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Both NDP & VIP are corrupt – Donald de Castro

- House of Commons acknowledges letter on Cruise Pier Project
The outspoken Donald E. de Castro firmly believes the controversial Cruise Pier Project will not be a big benefit to the people of the Virgin Islands. He is also of the opinion that both the National Democratic Party (NDP) and the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) are corrupt. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – “They are diplomats, they aren't going to say anything to a civilian against the government of the day.” This is according to well known public activist Donald E. de Castro who recently penned a letter to the House of Commons sharing his opinion as it relates to the Tortola Pier Park Development Project.

In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online, Mr de Castro said he never expected that the House of Commons would have replied saying anything other than what they did. “They replied saying that they did receive my letter.” He said knowing the diplomats they are they would not implicate themselves by saying anything further.

“In that letter I said what I had to say, I voiced my opinion and leave it like that,” he said. Mr de Castro, in his letter, blasted the government of the day for the manner in which they have been dealing with the Cruise Pier Project especially as it related to its transparency and fairness in the bidding process.

In his interview with this news site, Mr de Castro re-iterated his displeasure regarding the project and opined that an atmosphere was not created to allow other interested persons to submit a proposal during the bidding process.

“It wasn’t no new proposals, it was something that they had already approved. They knew who they had wanted to give it to so they just put it back like that as if it was something new but there was nothing new, they knew what they want to do and who they wanted to give.”  

As it related to the concerns highlighted in some sections of the media as to the involvement of the BVI Ports Authority Managing Director, Mr Claude Skelton-Cline in the project, Mr de Castro said that there was not much he could have said on that issue other than he is aware that Mr Slekton-Cline was a contractor under the very ministry by which he is now employed. “I don’t really know too much on that issue but I know that he was consultant, Public Consultant at Ports Authority for a year and when that contract was up as consultant he was hired as Ports Director,” said de Castro. He added that there have been calls for Skelton-Cline’s qualifications for the job, “but they not saying so nobody don’t know much about what he is doing.”

The civilian maintains that, in his view, the project is a disaster for the Territory. “I wrote to Mark Simmons on that because as I see it, it’s not going to be beneficial to the Territory, it’s going to be beneficial to a few people.”

The proof in the pudding surfaced, Mr deCastro said, when he attempted to find out who the land that is slated to be developed belonged to. He said in the Land Registry all the land is being shown as Crown Land. “So when I went to find out who have the leases they said that’s confidential and they can’t tell me, but the whole story is right there when you find out who really has the leases for those lands.”

Mr de Castro believes the Territory is in a total disaster but is not sure if another party is the solution to the problem. “There is no difference between the NDP and the VIP, all they do is when they find a hole they go and dig a hole deeper.”

The radio talk show host also said he reserving more on this very issue for when he gets back on air with his regular talk show. “That would be the first issue I will be addressing." This according to him will not be before another two to three weeks as that was the timeframe given him for the erecting and constructing of the recently shipped in ZBVI transmission tower.

“I don’t want to be on air where only some people can be hearing me so I’ll be holding off until the tower is fully up and everyone can hear my show.”

However, de Castro had a message to send to the Chief Immigration Officer who he said is to expect a letter very soon as to the alleged harassment of visitors to the island. He said this stems from an experience last night, March 21, 2013 when a female visitor had come to visit him for the weekend. “Man, the rigors they put her through even though she had all her documents, she knew who she was coming to, had address and everything in place, yet it was hell for her and it’s not good to the fact that this was someone coming to visit on a return ticket for the first time. So the Chief Immigration Officer can expect a letter from me in a couple of days on that.”

