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Avanell Morton elected new BVIFA President

The BVI Football Association (BVIFA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Elections at the BVIFA Office on East End on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, when Avanell Morton was voted in as its new President. Photo: BVIFA/Facebook/File
The new executive of the BVI Football Association (BVIFA). From left: Directors Priya Mohammed and Craig Grant, Vice President Andy Davis, President Avanell Morton, Vice President Lorelle Walters Abrams, Director Wendell Nichols, and Treasurer Kenrick Grant. Photo: Team of Reporters
The new executive of the BVI Football Association (BVIFA). From left: Directors Priya Mohammed and Craig Grant, Vice President Andy Davis, President Avanell Morton, Vice President Lorelle Walters Abrams, Director Wendell Nichols, and Treasurer Kenrick Grant. Photo: Team of Reporters
EAST END, Tortola, VI- The BVI Football Association (BVIFA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Elections at the BVIFA Office on East End on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, when Avanell Morton was voted in as its new President.

Mr Morton, who was serving as Vice-President, replaces interim President Aubrey Liburd aka ‘Rakey’, who took the helm in November 2023, following the resignation of Andrew C. Bickerton aka ‘Andy’.

The two new Vice Presidents are former national player Andy Davis and Lorelle Walters Abrams.

The Treasurer will be Kenrick Grant.

Voted as Directors were Priya Mohamed, Craig Grant, and Wendell Nichols.

More details to follow.

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