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Biras Creek Resort sends home all employees

- resort to be closed 'until further' notice, letter of severance reportedly stated
More than 70 workers of Biras Creek Resort in Virgin Gorda will now be wondering where their next paycheck will be coming from as the resort has sent home all of its employees, stating in a severance letter to employees today, June 16, 2015 that the resort will be closed until further notice. Photo: Trip Advisor
BIRAS CREEK, Virgin Gorda, VI- More than 70 workers of Biras Creek Resort in Virgin Gorda will now be wondering where their next paycheck will be coming from as the resort has sent home all of its employees, stating in a severance letter to employees today, June 16, 2015 that the resort will be closed until further notice.

This sudden development was confirmed by several employees of the resort who also said they were summoned to a meeting this afternoon and told of the closure, in addition to being handed their letters of severance.

The letter, according to workers who spoke to this news site, did not state the reason for the closure but assured that the workers would be given their severance pay.

Employees react

"Days after elections and this is what happens...the Premier and Deputy Premier had to know about this," stated one upset former worker to this news site.

In tears, one employee who said she has been with the resort for more than 20 years, remarked "Just like that, 75 employees fired, just like that, from the General Manager right down. There were tears all over, even Mr [David] Johnson was in tears. Just like that. Premier, please you had to know about this. This is just nine days after the elections. What a gift Dr Smith," the tearful employee stated.

Another employee said she was not at work earlier today but received her letter moments ago. "We who didn't have to work the morning shift were not told anything about the meeting so we were home and only hearing this talk, next thing we got a letter. All I could have done was scream."

"VINO, you see why snap elections? The answers couldn't come in the House of Assembly. It was a silent way of saying you will see the reason, we wouldn't have to tell you...Can you believe this? This is a sad day for the entire North Sound, not a dry eye here, people crying out aloud, people crying, people hugging one another...It's a really sad day for seventy five of us and our families, you do the math," said another employee.

Meanwhile, efforts to reach the owner of Biras Creek Resort, Mr David V. Johnson and Human Resource Personnel, Mr Clyde Lettsome, were futile.

Virgin Islands News Online will bring you more details as they unfold.

129 Responses to “Biras Creek Resort sends home all employees”

  • Alright then (16/06/2015, 17:06) Like (57) Dislike (2) Reply
    Oh thou who would not listen.
    • @ ALRIGHT THEN (16/06/2015, 17:24) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
      same thing i was thinking!
    • 2 @Alright Then (17/06/2015, 09:15) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      ‘What did the people say about the Titanic before it sunk, ‘Not Even God can sink this Ship’ then all the rich went down captain first along with them to the bottom that fueled the engines. You’ll greed fuel the engines so you too will join the rich when they sink this country.
  • past employee (16/06/2015, 17:07) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    What a thing to tell the king
    • Table talk (16/06/2015, 18:03) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Scrub will be next--then the hospital--(Hope I am wrong), but things I am hearing--Labour and health is a problem in this country.
      • @Table talk (17/06/2015, 08:33) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
        149 jobs needed for HLSCC graduates, 75 for Biras Creek sent home, same and more for Scrub and more than countless for hospital.This place need about 500 new jobs tomorrow, where they come from, all persons fight for government contracts or what? Big problems ahead!
        • . (17/06/2015, 18:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          Simple. All work permits due for renewal tomorrow, cancel and deport. Repeat until 500 jobs reclaimed for BVIslanders. You all wanted NDP. The thing now start. Mammy always say you wear what you buy!
  • Realist (16/06/2015, 17:08) Like (95) Dislike (3) Reply
    Get ready for the ride of your life BVI....
  • K.P. (16/06/2015, 17:10) Like (89) Dislike (15) Reply
    Stop crying & get yourself some rich white friends like me
  • Help (16/06/2015, 17:18) Like (31) Dislike (2) Reply
    What the cross I reading here? Where all these people going find work?
  • Kirk (16/06/2015, 17:18) Like (60) Dislike (4) Reply
    Just today I heard a woman bragging how the votes out of the north sound were for the NDP and that is what helped the party to win. What a gift!
  • qc (16/06/2015, 17:22) Like (38) Dislike (17) Reply
    ha ha i do not feel for yu ayo voted NDP so tek dat in ayo skin!
  • dem say (16/06/2015, 17:24) Like (50) Dislike (12) Reply
    This is just the beginning of woes in this country. You all voted for a set of piranhas in this country. Chubble just start. I predict woes pon woes for you all stupidity. Now sit back and watch what will happen. We are doomed to hell and damnation.
    • HMP (16/06/2015, 18:20) Like (72) Dislike (9) Reply
      All because they took on that crap bout Fraser. You could sure bet *arrogant* Fraser would have been all over this fighting for all of you all. Belongers and naturalised and work permittees alike.
  • Vg man (16/06/2015, 17:34) Like (33) Dislike (8) Reply
    See the same sh*t...who don't hear does feel.
  • Lord-o..No labour Rep, (16/06/2015, 17:41) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is what happen when you have an in-effective labour department and Minister -I`ve read about 3 thousand blogs with-in the past two months, people are asking for change in labour and health--The next big shock we are going to get is in heath---Every-time NDP in power these people doing these stupidness with people`s life`s--Our labour System is look at as joke---If Pension was mandatory they will have to pay all staff their money, or we sell two--2 of their buildings- and pay the staff---non-sense
  • question (16/06/2015, 17:45) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    Can someone explain how there is a connection to the Government? I asking as a person seeking knowledge .
    • Hmm (17/06/2015, 09:26) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply

