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Bishop John I. Cline slams new opposition Alliance as ‘deceptive’ & ‘insanity’

-says you can't unite and divide at the same time
Bishop John I. Cline has dismissed the formation of an alliance between three Opposition members as deceptive and insane. Photo: Facebook
From left: Opposition Members Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL) have announced they have formed an alliance ahead of the next general elections. Photo: Facebook
From left: Opposition Members Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL) have announced they have formed an alliance ahead of the next general elections. Photo: Facebook
Bishop John I. Cline has said Opposition Leader and head of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton (AL); Leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Hon. Marlon A. Penn (R8), were not aware this alliance was being formed. Photo: Internet Source
Bishop John I. Cline has said Opposition Leader and head of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton (AL); Leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Hon. Marlon A. Penn (R8), were not aware this alliance was being formed. Photo: Internet Source
FISH BAY, Tortola, VI- ”You can't beat the VIP (Virgin Islands Party) with confusion and division. What the opposition is doing is insanity.”

This, according to Bishop John I. Cline, who in an extraordinarily candid interview on the January 31, 2025 edition of The Big Story with JTV Channel 55 host Cathy O. Richards, proffered a scathing rebuke of the newly announced ‘Alliance’ between members of the opposition parties.

In an unexpected development, first-term legislator and Deputy Speaker, Hon. Stacy R. Mather (AL), has aligned with Hon. Myron V. Walwyn (R6) and the outspoken Hon. Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) to establish a new political "Alliance."

Notably absent from the event were Opposition Leader and head of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton (AL); Leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Hon. Marlon A. Penn (R8); and former Deputy Premier, Hon. Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL), who has reportedly reverted to her status as an Independent legislator.

Alliance is politically motivated & deceptive- Bishop Cline

Describing the move as politically motivated and deceptive, Bishop Cline questioned both the authenticity and effectiveness of the coalition, which was recently unveiled in a joint press conference on January 30, 2025.

According to Bishop Cline however, “I saw three overambitious gentlemen, politically driven; I saw the testosterone flying and I heard them present a story that I don't believe the public believes.”

His sharp criticism comes in response to the announcement that this alliance was formed, purportedly to unify efforts against the ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) in the upcoming 2027 elections.

Bishop Cline was quick to challenge the narrative of unity presented at the press conference telling the host, “If you're going to speak about unity while you're dividing, that's somehow oxymoronic. You can't unite and divide at the same time.”

He further described the coalition bluntly as “deceptive,” stating, “It is no alliance; it's a party, call a spade a spade. What the opposition is doing is insanity—doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

There's got to be something else behind this

The opposition landscape is currently fragmented, with one independent candidate, two from the NDP, and three from PVIM and according to Bishop Cline, the foundation for true unity already exists within their respective bases but the recent maneauver undermines that potential.

Adamant that the new alliance––in its present structure—was formed without the blessings or even the knowledge of the respective party leaders.

As such, he openly questioned rhetorically, “how can that somehow be communicated to the public as trying to create unity? It doesn't make sense.”

With this in mind the renowned man of the cloth posits, “The only conclusion I have, and this is just my personal opinion, is there's got to be something else behind this.”

Concerned that the alliance has only deepened divisions within the opposition, rather than fostering the cohesion needed to challenge the VIP, Bishop Cline divulged, “The noise I'm hearing is that the public is not really convinced of this alliance; They might have convinced some people, but they've confused a lot more and caused even more division in the governance structure of the country.”

PVIM & NDP Leaders were unaware 

Richards sought to balance the discussion by suggesting that the alliance might be an attempt to correct past mistakes and respond to public demands for unity, referencing the opposition’s failure to consolidate ahead of the last election, which contributed to the VIP retaining power. 

“There was that admission to making major blunders that would have the Virgin Islands Party take the helm of government when we had the last election,” Richards said continuing, “This would have happened from 2023, but here we are in 2025, and we have not seen any concerted effort to bring these parties together until now.”

Bishop Cline however, was steadfast in his position that the process lacked transparency and proper coordination and revealed that after witnessing the press conference, he directly contacted both the PVIM and NDP leaders to seek clarity.

 “When I saw the flag go up, I texted both men, ‘What is this?’ Both of them responded, ‘We don't know,’” Cline disclosed.

He clarified that while there was initial permission from the PVIM leader for a member to initiate talks with the NDP about unity, the press conference and the formal declaration of an alliance were not part of that mandate. 

According to Bishop Cline, “That is not what happened. Or else, the leader of the NDP would have been around the table.”

He contends that while, “There was knowledge and blessing for the two entities, PVIM and NDP, to consolidate and come back together. But that is not what happened. This cannot be seen as a legitimate effort at unification.”

