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Bridge job disconnect between locals & expats - Commentators

Two legislators have given contrasting statements regarding the job situation in the Territory with one pressing for employment for locals and the other stating a need for the continued importation of labour. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Following comments made by two legislators regarding the employment situation in the Territory, commentators have come to the conclusion that there is a disconnect that needs to be bridged urgently.

The Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Dr The Hon. Kedrick D. Pickering, recently expressed that there was a continued need for imported labour within the Virgin Islands while Sixth District Representative Hon. Alvera Maduro-Caines also disclosed that many members of her district remain jobless.

Commentators Douglas Wheatley as well as Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru both agreed on the 3D radio show aired May 10, 2013 that a disconnect existed with the Territory’s job situation as a result of the statements made by the two legislators. “Now for me something is wrong,” said Sowande.

Hon. Maduro-Caines has expressed that she did not believe statements claiming that young people did not want to work, according to the commentators.

Sowande remarked that legislation is in place that clearly states that qualified locals should be employed once positions become available. “We really need to see how we could bridge that disconnect between those who want jobs and this perceived need that we have to import labour.”

He also expressed that a stronger examination needed to done with regard to the education system with regard to qualifications of the youths. “We’re spending a lot on our education system and if we’re not getting the results, we really need to take some steps to deal with it.”

Meanwhile, Douglas Wheatley suggested that training should play an important role in the hiring of young unemployed youths in the Territory.

“It is the responsibility of the government to equip its population, so that the jobs that become available within the country can be accessed by the people of the country,” said Douglas Wheatley.

He further suggested that it was government’s responsibility to equip persons to access jobs and earn a living in their own country and added that it was not simply a matter of ‘fancy’ qualifications. “You can give a local person a job and then he can bring his qualifications up over a period of time,” he stated.

He suggested that overseas and online courses can be done to have this realised.

“You have to give your people a chance, you can’t be excluding your people” he said.

15 Responses to “Bridge job disconnect between locals & expats - Commentators”

  • son of the soil (14/05/2013, 07:53) Like (5) Dislike (12) Reply

    Our minister of labour wants to bring in more people, no wonder m@*k and myr*n got so many philipinos working for them?

  • dummi (14/05/2013, 08:08) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply

    Pickering are you full of @#$%^ after you all don give all the white people dem work permit are you killing the island people if are you don't want the island people in are you country say it don't go around the bush dem bill up all you country now are you don't want them terrible

    • Knock knock (15/05/2013, 06:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Name deh "island people" as you call people (but we know who you mean) one by one and lets hear the capacities of building up - we want substantial things (roads, bridges, education, health, fighting for our rights, ecetera, ecetera). Hurry up quick so we can end this stupid talk. However, the people of this country have a place, and we welcome everyone who have come to improve themselves and while doing that make a contribution. Stop your nonsense.
  • tru (14/05/2013, 09:41) Like (11) Dislike (18) Reply
    It got many peope on work permit that don't even have a high school certificate. This thing about locals not being qualified is a load of horse sh*t!
  • Virgin Islands (14/05/2013, 10:31) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    Picko..... been full of BS!! from a long time very selfish & greed ed , a sell out for white people or any expat with money.. REMEMBER RALPH O 'NEAL MADE A STATEMENT THAT HE DON'T HAVE TO GET ON NO ONE PRIVATE PLANE IF HE WANT TO THE STATE (It was Picko... he was talking bout ) ...

  • One request (14/05/2013, 11:46) Like (6) Dislike (316) Reply

    Dear All,

    Because your names are not here on display is no reason to be so rude and respectful of your fellowmen. Please try to be civil. It is proper to refer to the ministers by their given title whether you like, dislike, agree or disagree with them. Some post does not even use a capital " R" when referring to the Hon. Skelton In addition the tone of some of these post is just disgusting. Let us as a people elevate ourself fom this type of behavior. It is not becoming. We are not setting a good example for the youths. I am tired of this. Pease let us try to do better. We must be the change we want to see. Change begins when each person decides to be that change. Thank you very much for taking a step in the right direction and for encouraging someone else to do so.
  • Online Now (14/05/2013, 13:31) Like (2) Dislike (22) Reply
    More ignorance .... The largest bridge is an educational one, which means that the companies offering opportunities want the candidates to be well qualified and experienced, there are not enough locals like that. The second largest is motivational, there are a lot of jobs that locals do not want to do - for varying reasons.

    Solve those two and you will have 100% employment. Stop the blaming.
  • wellsa (14/05/2013, 15:01) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    Wellsa we need to get rid of these EXPATS in government, we have locals doing the same job, we dont need them train the local whether internal or overseas training put them in place, send them back to there country whether male or female, they are only here for gratuity they aint worth a penny here in this country, to name some of the departments............... trusts me the would be shocking.

    When you at some of these department they are full of contract workers and expats, get rid of them.
    • WOWO (14/05/2013, 17:08) Like (5) Dislike (38) Reply
      I'm with you with this Government need to get rid of these EXPATS, they are money hungry just to name a few some coming out of PWD, W&S, SD, SW, EH, HMP, PH and RVIPF just to name a few these are where i no for sure have PLENTY EXPATS or contracts workers from the islands that need to good, we need to stop renewing their contracts....................send them OUT, it sicken me to see these waste bags here feed off of Government money and sending it back to there homeland.
      • Anotherone (18/05/2013, 18:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You forget one, the Honourable Attorney General. Get rid of him. He has never worked in Government in his life but his good friend gave him a job and fooling the Government. Ever asked yourself why the Speaker rises each time for a legal answer? The people under the Sunday Morning Well said, it is so she can find someone to assist her because he sits in the House offering no advice to the NDP in need. What we need him here for? Send him back to Clairendon where he came from -- he to hiphosit!!
  • -------------------- (14/05/2013, 15:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • pat (14/05/2013, 17:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    lord, that cinaplex is a fish out of water. Why was it allowed!?
  • foxy (14/05/2013, 23:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    who cars about the locals in this place??? ayo better wheel and come again
  • Looseness (17/05/2013, 10:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of u all need to grow up an stop thinking so everyone want betterment an if we r sending some of our money home y should that bother u no one tells u guys what to do with yours an a matter of fact that just to show how small minded u all r an continue that behavior u all will fall right back down

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