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Bridging Gaps: L. Allen Wheatley’s role in strengthening Agriculture & Fisheries in VI

Enhancing communication between farmers, fishermen, government officials, and policymakers in the Territory are among the key achievements of Mr L. Allen Wheatley, the Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr the Honourable Karl Dawson (R1). Photo: File
Mr L. Allen Wheatley is the Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr the Honourable Karl Dawson (R1), seen here in photo. Photo: Facebook
Mr L. Allen Wheatley is the Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr the Honourable Karl Dawson (R1), seen here in photo. Photo: Facebook
Some produce by local farmers and fishers. As Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture, Mr L. Allen Wheatley was tasked with bringing new ideas to improve the agriculture and fisheries sector. Photo: Team of Reporters
Some produce by local farmers and fishers. As Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture, Mr L. Allen Wheatley was tasked with bringing new ideas to improve the agriculture and fisheries sector. Photo: Team of Reporters
EAST END, Tortola, VI—Enhancing communication between farmers, fishermen, government officials, and policymakers in the Territory are among the key achievements of Special Consultant to the Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr the Honourable Karl Dawson (R1) during his tenure this past year.

Mr L. Allen Wheatley shared this insight in an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online (VINO), affirming as an example, “...we established chat groups for farmers and fishermen, enabling direct communication with not only myself and the minister but also the premier and other relevant ministers.”

This initiative, he explained, allowed stakeholders to raise concerns, share feedback, and receive timely responses from officials.

Among Mr Wheatley’s more noteworthy achievements also was in tackling pressing issues, such as water supply, telling VINO, “...for instance, we established a routine for water supply, ensuring farmers received water three days a week—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—with alternate dates provided in case of disruptions.”

This, he said, marked a significant improvement in a sector where water availability was previously unpredictable.

Budgetary Constraints

While Mr Wheatley joined the ministry after the 2024 budget was passed, he noted that key projects were adequately funded.

“The reservoir for water supply and the ministry building were included in the 2024 budget, so we didn’t face major budgetary challenges during my tenure,” he stated.

Mr Wheatley also highlighted the poignantly unique funding mechanism for agriculture and fisheries under the Money Services Act, which allocates 16 percent of specific revenues to the sector that has served to meet its financial demands.

Unfinished Business & Future Plans

Reflecting on unaccomplished goals, Mr Wheatley lamented delays in legislative amendments and infrastructure projects, saying “...we drafted several legislative amendments, but they are yet to be passed; Additionally, initiatives like land surveying and formal lease agreements for agricultural lands remain incomplete.”

Looking ahead; however, Mr Wheatley identified key priorities for the coming years, including the construction of a reservoir and formalising land leases.

“We started surveying lands in Anegada and plan to extend this to other islands; Assigning formal leases or deeds is crucial for farmers and fishermen to secure their operations.”

Another major initiative he shed light on is transitioning the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries into a statutory body.

He cautioned nonetheless, “....this process is about two to three years out, but we’ve already made progress with funding and constructing a physical headquarters for the department.”

Technological Innovations

Asked about the adoption of new technologies in future, Mr Wheatley deferred to the substantive Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, noting that specific initiatives in this area fall under the director’s remit.

“I know the director is working on a few initiatives to enhance production and efficiency, but I wouldn’t want to speak on his behalf,” he said, underscoring the collaborative nature of the ministry’s work.

Looking ahead, Mr Wheatley was adamant that some of the ministry’s key focuses would be on formalising land leases, constructing necessary facilities, and transitioning to a statutory body to reflect a commitment to long-term sustainability and growth.

11 Responses to “Bridging Gaps: L. Allen Wheatley’s role in strengthening Agriculture & Fisheries in VI”

  • one eye (07/01/2025, 13:30) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    Pure talk the farmers are worse off
  • smh (07/01/2025, 15:30) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    This guy is such a legend in his own mind. He was once thought to have great potential; however, he proved us all wrong.
    • M.D. (07/01/2025, 19:48) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      I thought the same once upon a time. Now hes just out and about, and when drinking, can't control his mouth
  • ANOTHER GHOST (07/01/2025, 17:18) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
  • ... (07/01/2025, 19:32) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    In a standard deck of playing cards, there are typically two jokers, but it looks like the BVI's deck of cards is loaded with them.
    Is joke we making.
  • Ask a farmer or fisherman (07/01/2025, 19:45) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why not follow up this interview by asking a farmer or fisherman what they think about the man? …. Nothing but the VIP putting a member of their team that failed at the elections on the payroll. He has no interest in the industry and adds NOTHING. I cannot believe he actually agreed to an interview and then used an example of making a WhatsApp chat as one of his main achievements…. When will we see a government who do what is best for the people as opposed to their selected few?!? So disheartening.
  • smh (07/01/2025, 20:35) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    poor allen teying but....he is too much about self
  • Crying for Our People (07/01/2025, 22:22) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is so sad to read this article because if the constituents only know that the aforementioned statements are all false. Ask which Farmer receives water (3) days a week? Ask them what chat they have with access to the Premier? Peddling same recitations about a reservoir and lands for years, and nothing to show. This Government is a shame, and a sham. And I know because I am a Farmer! I cry for my BVI. A D*mn Shame! I Cry for my BVI!!!
  • reality (07/01/2025, 22:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pure talk, NO action. Another set of empty promises and there will be NO delivery. Here we have now 3 persons appointed to deal with farming and fishing (The Premier, D1Rep. and now AW). Nothing will be accomplished because the subject at hand is way bigger than the 3 appointees. To make a long story short he will just get a few more $$$ every month and the industry will continue to decline. Help us Lord.
  • Another big pay day. (08/01/2025, 06:23) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    This opposition is the one playing games. They are the one that meets behind closed doors and encourage the Premier to put a halt on minimum wage. The Premier promised an increase in Tax exemption come Jan 2025. Nothing...Not hearing the opposition on this. This is just another big pay day. Anyone know allen Knows he has no interest in working he just want to live the nice, good big life. Hr needs money for that

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