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Breaking News- New magazine insulting, offensive & demeaning to local residents

Part of the Cover of the new magazine "NEWBIE".
The magazine is considered to be offensive and meanging by many local residents.
The magazine is considered to be offensive and meanging by many local residents.
The magazine provides translation for several phrases that it states are used by Virgin Islanders.
The magazine provides translation for several phrases that it states are used by Virgin Islanders.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - A new magazine ‘NEWBIE,’ which claims to be a guide for new residents and visitors to the BVI, is causing some controversy in local circles.

The magazine, which is published by the public relations firm ‘a Lookingglass’ is described by many local Virgin Islanders to be insulting, demeaning, offensive and cynical, to local residents especially, the indigenous Virgin Islanders.

The magazine, according to its critics, portray locals as not being able to speak ‘proper English’ and as having a ‘broken dialect’ and visitors needing the translations of what locals may  mean when they speak.

The magazine provides these translations. For example, the magazine highlights on page 3 the phase,  “Wah gwin ahn?”  and claims that this is Tolian for “whats going on?.” In other words, new comers to the Virgin Islands will not always understand the residents and may at times need an interpreter.

Another phase among many others that the critics claim is demeaning and to be a misrepresentation of locals is found on page 7 “Yuh aint’t bahn hare, mehson”.  The ‘NEWBIE’ claims that this means, “You’r not from here”.

Shorn Jabbs, a local landscaping businessman, has told VINO that; he “found portions of the publication to be an insult to the intelligence of locals and that the way in which locals were represented was wrong and undermined our education system.”

Another businessman who requested to remain anonymous said he was upset that one of his affiliated companies had done an advertisement with the magazine since it was indeed “an insult to locals, to portray us as if we could not speak Standard English….these people need to go from here with their bias nonsense” the businessman told VINO.

Ms. Jeanette Lewis, a Virgin Islander, who lectures at the H Lavity Stoutt Community College, and also works at the Government’s International Finance Centre told VINO that she too found the ‘broken English’ in the magazine-NEWBIE to be “offensive to the residents and it showed a lack of respect for the indigenous Virgin Islanders who do not speak in that manner….my mother is from here and she does not speak like that.”

Lewis told VINO that the magazine content was brought to her attention by her students at the college, who also found it to be very offensive. Her Department, the International Finance Centre, has a full page advertisement in the magazine.

However, Traci O’Dea, a migrant Caucasian worker on a work permit with the firm  ‘aLookingglass’, and the editor of the controversial magazine, told VINO that she was sorry if anyone was offended and said it was not the intent to offend anyone.

O’Dea, who is from Baltimore, Maryland USA, and has been in the Virgin Islands for just two and a half years claimed that the ‘broken English’  “was only a playful portrayal” and that she had gotten much positive feedback from locals and visitors alike, on the magazine. O’Dea also told VINO that she viewed it as a celebration of local culture “I love the BVI” she claimed, in an invited comment.

Other ‘broken dialect’ as alleged on how Virgin Islanders speak can be found in the magazine on pages, 21, 29, 45, 57 and 75 all full page as separators to new topics.  The controversial magazine also provides translation as to what local residents mean.

The controversial new magazine has attracted some advertisement from corporate VI companies such as Telecommunications giant CCT Global Communications, Ogier Trust company, Golden Pavillion and International Motors, among others.

176 Responses to “Breaking News- New magazine insulting, offensive & demeaning to local residents ”

  • zoe bear (09/02/2011, 07:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know that girl Tracy she walks up in down like she owns the place…not surprised by her insults…
    • Really (09/02/2011, 09:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      How are you unsurprised by her insults by how she walks?
      • Be Laugh (06/09/2012, 17:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

        Take you noise down a little, I am pretty sure you know what Zoe Bear means by the statement. But let me translate for you...the gal ah wak rund like she shit don't stink, like she gold. Done @really+++

        Furthermore, most American's are taught to believe they are better than every one else. if this woman is living in the VI and has lived in the VI for as long as she as lived, I would hope by now she would have realize that we traverse the english language as we please. Yes with some grammatical errors and all, but plenti American have trouble with this crazy language.

        I had a white lady Tell me that tolian a difficult and that them white people there are every tight, actually felt like a threat to me but me control myself and decided not to go into any long talk with the woman. Cause for the life of me i couldn't see how she became the victim!!!