With this in mind, he posits that in light of the status-quo, as is presently constructed, “You can't beat the VIP with confusion and division. What the opposition is doing is insanity.”

34 Responses to “Bishop John I. Cline slams new opposition Alliance as ‘deceptive’ & ‘insanity’”

  • one eye (01/02/2025, 09:15) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
    I with bishop on this one
  • Agree (01/02/2025, 09:51) Like (18) Dislike (18) Reply
    I agree with you but I feel as a pastor you should not be involved in politics… but I do agree with you .

    I think he has a personal vendetta against the premier . Stemming from last election and recently when he told him in the house that he would “ mash him up”. He wants to prove a point but I can never support someone like Myron as premier of these Virgin Islands. How can I after seeing how he causes division every-time . Every party this man on he undermine his party to be head . Alyo put him in power and you will see what will happen.

    Now Cindy is fighting his battle. Somehow I knew she would. So I’m not surprised.

    My biggest disappointment is Mathers. Boy you just show me why I was right not to vote for you . Now I will never vote for you . You letting MV dictate your political career. Ruin your political career. Shameful !
    • god is watching (01/02/2025, 14:32) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Really? Claude a Pastor? When? where? Where are his sermons? What church is he preaching at? Give me a break!!
    • Arrion (04/02/2025, 08:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Churches should not be involved in politics, plain and simple, yet JIC and CSC seem to be the only churches highly vocal in it. Why is this allowed, and how do they have so much power to sway votes?
  • Herbs Powa (01/02/2025, 10:08) Like (16) Dislike (9) Reply
    From you is a bishop, you is already deceptive and needs slamming.
  • WOW (01/02/2025, 10:15) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    Truth to power. Sad
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (01/02/2025, 10:25) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    In refence to the Topic Issue, base on the three opposition latest divicive action of disunity rather needful political unity, it is cristal clear that the BVI urgently need to reform its political standard, in order to prevent the continuation of party-scipping, power ravenous, personal ambition driven political leaders in this British Oversees territory before it conmit suicide.
    This party-scipping or ship-jumping thing have been going on for more than twenty-five years, if my memory have served me right. This will continue, if it is not being address asap.
    Another important thing that should urgently in need to be is that political leaders in the BVI should not allowed to pay themselve their own salary while maintaing the right of payee of government employees. Where is the CoI. Where is our so-called justified constitution, where is democracy for the people and by the people, only coming out of our political leaders mouths, the UK's political leaders included????.
    Until these probl0pems and others are remedied, better governnce will be imposible, unless we allowed God our Creator's intervention, to recue us from our own daily selfish desires of the flesh, (selfcenterdness), Bishop John Cline and I included
  • Eagle Eye (01/02/2025, 10:28) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    Rhonnie is not the best choice for opposition leader or premier. this is the foundation of not unifying. Call a spade a spade.
    • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (01/02/2025, 12:26) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Better than he who is our now Premier for money handlng, business management, and for the BVI people betterment financially.
      All of the wise political leadsrs in thus world's are competeng agaist each others for better finacial standing for self and the majority of their, but not so in refernce to our current Hon. Premier.. if you have read, you will recalled, I hope, that the opposition leader, Hon. Ronnie Skelton is not perfecr, of a truth neither are you, other, nor I, but his past record speaks for him. Under his money management as a personal businesses owner, and a former Minister of Finance, the amount was upped from $3,000.00 tax free from every BVI employee salary income to $10, 000.00. No other political finance Minister have added a penny more since. All income earners have benefited, and continuing benefing from his tax break plan, same have you. That means that he has help all money earners to retained mire of their cash income those that were and are paid lest than $10,000.00, don't pay sakary tax.
    • Exactly (01/02/2025, 13:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am unsure as to why everyone is afraid to say this
    • @Eagle Eye (02/02/2025, 07:03) Like (35) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ronnie is compassionate and he listens. Quiet and calm does not mean weak. Not because you are an eloquent speakers means that you are the best leader. There are also many non-degreed persons out there who would do a better job then who is there now. He is highly respected and this is what we need now to begin bringing this territory together while involving others to take over. Ronnie does not speak to divide.
  • lord o. (01/02/2025, 11:00) Like (9) Dislike (12) Reply
    The idea was a good one, but they rushed it. It is still green, They needed to do some PR on it* allow it to ripe. Truth is Ronnie is just there relaxing looking out for himself. He is resign to get all what he can get from Government..
  • Pot Kettle Black (01/02/2025, 11:12) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    "politically motivated and deceptive"?..."questioned the authenticity and effectiveness"? That is rather rich coming from a proclaimed 'bishop' that was on the government pier park dole scam.
  • watching (01/02/2025, 11:46) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    I agree with this move. If we leave it to Ronnie Skelton, we will be at the same place as 2023. He only came back into politics for one reason, to be the Premier
    • To Watching (01/02/2025, 15:04) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      Finally, you are someone who is seeing the long game and not just looking at this situation based on emotion. It’s time to move on from Ronnie. He only came back to be Premier as you said and that didn’t work out. He’s not leader of the opposition material. He doesn’t have that killer instinct. And given his age you can’t rebuild around him and clearly Mitch has realized that. You can’t rebuild around Smurf either because he’s afraid to make tough decisions. He’s a fence walker. I agree it doesn’t look good but it’s necessary. Just like Andrew overthrowing Fraser didn’t look good but it was necessary to rebuild the party.
  • Local (01/02/2025, 12:04) Like (19) Dislike (9) Reply
    I agree with the Bishop .
    • hovering (01/02/2025, 13:19) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
      Pleas give us all a break John! You of all people need to get a grip of reality. You through your affiliations has benefited grossly and because you are not involved in this process you crying foul. Boss go sit down and drink some soursop tea.

