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Brexit! ‘Why is it so right for UK to be independent?’- Hon Fraser

- said Brexit should help UK to appreciate why VI wants more autonomy
Veteran legislator and Opposition Member, Honourable Julian Fraser RA has questioned why it is so right for the United Kingdom to want full independence from the European Union but doesn’t think it is good for the Virgin Islands to want more autonomy. Photo: VINO/File
Jubilant Brexiteers heralded the moment with celebrations across the country, including a flagship bash in London's Parliament Square back in January 31, 2020. Ties with the EU were officially severed on December 31, 2020 Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/LNP
Jubilant Brexiteers heralded the moment with celebrations across the country, including a flagship bash in London's Parliament Square back in January 31, 2020. Ties with the EU were officially severed on December 31, 2020 Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/LNP
The United Kingdom (UK), through controversial Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, continues to resist moves by the Virgin Islands to gain more autonomy. Photo: VINO/File
The United Kingdom (UK), through controversial Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, continues to resist moves by the Virgin Islands to gain more autonomy. Photo: VINO/File
Jubilant Brexiteers heralded the moment with celebrations across the country, including a flagship bash in London's Parliament Square on January 31, 2020. Photo: Daily Mail
Jubilant Brexiteers heralded the moment with celebrations across the country, including a flagship bash in London's Parliament Square on January 31, 2020. Photo: Daily Mail
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- As the United Kingdom (UK), through controversial Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, continues to resist moves by the Virgin Islands to gain more autonomy, veteran legislator and Opposition Member, Honourable Julian Fraser RA has questioned why it is so right for the UK to want full independence but doesn’t think it is good for the Virgin Islands.

100% in support of Brexit- Hon Fraser

With the people of the UK voting to leave the European Union in June 2016 by a referendum, the transitional period of the exit (referred to as Brexit) officially came to an end on December 31, 2020.

According to Hon Fraser, he was “100 percent behind” Brexit.

“Mr Speaker, we have just, at 11:00PM, British time, on December 31st witnessed something remarkable. Since 1973 I think it was I think the British had joined the European Union and they are now free of the Union,” Hon Fraser said during the Fifth Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands (VI) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola on January 5, 2021.

Hon Fraser was making the point that the Virgin Islands has a right to self-determination but it can still maintain a relationship with the UK as other former colonies have done.

“There are two kinds of people in the world, Mr Speaker. There are nationalists and there are globalists. Just take a page from their book and just read it back to them when it comes to you talking about self-determination, Mr Premier.

“They broke from the European Union to gain their independence…it was important to them, so important, that despite all the global chatter they still went ahead with it. Even with division within themselves they still went ahead with it.

“Why is it so right for them to be independent and it is not right for us to speak for our self-determination?”


Taking a swing at Governor Jaspert, who has been accused of being hostile towards the elected Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) for speaking and making moves towards self-determination, that “no self-respecting individual would leave the United Kingdom, come here to the Virgin Islands, be the Governor, and not understand that from back in the 60s country after country after country were trading the Union Jack for a manjack. There was a reason for it: liberation, being yourself. There is no better feeling than being yourself, Mr Speaker.”

Hon Fraser said the same people who are criticising Premier Fahie and others for talking about self-determination, need to be asked why they left their mother’s house among other questions.

“How come you don’t live with your mother anymore? How come you got your own car? How come you got your own family? This is all we are talking about, leaving your mother’s house.”

The Queen can still be Head of State

Hon Fraser clarified that the territory can have independence but still have The Queen as the Head of State.

“No one is saying if you get hungry you can’t go back there and get a meal. No one is stopping you. What has the UK done to all those Caribbean countries that have been independent? Only two or there have gone Republic. The monarch is still their queen; Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Queen is still their monarch.

“If you love to be under the monarchy so much you could still be.”

Hon Fraser reiterated that if one listens to the UK news they would learn how proud the people of the UK are to get their independence back and “that they got their borders back”.

21 Responses to “Brexit! ‘Why is it so right for UK to be independent?’- Hon Fraser”

  • pat (12/01/2021, 12:55) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    Fraser is the man
  • question (12/01/2021, 13:02) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    Question? Why is it right that you in government so long?

    Is time to go home!!
  • Challenger (12/01/2021, 14:06) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    there was a referendum and the people of the uk voted....there should be one here...until that time .....stop blaming uk....ask US. the people for once. !!!
  • hog city (12/01/2021, 14:32) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    Very strong point fraser you speaking good
  • Virgin Islander (12/01/2021, 14:34) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    Thanks for putting in lay mans term Hon. J Freaser hope the bloggers don’t try and discredit you for expressing your opinion on this very important matter
  • Patriotic bvi (12/01/2021, 14:44) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Independence with what?.
  • KLM (12/01/2021, 14:57) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    Julian Fraser that’s a very stupid question the UK can take care of themselves and they don’t have to answer to anyone all of a sudden the government can’t get independence off of their minds tell us who are we going to turn to in time of need? Because if the BVI were to get independence the BVI will be worse off than we are now we don’t have any other industry besides truism and the Trust companies, if we were to become independent the Trust companies will be gone.
    The UK knows that independence is not good for us because they know that the trust companies will be gone.
    Why the hell you government people don’t stop fighting the UK and the governor? If both sides will act like men and not children things will be a lot better for everyone. Fraser you comparing a child leaving their mother's home to the BVI independence you guys need to think before you speak.
    Check for yourself and see how many people want independence.

