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Big shake up in Public Service Commission

Antoinette Skelton out, Magdaline Rymer in
Ms. Magdeline Rymer (right) will replace Antoinette Skelton as Chairwoman of the Public Service Commission.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Word just into Virgin Islands News Online is that there has been a big shake up on the powerful Public Service Commission (PSC) where long time Chairwoman Antoinette Skelton’s tenure will not be renewed and she is in her last weeks on the Commission. It is unclear why her services are no longer needed.

According to information from this news site’s well placed sources, retired Director of Human Resources Magdaline Rymer is expected to be appointed to the Commission and to chair the body.

Virgin Islands News Online’s sources within the National Democratic Party Government told this news site that the new Chairwoman has the blessings of Premier Dr. D. Orlando Smith in keeping with Chapter 7, Article 91 sub-section 2 of the Virgin Islands Constitution.

The appointed was reportedly made by the United Kingdom appointed Governor William Boyd McCleary in keeping with his constitutional mandate where he must appoint one of the five members on the Commission to be the chairperson.

Virgin Islands News Online sought a comment from His Excellency the Governor Boyd McCleary but was told by his Staff Officer Emma Dean that he (Governor) had no comment to make on the matter at this time.

The Role Of the PSC-Its critics

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is a constitutional body and after the 2007 Constitutional Order its powers has increased, whereby all its recommendations must be carried out by the Governor, unless he can show where it may prejudice the United Kingdom Government.

Under the system, there are five members of the Commission, one selected by the Government of the day, one by the Virgin Islands Civil Service Association, one by the Opposition in Parliament and two selected by the Governor.

The PSC is constitutionally mandated to make recommendations to the Governor on all recruitments, appointments, trainings, promotions and disciplining, along with the power to suspend and terminate employment of all civil servants.

The PSC has been the place where most civil servants look to for justice and fairness, however, in recent years the Commission has come under fire for allegedly appointing some civil servants based on political affiliation or what a Minister wants, whether the officer has the qualification or not.

Furthermore, the PSC has been criticized by many in the public bureaucracy for allegedly practicing double standards, whereby some civil servants are disciplined while others who may have done similar or more serious violations, a blind eye is allegedly turned. The critics of the Commission have not provided any statistics or examples to this news site to prove their allegations.

However, this news site has obtained over 10 cases brought by civil servants within the last two years against the Government for unfair dismissal and treatment, poor working conditions, as well as violation of rights of officers.

Outside of the PSC, there are also the Legal and Judicial Services Commission that governs the appointment of public officers in the legal field, the Teachers Service Commission that deals with teachers and the Police Service Commission that deals with the police in terms of promotion and all disciplinary matters.

It was Virgin Islands News Online that first and accurately reported that a few weeks ago local Attorney At- Law Dawn J. Smith was appointed to the PSC to replace former Permanent Secretary and Businessman Elvin ‘Soupie’ Stoutt.

With the pending departure of Mrs. Skelton, and the new appointment of Mrs. Rymer and the recent appointment of Dawn Smith, the other members of the five-member Public Service Commission are businessman Ishmael Scaliffe, Rev. Julian Clarke and businesswoman Patsy Lake.

