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Bishop Cline calls for boycott of businesses demanding employee vaccination

- said it is categorically wrong for establishments to mandate employees take experimental vaccine
According to Bishop John I. Cline, the unvaccinated population in the Virgin Islands should boycott businesses in the territory that are applying pressure on their employees to get vaccinated or risk becoming unemployed. Photo: Facebook
Outspoken clergyman, Bishop John I. Cline has said the AstraZeneca vaccine is an experimental drug that does not prevent one from contracting nor spreading the virus, and it has caused death and illness. Photo: Internet Source/File
Outspoken clergyman, Bishop John I. Cline has said the AstraZeneca vaccine is an experimental drug that does not prevent one from contracting nor spreading the virus, and it has caused death and illness. Photo: Internet Source/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Outspoken clergyman Bishop John I. Cline has called for the unvaccinated population in the Virgin Islands to boycott businesses in the territory that are applying pressure on their employees to get vaccinated or risk becoming unemployed.

Mr Cline said on a special edition of My BVI Radio Show on July 7, 2021, that the AstraZeneca vaccine is an experimental drug that does not prevent one from contracting nor spreading the virus, and it has caused death and illness.

“We are not anti-vaxxers; people are not anti-vaccines, but let people have their choice! Let them have a choice! The unvaccinated does not present any greater risk than vaccinated people; they do not because all of us can catch the virus, and all of us can transmit the virus.

“We will not sit down and allow businesses to victimise the unvaccinated like they are criminals. If it is that businesses don’t want unvaccinated employees, then they should not want unvaccinated clients in their business. The whole unvaccinated population should boycott your business; that’s what they should do because you are being unfair to your employees,” he said.

Unvaccinated ppl can continue to follow protocols

Bishop Cline stated that those who are not vaccinated can follow the protocols like wearing their masks.

“What kind of country are we living in? And then the Labour Department and whomever else are just going to put their hands up and say, ‘that’s not us, we are not mandating this’. The Labour Department, the Government authorities who have put out that this vaccine is like the saviour of the world and that we can open up the country once we all get vaccinated, now we know that is not true because we have more cases now that 50 per cent of our population are vaccinated, we now have more cases than we ever had,” he argued.

“But still you are putting pressure; where is this pressure coming from? What big pharmaceuticals or higher powers is putting pressure on governments, media houses and businesses to do this? This is wrong,” he added.

The man of the cloth said once you are involved in an experiment, like taking the AstraZeneca Vaccine, there is no way of knowing the long term effects.

“Two, three years from now, you don’t know what’s going to happen to these persons and anything you say against the vaccine, you are a conspiracy theorist, you are an anti-vaxxer, you are labeled all kinds of things. When the data is out there to show the amount of persons that have been injured by this. The people have genuine concerns and genuine fear, and they are being penalized by threatening them to lose their job or make them stay home like they are committing some crime.”

Several employees across the Virgin Islands have been threatening job security if their staff do not become fully vaccinated, a move that has sparked public outcry.

According to the Territory's Epidemiological Survey, as of July 7, 2021, some 9670 persons have received both doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine while 13,803 have only received a first dose.

There are 659 active cases of COVID-19 recorded in the territory.

70 Responses to “Bishop Cline calls for boycott of businesses demanding employee vaccination”

  • Correct (08/07/2021, 13:26) Like (64) Dislike (26) Reply
    Totally agree ...let it be the people's choice.
    • problem (08/07/2021, 15:18) Like (21) Dislike (18) Reply
      Problem is when people start dying off in large numbers everybody wants to know why the government didn’t step in. Are you really prepared to accept your demise on principle, or is it smarter for everyone to work together for the collective good. This disease is not going away on its own unless everybody dies.
      • @ problem (10/07/2021, 14:43) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        No the problem are people like yourself who feel that they are God! How do you know who will live or die in this world? You obviously have a God complex... and you song like a worldly sociopath.
    • I agree (10/07/2021, 14:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      I just read the O**M*** report, I am not entering to that supermarket until they remove that inhuman policy! Looking out for their customers? Well I ‘was’ one of their customers... and I thank God that Mark and his NDP Party was not elected!!!