        Any way me going reserve some patience with O'Dea til me find de article and read it fo me self.
    • kishayne Wright (09/02/2011, 23:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i dont think she act like own the place the magazine is in no way offensive, you guys use the dialect they publisha nd translate it. dont want it known dont speak it.
  • USA Student (09/02/2011, 07:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "she loves the bvi"...yea yea right!!!! it's like saying I am not a racist because i have black friends
    • DEPORT SHE (09/02/2011, 10:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You mean the b...h is on a work permit and causing so much trouble? Let’s see if the governor will back off DA and deport she?
      • LIATS 521 (09/02/2011, 11:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        • Right (09/02/2011, 11:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Yeah - cos she aint't "bahn hare". Congratulations for proving your ignorance and justifying her article.
      • correction (09/02/2011, 15:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        *deport her
        • bad people (09/02/2011, 17:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          There needs to be a law about people who come to our islands as migrant workers when they insult and speak ill and blastfairm our way of life they need to be deported with immediate effect.
          • Strange (09/02/2011, 18:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            There needs to be a law about people who can't spell for toffee.
          • Debater (09/02/2011, 23:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            I am sure the intent of the magazine was not to insult. It is true that BVI or any other Caribbean dialect sounds like a foreign language to visitors. However, anyone reading some of these comments might think that maybe there are half naked little savages in the Virgin Islands after all. First of all, there's nothing shameful about using dialect and nothing in the magazine says the locals cannot speak English if they choose so to do. Secondly, the horrible grammar and and spelling in some of these posts make it seem like all we do know is dialect. It would seem to me that some of us are proving the very point we are trying to argue against!
      • Exactly (10/02/2011, 09:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        "DEPORT SHE", funny that you are apparently angry at the magazine's editor and content yet you just proved her correct that SOME BVIslanders don't speak anything close to English by saying "DEPORT SHE" to be DEPORT HER. Please apply what you learn in English A class...proper syntax, punctuation, structure, etc!!!!!
      • Wilberforce (25/02/2011, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Lots of expats in the BVI are indeed migrant, Caucasian workers. In the same way that lots of belongers are indigent, negro slave-descendants. But if those who were "bahn here" want to live in a prosperous and harmonious society, they must learn habits of racial tolerance and the much vaunted "respect" must be two-way.
  • Tolajoke (09/02/2011, 08:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of you people need to lighten up and get a sense of humor. I read the magazine yesterday and was of the opinion that it was very well put together and was in no way insulting - but then I have a sense of humor and am not suffering from low self esteem.
    • Adam (09/02/2011, 09:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You white folks could blog all you want. I just look at the newbie and yes it’s demeaning and typical white in senecitivity
  • Janet Williams (09/02/2011, 08:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Typical white thing….they think all we black locals are from the bush…another insult for Ms. O’Dea to say it was just a playful portial…..but you should be a fly on the wall on how they talk about locals in certain circles.
  • resident (09/02/2011, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    OK you people need to grow up and stop taking every little thing so personally! I have lived here since 1978 and yes Tortolians have their own dialect and they should be proud of it not offended. It does not mean they can't speak properly it just means they have created their own language, a combination of languages from their heritage, just like people from New Orleans USA who speak creole (a combination of French, Spanish, African and English) and they are very proud of their dialect. Local persons of the VI should be very proud of their heritage and dialect and embrace it not be ashamed of it when someone writes about. I know many expats that have tried to learn it and can not. Not to ridicule it but to be part of the culture they are guest's a compliment to copy someones dialect not an insult..if you take it that way then you must be embarrassed to be a Tortolian!!
    • well sa (09/02/2011, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You talking foolishness! I am insulted by this "a looking glass" nonsense. She really thinks the world views this as a joke. They need to shut that down!
    • back at you (09/02/2011, 09:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hush you foolish tail from tying to justify white oppression and racism
      • Really (09/02/2011, 10:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Who is being oppressed? It a manual for people moving here? It's not Like NEWBIE is running for office.
      • Strange (09/02/2011, 15:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Strange indeed when the only oppression on this island is against anyone not from here. White, Yellow, Caribbeans from other islands. All have to jump through hoops and be oppressed by BVIslanders.
    • Just Come? (09/02/2011, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Tell me how can a foreigner who lives in the BVI for only 2 years qualifies our dialect. I am a BVIslander and I have never spoken those words like she quoted them. Enough said.
      • head line (10/02/2011, 00:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        because she thinks she could get away with it and meke money from it.....that's how they are and I am told she always bad talk the locals
    • trevor (09/02/2011, 12:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      who the hell are u to come here and tell us what we shouls or should not be proud of? We say it is offensive. That's final. Now go tell her apologize and shut up. We are a proud people by nature who have brains and know the typical racist comments when we see or hear them.
    • Ashamed? (09/02/2011, 14:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think that those that are offended are ashamed of their heritage. I am from Louisiana, and although I am not Creole, we are taught the French way as soon as we are in school. Plus my teacher was Cajun and she made sure we knew the 'Cajun way' of doing things. Be proud of who you are or be someone else!
    • clement (10/02/2011, 00:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The majority of Tortolian don't speak this way. Really, this magazine needed to be edited properly. It is an insult.
  • Local (09/02/2011, 09:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just saw this book and I am shocked that they actually portray us as all speaking this way! I am from the BVI and I don't speak like they say!! Typical white way of making fun of black people. Its a more subtle way of how they would don black paint on their faces and dance around "poking fun" at our skin color, our "copied mannerisims" and the way in which we "spoke"! I am VERY UPSET!
    • money man (09/02/2011, 09:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I hear you….. after living in the south its dam right racist..what they did end of story
  • Dija (09/02/2011, 09:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. You can even see how bad the locals do speak from reading the comments on the blogs and news sites. If we do indeed have an issue with people saying that we speak 'broken English' , 'bad English' etc., then we should try our best to speak proper. There is nothing wrong with speaking with an accent, but honestly some of the people here put such a twist on the words that you can barely understand what they are saying (e.g. "wha da eh?" means "what is that"; "me'en know" means "I don't know").
    • Virgin Gorda Massive (09/02/2011, 09:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      No amount of explanation will justify that magazine. I just looked at a copy and therefore agreed with all who think it is a dis to the locals….
  • Really (09/02/2011, 09:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The fact that this has been somehow twisted into a race issue is really sad. Caribbean people have a fun and unique accent. What is there to be ashamed about? I don't think it is being made fun of and I also don't think it should be hidden.
  • the truth hurts (09/02/2011, 09:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ah yes wickedness never like exposure!!!
    • TELL THE TRUTH (09/02/2011, 10:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      VINO I give you all credit for having the balls to bring out things like this. The whites on this island have no regards for locals. They come from America, South Africa and the UK with their racist attitudes and get in there little "clicks" and talk bad about the locals. You people do not know half the story about what is going on with race on these islands. …but I got some stuff for VINO & Platinum…some issues on the outer islands and the cays
