forms of employment. However, their demonstrated history of flip-flopping on most major issues within their two years in office continues as the Dr. Smith Administration is falling all over themselves to give out these bush cutting works with one At-Large Minister almost snatching it away from the Communications and Works Ministry, the ministry which traditionally has had the oversight of the bush cutting operations in collaboration with the Public Works Department (PWD).
Headache for utility companies- BVI Cable TV Speaks out
The new set of bush cutters seems to be reckless, according to some in the Utilities sector, and it is costing them (Utility companies) money.
General Manger and Vice-President of BVI Cable TV, Ms LuAnn S. Hodge, in an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online, said BVI Cable TV has been affected on three occasions this month alone due to fibre cables being severed during bush cutting exercises.
She indicated that the Sea Cows Bay area, including the whole of Pleasant Valley, was without service for some 24 hours after cables were cut on Tuesday December 17, 2013.
The same problem occurred in West End on Thursday December 19 where the entire area was without cable TV for more than 24 hours, according to Ms Hodge who seemed very distressed about the inconvenience to customers and her work crew.
Cable TV has been restored in both areas; however, Long Look and surrounding areas were affected on Saturday December 21, 2013 after more fibre cables were cut due to bush cutting, according to the BVI Cable TV manager.
Ms Hodge noted that the accidental severing of cables have been of great inconvenience for customers who have flooded the company with calls. She also noted that the company now has to 'credit back' those customers for the period they were without service.
Ms Hodge also suggested that the company be notified when bush cutting projects are being executed in certain areas since the company could assist in identifying where the cables are. "We don't know when they going to cut the bush so we can't help but we are most affected because our cables are the lowest."
She further said it is often a difficult task to locate exactly where the cables are broken which can result in her many customers being out of service for days.
"I have no problem with them cutting the bush but they need to watch out for the cables and also notify us when they will be cutting the bushes" the frustrated Cable TV manager lamented.
Cut bush not phone lines- Contract worker for LIME
While LIME General Manager Sean L. Auguste reported that he has not been affected by the cutting of his phone lines due to bush cutting this month, others in the organization have reported being affected over the last few years.
One Linesman, who is a sub-contractor in the LVG unit for LIME but wished to remain anonymous, said LIME over the past three years has experienced phone line cutting due to the bush cutters not taking due care.
“Just August of this year we had many calls of service interruptions due to phone lines cut in Sea Cows Bay, East End and in parts of Huntums Ghut and when we checked it was due to the bush cutting guys."
The gentleman said bush cutters cutting the phone lines and causing major service interruption “is an ongoing challenge for years, but recently it has gotten worst...it gives us a lot of unnecessary work.”
Most of them have been cutting the same areas for a long time, he continued, “so it is time they cut the bush not the phone lines”, the LIME contract worker told this news site.
It remains unclear if the utility companies affected by bush cutters cutting their lines, resulting in service interruptions and having to credit their customers, can make representation to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) for refund due to the accidental cutting of cable and phone lines.
The Director of PWD, Jeffrey M. Skelton and Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool could not be reached for comments.

30 Responses to “Bush cutters are cutting cable TV & phone lines too!”
mrs h...e while you are at it train those pigs you have working in the customer service not just Bi@@ about line getting cut
Under the NDP is the most bush cutting ever. My good god. People please wake up.