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Basketball at an all-time low; Gov’t needs to step in- Roy A. Garraway

Businessman and basketball coach Mr Roy A. Garraway has lamented that basketball is at an all-time low in the territory and has called for the government to step in to save the sport. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Roy A. Garraway believes strong and consistent basketball programmes could help to reduce some of the fights in schools. Photo: RDA/Facebook/File
Mr Roy A. Garraway believes strong and consistent basketball programmes could help to reduce some of the fights in schools. Photo: RDA/Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Businessman and basketball coach Mr Roy A. Garraway has lamented that basketball is at an all-time low in the territory and has called for the government to step in to save the sport.

“Basketball is at an all-time low. Some individuals are trying to keep it up but the [BVI Basketball] Federation is dormant, they are not saying anything and we are hearing nothing from them and those are who we entrust with keeping basketball with our kids, putting on camps, putting on this, and they absolutely doing nothing.

“It come to a point where I think the government needs to step in. It’s a FIBA organisation, which has nothing to do with government, but they need to step in for the sake of basketball in the territory,” Garraway told Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) in an exclusive interview.

The BVI Basketball Federation (BVIBF), after being inactive for some time, dissolved last year. According to reports, no election has been called as yet since “they are still trying to figure out the voting system of who can vote.”

According to Garraway “there are some serious infighting going on. I really don’t know and I wish not to get involved.”

International governing bodies for sports usually prefer matters to be dealt with in-house and clear of government involvement.

Basketball can reduce some of the fights in schools- Garraway

Nevertheless, Mr Garraway says he would like to see basketball come back to a level with regular tournaments or leagues, and children have something to look forward to.

Mr Garraway also believes strong and consistent basketball programmes could help reduce some of the fights in schools.

“If we have a serious basketball programme, a number of kids who getting in trouble would get a chance to channel their energy towards basketball."

The basketball coach also said a serious basketball programme demands that the children keep up their grades in school. “And believe it or not, kids listen to coaches more than their parents. A coach with respect would set good precedence, and we need that,” Mr Garraway stated.

25 Responses to “Basketball at an all-time low; Gov’t needs to step in- Roy A. Garraway”

  • jack donkey (15/05/2024, 09:43) Like (64) Dislike (0) Reply
    this is what I detest most in the BVI, everything is government need to do this or that, where is the will of the people? where are the NGOs?
  • Xxx (15/05/2024, 09:46) Like (7) Dislike (18) Reply
    He is right
  • Keep the Government out of it (15/05/2024, 09:52) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ronald Regan accurately said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

    The government kills off or ruins everything that it touches.

    Who remembers the hugely popular and successful music festival on the beach at CGB -run by volunteers and subsidised by the restaurants and bars on the beach - it ran for a couple of very successful years and then the Government took it over, paid people with no management ability to run it, and it only lasted one more year.

    Similarly, many years ago Battle of the Corporations was a huge success for many years - then the Government stepped in to organise and provide referees (who were paid and turned up late) and the event died.

    Even more obvious, our infrastructure and roads - the only roads holding up are the ones built tens of years ago by UK troops and the recent ones put in by the RDA.
  • Sick (15/05/2024, 10:13) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fans support is what keeps sports alive,we killed local basketball by allowing 99% of or players who played ball oversea to come home and play on the same team just to win the championship.There was no fun in watching them take advantage of the other teams.
  • WTF (15/05/2024, 10:36) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    WTF does the government have to do with basketball? We don't pay taxes for this!!!
    • Local (15/05/2024, 11:42) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
      @WTF i totaĺly agree with you they expect and want givernment to do everything save all , why persons that have intrest in these sports go to private business to seek donations and the same person that saying government needs to step in needs to sponsor tournaments seeing that they reaping big from government give something back to the community.
    • @wtf (15/05/2024, 19:32) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      it is alright for the same government to give tax money to artists from outside