45 Responses to “Big shake up in Public Service Commission ”

  • Q (02/02/2012, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh gosh why the NDP like to bring back the dead?
    • billy b (02/02/2012, 14:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Our people here in the BVI are such foooooools, it’s a shame. Patsy Lake on the PSC board for umpteen years, why ayo aint talking bout she (this is part-time service) Julian Clarke is a Minister for umpteen years and on the board for years (part-time service) Ishmael Scatlifee, Lawd i dont know what to say bout he (but part-time service) But ayo cant see by now this has nothing to do with NDP, VIP, old, young or retired people??? Yes Rymer retired but (part-time service). Wa ayo tink, she making a killing salary on this gig???? Mrs. Skelton work full time for Social Security (PCS- Part-time service) Ayo just want VINO post any article, ayo ready to jump on chatting fart Some ayo want dem to go home to give young people a chance, yet if they do that, ayo gonna be right here jumping on criticizing. VINO could post an article stating GOD COMING TOMORROW, and I bet my bottom dollar ayo will jump on here fast talking bout, TIS NDP FAULT!!! STRUPPPES
    • True (02/02/2012, 20:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Amen to that
    • DarkVader (02/02/2012, 22:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This move has nothing to do with NDP Government. The appointment of the Chairperson for PSC lies with the governor. Geeezzzeee allu quick to jump on NDP.
  • FED UP (02/02/2012, 10:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why you all keep bring back all these retired people, it’s a reason why they retired to go home and let the younger generation get work. When you keep bring back these retired people our children not going get a chance to grow and move up the ladder. Ayo just keeping them stagnant to please all ayo friends. I sick of this crap now man. This government just doing a set a crap now man.
    • messy (03/02/2012, 08:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The young one is going to mess up thing cant you see examole see how your hospital going, young people running it. LOL
  • insider (02/02/2012, 10:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    10 cases against government vino?????? i am sure its a lot more in two years.
  • BREAKING NEWS (02/02/2012, 10:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You know why Tola in such a mess????????? PEOPLE CANNOT READ!!! I see most of you all driving around in your big ride (which you can hardly pay for a month), sharp as a razor (while your bills outstanding) but dumb like a door knob!!!! Can't you all READ........The appointed was reportedly made by the United Kingdom appointed Governor William Boyd McCleary in keeping with his constitutional mandate where he must appoint one of the five members on the Commission to be the chairperson. Virgin Islands News Online sought a comment from His Excellency the Governor Boyd McCleary but was told by his Staff Officer Emma Dean that he (Governor) had no comment to make on the matter at this time. NOW TELL me where NDP come in this or even VIP????????????? So the Governor is NDP now?????????? We note him in??????? You all need to start from scratch, go back to Pre-School !!!!
    • billy b (02/02/2012, 11:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @breaking news If deh people dem cant' read and don't understand the article, wha mek you tink they going to understand your post when you quoted it directly from the article, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol. If they don't understand the article, they not going to understand you either!!!!!!
    • Madness (02/02/2012, 12:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ BREAKING NEWS ....This tolian read it just right, and understood exactly who is appointed by whom, so stop your tolian bashing. you could have simply say some people on here prefer sensation and jumping to conclusion. My exact thoughts were NDP will be accused because of the current climate even though it clearly states that the current govt has the same appointing powers as the opposition..... So quit with your misplace hate and prejudice. Guess you can't read either its the Global Economic climate affecting the VI like many other countries in the World not the education system!!!!!! Blah Blah Blah
    • Common Sense (02/02/2012, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you know exactly how the government operated, that comment of yours would not have been made in the first place. Common Sense will tell you that the governor does not know the people of the British Virgin Islands to appoint the most suitable person for the position. Ms. Rhymer had to get recommend from some where don't you think? Who recommended her, the Virgin Islands Party?!? People of the Virgin Islands can't read and you can't seem to mind your business! Riding in big cars? Can't Pay bills? What exactly does that have to do with the situation at hand? Frankly you minding the wrong business to begin with. At the end of the day they have to report back to the bank and the Land Lord not you, so quit bassing and educate your self how about that. On another note... I do think Ms. Rhymer is well suited for the Job. All the best in making the Public Service into a Better environment of Work! My 2 Cents
    • Pure BULL (02/02/2012, 18:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You need to confront who can't pay bill to their face..... Your comment seems like pure jealousy bout big rides cause that shit has nothing to do with this matter. You're a sour blogger lol
    • Dont be Silly (02/02/2012, 21:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The appointments are made by the Governor "on paper" but of course they are under the recommendation and advice of the government of the day
  • Mr. Blak (02/02/2012, 10:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I mean these Ladies need to RETIRE and enjoy your golden days smh this is why young peopl with education and aspirations can't do anything....cause our grandmothers don't want to go home and rest themselves.
  • victory in Jesus (02/02/2012, 10:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    vino you all jammi always got the inside scoop..from Skelton to us lord I just pray she is not bias like you know who!
  • Precious (02/02/2012, 10:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is too much "Breaking News" for this week. My goodness, what is next to unfold buddy in the "Breaking News" world???? OMG, I need to brace myself for anything cause how this week going seems like more "Breaking News" to come. I love how you guys VINO does put it ..."Virgin Islands News Online’s sources "within" the National Democratic Party Government told this news site ........." Wow, that says a lot!!!!!
