Bobby’s owner Elton S. Leonard arrested over curfew violation

It is alleged Mr Leonard was arrested for serving persons not in possession of Essential Workers Passes in store, against curfew regulations.
Further reports reaching Virgin Islands News Online are that Mr Leonard, who has reportedly obtained the service of well-known attorney Mr E. Leroy Jones, was subsequently released without charges pending further investigations.
According to information reaching our newsroom, an individual had entered the store to purchase some bananas worth some $6.00 when a police officer in the store at the time advised against the purchase since the person did not possess a curfew pass.
Mr Leonard then intervened, allegedly allowing the purchase of the bananas on the premise that 'everyone has to eat during the curfew'.
Police then allegedly called for backup, after which a contingent of police officers arrived, some heavily armed, and arrested Mr Leonard.
The incident took place sometime between 5:00pm and 6:00pm.
Mr Leonard was released from custody around 8:00pm, according to reports reaching our newsroom.

88 Responses to “Bobby’s owner Elton S. Leonard arrested over curfew violation”
Anyways, stop playing race card. Usually ends up being pathetic.
On the other hand, this curfew needs to be relaxed. Let all ppl go to supermarkets during the daytime. Just keep social distancing and hygiene.
This is what democracy is about in a free and democratic society [FAIRNESS]
Leave the man alone, come on. Is he the only proprietor that is doing so.
You’ll always on the man back suppressing him but God got him. He is the only one looks out for this community.
He is the only supermarket that didn’t carry up his prices, Ri....y killing us, every week they are carrying up their prices.
Who is looking into that? They also have nonessential workers shopping there too.
Come on give the Man a break.
Another thing they give these 'essential' workers too much autonomy. They want to be all over the place driving up and down the road and think they are the law. Essential workers should only use their pass for coming and going to work, and a specified time to access supermarkets. If they are not on duty stay to hell home. No one knows if these category of persons have the virus in symptomatic or Asymptomatic form, STAY HOME!!!!!!!
The owners of businesses in east end was open selling people frozen stuff. F.... f..... was open some day ago and if you had a little connection you could have gone and buy your groceries and this I know for a fact because i had friends who went in and bought all their groceries. Officer's like this one should be ashamed to mingle with people. Look how many times during this week the police went and asked a certain business to close? Did they arrest the owner or owners??
Wake up people. With this kind of action and navy being around. Read between the lines
It is so shameful and embarrassing to see how the BVI is being treated.
We are locked down for a month now. Can’t go to the store, can’t work, people are not getting paid, can’t pay their bills and we still getting cases.
We need to learn how to live and work with this thing, not lock down from it.
All this is is they’re trying to break down the Local stalwarts of our community and bring them to public shame. Come on man. Enough is Enough!!?
It need to stop!!!!
I do agree, there has been other supermarkets allowing people that they know do not have passes or do not provide an essential service and those other shop owners still allowed them to shop. And most of us failed to see the shopping technique that one store forced on us during the lockdown, to their own benefit...but that's a whole other story.
If I was that officer, I would have simply allowed the person to buy the food and request that they go home until the lockdown is over. I have met people who wanted to go in the stores, but instead of chastising them for being out, I simply offered to purchase the items and told them to please stay off the road.
We should pay close attention to the excessive force used in this situation. Elton is not the first business owner they pulled heavy guns on. There are a lot of businesses and also regular civilians that they have been pulling guns on. The governor and premier needs to revisit allowing them guns. They are not responsible stewards. That situation did not require guns. This incedent coupled with the scene outside One Mart, and the other persons that they've pulled guns on, this is why people dont respect them, they dont fear them, and they dont care for them. The public will never have trust in our police force because the police are corrupt.
As a child, I use to shop with my grandmother at his father first store. Bobby’s is the only Supermarket that I shop at and will continue to do so. There were others doing the same but for some reason they choose to turn a blind eye and target Elton. If they had kept him in jail, a ri** would have broken out in this place.
Hon. Premier remember you will not be Premier for ever and what ever standard is allowed now is going to bite you, your children and grand children in the future. BV Islanders have a rough road ahead because we are a gentle and loving people and now we have some rough necks around who want to take us out.