  • mental (08/07/2021, 13:33) Like (86) Dislike (61) Reply
    Nonsense. Heap a bull you talking...U sound like a fool....So you are telling me I Invested millions in a business, I dont have the right to protect my investment....If sees something as a threat to my business success i shouldn't put things in place to protect my business....its simple, if theh dont want to take vaccine, they work for themselves, No one forcing them

    • Bob (08/07/2021, 16:18) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply
      Then u should not let in unvaccinated people in your business
    • Really?! (08/07/2021, 16:46) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
      U want to send home your unvaccinated workers? Why you don't collect only the vaccinated money though?
    • @mental (10/07/2021, 14:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You sound like you are sabotaging your own million dollar business, as most of the population are unvaccinated.
  • My Opinion1¹11¹¹ (08/07/2021, 13:35) Like (64) Dislike (30) Reply
    All employers have specific requirements and eligibility for employment. If not being vaccinated deems you to be more susceptible to severe illness and death as a result infringing on the productivity and survival of a privately held businesss ,an unvaccinated employee becomes a liability in my opinion, an employer has a right to to have that risk and liability removed.
    • Comment (10/07/2021, 14:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Your justification is pure evil! This is why some people should not own businesses they are too inhumane. Anyway, it looks like you will be out of business soon enough!
  • Pissed (08/07/2021, 13:35) Like (105) Dislike (32) Reply
    Why don’t you stay off the air waves and do what you are suppose to be doing, praying for the people that are sick and helping those who are going to suffer during these trying times. It’s people like you that make people like me not want to go near a church.
    • Rolling My Eyes (08/07/2021, 15:40) Like (15) Dislike (18) Reply
      You dont want to go near church cause of your own choice not to go. Jesus is the only perfect example, put your eyes on him
      • Pissed (09/07/2021, 04:28) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        Why don’t you tell that to the Bishop, his eyes are not on him.
  • for real (08/07/2021, 13:38) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    Now we talking but that’s all we do anyways, no action
  • heehee (08/07/2021, 13:41) Like (34) Dislike (13) Reply
    That would be a good service to the business. Try it.. Employer would like it.. Folks need these remaining business more than ever.
    Not much sympathy for the deliberately unvaccinated anywhere, Pastor Cline.
  • (08/07/2021, 13:45) Like (42) Dislike (31) Reply
    Why he don't hush his a$$!
  • GTFOH (08/07/2021, 13:49) Like (133) Dislike (14) Reply
    You sir Mr. Cline were one of the many people pushing the 5g conspiracy theory. You guys said that covid was caused by 5g technology. People like yourself are one of the reasons why many people were afraid of getting the vaccine. When last have you spoken about 5G? Did you apologize after realizing you were wrong and that you peddled propaganda to your faithful sheep? How can you be taken seriously again? You guys spread your poison in 2020 and act like people forgot.
  • I agree (08/07/2021, 13:50) Like (48) Dislike (55) Reply
    I ABSOLUTELY agree!! We need to keep our unvaccinated behinds out of their establishments. And we won't spend our virus-laced money supporting you and vaccinated crew. Let see how long you survive. Just put a list of all of these corporate slime-balls on FB so we will know what operations NOT to support. For the first time I can agree with the Bishop!!
    • @I agree (08/07/2021, 14:14) Like (26) Dislike (23) Reply
      Definitely love this idea, just make a Facebook group so we can identify them and we go from there. Bet these establishments change those rules in 48hrs
    • x (08/07/2021, 14:25) Like (28) Dislike (19) Reply
      Hush!! You need those businesses just as much as they need you. The bishop bread butter on either side.
    • It's about Respect (08/07/2021, 14:40) Like (76) Dislike (7) Reply
      As a business man I respect a person decision not to take the vaccine. Allow me the same respect to run my business the way I want...
    • @I agree (10/07/2021, 14:53) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Please someone post those business... I will do my business elsewhere for sure!
  • Outsider (08/07/2021, 13:59) Like (26) Dislike (6) Reply
    To many false prophets in this little country.
  • Really (08/07/2021, 14:03) Like (32) Dislike (9) Reply
    You know what stick to religion apparently that’s what you know. How many times have I walked into both grocery stores and seen stockers with mask below their nose. !!! If you have a big establishment like One Mart servicing the public and unvaccinated people working in the store while our #’s are sky rocketing and now people dying. Do you really want your gma to walk in there and catch this disease. Oh I forgot God will heal,them. Yea right. Tell that to,the two elderly people that have now passed. You are an idiot and so are the others that are boycotting One Mart! I praise them for taking a stand to protect the people who shop in their store. Go One Mart.
    • @Really (10/07/2021, 15:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The vaccinated are just as contagious, and the fact that most of their customers are unvaccinated should show that what you are saying makes no sense at all! If they don’t want this virus to spend in their store then they don’t want most of the population’s business. Bottom Line! So let’s accommodate them! Publish the List!
  • VG Resident (08/07/2021, 14:06) Like (44) Dislike (5) Reply
    Time for Cline to find another country to harass
  • BIG AL (08/07/2021, 14:11) Like (33) Dislike (13) Reply
    John Clyne you are a disappointment.
  • Wrong (08/07/2021, 14:14) Like (37) Dislike (14) Reply
    So many things you have said are WRONG. The vaccine is NOT an experimental drug and it is PROVEN to reduce your chance of catching and transmitting the virus. If a business owner has a choice between a staff of employees who is at lower risk of catching and transmitting the virus who are you to say they are wrong in making this decision?
    • Plus (08/07/2021, 15:24) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      What happens if an employees comes to work (unknowingly) infected (say, asymptomatic), and infects the some or the rest of staff, and some of them get seriously ill? Would an employer be held liable since it happened at work, and since it could have been prevented, or at least the risk minimiozed, by requiring vaccination? What if the person infected was a member of the public? IMHO, an employer is protecting his staff, and the public by requiring employees to be vaccinated.
      • Tongue Fu (08/07/2021, 17:34) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
        @ PLUS