      • Tolajoke (09/02/2011, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Reading your blog it is very apparent that you are racist towards whites, as a matter of fact read the blogs and see how much racism there is towards whites, Jamaicans, Trini's, Guyanese, Philipinos etc. etc. this has to be one of the most hateful of places in the world. How sad, especially as most BVIslanders are not from here anyway and those that have been for a few generations are Bahn in St.Thomas and Puerto Rico.
        • chief minister (09/02/2011, 17:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          do not try and change the subject with your blah blah blah blah…the NEWBIE magazine has insulted and demean local residents and the people around it has a history of hate…now smoke that…..
  • Walwyn Smith (09/02/2011, 10:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I didn't know we had indigenous people here in the BVI. Can someone point me towards the nearest Arawak or Carib community? See oxford dictionary under indigenous and you will see the adjective and it's definition "originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native:" The vast majority of BVIslanders are native to Africa. Some have us have some Indian heritage and many of us have European heritage weather it be Spanish, British or Dutch. All the pale skinned, light brown rather than dark brown or black "BVIslanders" have have ancestory that is native to Europe as well as Africa. Indigenous! Da jokes fa jokes misson. Stuppes. Indigenous, I think the expression you are looking for is ignorant Virgin Islanders as they are the only ones offended. Get your facts straight, the culture of the BVI is not the indigenous culture. We are a mixing bowl of cultures. What is written in the Newbie is true. If we are so embarassed and offended then maybe its time to educate our citizens and change our ways.
    • Natives vs Indigenous (09/02/2011, 15:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Of course BVIslanders are not "indigenous" to the British Virgislands since the society is a colonial creation. However, BVIslanders are the "native" people of the territory. In other words, those people that were "bawn here," under BVI citizenship or are BVIslanders by descent, are the native people of the territory. We should refrain from using this "non-indigenous" argument to diminish or minimize the importance of the native British Virgin Islander, relative to non-natives. This applies to who has the right to run for office and other entitlements. Natives are due a special place in society.
  • need to be exposed (09/02/2011, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you small minded ppl who think all we do is come in mess up yall culture and we bad talk awyo!!! get exposed to the outside water and not just stay in the bvi... you could hear yourself when you bad talk the bajans and jamaicans about them "dialect"!!! so what if they say something about the way we vi ppl speak its a magazine for humor, publicity and attraction for readers of the international public to see history and other stuff. Get exposed first to make insulting opinion on the way business is done....
    • black boy (09/02/2011, 10:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Setta you old racist dead backside…...we shall not go back to slavery and white supremacy
      • resident (09/02/2011, 11:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Maybe we should!!
        • sad to see (09/02/2011, 13:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Really, if this is how you feel just remember there is a flight that leaves here everyday that will take you away from the scary black people. I constantly hear bad things being said about locals in conversations and truly it is very sad, this shows me that there is no respect and that there is a certain level of prejudice towards the locals. We live on a very small Island and if you do come here to work and live amongst the locals you should find ways to entertain yourself aside from finding fault, and if you are prejudice you are truly on the wrong island!! In this day and age only uneducated people are prejudice this is just a basic lack of exposure and education. what was written was done in the wrong way, wrong font and did not need to be printed on individual pages as if to say in your face. As professionals things could have been done very differently, perhaps there could have been a page that listed some local slang that visitors and residents might come across while staying here. IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER!! WE ARE REALLY MISSING THIS SIMPLE THING CALLED RESPECT
  • David (09/02/2011, 10:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am one of those "bahn hare, meson." and I'm proud of it, and say it exactly like that. In fact I make a special exclamation when I say it to reinforce it. When new people come here it's always a topic of conversation somewhere. There's always someone that has to explain to the new guy all about this and what it means. Don't see why this would be offensive at all.
    • bvi (09/02/2011, 15:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      hare is a type of animal and in all my years as a BVIslander has NEVER seen it written like this. They obvioulsy DID NOT do their research. If they had they would know the way we spell these words of dialect etc.. I do find it very insulting myself. I am very proud of our dialect. In all Caribbean islands there is some form of it and it varies from island to island. They need to GET IT RIGHT
  • Yahweh (09/02/2011, 10:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Would everyone still be so offended if Ms. O'Dea were a BVI Islander of African descent?
  • hhmmm (09/02/2011, 11:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow had the publication been vetted for sensitivity prior to publishing there would be no criticism.
    • BOTTLE WATER (09/02/2011, 12:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Yahweh (09/02/2011, 11:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Had it not?
  • Mary Jane (09/02/2011, 11:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have not seen the publication but must say that I use my broken english/dialect when I am speaking to locals. Having travelled extensively I know that when I speak to a newbie, I need to speak proper english. I am not ashamed of my dialect, unlike a lot of professional BVIslanders who return with Canadian, American and European accents because they don't realize that a dialect as well as proper english have their places. The Jamaicans, Trinis and Bajans dont change their dialect/accent for no one and I feel the same way about mine. However, if the editor gives the impression that BVIslanders are illiterate, THATS WRONG!!!!!!
    • Yahweh (09/02/2011, 12:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      True . . but the book explains that it is phonetic spelling . . to help lay people understand the accent.
    • May Jane LIe Bad (06/09/2012, 18:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mary Jane...You damn Lie bout Jamicans, trinis and Bajans dont we all do. You have to if you dont' wana be asked to repeat. Besides nuff americans can't speak a lick of decent english.
  • broken english (09/02/2011, 12:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    deeds white trash always coming here fron south africa and the states wid dem foolishness. them need to keep out of how we ah speak and mind dem damm biz
  • Hmmm (09/02/2011, 12:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh she will be one popular person when she gets back here...LOL!!! I'm sure the BVI public will show their appreciation and thoughts on her book.
  • TS (09/02/2011, 13:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow.....some of these comments are so ignorant that I won't even write anymore of my comment. You racist freaks don't deserve my time.
  • don't see whats wrong (09/02/2011, 13:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have not read the magazine but just based on this article alone I don't see whats wrong. Other places like Jamaica...even our neighbours USVI to an extent embrace this sort of stuff...they have books and magazines printed in their local language. Don't be ignorant just because we speak dialect does not mean we are illiterate. Many people can speak both dialect and english and can switch back and forth.
  • Hortence (09/02/2011, 13:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How is this breaking news? It's more like broken wind. If anything, you should be thankful for this publication - which is not racist in any way whatsoever. The fact is, this country relies on foreign workers because the locals lack the education to perform the upper level job tasks. The newcomers will find the guide useful because the information inside didn't exist in one place, prior to the NEWBIE guide. Tough luck if you can't take a joke when it comes to the language references.
    • Who's Laughing (09/02/2011, 16:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Joke my a$$