66 Responses to “Both NDP & VIP are corrupt – Donald de Castro”

  • BRAD BOYNES (22/03/2013, 08:43) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I challenge Both NDP and VIP to refute this statement of corruption in a public debate.
    • 1 (22/03/2013, 09:33) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      me wid you on tis one!!!
    • south sea (22/03/2013, 09:39) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Iv'e never understood exactly how much money both parties have stole from the country…please can someone tell us?
    • links (22/03/2013, 09:43) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      I think he got it wrong. The people are the ones who are corrupt and in order to get their votes the Politicians corrupt the process and gives in to the will of the people. If they are all corrupt why do they get elected. Aren't we the ones voting? COMMON SENSE!! Any Politician that dares to do the right thing for the people will surely not be re-elected and that has been tested and proven, FACT!
      • Hollowee (22/03/2013, 10:51) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        Then the big point is, we are all corrupt
      • bigger picture (22/03/2013, 11:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        "corrupt people" have to have a willing participant in government. My view is that there are a handful of people who know how to talk to their relatives for the vote. (They can deliver if... ). There is constant bargaining and lobbying for pet projects with kick backs assumed. Politicians are such because they know how to play the game, tell half-truths, talk out of both sides of the mouth depending on the audience.

        While citizens want so desparately to trust public officials, and eventually go with the suggested programme more times than not- politicians are manipulating public opinion while they get their pet projects done- either legally or ill-legally. I am waiting for the day when the voting public holds officials accountable- not just by voting them out of office- but taking them to court if not throwing them in jail. There is a popular minister who years ago had a secret bank account in the Carolinas, US (can't remember which one), but that embezzlement should have gotten him thrown in jail and banned from public service. But no... he was re-elected.
        • billyb (22/03/2013, 13:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          how you know he was re-elected, when you can't even remember which one it was, well sah!!
          • links (22/03/2013, 15:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
            the person can't remember whether north or south carolina but they knwo which minister they talknig about and you know too. the person is right. the people are corrupt that's why the polticians do what they have to do so stop complaining. All we care about is ourselves, the country can go to hell.
            • Exactly (22/03/2013, 20:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
              The half has not been told. This is the exact reason why NDP was not re-elected because they did not pander to the wall building, paying of utilities and annual cruises which people expected them to do. The contractors could not charge the country 3 times the cost of projects. This was a common practices under the VIP. The politicians used to go to their homes to collect the additional 2/3 of the cost for their pockets. The bush cutting was another front.

              There was a government charge account at varieties where ps and senior staff charged indiscriminately. The first thing Paul Wattley did when he found out was to pay it off and shut it down. I could go and on. The people did not like being separated from their easy life so they voted them out. Where was decastro. When the public treasury was being raided day and night and for frivolous spending and enrichment of a few while the country was neglected. Poor decastro does not really understand what the problem is

              The problem is that the people of the BVI are generally corrupt., not every individual, but enough to cause the plight of the country. Politicians indulge in self-interest by accommodating this greed to get votes. They together destroy the country. If people are honest the politicians cannot get way with corruption.