      To question if this was happenning to you the government would have been your next move...are you saying that our minister for labor did not knw this?/ Are you saying our premier could not seek to save these jobs? Are you saying that the Premier could not have these ppl warned that come August when they usually close that the hotel will not reopen and ppl would have started to prepare themselves???
      Are you saying that 25 locals should be thrown on the street with no where to go??expats always have their home..
      Why is it when other hotels like Little Dix Bay and Bitter End closing or laying off meetings are kept with government to make prroper arrangement for the staff//
      Is it right that these ppl be escorted off the property in the manner they were after working for over 20 years??
      Is it right that persons today dont know how they will pay their rent, mortages, loans while o** n*** b*y continue to treat the few staff that they hire like dogs >>>why is D**** so mighty and get away with this...makes you wonder which company is next....lets hope its not where you work!!!!

  • tell me something (16/06/2015, 17:49) Like (16) Dislike (18) Reply
    tell me something what ndp has to do with this? does Biras Creek Resort belongs to the government? here some stupid comment.

  • Valley (16/06/2015, 17:50) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    • nope (17/06/2015, 08:08) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
      They didn't trick a soul. Burtie said they were fools and he just proved it again. Move on.
  • y (16/06/2015, 17:55) Like (56) Dislike (9) Reply
    where is the NDP goverment that the people just elected in an 11 to 2? We the people are left without representation.....
  • More Breaking News (16/06/2015, 18:00) Like (50) Dislike (9) Reply
    More Breaking News to come soon. Government workers get ready!
    • Da Rush (16/06/2015, 18:56) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      oh they wouldn't do that not after a 11 to 2 cause the scary man told them it coming but didn't listen so they going take it when it come.

      but how can you put in ppl that cant show you books for 3 years how but let the fire works again
    • @ more breaking news (17/06/2015, 10:11) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      do you think this is something to wish or rejoice for ,unemployment will turn the beautiful b.v.i into a 3rd world coutry,robberies,deaths & crime rate will raise. so wish for better days for the b.v.i.
  • elections? (16/06/2015, 18:02) Like (60) Dislike (45) Reply
    Does this have anything to do with elections? Ndp or whoever? Really? Also to some of you bloggers: most of the people working biras Creek cannot vote... let's be real.
    • HMP (16/06/2015, 18:39) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
      I hope our down island sisters and brothers voters and nonvoters seeing who really don't like *island people* . they know you enough for that X.
    • We all need the Lord (16/06/2015, 18:54) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Marie (16/06/2015, 19:23) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      Regardless if they could vote or not that is not the way to treat people the NDP is the government to look out for the citizens and all who lives in the VI so you is talking pi//.
    • Real (16/06/2015, 19:31) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply

      It doesn't matter if you can vote or not @$$, they paying their taxes just like you if you paying any at all

    • tru (16/06/2015, 22:59) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      Whoever votes, votes on behalf of all people.
      • dog (17/06/2015, 10:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

        unfortunately, there is self-interest with resort owners who are smart enough to hire ex-government ministers as labour and human resources. They help navigate the (corrupt and lax) system. 