    • Oh Please! (10/02/2011, 09:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hortence, your comment is generalized and full of s$@t!!! Your quote, "The fact is, this country relies on foreign workers because the locals lack the education to perform the upper level job tasks". That comment in itself is highly offensive. I am a born BV Islander who was educated abroad and this just shows me some of the ridiculous attitudes that 'some' foreigners have. In your place of origin I am sure you are not up to standard. Some people come here and want to be the 'big fish in the little pond'. The problem here is our Government does not have a more stringent approach to immigration and labour. Furthermore, the education system needs a complete overhaul. For years there has been propoganda, a divide and conquer attitude and undermining from other nationalities which some BV Islanders are well aware of! THE TIME IS NOW FOR BV ISLANDERS TO UNITE AND SQUASH THIS NONSENSE GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY! "EVIL FLOURISHES WHEN THE GOOD DO NOTHING"
    • Damn Proud BVIslander (10/02/2011, 10:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Hortence - “The fact is, this country relies on foreign workers because the locals lack the education to perform the upper level job tasks” This is exactly the kind of comment that makes BVIslanders' backs rise and puts us on the defense. There are MANY highly educated BVIslanders who could run circles around their foreign counterparts (and some that do so every day) but are being stiffled because they are BVIslanders, and you making such a comment only proves that fact. When you come into someone's country you should come willing to respect the native people for who they are as they have allowed you to become a part of their community. Unfortunately, the "new breed" of immigrants coming into the BVI have disassociated themselves from the locals and have chosen rather to form their cliques and hang out at Pussers and other such places often bashing the same place that is allowing them to enjoy a standard of living that some would never be able to in their own country. A generation ago persons came from other islands and integrated into the BVI society and have truly made this place their home; however, today you can hardly find an "ex-pat" who has more than two or three BVIslander friends (if any at all). We are all not so different, but the attitudes that have been brought into the territory have moulded the responsive attitude of the local people and have caused a great divide that may never be bridged. Yes, there are some BVIslanders with bad attitudes, as in any country, but perhaps if you opened your mind a little you would realise that the BVI has a lot more to offer than just a paycheck.
  • don't see whats wrong (09/02/2011, 13:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    To many newbies I think though. Thats the only thing I find wrong up to this morning I was thinking that I have a Bachelors and some experience and make $2,000 per month while the newbies come with the same degree...(maybe a Masters and slightly more experience) and make $5000 to $8000 per month...while I struggle to provide for my children on less than half that. Why such a big disparity? They need write an article about that in a magazine.
    • Hortence (09/02/2011, 13:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why don't you write it then?
    • todontseewhatswrong (09/02/2011, 22:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Don't see whats wrong... I am sorry you have had that experience with wages. If anything, I personally think the BVI economy is inflated, and many BVIslanders are getting huge wages that would be completely uncompetitive anywhere else while highly educated foreigners are taking lower-paying jobs. Also, the difference in the caliber of work between someone with an advanced degree and a bachelor's is usually pretty significant. This may have nothing to do with race/ethnicity/country origin and actual experience and quality of work.
      • work elsewhere (10/02/2011, 12:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        and you shall see that yee are not correct and lets not talk about the cost of living vs. wages....thats a whole other story.
      • don't agree (10/02/2011, 13:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The point is all other things being equal they are paying the expats from UK, Australia and America more and offer more benefitst than to the locals with similar qualifications. Many times they offer housing allowance which is understandable since they not from here but we also have rent and mortgage to pay...they don't seem to see that. Our children become at a disadvantage because the cost of living is so high. But a lot is on the shoulder of our administration....(poor administration).
  • Right (09/02/2011, 13:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think it shows the local priorities. Witch hunt for a foreign (white) person writing a derogatory (in jest) article v support and justification for a local person caught with an AK47. Welcome to Tortola Newbies!
    • report (09/02/2011, 17:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just trying to change the subject……well written article based on facts… just manage to get a copy of the book....Kudos vino
  • torn (09/02/2011, 13:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok, my first reaction when I read the "localisms" was that it was playful, but "yu ain't bahn here meh son" is always used negatively and I thought it should not be included. In any case, it was . . . so be it. I also think the average prices given for food is WAY OFF. I can't buy a bread for $1.95!!
  • David (09/02/2011, 13:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'd be interested for anybody to give a REASONABLE and LOGICAL argument to the following: "A publication, targeted to newcomers to the BVI, phonetically spelling local, true and existing slang to explain to outsiders what it means = Insulting behavior from white trash racists" Seems like a pretty long stretch to me!
    • What (09/02/2011, 14:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's Tortola!!!....Duh.
    • Breaking news breaking news (09/02/2011, 15:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not a long stretch…in fact it’s on point “David”. I for one believe the motives was racist…when you put Dan O’Conner, Traci O’Dea and Marcus Mason in one bag and shake it up the result is the same, a bunch of racist and hick billies……. I gone now
      • help help (09/02/2011, 17:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        • INSIDER (10/02/2011, 00:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          But hold up for a min yall….was not it one of those three persons mentioned who draw cartoons portraying Locals senators and people like barebones according to one government senator?????…things that make you want to go uuuuuuuhhhh and here they go again. I just learn from a friend from the Beacon that the same Dan O’Conner boy who use to work for the Beacon now works for alooking glass….the plot thickens…. that explains the lack of sensitivity by the magazine and the time they spend on the blogs looking for cover!
          • KKK (10/02/2011, 07:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            " TO INSIDER"and dem say he will be dey next editor of dey same rude demeaning magizine....dem all in it together
          • Idiot (10/02/2011, 14:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Yeah, and you'll find that it was a LIE by the politician and that there were never any such cartoons drawn.
      • only in BVI (09/02/2011, 19:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Tolian is local dialect and accent. Fact. Tolian when spoken fast is near impossible for anyone not "bahn" or brought up here to understand when they first hear it. Fact. Tolian is a fun sounding amazing language to hear and listen to. Fact. These pages in Newbie with Tolian sayings on them, do nothing but take some commonly heard sayings (spelt right or wrong, but phonetically) and translate them. Fact. Now take the above and swap "Tolian" with "Scouse", "Geordie" or "Glaswegian", or even "Welsh" and "Gaelic" languages from the UK. Swap it with "New York Dialect", "Yat" (New Orleans) or "Southern American English" from the USA. Swap it with "Creole", "Pidgin" or "Patois" from around the equator and Caribbean. Swap it with any of the different "Canadian French" dialects from Canada. Swap it with "Breton" from France and "Catalan" and "Basque" from Spain. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. You will find every single other region of people speaking all the above languages, accents or dialects to be PROUD of their HERITAGE and the WAY THEY SPEAK, and you could easily reprint this guide WORLDWIDE, with the information altered and languages adjusted to suit, and it would be well received. Why such hatred and blatant racism coming out here in the BVI? Your accent and the way you speak says NOTHING about your intelligence, abilities, or qualifications. It says EVERYTHING about who you are and where you come from. Having teh ability to speak in Tola, English, and whatever else you speak is something people should be proud of, so why is this being called RACIST? Please, can someone explain, with logic and reason, why translating an accent or dialect is racist? And for those who simply label "all them whites" or "all them ex-pats", or "all these BVI locals" - you also need to go and learn the definition of racism. Making assumptions about groups of people based on their appearance and origins, that IS racism.
