Bishop Ishmael Charles elected head of BVICC new Exec Committee

A February 26, 2022, press release from the organization said that at the Council’s General Meeting on Monday February 21, 2022, held at the St. Williams Roman Catholic Church in Road Town, a new Executive Committee was elected to serve for the next term.
The elected and re-elected officers of the new Committee are:
• President – Bishop Ishmael Charles
• Vice President – Sister Rosemarie Flax
• Secretary – Apostle Ava Baird
• Assistant Secretary – Pastor Lesia Grazette
• Treasurer – Pastor Nolma Chalwell
The following other appointments were made during the meeting:
• Assistant Treasurer/Public Relations Officer (PRO) – Pastor Winston Salmon
• Assistant Public Relations Officer (PRO) – Apostle George Rodney
• Media Officer – Pastor Ve-Anna Thomas
• Ex-Officio Member to Virgin Gorda – Bishop Paul Ricketts
• Administrative Assistant – Reverend Dr. Keith Lewis
The BVICC said it is comprised of different denominations coming together to make a difference in the life of the people of the Virgin Islands and beyond.
The Council added, “The mission is to bring the People of God together in the spirit of unity. The BVI Christian Council can be called upon to provide guidance and assistance in spiritual matters, as they are the watchdog of the nation and the conscience of the community”

25 Responses to “Bishop Ishmael Charles elected head of BVICC new Exec Committee”
Poor fool talking such nonsense about women. No big mystery here. This person is not very educated and fo sure do not know how to read and understand the scriptures. Po ting. Go sidown.
God leave His word as an example for mankind to follow and to live by.
According to the scriptures people such as yourself who believe a lie , God will send a strong delusion so that you can continue believing that lie. You along with your woman preacher will end up in hell together. 2 thes 2:10-11
God commands us twice in the scriptures “ not to add to or take from His Word “. Saying that a woman can preach is adding to God’s Word and in doing so you are under God’s judgment. Be warned! He / she that have ears let them here the Word of God says. Due 4:2; Rev 22:18-19.
I suggest that you seek God for His divine understanding and interpretation of His Word so that your eyes be enlightened to the truth. Blessings
So it was not the apostle Paul speaking on his own but that which God who revealed His through revelation alright.
The same for Jesus Christ, all that He taught and say were given to Him by God thus He said I have not spoken on my own but the father who sent me” . John 12:49.
No man can say that he write the scriptures. For the scriptures were given by God. So whether we quote Paul, Matthew or anyone in the scripture it all ultimately come from God through His revelation to them. Blessings
The books in the bible were chosen at the Council of Nicea 325 years after the birth and almost 300 years after the death of Jesus. This was a council called by Constantine the Great to select, edit, and collect which scriptures would be included now that the Romans were adopting Christianity. This is the primary reason Paul's writings dominate the New Testament and not the works by people that actually knew and followed Christ.
I don't see nothing much about him may God bless him.
No saw we don't no. Please tell us so we know we're we stand
Bibles says he call us to be a witness to others.
All I see is a set of people in there big church, fancy suits and a/c
Not one of them going out and preaching the gospel.
Then most of them want to get down on the Jehovah witness