    • Election dammnn u (17/06/2015, 06:03) Like (20) Dislike (9) Reply
      That`s where you wrong---that`s where VIP went wrong--most of us can vote but we were ignored, totally ignored during the election--Of the 9 plus thousands vote cast half were expats--Frazer, not VIP is branded as anti expats--as an expats I will chose frazer any day over Pickering and Skelton------Not Dr. Smith
    • liberal (17/06/2015, 06:51) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
      Seems as if you don't know the system but both Minister of Labour and Minister of Tourism had to know this even before the general elections. This couldn't just pop up like this overnight just a week after the election, come on man get to know how the system works.
  • Look Out (16/06/2015, 18:03) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply

    That's y I didn't vote we $%^& any way ya put it

  • REECD (16/06/2015, 18:04) Like (35) Dislike (2) Reply
    Robust economy alright!
  • lookatthat (16/06/2015, 18:08) Like (32) Dislike (6) Reply
    VINO need to put back up that cartoon with the brown boy in the ring. It says it all.
  • All That (16/06/2015, 18:12) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply

    That was a done deal before elections. Both Premier and Deputy Premier had to know about it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tune for more. Actions speak louder than words. Do I smell campaign funds? Payback time ya'll.

  • Things Done Start (16/06/2015, 18:12) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply

    I bet my last dollar that they wanted to do this before election BUT....couldn't...Premier could have been well aware of this but take ayo NDP government in y'all pipe and smoke them.

  • dem say (16/06/2015, 18:21) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    They started with the Government workers already. They got rid of the daile paid one, those who has done their years, early retirement. They doing it in a smart and coniving way!
  • VG (16/06/2015, 18:21) Like (12) Dislike (36) Reply
    what NDP have to do with this some people just like trouble dont dig hole for nobody today for me and tomarrow for you just pray for the workers them an stop talk foolishness. fgod will provide
  • Uhhh,no (16/06/2015, 18:37) Like (25) Dislike (16) Reply
    This isn't some secret deal by the government, it is strictly an issue between the owner an the lessee. The 10 year term is about to expire, the owner doesn't want to sell,so they lessee has to do what they have to do. Very possibly the owner will reopen. relax.
  • micky mouse (16/06/2015, 18:37) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well ia how most of the people could not vote that's why. Johnson stop shed your crocodile tears. You could of given the people some kind of warning, support someone could have gotten a heart attack or their high blood pressure go up from that sudden news. Some of those people were not only crying they were balling. You could have heard them from the nearby resorts.
    • hm (16/06/2015, 19:22) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
      David Johnson did not cry. It was the managing director who he fired. The Preimer knew of it before it happened.
  • did not vote (16/06/2015, 18:39) Like (86) Dislike (6) Reply
    All who get the letter just be quiet...u guys wanted it...most of you vote ndp make them now come fix it....which I know they will all the way our two seats...I know soon election going to call again
  • ayo tek dah (16/06/2015, 18:40) Like (89) Dislike (2) Reply
    They were told to wait til after election.
  • Tra la la la la! (16/06/2015, 18:45) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sweeter than sugar than plum.
  • Why (16/06/2015, 18:52) Like (6) Dislike (14) Reply

     Give it a rest people NDP is here to stay!

  • Me (16/06/2015, 19:05) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply

    wa the #$%^ a private company closing down for a major overhaul has to do with government ??

  • I say so (16/06/2015, 19:11) Like (19) Dislike (20) Reply
    What the hell the Government have to do with private companies closing? Stop being so foolish. If they keep the place opened and have no money to pay employees, then the cry will again be for the Government to step in. If I have a business and there is no financial gain. It has to close. Not a thing Government can do about it. Sorry for the workers that lost jobs. The only thing Labor can do is encourage the other establishments to absorb some of the Locals. For God sake change your attitudes and seek employment with a positive focus. No one wants disgruntled employees with baggage.
    • Lease (17/06/2015, 10:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      Mr. Johnson was unable to negotiate with the government for a lease that was to his satisfaction is the excuse reportedly given. If true, then the government had to have known about it. Arguably, a reason to call the election before this news went public. The likes of ***** are about absolute control. If they can't get it, they goes elsewhere rather than compromising. 
      Perhaps this is the moment for the newly elected D9 representative to step up with real solutions for the 73 folks who lost their jobs.

