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Brazil's Supreme Court decriminalizes marijuana possession

June 26th, 2024 | Tags:
In Brasilia, Court President Luis Roberto Barroso said the judges ruled that 'possession of cannabis' did not constitute something 'of a criminal nature'. Photo: Internet Source

BRASILIA, Brazil - Brazil's Supreme Court voted to decriminalize the possession of marijuana for personal use on Tuesday.

However, the judges must still define the maximum quantity of marijuana that can be considered as being for personal use, as well as when the ruling will come into effect. This decision could happen as early as Wednesday.

The Supreme Court's ruling does not legalize marijuana in Brazil but rather lessens the penalty for possession. Court president Luis Roberto Barroso said the judges ruled that "possession of cannabis for personal use is an illicit act" but not "of a criminal nature."

Brazil's existing laws against drug possession do not specify what quantity of marijuana constitutes personal use — which carries lighter punishments like community service — and what quantity constitutes drug trafficking, which carries a heavy prison term.

Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes said these existing laws disproportionately harm "young people, especially Black people, who are treated as drug traffickers for possessing small amounts."

1 Response to “Brazil's Supreme Court decriminalizes marijuana possession”

  • good (26/06/2024, 18:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are still brain washed into doing something similar to slavery. Treating people like dirt out of self righteous ignorance. Many people who never used it go crazy over the mere thought of it & wish to jail people like an extremist.
    To put in perspective should a woman not wearing a headscarf should be punished & jailed?

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