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Bar owners & men complaining of dead nightlife - Skelton-Cline

- following alleged immigration sting operations against exotic dancers
While accusing authorities of killing the local nightlife resulting in men and bar owners complaining after an alleged immigration sting operation against exotic dancers, ZBVI 780am ‘Honestly Speaking’ radio host, Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline said more needs to be done to rid the Virgin Islands of unemployed immigrants. Photo: Internet Source
Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline had previously charged that the social culture of the territory is now changing as a result of immigrants liming on the streets in the capital city and in other areas. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline had previously charged that the social culture of the territory is now changing as a result of immigrants liming on the streets in the capital city and in other areas. Photo: VINO/File
 Mostly on weekdays expat men could be seen grouped under trees and under buildings in Road Town. Photo: VINO/File
Mostly on weekdays expat men could be seen grouped under trees and under buildings in Road Town. Photo: VINO/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI – While accusing authorities of killing the local nightlife after an alleged immigration sting operation against exotic dancers, ZBVI 780am ‘Honestly Speaking’ radio show host, Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline said more needs to be done to rid the Virgin Islands of unemployed immigrants.

Nightlife killed

“I talked about the sting the other day with the ladies, you emptied the bars, you killed the nightlife… and the bar owners are still complaining and the men, hopefully not the married ones, are still complaining,” he said on the Tuesday, January 21, 2020 edition of the radio show.

On a previous January 14, 2020, episode of the show he said, rather than targeting women, the focus should be on the street, as targeting bars do not get to the “culprits in this matter.

“It’s not sufficient for you to pick on the most vulnerable and go into the bars, which by the way I’ve got friends who tell me you have completely killed the nightlife and the money is down, that part of the economy is down,” Pastor Skelton-Cline alleged.

Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9); however, had said the crack-down was widespread and non-discriminatory, “There was no target, just illegal workers in general, all illegals.”

Deport unemployed immigrants – Skelton-Cline

Turning attention back to immigrants on last Tuesday’s show, he said, “But clearly we still have too many persons on the street and you can’t tell me that these people have good working permits, if you have a working permit and you still legally in the country within your timeline but you don’t have a job… then we need to get you back to your place of origin,” he urged.

The man of the cloth had previously charged that the social culture of the Territory is now changing as a result of immigrants loitering on the streets in the capital city and in other areas.

Over the past months, Mr Skelton-Cline has been using his platform to push for local authorities to crack down on immigrants on work permit without jobs.

“We can ill afford to have so many people walking around unemployed, this is a pending, a potential social evil with all of the negative impacts around … and so I’m looking for Immigration or Customs or whoever is it responsible for this stuff, to clean up the place!”