  • mango (16/06/2015, 19:17) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    we keep telling you all a vote for the NDP is a vote for backward ness and protection of the 1 % but you all was blinded and said frazer was an issue so eat it more to come
  • wow (16/06/2015, 19:21) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    I can bet most bloggers didn't even read the Biras Creek letter outlining the reason for closing the resort. Schups.
  • janice (16/06/2015, 19:26) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    north sound is vip strong hold u all take that for switching to who call you all IDIOTS last time .
  • HOUSE (16/06/2015, 19:26) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just hope that they get the answers that they need with their now new rep being one of them in the same click.
  • In yo face (16/06/2015, 19:27) Like (22) Dislike (14) Reply
    Wow, my heart goes out to those 70 plus workers. I can only share your pain. But where there is smoke, there must be fire. This is only the smoke, the blazing fire is yet to come. We got a Government we deserve. Let's brace ourselves for some very hard times here in these islands over the next four years. All those lavish spending over the past couple months leading up to elections has place this country in serious financial deficulties. Hope for the best, get ready for the worst and accept what God sends
    • mm hm (17/06/2015, 09:34) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply is matter whether ayo voted VIP or NDP....ayo even need to forget about that now. It going to be a hard ride for the entire territory. Brace yourselves for real.
  • tretretrete (16/06/2015, 19:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    *Looks at election results* *sees North Sound and Anegada elected an NDP* ...*ignores*
  • what (16/06/2015, 19:58) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    Go to the labor Dept no something wrong people. I can't believe Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lettsome allow this to happen. Call

    An investigation they have to answer they knew. Stop playing with people mind and emotions.

  • Bad Vibes (16/06/2015, 20:07) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thing to tell the king, this is a "Done Deal", I have rich white friends, seems they spend all the money on he campaign.
  • For the people (16/06/2015, 20:18) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    The governmenr has alot to do with this... where will these people fins work knowong we are coming up in this slow season.
    This now puts a financial strain on the government because if they have no help they have to seek help from the government.
  • mac x (16/06/2015, 20:28) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    My white friends can do what they want. Stop being jealous.
    • Independent (17/06/2015, 06:17) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
      except you need the white people to clean your roads, take care of discarded animals, build your hospitals and pools.
  • .......... (16/06/2015, 20:28) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ha ha good for ayo rass me say ndp must go and you all put them back
  • Outspoken (16/06/2015, 21:02) Like (52) Dislike (8) Reply
    Dr. The Honorable D. Orlando Smith, the people of this territory has renewed their confidence in you and the NDP by overwhelmingly voted for you guys, you are saying now that you met with David Johnson on Friday last and he informed you of his intention to close the resort. Then Hon. Smith, my question to you, why as the leader of this Territory, you did not broke this disturbing news to the people and give them some kind of hope that you and your government will look after them. Dr. Smith you started out this second term on your wrong foot again, operating in total secrecy. Here it is 73 people were going to be affected and you kept that as a secret and now come chatting your hog wash. According to you the man told you he was operating at a lost so who are you trying to fool about reopening in the fall. You fully well knew of the decision and I am most certain that you knew of it before Friday but you choose not to say anything. It's a shame, given the overwhelming mandate you and the NDP has been recently given
    • voter (16/06/2015, 23:21) Like (24) Dislike (18) Reply
      wow! A private entity goes belly up and it is the Premier's responsibility to deliver the worker's termination notices? The logic evades. This is a matter for a private employer who has vowed to abide by all provisions of the Labour Code. The Premier has said his government will do what he can to place the employees and find work for them in the time. How exactly is this a shame?
    • @outspoken (17/06/2015, 09:39) Like (16) Dislike (7) Reply
      It was a bought election, they Stole Democracy "there is no honor amongst thieves".
    • true tolian (17/06/2015, 11:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We in the bvi are very long on rumors and short on facts,how can the premier come out
      and tell the people in an ongoing negotiation what if it had taken a different path such as
      deciding to sell at the last minute or renegotiate a new lease then we would have a field
      day calling the premier a liar,
  • take that (16/06/2015, 21:05) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply

    that man Johnson just donate thousands of dollars at a school in virgin gorda, . the kind of investment in oil but bay. you all don't be fool watch the music. you were all warn of this. now take your sh*t as it comes........