  • BVIslander (09/02/2011, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am really upset by the comments left here. I really am dissapointed that this needs to come down a race issue when I think that is completely unnecessary and some of the comments left above make me think that racist feelings have been harboring in some people before the NEWBIE magazine ever came out. I am also shocked that such an uproar has come from someone quoting our dialect. Copying someone is after all the largest form of flattery. I am especially shocked as for most of my life growing up on this island if I spoke in an English accent BVIslanders as well as Expats would say "You don't sound like you're from here." I find that often I am judged as to whether or not I am a true BVIslander by whether or not I am able to speak the dialect which I am able to do and I am certainly proud of it. In fact when I traveled to other countries, it was a badge of honor to show that I was from the Caribbean. It's did not mean I was illiterate, it meant I came from a different culture!
  • Why upset? (09/02/2011, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do you feel upset? true not everybody talks this dialects. and mostly everybody can speak english. but most people visiting the island does not understand a word when a local talks to another local... yes this is true. This is why most people will ask to repeat... But is it racist to say that we don't understand your language as most people have never been exposed to it and that we need to translate it sometime? I guess the answer is obvious... I have a friend that is from a place called Quebec and he speak french. Well french from France say he doesn't speak proper french... when they speak between them, a french from France will not understand a word as they do not use the "proper" France french, they speak "french canadian"... does he feel upset when we say he doesn't speak proper french? no... He laugh with us and says that he speaks one more language (french and french canadian)... He can also speak french in a way that can be understandable to a person from France... like you can speak in english... So why the fuss about the fact that you are able to speak two languages? English and "tolian". Do you take the time to read from of the comments on bvi news or bvi platinum? Come on... this is not english... you might not speak like that but many people from here do... Same as for south africans why I some time doesn't understand a word... do they feel bad when I don't understand because they speak with a different accent that I don't know? no... I thought that the BVI was a welcoming place. You should not feel bad towards immigrants. If your economy is growing at a pace that cannot be supplied by bvilanders... then immigration is necessary... the same applies in Canada and many other countries where they need immigrants with certain skills that are not currently available on the island. The government should ensure that there is proper education and training to develop those skills in the population. So you can ensure that a maximum of people benefits from the expanding economy.
    • another caucasian migrant worker (09/02/2011, 18:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Kudos to this commenter - you've laid out great examples. It took me some time to adjust and understand people's accents (from the caribbean as well as other places) and it's a shame a few people have been gravely offended and have decided to personally attack people in these comments. It's highly unnecessary. They certainly aren't making comments like this about you! It's also a shame that the value of the guide's information (which they attempted to present in an entertaining and humorous way) is getting overshadowed by this petty controversy. Respect everyone and perhaps give others the benefit of the doubt, instead of automatically vilifying them.
  • My $0.02 (09/02/2011, 15:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm sorry but what does her being on a work permit have to do with this article?
    • Peanut (09/02/2011, 17:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      she here as a expact worker therefore she should keep her backside out of trouble and out we business..I wah she deported and we will keep DA...he predudist behine
      • My $0.02 (09/02/2011, 18:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        "he predudist behine"? I'm sorry were you writing english? You would rather keep a convicted criminal who hides murderers over a woman practising her freedom of speech? Witness the downfall of our society.
  • Brad Boynes (09/02/2011, 16:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is the typical divide and conquer mentality of most white people who come among us. Not insulted with this chicks comments but don't appreciate my cultural heritage being taking for a "Playful portrayal " ride for the joy of white people et al..
    • Haters (09/02/2011, 16:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Are you still talking about the book that came out? Cos it sounds like something else you talkin about.
      • tight end (09/02/2011, 17:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Once you understand the history of the white race, you will see the links
  • Moving on (09/02/2011, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I movin' after dis. Shame shame on the BVislanders for being asses
  • Local BVIslander Resident Alien Migrant (09/02/2011, 16:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anyone raised in the Caribbean cannot honestly be offended by their colloquial language being highlighted. There’s a time and a place for everything. Maybe not every local speaks that way all the time but certainly some do! And why not give new migrant workers a hint of what they might be exposed to. West Indians are so proud of their culture there are novels, poetry and plays written entirely in dialect. I wonder if it has more to do with a personal issue with the people behind the magazine. Why do we care if one of the writers is on a work permit and has lived here for a short while? The fact that the magazine is a useful, informative tool for newcomers seems to have slipped by unnoticed. Some of the comments seem to stem from a deep seated fear of (or anger about) the influx of migrant workers. The thing is we have to accept that times are changing and in order to satisfy demand, employers need to hire migrant workers. There just isn’t a large enough pool of qualified professionals locally. I do have to say to the migrant worker living in the B.V.I.: you just have to accept that things are different here and enjoy the things that are great about living in this beautiful paradise. There are some things that can change but it is a gradual process. If you feel the need to complain about everyone and everything, maybe it’s time to move on.
  • watching seeing doing (09/02/2011, 17:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The owner of the company 'A Looking Glass' is born right here in Tortola! Maybe he can't seperate his broken English from his 'dialect' but I know that many of us can. We all know that we speak in dialect but many of us are educated and trained and know when to switch. Colin and the crew, get your act together. You obviously have upset many people and it's time for some PR to clean this unfortunate mess.
  • Ms. Dowl (09/02/2011, 17:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Breaking News, if you put Dan O'Connor, Traci O'Dea and Mason Marcus in a bag and shake it up you will get three very creative and talented writers who love and respect the BVIs enough to write the truth - even when it's not popular. They have reported on some very tough issues in the past, and have wrongly been accused of being racist. If you knew these writers personally you would see how ridiculous that is. I believe that the people at ALG find the native dialect of Tortola to be absolutely delightful, and they are eager to tranlate some of the common phrases for the Newbies. Their desire to share the uniqueness and beauty of the BVIs is obvious and should be shared, not criticized.
    • Newbie BVIslander (09/02/2011, 17:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • jtv (09/02/2011, 18:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hahaha if they are so creative why can’t they get a work in them own country????? facts are facts deman! Dem say a leper cannot change its spots….
      • BVIslander (10/02/2011, 08:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        A leopard! A leopard can't change his spots!! You are completely discrediting your comment!!
    • AlSchill (16/03/2013, 17:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I completey agree when it comes to Traci. I'd like to think that I know her inside and out; an exceptionally smart and articulate woman who's last agenda would be to lay insult to Tortola's people and their 'local dialect'. In any corner of this world you will come across this. (Sorry Traci, I think I just ended that sentence with a preposition. ;) ) See, even I'm doing it! Here in Baltimore people have there own unique way of talking. Some of us pronounce sinks as zinks for crying out loud. The bottom line is while she certainly doesn't need me to come to her offense I truly felt it necessary to set the record straight. Now if you will excuse me I have some dirty dishes in the zink to tend to.