40 Responses to “Bar owners & men complaining of dead nightlife - Skelton-Cline”

  • ABC (29/01/2020, 07:25) Like (4) Dislike (27) Reply
    Leave the ladies alone
    • But (29/01/2020, 10:37) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's not the ladies that are the culprits,it is dem other kinda tings with no morals,d decency or consideration. They contributing to NHI problems. NHI can't keep up..Viruses of the HIV kind are expensive and long term.
  • facts (29/01/2020, 08:30) Like (49) Dislike (3) Reply
    I cant agree with you more. I meet men and women but mostly men who complaining about how things are rough with them. After a few months and these people cannot find work it is time to go.fimple as that. Staying here mot working is creating more problems for the country. Please authorities get to work.
    • All I would say is (29/01/2020, 09:11) Like (40) Dislike (5) Reply
      Blame the Government for this. They are allowing every Tom, Dick, Harry and Sue into the Country. We have enough problems to deal with and why continue to add to the problem and bring the Country down more.
      • Fran (31/01/2020, 01:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Maybe after these nasty women are gone, the married men will go home and spend their money on home and children. Maybe things will return to normal then.
        • Not likely (01/02/2020, 11:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          That’s not happening. There’s a reason for it’s referred to as the oldest profession.
  • shottas (29/01/2020, 08:52) Like (12) Dislike (20) Reply
    Tek deh man and leff dem woman
  • what (29/01/2020, 08:52) Like (47) Dislike (14) Reply
    Nothing to do at night.
    Well stay home and read your bible..
    Will all these earthquakes .... draw close to God and he will draw close to you..
    Don't believe... well I sorry for you. A lot more coming.
  • I wonder (29/01/2020, 08:56) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is this pastor/consultant encouraging wrong or this is his first annual report as government chief of staff ???????
  • son of the soil (29/01/2020, 08:58) Like (7) Dislike (28) Reply
    While we at it i am calling for some ethnic cleansing
    • @ son of the soil (29/01/2020, 12:48) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
      You must be onw ugly piece of flesh. How about you change your name to son in the know, like 6 feet in the soil
  • good (29/01/2020, 09:03) Like (88) Dislike (1) Reply
    If they have working permits and they are not working and walking the streets, that is using the system and they need to get out of the Country pronto. Road Town looks like a Ghetto.
    • great (29/01/2020, 12:27) Like (42) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree, if you have a work permit and continue to seek and hold down a legal job, you good, I’m not mad at you. But, if you have a work permit and you just walking around doing nothing, you gotta go. All these people doing is PURGING and using the system. Road Town is the business center of the BVI and should not look like a ghetto. Time start cleaning up.
    • main street (29/01/2020, 17:17) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      Especially upper main street with all those Spanish people.
  • Dulce (29/01/2020, 09:50) Like (43) Dislike (2) Reply
    In the real world,bar owners would have their license taken away given a stiff fine,e establishment shut down with reasons posted on the door and ,news posted on VINO and some will also be imprisoned.:
    Hiring illegal immigrants
    Human trafficking
    Health hazards
    • dude (29/01/2020, 18:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Int he real world the president of the USA had illegal immigrants working for him
  • one eye (29/01/2020, 10:07) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree with claude
    • smh (29/01/2020, 10:40) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
      Why he don't pray for them or better yet invite them to church?
      • Certainly (29/01/2020, 13:06) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
        Pray for them as they are being deported and invite them to go to Church in the comfort of their home country. God answers prayers anytime , and everywhere.anywhere .
  • HAHA (29/01/2020, 10:36) Like (17) Dislike (14) Reply
    nice to see a man of the church supporting strippers
  • hmm (29/01/2020, 11:10) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Got to be his uncles and cousins complaining........LOL
  • Navigator (29/01/2020, 12:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good Read a book...or good to sleep, am sure your body will not complain
  • dude (29/01/2020, 12:23) Like (5) Dislike (26) Reply
    Tax us to death & work us to death and ban every entertainment with noise act and deporting social entertainers and tell us go to church 24/7 and pay our high cost of living in everything and can't have good internet or tv or cinema. Something is really wrong here. Where they believe adults can't handle our own vices so we need the government to keep us from gambling drinking socializing partying. We're just supposed to work and go home here but even the almighty god gave mankind free will and choice of our own decisions.
    • Ummmm (29/01/2020, 13:14) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Tax us to death? HAHAHAHAHA that's a good one. One of lowest tax rates in the world. Unbelievable...
      • dude (29/01/2020, 20:53) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
        Lowest wages and opportunity for growth, highest cost of living, departure tax liquor tax, etc. Do we get tax returns at the end of the fiscal year here? Tax by different name is still TAX.
  • ReX FeRal (29/01/2020, 12:27) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply

    Where is the Chief of immigration in this?

  • Tired paying Taxes (29/01/2020, 12:36) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don’t have a problem with anyone on work visas working in the BVI, as long as they follow the rules. If you are not holding up your end of the bargain then you should leave. You don’t honor that work visa you are fleecing the Country.
  • Lily Ann (29/01/2020, 12:56) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    so wait...claude is against unemployed immigrants, but mad that Authority sent home Strippers ???? Sir, u have a special place for your twisted mind ... You supposed to HELP ppl as a man of God, not spite and belittle them !!!
  • mixed up (29/01/2020, 13:44) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Claude have one foot on the each side of the fence. He better be careful of that barbed wire.