    This independence talk is worse since the NDY was in power all because Andrew Fahie can’t his way with the UK.

    • resident (12/01/2021, 15:29) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      Another difference is that you don't have about 70% of the taxpaying population in UK unable to vote. The voting system in the BVI needs fixing so that the people who live here and pay taxes get an equal say in how the place is governed. You can't buy off a larger voting population so easily with jobs in the public service and a retaining wall repair. That means government gets scrutinised more effectively by the voting public. It's also one of the reasons proper democracies tend to be more prosperous and better governed than non democracies.
      • @resident (12/01/2021, 23:32) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        You are given the privelege to work in a country other than where you were born and because you are paying taxes you think you have a right to vote so you can be part of the desicion making of that country. The flip side to that is that you can easily run back to your country when things get rough just like how you run from your country because things get rough there. People only look at one side of the coin but a coin has two sides.
      • @temporary resident (13/01/2021, 07:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        you want to marginalize the people of the VI by the sheer numbers of 'residents'? People who have no where else to go and vote must be at the whims of people who are here temporarily? No. Put in your years and get your rights its a high bar but that's how it works the world over. And immigration is becoming a problem globally.

        No matter where you come from in the world it is ludicrous to expect to vote on a work permit, or even as a refugee to put it in the European perspective.
  • nonsense (12/01/2021, 15:07) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    The UK was not dependent on the EU and had to seek independence. This is nonsense and demonstrates a poor knowledge of the relationship, which is significantly different to the UK-BVI relationship. It is intellectually dishonest to argue from false equivalence.
  • MEDIOCRITY (12/01/2021, 16:13) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The man is showing how mediocre VI leaders are: the UK had a referendum. Let the BVI have one first before spouting nonsense.
  • strupesss (12/01/2021, 16:42) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    frazer go read a book please... uk was not dependable but t on EU. they simply had a bad marriage.. We love our BVI and UK marriage. and love being dependant..
  • Common Sense (12/01/2021, 17:01) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    I think the good gentleman has lost sight of the fact that the “B” in BVI stands for British, everyone lives here at Her Majesties pleasure, these islands belong to Britain, they are not yours. That said, from the comments in all three news sites, the likes and dislikes, this writer believes a referendum of the people would vote against independence. Perhaps a referendum is long overdue.
    • not too common (13/01/2021, 07:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Officially its the Virgin Islands, your point is moot. Plus what they are talking about is increasing powers of the VI over itself incrementally to put it in laymans terms before you leave home you go to college with your parents support. Now what if they dont want you to get a higher education & more independence when that's what they in their day..

      Plus people dont understand what dependent means. People make you dependent on them. When it had nothing to interest them the people here survived, that was our forefathers. Why should today with our technology be any different?
  • East End me come from (12/01/2021, 17:12) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Any one who does not believe in their freedom is sick

    Fraser you are right on point meh boy
  • bless (12/01/2021, 20:39) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    These colonizers gain their wealth by the heights of evil and they continue to benefit from those cruelty against the African descendants and also the natives. So literally if you speak against these demonical place like England those who are still suffering mentally from indoctrination will go against the truth you utter, it's no difference in the days of Christ when he spoke against the evil by Roman's. England will get her judgement,for she is the whore that sitteth on many waters
  • @ Common Sense (12/01/2021, 21:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Left to some mental slaves we would remain that way perpetually.
  • dstretre (12/01/2021, 21:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • RE: Brexit (12/01/2021, 23:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    As of December 31st, the 'transition' period for Brexit has ended and thus 'real Brexit' is a mere 12 days old. This is now truly the litmus test: a global pandemic, reduced access to EU markets and funding. We would be prudent to think for ourselves and observe how the UK fares (and even whether Scotland opts to remain 'united' with the rest of the UK) at this time. Just because something was decided in a UK referendum by 52% of the UK population does NOT mean that WE need to operate on a monkey-see-monkey-do basis. We are not monkeys, and our watchword is 'vigilate'.
    Have patience, and observe. That's what we need to do now, in addition to actually making concrete plans for how to fund external security (army, navy, coastal border protection, disaster emergency relief) for when we DO decide to cut the umbilical cord. Best believe that between COVID and Brexit, the UK has enough on its plate and far too much to consider us and 13 other Overseas Territories right this moment. They're busy firefighting. We should get busy planning in conjunction with the other OTs.
  • Professor of truth (12/01/2021, 23:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Julian Frazer said that "there are two kind of people in the world: Nationalist and Globalist. I say that there are two kind of people in the world: Good hearted ones, and evil hearted ones. We hopefully may sooner get a lical Governor, but independence under political leaders before financial accountability and balance fairness for all our citizens, not recommended by the majority, me included.

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