      over one million dollars of tax revenue blown on 3 days of party

      Charity begins at home/help our people first
  • WHAT!!! (15/05/2024, 10:43) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    Government should be involved with fixing roads, water, sewerage , schools, Pockwood Pond and all.
    Government should not be involved in horse race track , basketball or anything else like get your sh** together and stop asking government for everything.
  • Truth (15/05/2024, 10:56) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government cannot do everything!
  • GoatWater (15/05/2024, 11:00) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Basketball is not and has never ever been a segment of our local culture.
    It is an imported from America along with weaves blond wigs eyelashes pizza burglaries murders guns HIV street whoresbad behavior and dunce activities in schools which must be utilized in keeping with America stamp approval of Negroid.
    • dude (15/05/2024, 19:59) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      I believe you need to read the history of these islands. Slaves, natives, buccaneers, pirates, governors, slave owners, plantations, sugar mills etc. Then come back and tell us if you still believe we imported murder and guns and whores. And ask yourself what basketball did to you that softball cricket futbol and badminton never did to you skunktt
  • jack@$$ (15/05/2024, 11:13) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would think that the administrators who allowed the decline to happen cannot be the same ones who are tasked with reviving it. Yet they are the ones who are begging for it to happen. Basketball is an easy fix but for years the administrators have shunned and excluded the ones who could've helped it to grow. You know who you are & you know the ones to which I refer. This is just chickens coming home to roost. The nepotism and short sightedness of the administrators have caused this, and the cowardness of the coaches and players have also played a part b/c they could've spoken up or challenged when wrong was being done. I have stated for years that we need a new paradigm. Inclusiveness of all willing to participate from all communities AND youth programs. A change from getting this person's child involved, for political favor, and take the best of the talent regardless of their social status. Proper youth coaching from people who know what they're doing and how it works, rather than from who they feel it should be. I have asked before why certain kids were excluded. I have asked before why they were not being taught proper basketball theory i.e. moving without the ball, passing to where the offensive player is going and not where he is standing. I have asked why the coaches were allowing kids to practice drills incorrectly, because practice makes permanent. These are simple fixes if fixes are wanted. But imo they don't want fixes they just expect there to be leagues and champions b/c that local name recognition is what they really care about. Imagine guys waking up at 4am 4x a week to work on their game all year and then they never go to play in an official league b/c the league is sub-par talentwise & inconvenient compared to their open pick-up runs. The refereeing needs to improve, the last tournament had a hundred bad calls b/c the ref (I won't call his name) assumed the action rather than witnessed it. I could go on forever as a basketball fan, but I will conclude with this statement. The sport is not dead, there is just a silent boycott against the people who want to be in charge of it.
  • Nooooooooo (15/05/2024, 12:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Running mouth (15/05/2024, 14:46) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    He just like to be seen. I dont understand why because he is. not that great to look at. He is annoying.
  • Help (15/05/2024, 14:59) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm constipated government needs to step in.
  • Voter6 (15/05/2024, 17:17) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Qrunning mouth (15/05/2024, 17:17) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Your mother too , anx by the way tell her to stop begging
  • busy (15/05/2024, 18:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Steve for president with a proper team around him
  • joe (16/05/2024, 04:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bvibf is a joke they have failed us all
  • WOW (16/05/2024, 07:21) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Roy.!!!! You Iron, Kelvin Thomas and David Archer alone with your business and the share of jobs and contracts you all got from government, knowing that basketball was where you all started should just start the program for the youths and stop depending on the government. All of you have smart wives let them help build the curriculum and UNESCO can surely find funds to assist
    Every damn thing does not need the government to step in . Shmm!
  • hmm (16/05/2024, 15:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    suckling on the public titties
  • Discipline (16/05/2024, 18:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    begins with you. We haven't forgotten the fight you had with the Police Officer for the parking spot in Huntums Ghut. Damn idiocy!
  • @ Dicipline (17/05/2024, 02:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What does that have to do with the price of cheese? Yellow has single handedly taken kids to tournament both St Thomas and St Croix on his own

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