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Barbados & Guyana considering mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

- vaccination remains a 'choice' in VI
As COVID-19 continues to result in hospitalisations, deaths and adversely affected economies in the Caribbean and around the world, CARICOM nations Barbados and Guyana are considering mandatory vaccination for the virus. Photo: Internet Source
In the Virgin Islands, the Government of Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), while expressing the need for persons to become vaccinated against COVID-19 has repeatedly said mandatory vaccination is not an option being considered. Photo: VINO/File
In the Virgin Islands, the Government of Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), while expressing the need for persons to become vaccinated against COVID-19 has repeatedly said mandatory vaccination is not an option being considered. Photo: VINO/File
Vaccination remains a matter of choice in the Virgin Islands despite the low response to being inoculated. Photo: VINO/File
Vaccination remains a matter of choice in the Virgin Islands despite the low response to being inoculated. Photo: VINO/File
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados- As COVID-19 continues to result in hospitalisations, deaths and adversely affected economies in the Caribbean and around the world, CARICOM nations Barbados and Guyana are considering mandatory vaccination for the virus.

According to Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) on July 30, 2021, Barbados is also giving consideration to the possibility of mandatory testing for the virus which has affected 196 million people across the globe and killed 4.19 million.

Barbados Attorney General Dale Marshall has been tasked with providing Government with a legal opinion on the criminal and civil liability associated with mandatory COVID-19 testing and vaccination.

Prime Minister of Barbados Mia A. Mottley said that advice should be ready by early next month and would be followed by a series of consultations on the way forward.

Mottley previously said workers having to pay for their own COVID-19 tests may be the price they will have to pay for refusing the free vaccine being made available to them.

She said workers would not be forced to take the vaccine, but noted that employers may have to take precautions to ensure the work environment remains safe for all workers.

Guyana to make a decision in ‘due course’

In the meantime, according to CMC, Guyana’s Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony says Government will take a decision on the matter of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in due course.

He said the Government is paying close attention to the evolution of the virus in order to ensure it adequately adjusts its vaccination response, noting that with the fast-spreading Delta variant several governments around the world have moved to mandatory vaccination.

Several private sector companies in Guyana have instituted mandatory vaccination within their organisations, and Dr Anthony said Government is keeping a close watch even as it explores other strategies to combat vaccine hesitancy.

Vaccination remains a ‘choice’ in VI

In the Virgin Islands, the Government of Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), while expressing the need for persons to become vaccinated against COVID-19 has repeatedly said mandatory vaccination is not an option being considered.

“Your Government remains resolute to date, to not make mandatory the taking of vaccines. We have always stated that it is each person's choice whether they want to be vaccinated or not,” Premier Fahie had said on June 9, 2021, amid false reports that Cabinet was making it mandatory for frontline workers, including teachers, to be inoculated.

The VI Government has instead facilitated persons wishing to travel to the US Virgin Islands to take the Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccine instead of the AstraZeneca jab.

16 Responses to “Barbados & Guyana considering mandatory COVID-19 vaccination”

  • Mandatory vaccination should not be. (02/08/2021, 12:29) Like (17) Dislike (21) Reply
    I totally agree with our Hon.. Premier, Andrew Fahie position on this issue. His judgment is right.
  • NICK (02/08/2021, 13:06) Like (32) Dislike (19) Reply
    at least they don't rely on prayers and starvation to save their country.
  • Rely (02/08/2021, 13:25) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
    U mankind not learning turn to god and live keep trusting man
  • WEW (02/08/2021, 13:34) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    Bring it on !!
  • Sparrow (02/08/2021, 14:21) Like (15) Dislike (13) Reply
    This is what happens when you electe wicked people in government. The bible puts it like this when the wicked are in authority the people moun,but when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice. Believers in God trust your God even when you can't trace him. Get on your knees pray and ask God to remove your enemies in authority . There is nothing that God can't do these leaders think they have all the power ,but all power belongs to God and God alone. People pray ant tell God whats in your heart concerning you our leader and how you want home to protect you from these devils who is try to force you to do something you don't want to do . The bible you the tool to use on these leaders there were bad leaders in the bible they were delt with,so who are these morden day leaders that want to contend with God's people . God will not let them win with this evil agenda.
    • @Sparrow (03/08/2021, 00:44) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      I hope they ready after they inherited the earth and lost their soul to eternal Dalmatians they’ll feel the wrath of God pouring the earth trembles before the lord our God
      I really hope they ready to reap what’s coming.

    • @Sparrow (03/08/2021, 15:56) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      If you read the story, you missed this part: "She [Mottley] said workers would not be forced to take the vaccine, but noted that employers may have to take precautions to ensure the work environment remains safe for all workers." SMH
  • Linda (02/08/2021, 15:23) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    When only one agenda is forced upon people, that becomes a communist society, which there will surely be uprisings and murders. No one should have the authority to force things on others who disagree with them. My body my choice. What if people with disabilities, fat, sick, skinny, different ethnicity, religions etc were prevented from living? You start with one thing, then the domino effect moves into place.
  • Hon. Premier Andrew Fahie is against mandatory vaccination. I agree with him, yet some persons voted dislike 6 like 2, so far, as of 3:35pm.. (02/08/2021, 15:36) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    How much more sicker can some of us get?
  • No (02/08/2021, 16:38) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
    What next in Barbados, mandatory abortions, dont turn into China.
  • Me (02/08/2021, 17:06) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
    Come off like the vaccinated were scared of covid and now they're scared to die alone misson ayo weak heart and minded people made your decision live or with it ill take my chances with this curable virus
  • My views (02/08/2021, 22:02) Like (8) Dislike (12) Reply
    This is genocide. This is illegal. This vaccination is still under expirement. This scientist are still studying this vaccine. When a vaccine is being release under emergency use protocols it should not be made mandatory by any government. People should stand up for their right. The vaccinated and unvaccinated still died from this virus. It does not make sense. Now america is begging the vaccinated people to wear masker indoor. CDC is getting reports daily on the side effect of this vaccine and they are not addressing it. Families have lost loves one who are fully vaccinated. It will be wrong for any government to force their people to take it including children. None of this vaccine is for children below 12 years. The scientist are still working on vaccine for children do not rush this process and kill your people by Making vaccine mandatory Instead look for another way out. There are medication people can take. France, Germany, south Africa, Italy Europe is receiving a lot of feedback from this vaccine check the new for yourself. This is alarming. Cdc and WHO Will not come clean with us because they have an evil agenda. This vaccine is going to kill innocent people just like the virus. I do not trust any statistics from WHO and CDC anymore they will never tell you the truth. Make the vaccine a choice and not by force until the expirement is over.
    • @My views (03/08/2021, 00:50) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      They want to give the world this experimental vaccine.
      Emergency use for the world
      Something goes wrong what next ?
      The governor for Florida is what u call true leadership

      Look at Majorie Taylor Greene breaks silence after Twitter suspension
      Now listen she’s right China needs to be held accountable and the world needs to know what else they up too or planning.
      This is the biggest crime against humanity.
  • Country's Future at Stake. (03/08/2021, 14:23) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Soon or later this will have to be done to save the country's economies and their future...Im not surprise. I expect more to follow..
  • Mandatory or not (04/08/2021, 01:52) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I nor my family takin it ...

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