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Bishop John I. Cline not running for govt. office

-He remains mum on his party of choice
January 26th, 2015 | Tags: John I. Cline julian fraser RA VIP NDP policies
Many persons are of the opinion that Bishop John I. Cline might be leaning towards the VIP while others see him holding the position as Chairman of the BVIHSA as a political appointment given him by the NDP and which is likely to influence his decision come elections day. Photo: VINO
Bishop John I. Cline made it clear that he has no party of choice but rather makes his vote based on policies and principles. Photo: VINO
Bishop John I. Cline made it clear that he has no party of choice but rather makes his vote based on policies and principles. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – As much as the public has been sharing their opinions at various forums and events as to some of the people who are supposedly supporting one party or the other, National Democratic Party (NDP) or Virgin Islands Party (VIP), they are many who are of the strong belief that Bishop John I. Cline has come over as an opportunist and ‘jumps ship’ based on which party gets into power.

But there are those who are of the view that Bishop Cline should be putting himself where he puts his mouth especially as he had said and which was reported by this news site that he feels Chairman of the VIP Honourable Julian Fraser, RA (R3) can be the next leader of the Territory and that the church should play a more frontal role in the development of the country, he is sending a hint of his party of choice for the next elections and more so that he may be seeking to be a likely candidate.

Aspects of those were put to Bishop Cline in a recent exclusive interview with this news site when he emphatically stated that he has no intention of running for office nor does he support any specific party.

“I don’t support parties, I support principles and I support policies. If I think that your policy is compatible with what I think, it’s just me, if I think it’s in the best interest of the country and the future of the country, then I support that but I am not going to come down and support one party over another,” said Bishop Cline.

“I think what you will see is an emerging of the new leadership and they would have to set their course and chart their courses. Take their case to the people, I don’t know, what that would be,” he said.

He also stated that he is very familiar with the history of the VIP but is not sure just yet what that party is coming with into the 2015/2016 elections of the Territory.

Addressing the other concerns propelled by many, Bishop Cline stated, “I have zero interest in running for politics but from where I stand as Bishop and if I am called on to help in any other way I am willing to help lead my country, but not from a Ministerial or Representative standpoint.


15 Responses to “Bishop John I. Cline not running for govt. office”

  • watcher (26/01/2015, 08:37) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    i hope that's true i don't think it's appropriate for a pastor to run for political office it seems like a decision that would go against the morals of a man of faith
  • xxxxxxxx (26/01/2015, 09:40) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Blah Blah Blah even if he run he cannot in...He better go marries the lawyer girl fast
  • puss (26/01/2015, 09:51) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    No one would vote for him anyway
    • To Puss (26/01/2015, 14:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      No one would vote for him which he knows so he cling to those who are electable.........
  • facts man (26/01/2015, 10:39) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    he is a big NDP but like many to be associated with the NDP is suscide in todays politcs
  • in the news (26/01/2015, 10:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    bishop stick to the church my friend!
  • wize up (26/01/2015, 13:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    it is better to be a P.I.P(party in power)...
  • ????? (26/01/2015, 15:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    If John Ivan Cline is a minister of the Gospel he need to keep out of the political arena. He cannot serve two masters at the sametime. You cannot be true and faithful in politics these days you are bound fall short of the glory of God.
  • voter (26/01/2015, 15:52) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    I will vote for him he is a good man
  • big fish (26/01/2015, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    no church and state no church and the member should be involved in politics
  • The TRUTH (26/01/2015, 19:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pastor and Politics don't mix
  • just the fact (27/01/2015, 12:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Which lawyer girl? Fill me in.... John is a smart man, he bout that ching chang.
  • VG Steve (28/01/2015, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is his qualification as bishop self assumed or has he studied for it? So many 'bishops' and 'pastors' without proper training and education; check the 'Rev' Al Sharpton!

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