      Alex Schill
  • Proud Tolan (09/02/2011, 17:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This seems to me to be a non-issue. We should be proud of our dialect and our ability to speak it versus the inability of others. It would behoove the writer of this 'Breaking News' article to follow the writings of celebrated Jamaican author Velma Pollard and her thoughts on the topic. As West Indian people we celebrate our dialects, I do not see any insinuation in the magazine that that means we are unable to speak standard English, and there is nothing wrong with letting people know what we mean. I fear the motivation behind the writing of this article is personal, underhanded, and meant to race bait and has nothing to do with any perceived slight perpetrated by a magazine published by a Tortolan businessman and designed by one of the most talented young Tortolan graphic designers.
    • let's talk (09/02/2011, 23:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just read this article and saw the magazine. Its time to start a civil conversation, however those people who were offended I see their point.
  • Bvi man (09/02/2011, 17:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jeanette Lewis should not be speaking on behalf of BVIslanders...not this one anyway! Jeanette you can't speak our dialect let alone understand it. Really your mother doesn't speak "that"...she is from east end and she did at some point. You don't because you can't , your born in the US and moved here a year ago and you presume to speak on our make it seem like "that" is below you or your mom. I am not at all embarrassed of my dialect and I can speak 'proper' English as well. I applaud all foreigners who want to understand our dialect as well because language is part of ones culture and that shows that the foreigners have a real interest. The publication is owned by a you all think he would allow his writters to insult him? It's a medium of education for the visitors and new comers! In the Netherlands they have an entire book for foreigners teaching them the Ins and outs of their culture inclusive of popular Dutch sayings which may be strange to non Dutch. It's not an insult but the simplistic comments from some are....2011 and the discussion turns so racists by our people! sad!
    • bvi strong women (09/02/2011, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ms. Lewis has every right to speak her mind in our democracy. If some little white trash could come from Baltimore and write crap insulting and demeaning us, why can’t a local educated sister speak out eh? I should have known VINO was doing this story I would have given a quote with my full name and number. Who the hell Traci and her friends think they are?
    • blackpower (11/02/2011, 21:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sure the publication is 'owned' by a bvislander…but if I remember correctly Africans sold their brothers and sisters for trinkets...When it comes to money, black people will always throw their own under the bus. There is no alliance among blacks. It's only a matter of time before the foreigners come and take over the island. Enjoy your ignorance!
  • curry (09/02/2011, 18:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that is what happen when the government let visitors do what they want. ALL PUBLICATION DIPICTING THE BVI SHOULD BE APPROVED BY THE TOURIST BOARD or PREMIER'S OFFICE this book and its treason contents needs to be condemned and damages paid to the governmen treasury
    • white cross (09/02/2011, 20:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree very much with "CURRY". The newbie if Tricia O’Dea was in South Africa or Australia our some states in the USA and had insulted the residents like that they would have deported her long time, took her work permit and send her packing. But only in my lil BVI they can get away with this bull and get there people to be on here bloging hogwash and trying to defend hate and white supremacy! ……..
      • freespeech? (09/02/2011, 22:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Actually, it's called free speech. In the USA nobody would be deported for that. Now, if something offends people, it is reasonable that people voice their opionins and then give the person the opportunity to apologize or at least explain themselves. At the best, events like this open up opportunities to have MEANINGFUL dialogue about race at their worst, well, they devolve into many of the comments you see on this board. There are people working in the BVI from counties all over the world. When the BVI signed up for its current economic model with tourism and trust companies- it signed on for this- for better or worse and all that comes with it- And that means the BVI needs to import workers from other islands, the US, UK and elsewhere. With the newfound wealth that accompanies this, the BVI should have been spending the last few decades seriously investing in world class education and training for its people to ensure BVIslanders are one day the ones filling top positions in business/trust companies, etc, making good wages for their families while living in the place they call home. I have sure met some racist folks that work here that I sure wish would leave-- and guess what- some were caucasion and from other countries and some were african-descent and from the BVI. and vice versa, I've met some great people from other places making good contributions to the Territory, just like smart, hard-working BVI islanders (whther they speak with a Tolian dialect or not) are making a contribution to this place ever day.
      • c-span (09/02/2011, 23:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        "White Cross" you to deep for me...but your point on the $$$$$$$
  • The Visitor (09/02/2011, 18:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well folks, that Tolian dictionary is not new. It has been around for a long time and you should be proud of it. I myself am from near Charleston South Carolina. That's called the "Low Country and they call me a Geech. We have a dictionary too and it is funny but we don't consider it demeaning. We speak a dialect called Gullah or Geechee and we are proud of it but it is dying out dispite our best efforts to preserve it. Some how people get it in their brain that if they don't speak the Queen's English people will look down on them but that is just not true. It is a sure way to kill off a culture and its traditions. Be proud of your dialect. Preserve it and understand that things like this are a complement not an insult.
  • only in BVI (09/02/2011, 19:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tolian is local dialect and accent. Fact. Tolian when spoken fast is near impossible for anyone not “bahn” or brought up here to understand when they first hear it. Fact. Tolian is a fun sounding amazing language to hear and listen to. Fact. These pages in Newbie with Tolian sayings on them, do nothing but take some commonly heard sayings (spelt right or wrong, but phonetically) and translate them. Fact. Now take the above and swap “Tolian” with “Scouse”, “Geordie” or “Glaswegian”, or even “Welsh” and “Gaelic” languages from the UK. Swap it with “New York Dialect”, “Yat” (New Orleans) or “Southern American English” from the USA. Swap it with “Creole”, “Pidgin” or “Patois” from around the equator and Caribbean. Swap it with any of the different “Canadian French” dialects from Canada. Swap it with “Breton” from France and “Catalan” and “Basque” from Spain. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. You will find every single other region of people speaking all the above languages, accents or dialects to be PROUD of their HERITAGE and the WAY THEY SPEAK, and you could easily reprint this guide WORLDWIDE, with the information altered and languages adjusted to suit, and it would be well received. Why such hatred and blatant racism coming out here in the BVI? Your accent and the way you speak says NOTHING about your intelligence, abilities, or qualifications. It says EVERYTHING about who you are and where you come from. Having teh ability to speak in Tola, English, and whatever else you speak is something people should be proud of, so why is this being called RACIST? Please, can someone explain, with logic and reason, why translating an accent or dialect is racist? And for those who simply label “all them whites” or “all them ex-pats”, or “all these BVI locals” – you also need to go and learn the definition of racism. Making assumptions about groups of people based on their appearance and origins, that IS racism.
    • education rules (09/02/2011, 23:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      No number of blogs will change the fact that we the progressive people and locals of the BVI find the magazine NEWBIE racist, offensive, insulting cynical, bias and more so knowing the characters involved makes our Position more solid..... What we need to hear is an apology not nice fancy reasons for hate. Do you know back in the days they also had long arguments to justify slavery and lynching?
    • Ms. Dowl (09/02/2011, 23:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Very well said.
  • Tolajoke (09/02/2011, 21:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There was a book written some years ago called "What a Pistarkle", this was a dictionary of Virgin Islands dialect, there were hundreds of words and phrases in there that were unique to the VI - how come there has never been any fuss made about that. I am guessing that most of you have not even seen the Newbie magazine to read and understand what was written, yet you are getting on the racist bandwagon. Please take the time out to read it and understand it for what it is - I would have thought that this publication was something that was long overdue and is in no way racist.
  • Nikki (09/02/2011, 22:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this whole article is upsetting and to those who say that she should apologize well apparently you didn't read the article because it clearly states that she was sorry and didn't mean to offend anyone, and the translations aren't for people living here because yes you already understand everyone, but most visitors i stand next to i am translating what people around them are saying , and i understand how the bahn here can be offensive, because i've been told that many times standing up for other tolans standing in lines when rude people push other people around and i say something i'm told by the offender i should keep my mouth shut cause i'm a little white girl and not from here . i almost cried in the bank fortunately he is the minority, but that comment is still said often enough, and i've even seen it as a bumper sticker, as to say that just because i'm not from tola i don't deserve to be treated like a human being