              • TO: Exactly (24/03/2013, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
                I bet no VIP politicians going to jail but at least two NDP ones will end up there!
          • To Billyb (24/03/2013, 00:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            who cares whether it was north and south carolina. What is important is the fact that he is still in office after his illegal bank account was discovered. The issue is still the issue. duh!
        • Oh yeah (22/03/2013, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          the one from the 1st district you mean
        • To bigger picture (23/03/2013, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
          You are the reason why the BVI will go to hell. If the so called accounts were found & if embezzlement was done then he would have & should have been arrested but none wasn't found. The NDP manufactured that whole things years ago. That is why I firmly believe & know that the NDP & people like you will reap what you sow. Mischief & un factual statements such as what you have posted is the reason the BVI is where it is today in the dog eat dog mode & the crab in the barrel mentality. Time will soon tell for a lot of people in the BVI politicians who you all feel clean & non politicians.
          • bigger picture (24/03/2013, 00:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            don't shoot the messenger. read the other posts. They know what I am saying has truth to it and it is indicative of the bigger problem- that of people letting their elected officials get away with white collar crime. Why am I the reason the place is "going to hell?" He should have been arrested?? gee, I agree with you. So why wasn't he?
    • tretretrete (22/03/2013, 11:25) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      I dont agree with much of what this guy says, but he hit this one out the park! He is 10000% right.
  • Chosen One (22/03/2013, 08:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP are corrupt and the VIP are actors... That's why the reVolutIon Party will come.
  • wellsa (22/03/2013, 08:53) Like (3) Dislike (21) Reply
    Mr. Donald apple dont fall far from the tree, because you is the same person that is bringing down this country with your NEGATIVES. So i would say this to you as a Civil Servant thank the almighty you aint in POWER. Because when they do good you aint bragging about anything POSITIVE. So it is best to SHUT-UP!!
    • black boy (22/03/2013, 09:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      If this administration had anything of substance on Donald decastro they
      would have spilled the beans by now.
    • she the cat mother (22/03/2013, 09:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with Donald but now NDP has the power and purse so hurry up while there is a little money still around.
    • bigger picture (22/03/2013, 11:32) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr De Castro represents a rare and valuable faction missing in BVI culture at large- someone willing to stand up and speak his mind without fearing consequences. As we know, retaliation is alive and well- but when someone speaks truth to power, it is hard to dispute. Of course there will be differing opinions, but can you imagine if more people wrote UK with concerns about lack of due diligence in governing? This would be one way to make sure ministers, in complying to the planning act and other legislation requiring legislators to FOLLOW the written laws of the land- would follow it themselves.

      it is difficult to hear a different situational account when the presenter is part of the problem. The negotiator being articulate, educated, sophisticated, credential-ed- is assumed to be telling an objective account of potential plans which would affect the quality of life for many as we know it. Outside information gives (UK) more facts to ponder the benefits of contested projects. Outside voices are critical to an honest and objective governance. wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to do that. Good for Mr. De Castro.
      • foxy (22/03/2013, 12:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        And now...the political circus grows.....
      • links (22/03/2013, 12:44) Like (0) Dislike (27) Reply
        Mr. deCastro complains all day and have no solutions. Leave it to him the country will go to hell in a hand basket. It's one thing to be bored and complain, writing letters all damn day. It's another thing when you actually stand for something and have actual solutions to push the country forward. What idea does this man have? Nothing is fair in his mind and he hates expats. Moving right along nothing to see here. what does he contribute to teh BVI? Schups.
  • Mother earth (22/03/2013, 09:37) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    At least Donld is doing the nation a favour by setting the record stright and telling the truth...knock knock!!!
  • mary j (22/03/2013, 09:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    decastro meshon let me Skip the country in a hurry?