  • WOW! (02/02/2012, 10:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did we really do the right thing on November 7, 2011???!!!! Why are all these retired folk coming back to work and serve on boards?? The place needs new blood, new ideas and a progressive way of doing things. Most of these people are stuck in the old ways and upholding the "dysfunctional status quo"!!! NDP / VIP are all the same in my opinion!
  • young at heart (02/02/2012, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where dem going with this old woman again. NDP making me sorry I vote for them. Bunch of old retired people they bringing back and the young people cant find work. This is going to be a long 4 years buddy
  • critic (02/02/2012, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ndp!!!!! boy i dont know what to say about them except badnews
  • jesus loves the little children (02/02/2012, 11:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    God do not sleep…sometimes he reveal himself in different ways......this annoucment is on such way
  • Poor Thing (02/02/2012, 11:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look NDP cut their big backer, poor thing. you see guys our team cut's everyone and not just look out for them self.
    • goat mouth (02/02/2012, 15:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      but that is how the NDP operate..when your usefulness runs out they gid rid of you. Just ask Jamal and Travor....Myron will be next
    • PEOPLE (02/02/2012, 15:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The NDP didn't cut their big backer. Her children asked her not resign a few months ago.
  • And???? (02/02/2012, 11:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP already apppointed Dawn Smith to the board, this appointment was made by the governor....
  • Oh Plz (02/02/2012, 13:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all here talking about retired people, but when it come to ralph you dont hear he should retire. You vip people here bloging need to be reminded election is over and your countryneed cleaning up and face the music. Wheel Ben the Story End.
    • two for one (02/02/2012, 19:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      tell me the difference between Uncle Ralph and Orlando? one can walk and the other cannot but they are the same old least Uncle was in control of his government! Funny Man and Mark worse than Frazer and Fahie!
  • Hmm (02/02/2012, 14:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    especially those appointments the week before election, government need to look at those.
  • sample (02/02/2012, 15:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what heck wrong with ndp them going and pickup back them set of old people to help them run the country soon them going in the cemetry to wake them dead people.
  • VIP real tupid (02/02/2012, 15:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All NDP need do next election is shout BI Water, money thrown away on drag racing consultancy, medical university consultancy, and half a million on some quack pastor- while the ESHS library worse than a pig sty- come on nuh- NDP gon mash you up again- dem in for twelve years - just watch- BAM- not to talk of cookie de monsta and he concreting up all the guts like a J.... BAM BAM BAM
  • k (02/02/2012, 15:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ishmael and Dawn could stay but the rest need to go. We need young blood mehson
  • What a thing!! (02/02/2012, 16:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a Thing!!! Since when has the BVI started to discriminate on the basis of age. Are we saying that experience count for nothing? The Chairman of the Public Service Commission is undoubtedly the most significant position in the public service. Ms. Ryhmer has been the Director for HR for more than a decade. She has served with distinction and prior to that she turned out as a High School Teacher some of the most competent and best Men and Women in this country with good manners and a good sense of right and wrong. She has always displayed fairness and good judgement in her previous position as Director of Human Resources. Are we saying that we should discard competence in favor of Youth?? We ought to be proud that such a person is serving as the Chairman of the Public Service Commission. In a postion such as this, we want the best. Shame on YOU bloggers for your short sightedness!!!
  • GOOD GOING! (02/02/2012, 18:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Looking on (02/02/2012, 22:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought NDP was campaigning on the YOUTHS!!! Surely doesn't look like it anymore, sheer old man/women them getting bring back,,,my two cents!
  • Thank You !! (02/02/2012, 23:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This was long overdue! She thought she behaved like she OWNED the public service, now she knows better.
    • cheers!! (03/02/2012, 08:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You couldn,t of said it any better.....She want to be on every board in the BVI acting like only she alone has a say in this country. Our high school catching hell due to her putting her daughter there as a favour from past Minister. Yes I know my son attends the school now and the school gone to the dogs. The new Minister need to have a open forum with the parents and teachers a lot of things been covered up that will now come to light....... Good riddings!!!!!!
    • Daughter (03/02/2012, 09:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I just sick of all these post on here now if u all don't know what happen stop running with it my mother is who say she is not going back but it have so much of u all hate NDP and my mother that u talking what u don't know and then when u see her u in her face saying sorry to hear what happen to u this place just sad ........
      • islander (05/02/2012, 11:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You have all right to defend your mother, regardless of who decision it was, I am happy she not in that role anymore and I know many persons feel the same. Sorry but I too feel she taught she owned the PSC. Her reputation in that role is not a good one. All the best....
  • persia (03/02/2012, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    thnaks for your years of service Mrs. will be missed
    • hope door do not hit (05/02/2012, 23:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      speak for yourself "persia" not a dam body missing she!..happy reddens
  • well, well (03/02/2012, 19:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have nothing against Mrs. Rhymer. She is a nice lady. However there is absolutely NO REASON to bring her out of retirement. There are so many young professionals here in the BVI who would do a much better job on that committee. That PSC has some of the most unprofessional people on it who when you go for interviews ask you the most ridiculous and unrelated questions about the job. In fact some of the questions are downright personal and none of their business. There needs to be an influx of new blood with training in the interview process and who are unbiased and not politically motivated

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