BFEC's shining graduate Princess J. London overcoming obstacles

Ms London graduated with a GPA of 8.009 of a possible 9 and this included 6 distinctions and 3 credits. And only last week Ms London realised one of her academic goals, which was to attain 11 subjects at the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC/Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) level. She had already received 7 grade ones and two 2s and sat two other subjects privately, the results of which were only released last week.
It is not yet clear whether Ms London had the best performance at CXC/CSEC in the Territory as individual results have not been publicly disclosed.
Also in 2011, Ms London supposedly made her school proud when she was named the 3rd runner up in the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Telecom Expo Essay Competition.
Virgin Islands News Online spoke to the scholastic achiever, who disclosed that she has now begun the journey of fulfilling one of her dreams, which is to become a Forensic Accountant.
Unfortunately, for Ms London, however, she has only been residing in the Virgin Islands for three years and could not receive a government scholarship to pursue studies at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) at Paraquita Bay on Tortola.
This means that she has to attend the college as a foreign student and pay higher tuition fees, which is approximately US$1725.00 per semester and an actual total of US$ 7000 (excluding books). Ms London, who is originally from Dominica, is pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Accounting.
“I live in the Caribbean and it saddens me that there is only one qualified Forensic Accountant in this region who is from this region,” Ms London stated on the website
Meanwhile, Ms London’s mother, Keturah London recalled that it was a very satisfying moment for her when her daughter’s results were made known “because I had seen her work hard. I had seen her toil night after night. I know she had that desire to really do well at CXC.”
Although expressing some disappointment that her daughter was not given the sort of recognition that she deserved for her achievement, Keturah said it is her desire to see her daughter further her education. “She is at college now and I would like to see her continue her studies at college and do her best and not to be discouraged at what happened in the past...”
Noting that she respects the fact that her daughter also could not receive a government scholarship because she has only been residing in the VI for three years, Keturah said it has been difficult to meet the financial demands for her daughter to continue her academic pursuits.
“It is really hard because it was not a budget that we were ready for. It has been difficult just to reach her travel expenses of four days a week from Virgin Gorda to Tortola and return plus her meals.”
Keturah, however, expressed gratitude to Mr. Paul Fenty from the Bregado Flax Educational Centre and her church- Sanctuary of Hope New Testament Church of God, who she said have made efforts to assist. Someone has also pledged to assist Ms London in a significant way next year.
But so hungry for further success and to fulfil her desire of becoming a Forensic Accountant is Princess London that she has embarked on a drive to raise funds for her tuition and has posted her profile on the website, although she admitted that the response has not been to what she was hoping for.
London is also optimistic that she will receive that needed assistance and not be interrupted from her studies at HLSCC. She also said the workload is much easier at HLSCC as she is doing five subjects whereas in high school she was doing nine so she is looking forward to doing well at HLSCC with a GPA of 4.0 and move on to university to do the actual courses to become a Forensic Accountant.
Her role model, Ms London shared, is Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr., an American neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, who was born in Detroit, Michigan and was raised by his single mother, Sonya Carson.
Reading one of his best selling books ‘Gifted Hand’, Ms London said, “It really inspired me because he came from a poor family for though he had extreme financial difficulties... but was still on top of his class. He put aside television and other distractions to focus on his work...”
Apart from lots of studies, Ms London has ambitions of one day opening her own business as well as a dance school and wants to join a netball club, which was recently started in Virgin Gorda.
The ambitious teenager gives much thanks to God and also her mother, who she said continues to motivate her and make her believe that she can do anything that she wants to do as longs as she puts her mind to it. She also said her two brothers and father are also instrumental in helping her to succeed in academics. She gives thanks also to the staff of Bregado Flax Educational Centre and her supportive friends.
Anyone wishing to assist Ms Princess London with her tuition could visit the website
Scholastic Achievements by Ms Princess London while a student of Bregado Flax Educational Centre
- Graduated with a GPA of 8.009 with distinctions in English Language, English Literature, Biology, Principles of Business, Food and Nutrition and Information Technology and credits in Spanish, Mathematics and History.
- 11 Subjects at CXC with 9 Grade Ones and 2 Grade Twos.

33 Responses to “BFEC's shining graduate Princess J. London overcoming obstacles”
You guys are a lovely bunch, keep up the good works and congratulations again!!!!!
Are you and idiot or what? How can you attend school illegal? Really? My son is a United States Citizen and when he first attended college there in the US, he had to pay out out of state tuition for two years. Smart of not! Everyday people have challenges sending their children off to college, but sometimes we as parents have to take the responsibility and be prepared because the day will come. Most people who cannot afford to go full-time will go part-time, get a part-time job and foot it until they succeed. There are a lot of options out there student loans and the like. On another note Congrats to you Ms. London on your accomplishment and continued success.
I must be missing something please provide more info. How can you attend school illegally especially in the US.....please enlighten me.
People be reasonable. This debate will continue to rage on. I, unfortunately, can see and argue both sides, but at the end of the day I believe that we need to protect our own and that means that even though our emotions are stirred by the brilliance of some expatriate students, we must remain committed to enhancing and advancing BVIslanders.
'Truthbe told' give me uus names of BVIslanders that got scholarships in Dominica. The proof will be in the pudding mMyron don't take them on. Is there a Dominican/BVi Association in the BVI? Maybe they can help. BVI need to look out for our own. Princess can go back to Dominica anytime she wants. We BVIslanders have no where to gom we have to build our country
I must first say people will be people and black people is another story. The motive behind this article was never to critic the governments policy or action. It is most respected and agreed with. The article simply stated the facts that surrounded the struggles. Yes the were told in advance, but at the beginning of it all it was not forseen, didn't you all think of that. And it is a fact that anyone from any nation can go to Dominica and get a schorlarship from primary to secondary and secondary to college. And i know BVI lander who are in Dominica and have scholarships but i wont disclosed their names just because you all cant stop thinking so negative. And also, there are not alot of BVI landers in Dominica that have scholarships because they all run to the US and other countries. So to you BVI landers that only know about BVI and St Thomas, start travelling! God has decided to big up this young lady, there will be positive said as well as negative. But who man bless no man curse.
No negative comment or positive comment decides her destiny, its in Gods hands. So if you all have nothing good to say, simply say a stupes at the article and close it before it burns you.
The aim of this article is not to bash anyone. When Princess’ last two grades were released I was offered the opportunity to publicize it and give her the recognition she deserved. I took the offer with that aim in mind. We did not go to the media. The media came to us after hearing of her performance through the grapevine. Be it known that we respect the position of the Government. This is a celebration of my daughter not a pointing of the finger.
Hats off to my daughter! Well done! Keep it up!
Secondly, I must defend my country’s good name. Having worked in the education system in Dominica, I know without a doubt that a children coming from any part of the world gets a scholarships from primary to secondary; secondary to college irrespective of their nationality or length of stay in the country. However every country has its own rules and regulation and does what works best for it.