        Vaccinated people can catch and spread the virus. Vaccinated people have been hospitalized and can die so your point is moot.
  • well saw (08/07/2021, 14:14) Like (26) Dislike (9) Reply
    John shut up , it's because of people like you and all those idiots who have access to the media and airwaves why we are it this predicament we in right now . John for God and heaven sake GO SIT DOWN
  • home boy (08/07/2021, 14:19) Like (49) Dislike (13) Reply
    Cline you are a disgrace, you are not a leader in this country, you are just a leach on the people of your church, so please go sit your backside down.
  • We stand with u (08/07/2021, 14:19) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    Because both vaccinated and unvaccinated carries catches COVID why discriminate?

    They all must follow protocols don’t they ?
    It’s time for us to stand up this is not right .
  • Bishop ram (08/07/2021, 14:29) Like (21) Dislike (8) Reply
    You better take your evil ways and baptize the things that you have said.
    I can't believe you preach Gospel.
  • Headsoff (08/07/2021, 14:30) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    No vacation get we sicker if we boycott then we'll die from hunger
    • Ungrateful (08/07/2021, 15:58) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      After all that stimulus money that your church get and don't deserve he still turn on the government...Hmmm. Anyhow I hope all those badminded Wicked, greedy churches are made to pay the stimulus back to the treasury..
  • Internacional Labour Laws (08/07/2021, 14:34) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    Everyone has the right to choose whether to vaccinate yes or no. However, employers also have a right to provide a safe working environment to all employees and customers.
  • MMB (08/07/2021, 14:39) Like (34) Dislike (7) Reply
    Poor fellow
  • Unconventional leadership (08/07/2021, 14:40) Like (8) Dislike (21) Reply
    Bishop I was critical of your last article. I fully support you on this one. Employers have a right, consumers have rights as well. I will exercise my right not to support these establishments. And if you submit to the vaccine and there is a spread in the workplace I will also exercise my rights to seek legal advice.
  • Life and death (08/07/2021, 14:44) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
    Dude..... this is high class stupidity, herd immunity is the main thing the Govement wants. We didnt have any covid cases in May. Look you asked for the tourism sector to be open, right when the cruise ships came you see a spike in cases. If you want to be in the hospital on your death bed with covid go right a head and be foolish and not get vaccinated. You locals is the first one to be blaming the government when people dropping like flies.... and your ignorant ass's are the problem...majority of the people on this island are obese...... stop taking your life for granted
    • Tongue Fu (08/07/2021, 17:32) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      @Life and death

      How will you achieve herd immunity when you don't even know your population size or make up? What is your population size? How many of those are children who cannot be vaccinated? Fully vaccinated people in the hospital and you all got this vaccine as a magic potion.

      What about treatments should the vaccines not work? What bout stressing the need for healthy lifestyles?
  • Lucifer (08/07/2021, 14:44) Like (34) Dislike (6) Reply
    If the good bishop gets his wish, it wont be by choice that the unvaccinated wont be frequenting businesses. It will be because they are clogging up the ICU or buried in the ground. Maybe we should compare stats between how many have fallen ill and died from COVID and how many have fallen ill and died from the vaccine.

    The main reason that people have fear and concerns is because people like Cline spout this nonsense rather than encouraging the public to listen to the advice of doctors, epidemiologists, and other medical experts, where the consensus is that the vaccine is the best way out of the pandemic.

    I would be more concerned about the long term effects of listening to the bishop than any risks of taking the vaccine
    • Well (10/07/2021, 15:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      ...the devils are speaking their master’s agendas on the worldwide blogs and proudly using his name to comment... Jesus is truly coming for His world soon!
  • ansn (08/07/2021, 15:16) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    why is a persons right to chose any more or less than a business - if you don’t like the choice the business has made so be it, choice can’t be one sided.
  • hmmm (08/07/2021, 15:38) Like (21) Dislike (8) Reply
    what a wicked man. Boycott his church and businesses
  • TruDat! (08/07/2021, 15:58) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thanks Bish - now we know we vaxxed can safely shop at 1 mart.
  • Pull Up Man of God (08/07/2021, 15:58) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    this territory was recovering gracefully and coping with covid 19…its people like yourself demand open the ports now….well preacher man the ports are now open….Well Man of God we now have almost 900 infected people(work your miracles preacher)…

    please don’t shift your conversation to the vaccine and reframe from starting more issues in the territory and try sit with your bull piss about boycotting establishment