      You are just sour and gripping because your boys ain’t there to lobby for you and your personal interests. Same way your cousin/brother/uncle Herr Fraud Kline hollering out his vile rhetoric weakly! Paid political hacks both of you.

      Ronnie just in a holding pattern, Marlon th inks he holds all power over his party of one (shades of PU leader??). So what should the others do? Sit and wait for the next election and not organize? You seem like you want to run but afraid!
  • i from here (01/02/2025, 12:36) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Myron is very messy power is his only aim but no island man will run the bvi
    • To I from here (01/02/2025, 16:37) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
      You all sound so damn stupid with this island man talk. Our own people are running this country to the ground and all you all can come up with is this island man narrative. Last time I checked, all of us are from islands.
      • @To I from here (02/02/2025, 07:08) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        Stop talking piddle; No Virgin Islander can go to any other Caribbean country to take up leadership of that country and I would agree with the people; no hate intended.
  • Peaches (01/02/2025, 14:37) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    If John Cline does not fit the characteristics of a Bishop please STOP referring to him as Bishop:

    1 Timothy 3:2-12
    King James Version
    2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

    3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

    4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

    5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

    6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

    7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
  • Good Coalition (01/02/2025, 15:14) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    I commend the three members Walyn, Mather Turnbull for at least trying to do something positive. The NDP and PVIM party leaders are so filled with anger and seem to be so desperate for power that come next election they would have done nothing to come together. Congrats gentlemen on your coalition and put a descent slate together and you certainly have my vote
    • @Good Coalition (02/02/2025, 07:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The greater base of PVIM and NDP will not move. Myron will win, Mather a first-time legislator who many love is already showing his unsteady hand, and Mitch better cross back over before he loses that seat. In fact he should stay there because he already showed his hands. Three M's turned the right way can be the dreaded mark. Voters of the BVI chose wisely. We have a Premier who we need removed but not to go to a Premier who is divisive.
  • asura (01/02/2025, 16:29) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    What a shame the most corrupt opposition in history
  • Ronnie Fan (01/02/2025, 16:39) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    As the Premier said to him in a chat group, he’s just upset because his friend Ronnie…..
  • SAVE THE SEED ❓️ (01/02/2025, 17:38) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    • @Save The Seed (02/02/2025, 06:53) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      All ministers, bishops, preachers, pastors are political but some more vocal than others; they are a part of our society. Don't be the judge of the hearts of men if you not know their inner selves; let God judge them least you place bigger judgment on yourself. Many Christians speak including leaders of church but are not this vocal/public. God is their judge, not you.
  • The Hooded Claw (01/02/2025, 22:55) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    If the good pastor has both PVIM & NDP leaders on speed dial why didn't he Brooker a unification meeting between Ronnie and Marlon all these years? Why after almost 7 years he finds himself on the media sewing seeds of discord? Go sidung pastor!
  • question (01/02/2025, 23:36) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    Isn’t that the whole point of running for office? For power? If not, why bother?
    • @Question (02/02/2025, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Power is in the hands of the people so anyone who holds a political office and feels like they have the power is misleading you and you are no wiser for even saying this.
  • Really? (02/02/2025, 08:59) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mather stop letting people use you like a puppet. There are a list of men that want to be Premier soooo bad they would literally do and say anything to get there: Marlon, Myron, Mitch, Ronnie & Fraser. Alliance my foot. Some of us seeing right through all of you. Stop playing with us! All of us can’t be bought, we can smell the bull before we see it!!!
  • Real Talk (02/02/2025, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Boy i see an early election 2026 for sure catch them with there pants down

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