  • tretretrete (16/06/2015, 21:10) Like (45) Dislike (8) Reply
    @VG shut the hole in your face were you there I am a staff that was in that meeting and we was told the premier knew about it
    • David (16/06/2015, 22:28) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply

      Fraser was minister for labour for four years no one was send home like they told people no one was taken advantage of they make people believed things about Fraser for they own gain tell the turth don't put all the blame on companies the country is slow things really bad no business had suffer all year long but Government make believed things all that good fool people with a last minute. Furry of work just a gimic Government is broke the country going down to the dogs the moorings allegedly laying off next and it goes on to Dr smith caption this ship is sinking call for an sos save our soul

    • order (17/06/2015, 04:19) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
      Whilst it may be true that the Premier knew about it before I do not believe it was his or the government's place to advise the staff. I do believe he began to formulate a plan to absorb the impact of the situation and should be recognized for his effort. To instruct the labor department to be considerate displays affection for expatriates. My opinion is that expatriates are provided opportunities when they exist. When they do not exist they should not expect a BVI government to create ones for them. A hard pill to swallow but the BVI government is responsible only for the 23 citizens affected. I hope the 18 employed at the owners Oil Nut Bay home are BV Islanders. Government then has responsibility to the five remaining Virgin Islanders and can assist work permit holders thereafter but under no obligation to do do. That's how it is all over the world.
  • Blame NDP (16/06/2015, 21:26) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayo gon got way more to cry about, I don't feel for ayo not one bit das wa ayo get for voting in the NDP
  • ah love it (16/06/2015, 21:32) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Leh da hold all of ayo, das wa u get for putting back in the NDP...... Who don't hear does feel!!!!!!
  • Ja (16/06)2015 (16/06/2015, 21:36) Like (63) Dislike (3) Reply
    The ndp fully well know about this before it came why is the premier acting like he is surprised that is just the beginning of things to come in the b.v.i.god do nt sleep.
  • como (16/06/2015, 21:38) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    Well they issue over 300 new work permits per month for those hotel jobs so I guess the two Dr's will get these people needed help. When immigration send people home for violating the law all u all bitch.
  • Forbidden Truth (16/06/2015, 21:39) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    4 more years of his piss. Tel dat
  • Comment (16/06/2015, 21:41) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    What did one blogger say...sat back eat your popcorn there is more to come. (We need to pray for your country) People worshipping the god (greed) and he don't even like them.
  • wize up (16/06/2015, 21:48) Like (12) Dislike (16) Reply
    the VIP loyalist will want YOU to believe that this is the very first time a company have laid off persons in the history of the BVI.....don't fall for the hype from those VIP cronies but check Virgin Islands history and deal with facts: VIP or NDP do not want bad for the people of the Virgin Islands; to take certain issues and put the political spin on it is a sign of a sick mind(talk that)
  • all out possee (16/06/2015, 21:49) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    where is bertie???
    • dem say (17/06/2015, 13:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      He not answering his phone. Like he number suddenly changed. Now they calling Raphie. Go to the eye doctor who blind ah yuh!
  • Real (16/06/2015, 22:19) Like (20) Dislike (16) Reply
    So I don't understand so if a company is closing, why is it government obligation to keep it open. They tried that with Prospect reef hotel and as we can see nothing came about. The hotel close down......go look work else where. Those who require immigration status...... go home. I don't understand why they bawling. Companies go in and out of business all the time its part of business.
  • island girl (16/06/2015, 22:22) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    That is the reason for this snap election poor people. Nap wake up
  • sunshine Government (16/06/2015, 22:24) Like (6) Dislike (34) Reply
    Hello wake up those sleeping jiants. Well well our Hon. Dr D. Smith knew wow and kept his mouth shut. Oh Father help us and help our Government
  • @outspoken (16/06/2015, 22:25) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    I fully understand your sentiment but times have changed in the BVI the mantra of today is merely to be reactive (for a show) instead of being proactive. Everyone will soon get used to the fact that our "rich white friends" are priority and the people are the minority. God bless out great little nation in the sunshine. Hello, now da me sense!
  • Curious. (16/06/2015, 22:29) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ok. Which Government was in in 2002 when the banks and the moorings were being sent home and they didn't want to pay staff. Severance Talking about merge. The VIP and they did nothing so please stop the blaming. Our past matters.
  • VG 1 (16/06/2015, 22:35) Like (37) Dislike (2) Reply
    OK then......Stone 1 Bamm!!! more to come.....
  • The Investigator (16/06/2015, 22:58) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who can believe anything that Dr. Smith says after his credibility dipped to a new low during the elections. Mr. Lettsome would have done well to remain silent. Would the highest paid employee in the BVI compromise his position for the look of a few pessants ? This is Government in the sun shine.
  • ndp shocker (16/06/2015, 23:01) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply

