Big demonstration against ‘direct rule’ in RT today May 2, 2022

The peaceful protest will coincide with the beginning of discussions by UK Minister for Overseas Territories Hon Amanda A. Milling with Acting Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and political party leaders in the House of Assembly, regarding the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report.
According to the Report, serious dishonesty may have taken place in Government and by Members of the House of Assembly (HoA) over recent years and recommended a temporary partial suspension of the constitution. This means that there would be neither ministers of government nor elected representatives and the VI would be run by the Governor.
While many in the Virgin Islands have condemned the alleged criminal involvement by Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and also acknowledge there is lots of work to do to achieve good governance, they do not believe a suspension of the House of Assembly and the VI Constitution is necessary at this time.
‘Now is the time to speak up’- Amberly Crabbe
“In terms of what we can file to stop that decision [to suspend constitution], our options are very limited at this point so it is very important for us to make our voices heard. Now is not the time for us to be afraid to speak up. If we are against the suspension of the constitution, now is not the time to second guess, now is not the time to be divided on any aspect,” local businesswoman Amberly Crabbe told a large gathering of persons at the Althea Scatliffe Primary School on May 1, 2022.
The public meeting was held to demonstrate the masses’ objection to direct rule and information was shared as to why the VI should not be in favour of it.
‘We are not in favour of suspension of constitution’
“We have some events that are going on and we would like for everyone to support in great numbers because the only way we can get our message across is that we the people of the Virgin Islands are not in favour of the suspension of the constitution.
“We do not understand why it is necessary, we do not understand why it is just and we are taking a stance on our behalf. We are speaking up and we demand an audience. We demand to be heard and I think now is the time,” Ms Crabbe stated.
The public meeting was chaired by Reverend Dr Michael A. Turnbull and members of the panel included Ms Crabbe, Shaina M. Smith-Archer and Julio S. Henry aka ‘Sam’.
The auditorium of the Althea Scatliffe was packed to capacity and many persons used the opportunity to voice their object to a UK takeover of the VI.
Among the elected representatives present were Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL), Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), Junior Minister for Tourism Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) and Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles (AL) and Sixth District Representative Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines.

63 Responses to “Big demonstration against ‘direct rule’ in RT today May 2, 2022”
This is not the same as when the UK oppressed this people. This time around is we own people who we voted in oppressing us.
The Brits want to take your rights and your land. They are not trying to help. Never trust wolves in sheep clothing.
They are trying to sell a 6 for a 9.
Let's ask our brothers and sisters that have the constitution suspended what rights did they lose during the process. How much of their day-to-day was affected by the process of bringing accountability, transparency, and trust to the government service.
Now also start denouncing the nation's rampant corruption as well. It's really interesting that a lot of these officials are rightfully protesting this but there is very little discussion over the VIP seemingly installing a new premier with no selection from the general public. Nor has any high ranking official been outspoken against the corruption that we all knew was happen but was formally acknowledged by the COI. We aren't a one issue people, and in the coming days we need to speak about all of these issues instead of just the Constitution Suspension.
Hey Amberly Crabbe, if you don't understand something as simple as a bunch of criminals have been running this place and we don't want the same ppl fixing things, you might also find walking to be a challenge. So stay at home.
Signed...The Xpat they hate.
have demonstrated on the real issues a long time ago. Crimes and corruptions have been rampant in this country for too long now. We hardly heard from the Goverment or many of these people who are now calling for demonstrations. Whether we like it or how it has been done it has been proven that some elements in our Goverment are crooks and by now we know that is true. You cannot commit a crime and decide by force how or his you should be sentenced.
Have a nice day!
But getting help to sort all the mess out. We should protest against
The UK is reasonable to give us a short time to get our unjust act more balance. We should humble ourselves , and willing to first learn to do the things, so that we will be able to teach others to follow our lead.
My people beware of being lead by people of unreasonable mindset, suck as selfish politicians.
hat are right before we are ae
ke some of us thing that rebellion
Picko and cindy didn’t attend Amberly protest because they didn’t attend there’s; That’s the small minded thinking as first off all it’s not an individual protest; it’s the people’s protest!! Cindy can’t come to us about supporting she and her campaign; kishma better to seen Jesus ans Piko only have a mouth!
Aside from that, there are folks that were front and center this morning at the demonstration who are directly responsible for the dilemma now faced. These egotistical folk should have stayed to the background at least for today.