  • Wake Up (09/02/2011, 23:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all need to really have a cavity check. Didn’t you guys see this coming, take me to jail if you like, but we Tolians never used to speak this way until them rock yawns have all of us wanting to be like them, speaking in their dialect tone and know even down to big corporate officials like myself fall into the trap of trying to speak in ways the younger folks speak. We all had it coming because of how we talk this wasn’t and would never be or culture because we trying to be like other places instead of been unique. So let’s make a start by changing these short phrases like TGIF for example and go the long way and start speaking regular instead of “ deh man cum her “ we have to be that change because we are talked about as a country which in fact is true on how we speak face it because it got worst to get if someone don’t pull dah hand brakes
  • Debater (09/02/2011, 23:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a sad day for the BVI. The people cannot differentiate between literary endeavour and racism. My heart mourns for this country. You are so small minded you see a compliment and call it an insult. I am ashamed for you. You try to prove that you are intelligent by posting poorly constructed sentences splattered with mis-spelled words. My heart is heavy. You denounce racism by being prejudicial to everthing foreign. This is a sad day. My heart mourns.
    • proud of the BVI (10/02/2011, 08:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am so delighted that residents have the balls to speak up and out about racism in the BVI. Here will not be allowed to come like South African, or the South of America. Residents please continue to speak out. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO GET AWAY with this!
  • whatever (10/02/2011, 00:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You people need to understand the difference between racism and cultural differences. If you are not as ignorant as your comments paint you to be, and have ever picked up a travel guide of any kind, you will know that publications which aim to introduce newcomers to a foreign land, always give an account of that country's history, culture, language, etc. there will often be pages of phrases to help people communicate. How is this any different? The BVI accent sounds different, and even hard to understand, if you are form another part of the world. Is it really a crime that someone is trying to actually help people from different countries understand one another better? None of this has anything to do with the colour of your skin. It is simply a matter of culture: the English language has evolved differently in every country it is spoken in, and every country has been affected by different historical influences, which has shaped what they are today. The way of life is also different, and people have different interests, pastimes and ways of life in different parts of the world. It is nothing to do with their race, it is the diversity of cultures and should be celebrated. If we could all just understand each other a bit better, this kind of pointless discussion would not be taking place.
  • Right Sed Fred (10/02/2011, 07:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tracy Odea wuk for dat Colin guy who da steal our money wid he Tortola express bisness. Da otha magazine dem own is da Property Giude and always dem running stuopid ads for dos expensive Arawak people who also stealing Tolian money. $1,000 for a wooden bookshelf. Misson, why white peeople dem always thiefing us.
    • TS (10/02/2011, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wow, you really are a tool. Eventually this kind of stupid ignorance will be gone from this island. In the meantime, however, it looks like it has to be put up with a while longer. Evidently the stupidity gene needs to dilute a little
    • Why exactly (10/02/2011, 11:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      maybe you'd prefer to go to Island Department Store or one mart and pay $4000 for some MDF and chipboard bedroom furniture, or $900 for a 32" TV that costs a third of that in St Thomas... everything on island is expensive, wherever you buy it, and it effects everyone. And yes, white people have to put up with getting "robbed"(!!) by the same businesses too... imagine that.
  • m3 (10/02/2011, 08:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I do not think that the people of the BVI are ashamed of their accent. I think that what is offensive is some of the words and phrases which she decided to include in her book. There is nothing 'playful' about using the phrase 'yuh ain't banh hare', yes we know that BVIlanders use this phrase but I believe that the way she is using it to 'welcome' 'newbies' is like a warning telling them keep away from the locals, if they don't like you they will throw it in your face that 'yuh ain't banh hare'. This being a generalisation of the people of the BVI not everyone is like that. Moreover, what do you think will be the impression of someone trying to relocate to the BVI when they read such phrases? I think she is trying to caution those that want to move here and say hey! this is what you are going to get when you get to the BVI I warned you in advance. This 'playful' portrayal can have a negative effect on others who may want to make the BVI their home and have them make assumptions of the people of the BVI before they even set foot on the island. I see why people are offended by it. I am too.
  • burn baby burn (10/02/2011, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tricia needs to be deported and the Newbie needs to be burn. Our local people must not be offended and insulted like this….it was deliberate if you ask I… If we were in Maryland they would have had KKK cross burning on our front lawn…wake up people before it’s too late.
  • Widdy (10/02/2011, 09:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I've lived half my life in BVI, half in Brixton, London. Never have I seen such shameful, ignorant racism as I am reading from the so called "Tolans". If you guys were to write like that in the UK and you'd be locked up, rightly so, for inciting racial hatred. You are proving yourself not worthy even to be attested basic human rights. Look at our history? Was slavery right? No. But Africans and Indians were very much involved in the trade, it is not the fault only of the white man. Does that give us the right to be so blatantly racist towards white people. Of course not. You are pathetic. You are racist. You are ignorant. You have the chip of history resting heaving on your shoulder. And the majority of the world would not tolerate your racism in their countries. Traci O'Dea has more of a moral compass than most of you racist whingers. She is a professional journalist and better educated than most of you - does that make you jealous? That she is white? That she is a woman? That she is smarter than you? Without a healthy cultural mix, most of you would still be living in poverty. Instead, tourism, multiculturalism has earned many "Tolan" land-owners millions of $$$'s. Without tourism many of you would starve. What would you do then? I tell you what you would do. You would go running to the UK or USA, begging for jobs from the white people. I'm disgusted, utterly, utterly disgusted by you ignorant people. Thank heaven not all "Tolans" are so ignorant. Thank heavens for education and reason.
    • london baby (10/02/2011, 10:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      TO WIDDY; Another white trying to cover up racism and white hate…it will not work this time or next…I have lived here half my life, half in South Carolina and 3 years in London. I know it when I see it…now take that!
      • did you speak to anyone in London? (10/02/2011, 12:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        if you've lived 3 years in London you'll know that most the white, asian, black and every other colour kids growin up there ALL speak with a "street" urban dialect, which takes heavily from Carribbean language and US Gangsta Rap, innit blud? ye hear meh now? NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
  • Why? (10/02/2011, 09:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hold up - can someone please just explain to me what is racist about writing down, phonetically, words and phrases which many BVIslanders use - and providing an explanation as to what they mean, precisely in order that people from different cultures and communities can better communicate? If this is considered racist, it's a sad day for us all, and we have no hope of ever moving towards accepting, understanding and celebrating cultural differences.
    • Why exactly (10/02/2011, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Exactly. Not one single person shouting "racism" at Newbie has actually given a logical reason, that makes sense, as to why this book is racist. If you are a belonger and have never left this island, then it is doubtful that you have ever experienced REAL racism. Being attacked or beaten on the street for the colour of your skin. Being refused jobs based on your appearance. Having people be rude and offensive toward you for no apparent reason. Every labour law on this island ensures jobs are given to locals instead of migrant workers, except where it is impossible to get the skills locally. Th only phrase that might be considered a slightly questionable is the "not bahn here mehson", as yes, (despite being heard often) that does alude to whether you "belong" here or not. The same saying has different versions everywhere though... Maybe some o' yawl should read this, and see how normal from different places people have fun with language:
      • here is why (10/02/2011, 16:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        It just amazes me how far you whites will go to justify white supremacy and hate…very sad sad day for race relations…just admit a mistake was made and move on…end of story
  • DEEP SOUTH (10/02/2011, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • The Visitor (10/02/2011, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many of the comments posted here put Tortolans in a far worse light than anything in that article.
    • the resdent (10/02/2011, 14:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Please just the opposite…….it shows that people on the island are progressive and will not accept white racist among us… KKK are welcome here Can we all just get along?...BIG UP TO THE Bloggers for calling a spade a spade on white hate and bigots… here here here
  • Question (10/02/2011, 14:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does anyone have a problem with the Facebook page titled "I Love my Virgin Islands Accent"?!/pages/I-Love-My-Virgin-Islands-Accent/290363628502 Because apparently 11,000 "fans" don't. It appears that locals from the BVI and USVI participate in the site, where they celebrate the language. It's hard to tell if a white or black person is behind it, so don't jump your racist gun just yet.
    • ilmvia2 (03/04/2011, 09:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      "I Love My Virgin Islands Accent" fan page was created by an indigenous Virgin Islander who loves her heritage, culture, food and most of our accent. Any questions or concerns please contact us at or LIKE us on Facebook to see what we are all about.
    • STT Hull Bay Girl (03/04/2011, 11:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I'm confused. Is the author saying we DON'T have an accent? Or that it's not OK to celebrate our culture with joy and a sense of humor? If I am a fan of the "I Love My Virgin Islands Accent" Facebook page, and I am a white Frenchie whose grandparents were born on St. Barts and whose mom was born on St. Thomas...does that make me a racist?