    all u who took white envelopes of money to sell out ur birthright, live today for today and ur little ones will suffer the consequences tomorrow. Those of u who say Fraizer is a bully and he must not be premier, he would of been fighting for u all now. J***** is NDP and NDP is J*****. Dr Smith and Pickering smarter than all of u.

  • pain (16/06/2015, 23:40) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
    Doc you are a good and Godly man--You need to change your labour Minister and your health minister also..Be courageous. My heart aches for the workers and their families
  • True (16/06/2015, 23:45) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    why all the crying, paid till 15th August thats 2 months pay for doing nothing, full severance to the workers, Yes they knew about it, but there would of been nothing they could do.
  • Forbidden Truth (17/06/2015, 05:18) Like (35) Dislike (9) Reply
    When rich people and companies bankroll your political interest they control you. Doc rest yourself about Victor Johnson opening resort for fall, please. He has you where he wants you right now, eating the dust under his feet.
  • hurt (17/06/2015, 05:25) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    J**** came to vg n basoddy some o dem wit gifts BUT d gullible will always b taken
    It has been said if itlooks to good to be true it is not good
    I dont kno d man BUT i kept sayn it will have a bitter pill to swallow
    Ask monk we spoke about this
    Open in fall with Asian workers mark my word
    PEOPLE OF VG remember God dont sleep
    Vengenance is mine said the Lord

  • SHAME (17/06/2015, 05:43) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am so ashamed of the doc who should know better and do better by being an example. This is only the beginning of your woes. I predict you will step down within the year
  • ccc (17/06/2015, 05:54) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    Look spin why he did not tell johnson that when he meet with them..ndp must go
  • They can vote (17/06/2015, 06:07) Like (41) Dislike (5) Reply
    most of these Biras Creek workers can vote--They think Frazer don`t like them...frazer would do a better job of representing them than Pickering.
  • Independent (17/06/2015, 06:14) Like (10) Dislike (18) Reply
    How is it you all think the government is responsible for the affairs of a private business? This has nothing to do with the government - a business can't magically stay open if its losing money. The government needs to stay out of our businesses and let us operate. So what if the Premier was told they were going to close! What business is it of his to make any decisions for Biras? What would that change? That place has been declining for years! Deal with it, be an adult and look for a job, stop blaming the government (and ex-pats, down islanders, white people, brown people, other people, and political parties). Have some self respect and pull up your pants and move on already.
  • missing (17/06/2015, 06:21) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the labour minister? He is MIA---Nothing new
  • Interesting (17/06/2015, 06:46) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply

    There are many things our Government can do. Weither you could Vote or not. This will affect our country greatly. The families of those who were let off, now after August 15th how are they going to pay for their nest mortgage? Or rent? Or daycare? The supermarket for food? Bills (electricity and water)? Water is already a scarse thing on VG. With them being unable to pay for rent offerrd by the BVI lander, how would they be able to pay the bank for their loan? Its all a trickle effect.
    There are many Caucasians working Oil But, he should have put the workers there. Mr. Johnson's main focus was Oil But Bay not Biras Creek. There were no Ads promoting the area. The BVI tourist Board did all what they could have done promoting the area with these staycation packages. So this saying David Johnson was crying. Ha! It wasn't him, it was his General Manager who was.crying because he didn't wanted to do the evilness that ****** wanted him to do.

    Our so call leaders are focusing on the rich and forgetting the poor, the same poor who they look up too every four years for employment. The BVI does not forget.

  • liberal (17/06/2015, 06:59) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    Guys, you don't know the system? Both Minister of Labour and Minister of Tourism had to know this even before the general elections. Something like this just doesn't appears in a blink of an eye but there is alot more to come civil servants, be on the alert in a few months it will be your turn..
  • Opportunity (17/06/2015, 07:16) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply

    DJ is a millionaire probably billionaire. Could this be trying to force the hands of the owners to sell the property? Intelligent owners they are. If they don't sell it there is ONB but I'm sure that is why they also wants Biras because of the location and acess. That's business my friends don't blame the Government.