Arrest him and any other and all other untouchables. Complaining about scooters and their riders and other law breakers id nonsense when you overlook some bigwigs. Let them be an example. Dont know the bishop who got this thing started but kniw from that incident I literally become nauseus and unsettled hearing his name. Let the po po do their job!!!!!!!!
Support our own BOBBIES SUPERMARKET. It's wrong way have us all trying to stretch a $$ with their high prices. Bobbies have not raised their prices in these times. What ever ELTON did was for OUR benefit. The police did the same to the owner of ONE MARK and had their guns drawn! We the people know bout that! When the little markets purchase goods from them, they still sell it cheaper than them and make a profit. They are a part of Cost U less, sell products from there at a higher price. People still go to STT and shop. We the people of the bvi up to today have not gotten supermarket and government supply.
I will answer by asking the question where is it written in the curfew Order that Mr. Elton cannot sell items to anyone. What are the duties of Mr. Elton in regards to the curfew Order ?
Section 3 of the curfew Order states. Notwithstanding subsection (1)(a), for the purpose of enabling certain essential workers in Schedule 2 to obtain supplies, the following supermarkets on Tortola and Virgin Gorda shall be opened exclusively for that purpose between the hours of 8am and 7pm on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th April 2020.
We say based on the law Mr. Elton arrest was unlawful and he should demand a public apology and let's move forward positively. Officers read the laws and be familiar with your justifications pursuant to the laws.
The police, including tge best of all, who is Callwoid a local, continue to get fak when they execute their duty. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont.
We all in this together. Everyone concerned and worried about the future and this kind of talk does nothing to help the situation.
The man who bought the bananas was in the wrong for defying curfew. Me Elton was also in the wrong for selling to him. The police officer was wrong for the display of force. But he also just trying to do his job to protect us all.
Stay home. This virus don’t play. If you really need something then ask an essential worker neighbour to get it for you.
Mr. Leonard is a good man, but he is wrong here.
Nevertheless, after the lock-down, his supermarket will always be my FIRST stop. What he does not have, only then will I get from others.
Not even legal team had done such research on this newly enacted piece of legislation.
So based on what manabouttown has written to us on a point of law,Iwish to join with him/her to also ask differently in words but similarly with an objective.
Is there a clause in the law [the curfew order 2020) which states that a supermarket owner should not sell to a person in his store during the lockdown?
The issue that is bothering me here is, how did that person [the customer] ended up in the store during the curfew order?
Did the customer breach the curfew?
Was the customer arrested for breach of curfew?
Did mr.leonard aided and abetted the customer to breach the curfew?NO! he did not..
What is the legal justification for the arrest and detention?
Police officers can only restrain persons from their personal liberty,if such commit a criminal offence, enacted by parliament, because every person has a right to personal liberty,as declared under the Constitution,which is the supreme law of the land.
You cannot just arrest a person,on the basis,of him disobeying the officer,as to who should receive service in a store or who should not. Was mr.leonard arrested for disobeying the officer? Under what law?
The Constitution..
[" (1) Every person has the right to liberty and security of the person:-(2) No person shall be deprived of his personal liberty,save as may be authorized by law in any of the following cases-(c) Upon a reasonable suspicion of that person having committed or of being about to commit a criminal offence under ANY-LAW"].
This is not about wrong or right.It's about the law.
Did he commit a criminal offence under a defined section of the curfew order or curfew law?
I call on the acting director of public prosecutions,to point out to legal team,the defined section of the law that mr.leonard contravened,which led to his arrest and detention.Show it to me,so I can read it for myself.
I support the police in enforcing their lawful duties,but I do not support police officers arresting people,to prove a point.
Arrest but no charge?
This is 2020 policing.Stop this abuse of authority!
God save the queen and the RVIPF
Eventually she did what anyone would break the curfew and Ran to get to the coconut lady to give her weak dehydrated son Police Turn her back took her photo n told her court she going.
Instead of they offer to get the coconut water for the child
Accompany the mother home
See the condition of the child and render help.
And this story he call for backup look how much came to lock up Elton
What a shame a man buying banana n that’s what concern bout a pass
Alyuh up n down transporting ayo family n friends during this entire lockdown stupes.