  • steel man (22/03/2013, 09:45) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    what was the point of this Mr. Decastro?.....ppl wake up, and tell us something we do not know....
    • shaw (22/03/2013, 11:38) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      the point is to wake people up!
      If you know something fishy, you just sit there and complain and become complacent (that means self-satisfied and basically uninvolved)-- or do you become an overseer to make sure people see what is going on? there may be some peoplee who don't realize something going on... no harm in educating them.
  • Release (22/03/2013, 09:55) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both the NDP and VIP profitted from corruption
    • links (22/03/2013, 12:18) Like (3) Dislike (29) Reply
      The people have profited not the politicians. Pull the files and you will see. People here are selfish and greedy. They only talk about country when they can't get what they want. Look around and see. Every argument is about who getting which contract not about how it should be done for the Territory. This is why some of those Arab countries are rich and stable. They have a ruler. They don't have to appease a set of people just for votes. That's why they can make decisions for the betterment of their country without fear of greedy reprisals. Here in BVI the pols start off doing the right thing but after two years of having their own supporters ringing in their ears want want want frigging want what you think happens. They give in and then after a few years of giving in,they say wait, I am making this man rich, I am only making $50k a year, I need to get mine too. then yous ee the politician asking for kickbacks. We are the ones. Leave the politicians alone.
  • Shara Parlin (22/03/2013, 10:03) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    the voters put a wolf to watchman the hen-house.
  • UDN (22/03/2013, 10:37) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree. Help is needed from London. Clean house like T C
    • You may get what you ask (22/03/2013, 19:52) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
      I am sure you do not understand what you are asking for. VIP will take up permanent residence in Balo. Why do you think they had to stop the stamp duty investigation. Keep calling wolf.
    • To UDN (23/03/2013, 08:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      London politicians are the most corrupt. So read the need more & becareful looking for help from those who are worse off than we especially in the area of corruption.
  • x factor (22/03/2013, 11:15) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Hail lights out! UK come for your country
  • Wonderwoman (22/03/2013, 11:37) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why thank you Captain obvious! You have saved the day again!
  • GoonSquad (22/03/2013, 12:58) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    Mr. DeCastro needs to get a life. How many of us would go find a customer and embrass her in front of people by asking her for 20 cents she owed him from the day before on an item..struppsss..
    • Donald E. de Castro (22/03/2013, 15:31) Like (4) Dislike (16) Reply
      Goon Squad, people like u should stop exposing your stupidity, ignorance and your inability to participate in intelligent discussions.Everyone no who I am, I am not ashamed of being me, I put my name to every thing I write. What about you? And for your information, when I lived in New York City the bus and train fair was a dollar and I could not get on for ninety nine cents, so if you don't want to be embarrassed don't put yourself in embarrassing positions. Now let the negative comments flow on this one.
      • GoonSquad (23/03/2013, 08:58) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Stupidity. ignorance, inability to participate in intelligent discussions...WOW! you just describe yourself Mr. de Castro because NOTHING you post makes any sense. You are just a fox calling the grapes sour.
      • . (23/03/2013, 14:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Mr. de Castro, you are my hero.
    • yes we can (22/03/2013, 16:16) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      i honestly hope the people of the BVI wake up and make a change.

  • speed (22/03/2013, 18:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even though I didn't vote for these NDP jokers, leading up to and just after the elections if it is one thing I would have bet money on that they would have done is to prepare and publicly outline changes againsit corruption
  • bvi (22/03/2013, 18:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What suprises me is that even though you are suspect for coruption all you have to do is deny it and thats the end of that there is never any accountability for any wrong doing
    • dog (24/03/2013, 00:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      we need investigative reporters who are not afraid to dig in records and news outlets that back them up. Can you imagine real documented reporting which is undeniable? I would love to see that.
  • question (22/03/2013, 20:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where was decastro for the past 40 plus years when VIP plundered and raped this country and bought it to this point. Was he in the group that was benefitting from the kickbacks. Stop talking what you do not know. We Benn here, not just come.
    • facts again 2 (23/03/2013, 17:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      and I'm sure 'QUESTION' must be thrilled that you have so proudly broadcasted your affiliation with the NDP Who in just 14 months stole more that the VIP did in 40 years... dude Just go home....

  • Fact2 (22/03/2013, 20:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Over 40 plus years, hmm I would say VIP stole millions and did not collect hundreds of thousands
  • pops (23/03/2013, 07:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    MY home, along with my children will be here long after the current leders of the NDP and VIP are buried in OUR grave yard.

  • best (23/03/2013, 13:40) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    HAHAHAH Real Banana Republic, the political system in the bvi is the laughing stock of the Caribbean.
  • rio (24/03/2013, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP and VIP are just like gangs and gang members
  • None ain't better than none (24/03/2013, 10:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I must agree with Mr. DeCastro
    • unit (24/03/2013, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Who chose this loser Donald?

      • night (25/03/2013, 08:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The people in the BVI are not trained to look locally, or internal for opportunities..but depend on government
  • Surfside (24/03/2013, 23:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • bbbbbbb (25/03/2013, 14:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    VIP and NDP been doing that ever since I can remember

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