  • Voter Too (17/06/2015, 07:21) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is a sad sad sad day in the history of the BVI. I hope most of you have and will make use of the white and brown envelopes given to you by the politicians. Whether you are rich, poor,black or white everyone gonna feel this I can tell you. I am not working at this hotel but I already start to feel the impact. Lord help us all.People let us continue to pray for our country. If the elections weren't free and fair then the raft of the Lord begins to fall on us all the innocent and the guilty.
  • VG Realist (17/06/2015, 07:25) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    I think persons should have been notified in advance regardless.
  • why worry (17/06/2015, 07:27) Like (19) Dislike (6) Reply
    So government now own Bjras Creek Resort their job now is to force the owner to stay open. Government should pump money into a privately owned company by using our tax money?. Then u all will say government has personal interest. If the owner decide to close his business that is his personal choice government cannot dictate these things. Government can only ensure that the owner pay the employees their surverance pay. No government can control private owned entities if owners choose to close their business that is their personal decision. Stop making everything political the reality we are in the last days and more disappointments will come the world has no better to come.
  • 123 (17/06/2015, 07:30) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    The ndp fool the people again so ayo take that
  • poor people suffer (17/06/2015, 07:39) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    your friends and family work in these place to make a living too,look out for these trust company too ,ndp is weak in fighting back.
  • chad (17/06/2015, 08:36) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Grandma (17/06/2015, 08:39) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ayo crying already is ayo vote them bk , enjoy your bumpy ride
  • cay (17/06/2015, 09:13) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply

    Ndp in ayo r@$$

  • ....... (17/06/2015, 09:29) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    So you're saying if VIP was voted into office this would not have happened? What a naïve bunch.......... I think they knew too, but really, what can the government do if a resort wants to lay off employees, especially in the slow season......Get real people....
  • Gift (17/06/2015, 09:35) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    God is the first and the last the beginning and the end the alfalfa and the omega trust him he will provide for all of us all I'm one who lost my job to biras creek were my mains of life but I have faith in God. To my fellow coworkers I'll miss you all God's blessings be with us all
    • @Gift (17/06/2015, 10:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      If we do not repent there will be much more to come in the land. God has to clean the house in which the spirit of greed occupies, but He has promised to care and protect his own during this process of cleansing nations of many spiritual issues. God will take care of his own…God’s word can be trusted. ‘This is also being done to purify His Saints inwhich He loves.’
    • ... (17/06/2015, 11:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Alpha, not alfalfa.
  • Hopeful (17/06/2015, 09:43) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am confident that the God that we serve will restore. He will never let us fall. If you believe with me by faith in God restoration will take place. Amen
  • ASAP (17/06/2015, 11:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We as Tortola ppl needs to pick a struggle first we bawling bout the rich n famous 1%taking over n that's them play ground now a resort catering to the same 1% closing them doors in the same play ground and hear we go again bawling ! Is either we want em here or we don't. Honestly ppl pick a struggle !!!
  • cha cha (17/06/2015, 12:46) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    nothing new for Oil Nut owner
  • soocit (17/06/2015, 13:06) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    really.. what does the loss of the jobs from Biras Creek have to do with the Government? The Government does not own Biras Creek. And please, you think the VIP would of stopped the closing of the hotel? Wakey wakey. And what do you do for a living??
  • Ha! (17/06/2015, 14:41) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    How many of the same people bawling now against NDP were also calling NDP elitists and rich appeasers when they wanted to expand the Airport? Now you see that expanding the Airport and getting more people into the BVI is not about rich white people? Now you see that our fellow employees are the ones who suffer the most? Wake up!!
  • grace (17/06/2015, 17:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm very sorry for all of you lost jobs at Biras. I knew many of the workers there, and they were all wonderful people.

    The LORD bless and keep you.
  • prayers (17/06/2015, 18:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Businesses go through changes and unfortunately staff members are the ones affected. In this time when it’s hard on everyone, unemployment is a hard pill to swallow especially when it came out of the blue. I pray that everyone affected and now going through this storm will put all their trust and hope in God and know that he will bring you out better than when you went in. He said to put all your trust in him and not man. I pray greater opportunities will be presented to each person affected and you and your family will not experience lack. God is a provider and he’ll never leave you nor forsake you… Praying for my Home…

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