  • sally j (10/02/2011, 15:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wake up Tolans don't let Tortola become like South Africa/USA Racism is alive and well, remember that.
    • EGPITAN (10/02/2011, 16:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      • Sparrow (10/02/2011, 21:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Schuups (10/02/2011, 16:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The funniest thing is that I'm sure 99% of those ranting on here haven't read the book!! Education is the key!!! Stop being so easily distracted and riled up! How will a book turn BVI into South Africa? NONSENSE!! This is fearmongering at it's worst and it's sad when our own people try to do nonsense like this!!!
  • Soouttathere (10/02/2011, 16:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm so glad I don't live in Tortola're all welcome to the place. So many small minds in such a tiny place, with all your hatred and fear of anything that comes from outside your own microscopic world...You're the reason why Tortola hasn't achieved all it should, and you'll be the down fall of the place one day. Tortola might be pretty on the outside, but it's rotten to the core and once you're done turning on white people, Guyanese, Jamaicans, Trinis and the rest you'll turn on each other. You're a poisonous people.
  • busybee (10/02/2011, 17:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I've been in the BVI for over 10 years and while not everyone uses such phrases, I hear them all the time. They are fun and definitely part of the way a foreigner, regardless of race, sees the BVI. I don't think Newbie was trying to be offensive, definitely NOT racist in any way shape or form. I think they were trying to embody what a great place the BVI is and the culture that differentiates it from wherever these newbies are coming from.
  • Howwaynshite (10/02/2011, 17:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh you poor dear Tollans - a sense of humour is something you just don't get is it - elsewhere in the world people can laugh out loud at themselves without taking offence, screaming racist and calling for a "LYNCING" (sic) - check out this example: - as a Geordie should I be offended? Absolutely NOT!
  • Please (10/02/2011, 17:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are some of you really taking these comments seriously? It seems that the persons involved with this publication have mashed somebody's corn as we like to say and this has led to this article.
  • Debater (10/02/2011, 18:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is an article here on this website about some students getting ready for a debating competition. How many of you have read it? It's a positive and uplifting thing. Are we so negative that only the negative drama gets our attention? Let's support our youth instead of creating issues where there are none.
    • they love (11/02/2011, 09:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Come on… you know all deeds Tola people like is melee and controversy…
  • Right Sed Fred (10/02/2011, 18:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All a yo da need to relax an let people talk de way dey want to. I know somw white people who da tal;k stcupid too. Way prem,ier dutter Abbie Oneal ain running no GREEN FESTIVAL di year. No money?
  • AMERCAN QUEEN (10/02/2011, 20:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • and the winner is (11/02/2011, 00:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let me see….maybe she is that white trash from Baltimore who came to the BVI on a boat got a job then insulted the local people with her blatant insensitivity….anymore questions AMERICAN QUEEN?
    • Roartard (11/02/2011, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think she's pretty hot, I'd like to tap it
  • Newbie (10/02/2011, 21:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In case anyone does not have the book. There is always the website to look at. There is plenty of other deserving info in the book beyond all the comments here.
  • house niggers (11/02/2011, 04:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So some locals claim that this "newbie magazine" is not offensive. They remind me of the civil rights movements and slavery in America where you had the house niggers and those who thought the revolutionaries like King and Malcolm were just trouble makers…look history repeating itself. We stand firm that these broken English in the book are unacceptable, demeaning, bias and insensitive to locals.
    • oh no (11/02/2011, 08:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wow!!!!! it has reached that stage????? lawdy
    • Hughes (12/02/2011, 12:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Since when did not being offended by reality make one a "house nigger"? The FACT is that many people throughout the Virgin Islands and the Caribbean in general speak in Dialect. It is part of our culture, our history and who we are, and it's time we accept that FACT as truth, rather than get defensive and offended when somebody from outside points that out. No, not everyone speaks Dialect but the VAST majority do, myself included. Its nothing to be ashamed about, and in truth its no different from someone writing a traveller's guide to the US and pointing out how Americans speak, spell and write differently from the rest of the world. You think yankees are offended when people point out they spell "centre" as "center" or say "what's up" instead of "how are you"? No, of course not. If they can have pride in THEIR dialect, and if the British can have pride in theirs, why can't we have pride in how WE speak? The fact that you and others feel shame over your "broken English" makes you bigger house niggers than anyone else here. Have some pride and self-respect.
  • Angus Rogerme-McWhyte (11/02/2011, 09:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I say, I've been living here for some time and I've never heard the local people talk like the way Miss O'Dea says they do. I think some enterprising chap should set up a "learn to speak West-Indian" school. My friends in New York learned to speak Jive and once when I was in a pub in Clapham I studied the way Dizzy Rascal talks. Also, what's with the rather odd picture on the cover of the Newbie magazine. I've never seen white people dress in that manner, even the ones off the big cruise ships that visit Road Town. Also, why did the Newbie chaps give away a surfboard shaped by Bob Carson to encourage people to like the magazine? That's not an especially inclusive gift, and Mr Carson is an awful shaper.
  • dum dum (11/02/2011, 09:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hey dum-dums. Read the contributor list on the third page of the Newbie. It's split down the middle between locals and expats--not that it really matters. But give Traci a break. Or I'll break you.
  • Paul Mason (11/02/2011, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    While perhaps the editors of this publication may have had a little more foresight before bringing this to press, I would like bring one thing to the attention of everyone who is so horribly offended: People from other English speaking areas have been having fun with local and colloquial accents since time began. Their are books on how to speak like a Mainer, a Newfie, a Geordie, etc., along with web pages, youtube videos, and you name it. I would be surprised if any of these are written or produced by people who spoke the accent from birth. If a BVIslander was to come to Maine, and write something for other Caribbean people about how to understand the funny way my people talk, no reasonable person would be at all offended. So, as it says on the side of my friend Eddie Chinnery’s van, “Talk Hard. Stop Grumble”
  • next flight out (11/02/2011, 15:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    somw one told me today the girl O'Dea said she do not give a damm...Uncle please please doport her as she gots to go
    • SHARA PARLIN (12/02/2011, 06:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So why are you surprised that the white girl aint care? The local black girl in the A looking Glass office also warn her against writing that insensitive magazine but she went ahead….so her behavior is clear…..Traci O’Dea and the rest of her cronies are white racist trash!
  • sally j (11/02/2011, 15:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well from looking at her, I believe she said she doesn't give a dam. Well she should go back to Baltimore! Let me give you a lesson about people like that, they are so use to the racism in the US they think they can do it anywhere. Tortola will soon be like Old South separate toilets and fountain. From what I see it is like that right now at certain events you are the only one they look at them like what are you doing here.
  • blackpower (11/02/2011, 21:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why would anyone be jealous of Tracy O'Dea? She is a pasty white journalist who needs to go back to dirty old Baltimore. Perhaps, she can take her writing to a new level and discuss the use of ebonics in the American school system.
  • wize-up (12/02/2011, 20:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the whites taking over our country slowly....we have elected persons but no "government" is amazing the conduct of some persons here....i as a vi-lander can not go where them from and do like wise.....the dollars of the foreign investors have this little place up-side-down......
    • night club (13/02/2011, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Where have you been? They have taken it over long time but you just do not understand….
  • old story (14/02/2011, 11:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ok enough of this
  • Mr Mr (14/02/2011, 15:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "the indigenous Virgin Islanders" I did not know there was any decendants of the Carib or Arawak Indians on Tortola?
  • Get a life (14/02/2011, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good God.....We are supposed to be living in 2011 people not 1811. Some of the language and thoughts posted here have no place in a modern democratic and free society that the BVI is supposed to be. Some comments are disgraceful and some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You know, there are much more important things to worry about in our world today....but I wont bother listing them as most of you wouldnt understand anyway......
  • Bermudian (16/02/2011, 13:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply Years ago this came out to help all the expatriates (and tourists we had not yet scared away with our ethnocentricity) with our accent and island sland and it was in good humour. Years later we adopted the above "us versus them" mentality and scared away a good chunk of our tourists and workers and BVI et al benefited. Learn from our mistakes, don't make them again. As a Bermudian I was not offended and Bermewjan vurds has been around so long it has its own Wikipedia entry....

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