    Who cares about the bar life even if the men are need a reality check.

    Just like anyone could get a degree and don’t know squat, anyone could tack on Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Prophet, to their name (wolves in sheep clothing some are).

  • ha (29/01/2020, 17:13) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I can't see so many work permits been given to a little bar and so call restaurant. Investigate and you will see the volume in turn over is been covered up. Yet plenty permits walking out of labour and Immigration. Putting pressure on the health system and other departments. More Homework is needed every where these little bars are popping up like popcorn and authorities are not doing their proper homework. It needs to stop because its affecting communities homes they have no respect sorry to say.
  • Well yes (29/01/2020, 17:46) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Which church is this man from? I'm dying with this article... Is he really angry that the strippers gone home and the nightlife dead?
  • RO (29/01/2020, 17:52) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is true. This is real. After those Cruiseship stop and those few tourist slow down. The place will be dead. Tortola just become a place marching backwards.... You hire a band still no one showing up. The bands don't even have 10 followers like in the past to help sell the bar.... RDA need to let the money run. Let it flow brighten the BVI up like it use to be. It's to dark and dull..
  • 2020 (29/01/2020, 17:59) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the noise pollution especially from the one a Paraquita Bay by the sea. Music blasting everyday until 12-1am. Are the noise pollution Laws enforced or are the laws for some people.
  • rewrsdffds (29/01/2020, 22:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This pastor want people to be deported if they don't have a job but please pay those guys who work for you before they deported I knew a few.
  • Concerned (30/01/2020, 09:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Firstly, you need to stop blaming strippers and bars for breaking up families. you need to fix your home problems and stop using these ladies / strippers as a scape goats . Secondly, unemployment is not a crime and some one should not be deported for not being employed. if an employer hires someone and obtains a work permit for that person to work in the bvi, then it's the employers responsibility to inform immigration that this work permit holder is no longer employed with him. The work permit holder then has to seek alternative employment before his work permit expires. Why are we talking like these unemployed people have committed some sought of crime.
  • Concerned (30/01/2020, 20:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What night life? Where are the wholesome activities like concerts, theaters, cultural events, cinemas, orchestras, comedy shows, ...?
    Don't insult our intelligence by calling going bar hopping and seeing female skin while you have on your long sleeve shirt and long pants night life!
  • Still hete (31/01/2020, 21:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some still here check the other islands. Ha you think they all gone. I got news for you all of a sudden they get holy trying to fool off people. Trying to get some businesses to hire them so they can get legal. People don't be fool. All that glitters is not gold. Take heed lots of tricks going on. Send them and their Georgie bundle on the next plane out. Look at country above self. Oh my look how many families are hurting its worst now since 2017. Take heed my people you can still enjoy night life in a different fashion. Women frock tail is not all. Both men and women are in here parading them selves on our streets and bars. Men are well clad you will not think they are pimps. They came here because the business is lucrative and our business men and women embraced the opportunity harboring their nasty dirty habits that are non becoming in our territory. It must stop. Soon from now government department will have to start checking building in search of a lot of people hiding out. Disguising them selves. Lot are coming out at nights in the dark all day they hiding.

    Ask some older folks in some communities you may get the truth if you are searching for it. An elderly said "what they still here" "all of a sudden some disappeared them all of a sudden they reappeared after things cool down. Another said "they are here as young as 17,18, 19 and are involved in selling their bodies". lord have mercy on the BVI. The thing is they are not here behaving them selves but many families are being affected in so many negative ways. People open your eyes all that glitters is not GOLD.
  • Norris Turnbull (01/02/2020, 13:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's what it is. None of the governments wants to fix immigration.

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