    Jesus love U

  • indigenous (08/07/2021, 16:08) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am tired of hearing this man and his cousin. Go and sit down!
  • @ Mr Cline (08/07/2021, 16:16) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    You should be boycotted first ,People like you are reason for the present situation in BVI
  • great news (08/07/2021, 16:31) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    All of you idiots out there that believe this idiot next time I go,to,the grocery store no long lines. I love it !!!!
    • Comment (10/07/2021, 15:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You obviously can’t run a business.... you and Mark will be outside the parking lot of One Mart wondering why the smell of his spoiled produce is so stinky. lol...
  • stop (08/07/2021, 16:38) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    John I. Cline, we are sick of your CRAP
  • scape goat (08/07/2021, 16:58) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boycott his on first. Wolf in sheep clothing.

    Damn fool!

    God don’t like ugly and that is why Satan working on he behind cause he crack the mirror. Two tongue dummy.
  • informed. (08/07/2021, 16:59) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr Cline, It is in the Labour code under health and safety. FACT. its written down. Again you want to go against the law and come up with your own agenda.
    Yes people have rights but employers also have rights to protest their business and also the workers. Some are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons. With a Doctors not OK but how can a business owner open up knowing that employees may die if they come in contact with COVID victim. Are they irresponsible as a business owner to allow their employees to be at risk. 98.2% of USA covid Deaths last month were unvaccinated. 309M vaccinations and 0.0017% 5023 people died with vaccine complications. I think the risk is greater unvaccinated.
    • The Original Tongue Fu (08/07/2021, 18:48) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      You all keep quoting these Fauci facts. First of all is the USA using Astrazenecca? It is not even approved there. Secondly the USA is made up of numerous states. A better understanding of the statistics should be broken down State by State. Thirdly let us focus on the efficacy of the Astrazennecca in the BVI. CMO needs to release detailed statistics. What is he hiding?

      If the businesses care so much for their employees then they should ban all unvaccinated persons from coming into their business? Simple.
  • Juicy (08/07/2021, 17:48) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    Totally agree its our rights to take the vaccine or not we as the people need to take a stand against the vaccine it's our choice an privilege we as unvaccinated persons need to come as one an fight for our beliefs an say strong and proud against injustice
  • Really? (08/07/2021, 18:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Guh siddun u had a firs dose lass week
  • bvi (08/07/2021, 18:17) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Fire all unvaccinated employees with immediate effect. Refuse to renew work permits unless they can show proof of being vaccinated. I am afraid to come out my house to do business because of all these follow fashion, unvaccinated morons
  • yes yes (08/07/2021, 18:18) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    finally a man i can agree with
  • sak (08/07/2021, 18:19) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    boycott these so called Bishops and the tithes they demand from their flocks
  • Irrespomsible (08/07/2021, 20:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bishop Cline, with all due respect, you hire them to work around you unvaccinated (not inoculated). Do you have any openings in your Church??
  • The Old Dragon (08/07/2021, 20:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    When people are not referred to as herd and flock then we'll be ready to start creating a righteous world.
  • dots (08/07/2021, 20:21) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Please understand COVID 19 is serious. Call the bush doctor. Not everyone can take the vaccine. If you had COVID 19 no-one knows how long you are immune. Be fair to all people. If the vaccine reduces the severity of the illness how are we managing the people who got the vaccine? Do not discriminate against the people because you own a business. Do you know all of your employee health background? Limitations are warranted due to the high number. I love my country and this too shall pass. Wear your mask. Wash your hands and God's speed.
  • stop (08/07/2021, 21:49) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    For heaven sake stop treating people like trash. People have a choice some establishment are hurting so many faithful employees because of a vaccine look what we come to. Covid is her for a reason we soon find out. The stinch is up in God nostrils be careful keep our houses in order. Get on our knees, keep our eyes towards the eastern sky for any moment any moment any moment the trumpet may sound. Are we ready that is what is most important now at this moment we here worrying about vaccinated and unvaccinated. Looking for the future you know who holds the future? Why you think it's the vaccine? Think again rude awakening go ahead and treat people like trash.
  • Comments (09/07/2021, 06:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cock roach ain’t have any call in fowl pen.
  • Interested (09/07/2021, 07:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    And in the meantime the cases are rising like crazy. John Cline is quite vocal these days. Planning another bid for house of assembly?
    I bet you he has already been vaccinated in the U S.
    He has his cult following well indoctrinated. They are following him to the letter
  • fyah ras (09/07/2021, 11:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This lunatic is a disgrace and a hypocrite. Lava splash on the whole a dem

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